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  1. Hi all, Hoping someone can help me out with an issue I'm having with the animated SVGs in my animation not displaying in IE. Bascially, there's one large SVG that takes up the whole background and then 3 smaller SVGs that are animated next to standard text. I've worked through few suggestions via these forums without any luck so far. All fine in other browsers, but with with IE I'm not even able to view the SVGs to even work out if they're animating correctly or not. Here's the codepen link: http://codepen.io/lachlants/pen/bed88f588e7c90bd4efb5df6e80da438 Further to this, the performance seems to be a bit laggy. Especially on mobile. Love some pointers if someone can help out. Thanks in advance, Lachlan
  2. Hello! I have some issue with show elements. I fill svg line with help property stroke: function pathPrepare ($el) { var lineLength = $el[0].getTotalLength(); $el.css("stroke-dasharray", lineLength); $el.css("stroke-dashoffset", lineLength); } But I don`t know how can show element when fill before it (elements are hidden). They are conected only alike scene and they have absolut position. Maybe GSAP or Scrollmagic have some functions for decide this problem? Or maybe give me some hints. My code: // Init ScrollMagic var ctrl = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ globalSceneOptions: { triggerHook: 0, tweenChanges: true, duration: ScreenHeight } }); // Create scene $("section").each(function(){ new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: this }) .setPin(this) .addTo(ctrl); }); var processLine = '#process-line'; // prepare SVG pathPrepare($(processLine)); var s4Tween = new TimelineMax(); s4Tween.to($(processLine), 1, {strokeDashoffset: 0, ease:Linear.easeNone}) .add(TweenMax.to(processLine, 0, {stroke: "#3495d1", ease:Linear.easeNone}), 0); // Create scene var scene4 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#section3" }) .setTween(s4Tween) .addIndicators({name: "1 (duration: svg)"}) .addTo(ctrl);
  3. Hello everyone ! I have some very fun and complex thing to do, and any help will be much appreciated ! I'm trying to move SVG group along the path, scale it down, and then move elements of that group along different path. But when I scale down the parent element I also scale the motion path of the child element, and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here? Or, maybe my approach is just totally bad. That is what I have https://codepen.io/Dikus/pen/EmaqbV And that is what I would like to achieve - of course the group should scale down, but the path should be the same https://codepen.io/Dikus/pen/EmaqLP?editors=1010 Final SVG - maybe this will help you to imagine what I would love to achieve - the last movement of the purple particle, should move along the purple stroke http://patryksmakosz.com/dev/spectrometer/ So, my question is - is it possible to scale down the main element, and do not scale the path with it? Wish you all the best ! PS pathDataToBezier just rocks! Probably I miss something big here
  4. 0down votefavorite I am creating a dynamic path using my SVG. I now wish to add gradient to my path but I am stuck. The way I am trying, my gradient is coming along the path as shown in image 2 while I require it to be the kind in image 1. Needed_Picture Current_Picture My gradient and stroke definitions are as follows : </svg> script : ` svgPath.setAttribute("stroke-width", "10"); });` 0down votefavorite I am creating a dynamic path using my SVG. I now wish to add gradient to my path but I am stuck. The way I am trying, my gradient is coming along the path as shown in image 2 while I require it to be the kind in the image named as Current. My gradient and stroke definitions are as follows : </svg> script : ` svgPath.setAttribute("stroke-width", "10"); });`
  5. Mat_

    Liquid shape

    Hi everyone, I'm totally new to greensock and I have some questions. I'd like to know if GS is the tool I need to realize a "simple" animation. The idea is to animate a simple shape, like this one : http://codepen.io/Mat_/pen/mWNpBo to make it wave a little. Nothing too fancy. If it is, can you point me where to start please ? Thanks a lot !!! Best regards, Mat
  6. New to GSAP, sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but I'm having a hard time understanding tween transformations. Please look at the codepen. I have three squares of dimension 10 at origin (10,10). Blue has been translated x+10 then scaled to half. Red has been scaled to half, then translated x+10. The black square I transformed using TweenMax.to() with x=10, scale=0.5 and it animates to a completely different location than the blue or red squares. I would expect it to either scale then transform, or vice versa. How would you explain GSAP g tweening in relation to basic SVG transformations?
  7. Hello great almighty GSAP forum, here I am with another question I'm having. Goal create some sort of traveling trail emitter that follows the object and being manipulated by scroll event. Also everything is responsive, relative to the SVG size.Progress/ attempts Got most parts working, however there're a few visual things I just can't figure out. I've tried manipulating x,yPercent, transformOrigin, svgOrigin on the <image> tag inside the <svg> Help needed I'd like to know how to make the image's transform origin to the tip or tail of the arrow how to properly adjust the emit position so it sync with the arrow tail.. Actual travelling route doesn't have to follow the predefined path strictly, it's more important getting the emitter right. I don't know how autoRotate works under the hood, by the look of the relationship between particle and the arrow position, seems like a "invisible bounding box" is created, and the arrow rotate inside the box, and the box takes on the bezier curve data. Question outside of this topic Why isn't <image> tag visible on Safari, let alone IE?? The emitted particle shows on Safari but seems the percentage position is way off? Seems like line 48-51 behave differently on Safari. Added on 19th of April To answer my own question for peoples reference. <image> tag needs an inline width and height attribute in browsers other than Chrome, somehow other browser can't take the CSS and apply it to <image> tag within svg; Thanks a lot!
  8. Hi there, I have the following SVG path data that I wish to use as a CustomEase. However, I think that CustomEase might not be properly normalizing this path: M16,350C17.6667,361.8333,18.2157,421,26,421 When pasted into the Ease Visualizer, this is the result: This SVG path data was generated by my new ae-ease-to-gsap-customease script, so it's possible that my script just hasn't generated the correct SVG path data. However, it certainly looks correct, which is why I'm currently suspecting that this might be an issue in CustomEase. Thanks for your time, Alex EDIT: For additional context, here's what this curve looks like in AfterEffects:
  9. TimelineMax and Bezier plugin have such amazing possibilities, but I am a bit stuck with a few things I don't understand. On this example, The things that don't make sense to me. 1) I did not know how to determine the starting point for the bezier circle. By default, it was starting in the bottom left, and so I rotated the entire svg, and then rotated negatively the play arrow to get it back to a normal starting point. This hack is fine but I am almost 100% sure it is going to cause me issues and may already be. Is there a way to determine the beginning of a bezier curve that allows me to place the object I am rotating around it at a particular starting point? 2) The animation works great if I use TweenMax and just animate it like a normal tween. But when i create it as a TimelineMax animation that occurs on hover it starts way off the bezier curve, I'm assuming it is where it should have started in the first place before i rotated it and all of that. Once you hover over it, it jumps right on the path. Is there a way to snap it to its starting point while TimelineMax is paused? This may be the same question as 1... 3) Is there a way, besides breaking it in 2 bezier curves to have the hover animation stop in the middle of its bezier curve trip? I would prefer to have the animation pause in the middle and then on mouseout, complete the rest of the animation. But I don't see a way to have a bezier animation stop before it gets to the end. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
  10. Hello guys, GSAP newbie here, hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. When I define scaleX value in transform attribute of SVG <g> it doesn't seem to be recognised by GSAP. Only when I explicitly set scaleX (line 2 in JS) does the tween work as intended. Translate values seem to be recognised just fine. http://codepen.io/hrvojesimic/pen/XMybJe?editors=1010
  11. Hello, I'm new to GSAP and exploring some animation with an svg low-poly image. I have a LOT of polygons in this image, and wonder if there is a fast way of getting all of the polygon fill colours and points? Am keen to make something like the exploding fox in the attached codepen, BUT don't want to have to manually type in each polygon info. Thanks!
  12. Hello there, Just simply trying to add a background-color or Fill to an SVG.. Wondering why it's not working. var tween2 = TweenMax.from('.st0', 0.5, { fill: #000000 }); Cheers,
  13. Hello, I've adapted an existant codepen to a jquery plugin in order to animate a svg into a random wave effect. I managed to use tweenMax in order to smooth the animation but i dont know if i've done that properly or if something can be improved or re-writed in a more clever way. Feel free to copy the jquery plugin if you need it Best regards,
  14. Hey all! My first time with a problem that I couldn't solve via the docs or forums on my own. I'm taking a stab at drawSVG and morphSVG. I've had success animating more simply SVG's that were created as icons. When I take a svg logo for a company, I can't seem to figure out how to draw it out or morph. I'm wondering is someone can help me create a simple draw animation for a logo and show me how to build out paths if possible. I haven't been able to find any examples of complex SVG's being animated. If you have any examples that would be great to see as well! Here is the svg code for one of the logos. <svg version="1.1" id="image1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 201 72" style="enable-background:new 0 0 201 72;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st1{fill:#005DAA;} .st2{fill:#E31837;} </style> <path class="st0" d="M192.9,20.8c-3.2-3.9-8.8-6.1-15.5-6.1c-7,0-13.3,2.4-17.7,6.3l0.7-4.5l-1.9-0.6c-2.7-0.8-5.7-1.2-8.6-1.2 c-5.1,0-9.9,1.6-13.9,4.2l1.1-3.7h-30.4l-0.4,1.2c-2.7-1.1-5.7-1.6-9-1.6c-6.3,0-13,2.4-16.5,7.1c-0.2-0.3-0.5-0.7-0.7-1 c-3.2-3.9-8.8-6.1-15.5-6.1c-6.8,0-13,2.2-17.3,5.9l1.7-10.3l-1.9-0.6c-3.3-1-6.9-1.5-10.6-1.5c-13.3,0-25.4,8.5-27.6,19.3 c-0.9,4.6,0.2,9,3,12.5c2.4,3,6,5.1,10.3,6.2H9.2v16.9h67.2l0.1-0.2l0,0.2h8.1l1.1-1.8l-0.3,1.8h18.3l0.3-1.4c1.6,1,3.7,1.6,6.1,1.6 c2.1,0,4.1-0.4,5.9-1.2l-0.2,1h10.9h3.6h11.1l0-0.2c1.2,0.3,2.4,0.4,3.6,0.4c0.7,0,1.5-0.1,2.2-0.2h9.8l0.7-1.5h0.7l0.2,1.5h4.5h6 h4.9h3.6h11.1l1.5-7.9h-0.5l0.2-1.1h0.4l1.5-7.9h-0.8c0.7-0.6,1.2-1.4,1.3-2.3c0.2-1.1-0.1-2.2-0.8-3c-0.2-0.2-0.4-0.4-0.6-0.6 c2.4-2.5,4-5.4,4.7-8.8C196.3,27.5,195.4,23.8,192.9,20.8z M175.5,54.6h-0.9l1.4-7.3c0.3,0,0.6-0.1,0.9-0.1L175.5,54.6z M153.9,30.8 c-0.1,0.5-0.2,1-0.2,1.5c-2,1.4-3.9,2-6,2c-1.4,0-2.6-0.5-3.2-1.2c-0.4-0.4-0.5-0.9-0.4-1.5c0.4-1.9,2.9-3.5,5.5-3.5 c1.6,0,3.1,0.6,4.5,1.7C154.1,30.1,154,30.4,153.9,30.8z M156,46.2l-1,1.6l-0.8-0.5c-0.5-0.3-1.1-0.5-1.7-0.7 c0.4-0.1,0.9-0.2,1.2-0.4l1.2-0.4l1.1-5c0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6c1.7,2.1,4.2,3.7,7.2,4.7L156,46.2L156,46.2z M166.1,46.9l-0.4,2.1 l-0.5-2.3C165.4,46.8,165.7,46.9,166.1,46.9z M175.7,28.2c1.2,0,2.2,0.3,2.7,0.9c0.5,0.5,0.4,1.3,0.3,1.7c-0.4,2-2.5,3.5-5.1,3.5 c-1.3,0-2.3-0.3-2.7-0.9c-0.3-0.4-0.4-1-0.3-1.7C171,30,172.8,28.2,175.7,28.2z M118.5,47.8c-0.4-0.2-0.7-0.5-1.1-0.6h1.3 L118.5,47.8z M111.6,54.6c-0.2,0.1-0.4,0.2-0.7,0.3C111,54.8,111.2,54.6,111.6,54.6z M109.6,28.4l-1.5,5c-0.1-1.3-0.5-2.5-1.2-3.6 c-0.3-0.4-0.7-0.8-1-1.2L109.6,28.4z M66.1,30.9c-0.4,2-2.5,3.5-5.1,3.5c-1.3,0-2.3-0.3-2.7-0.9c-0.3-0.4-0.4-1-0.3-1.7 c0.3-1.8,2.2-3.5,5.1-3.5c1.2,0,2.2,0.3,2.7,0.9C66.2,29.7,66.2,30.4,66.1,30.9z M83.5,47l0,0.1L83.5,47C83.4,47,83.5,47,83.5,47z M105.9,40.4l-1.8,5.8h-6.8C100.9,45.1,104,43.2,105.9,40.4z M106.7,47.1h0.4c-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.4,0.2L106.7,47.1z M33.9,31.9 c-1.9,0-3.6-0.6-4.5-1.7c-0.5-0.6-0.7-1.3-0.5-2.1c0.5-2.5,3.9-4.7,7.4-4.7c2.4,0,4.5,0.9,6.7,2.7c-0.6,1-1,2.1-1.3,3.3 C39,31.1,36.5,31.9,33.9,31.9z M73.7,43.8l2.2,1c1.2,0.5,2.6,1,4,1.4h-4.1l-0.4,0.9l-0.1-0.9h-7.1C70.2,45.6,72,44.8,73.7,43.8z M127.2,54.6l1.6-8.4h-7.7l5.4-17.9l1.7,0.1c-0.3,0.8-0.6,1.6-0.7,2.5c-0.8,4,0.2,7.8,2.6,10.8c1.6,2,3.9,3.5,6.5,4.5h-6.8l-1.6,8.4 L127.2,54.6L127.2,54.6z M41.1,45.6l1.2-0.4l1-4.3c0.2,0.2,0.3,0.5,0.5,0.7c1.7,2.1,4.2,3.7,7.2,4.7H38.6 C39.5,46.1,40.4,45.9,41.1,45.6z M180.9,46.2c1-0.3,2-0.7,2.9-1.1c0.1,0.3,0.3,0.6,0.5,0.9c0,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2H180.9z"/> <g> <path class="st1" d="M73.1,48.5l0.5,7.4h0.1c0.2-0.8,0.5-1.5,0.9-2.3l2.5-5.1h4.1l0.6,7.4H82c0.2-0.7,0.5-1.5,0.8-2.2l2.5-5.2h5.6 l-7.6,12.3h-4.7l-0.4-6.7H78c-0.2,0.6-0.3,1.3-0.6,1.9L75,60.8h-4.6l-2.8-12.3H73.1z"/> <path class="st1" d="M90.5,48.5h5.2l-0.8,4.2h3.3l0.8-4.2h5.2l-2.3,12.3h-5.2l0.8-4.3h-3.3l-0.8,4.3h-5.2L90.5,48.5z"/> <path class="st1" d="M119.4,54.7c-0.8,4-4.9,6.3-9.4,6.3c-4.5,0-7.7-2.4-7-6.3c0.7-3.9,4.9-6.4,9.4-6.4S120.1,50.8,119.4,54.7z M108.4,54.8c-0.3,1.4,0.7,2.4,2.3,2.4c1.6,0,3-1,3.2-2.4c0.2-1.3-0.6-2.4-2.3-2.4C109.9,52.4,108.6,53.5,108.4,54.8z"/> <path class="st1" d="M120.6,48.5h5.4l-1.6,8.4h4.5l-0.8,4h-9.9L120.6,48.5z"/> <path class="st1" d="M141.6,56.4l0.2,0.2c0.8,0.6,1.9,1.1,3.1,1.1c0.5,0,1.4-0.2,1.5-0.7s-0.6-0.6-1.1-0.7l-1.1-0.2 c-2-0.3-3.6-1.3-3.2-3.3c0.6-2.9,4.1-4.6,7.3-4.6c1.7,0,3.2,0.3,4.5,1.1l-2.1,3.2c-0.8-0.5-1.8-0.9-2.9-0.9c-0.5,0-1.2,0.1-1.3,0.7 c-0.1,0.5,0.6,0.5,1,0.6l1.2,0.2c2.2,0.4,3.7,1.4,3.3,3.5c-0.6,2.9-4.1,4.4-7.3,4.4c-1.9,0-3.9-0.4-5.5-1.1L141.6,56.4z"/> <path class="st1" d="M160.1,56.4l-0.2-2.2c-0.1-0.5-0.1-1.1-0.1-1.6h-0.2l-1.7,3.8H160.1z M155.4,60.8h-5.7l7.5-12.3h6l2.9,12.3 h-5.7l-0.2-1.5h-4.1L155.4,60.8z"/> <path class="st1" d="M168,48.5h5.4l-1.6,8.4h4.5l-0.8,4h-9.9L168,48.5z"/> <path class="st1" d="M178.9,48.5h10l-0.6,3.4h-4.5l-0.2,1.2h4.1l-0.6,3.2h-4.1l-0.2,1.2h4.7l-0.6,3.4h-10.1L178.9,48.5z"/> <g> <path class="st2" d="M105.8,26.3l6.8-0.3l-5.7,18.8h12.2l5.7-18.8l6.6,0.3l2.7-8.9h-25.6L105.8,26.3z"/> <path class="st2" d="M80.6,31.2C78.9,40,69.5,45.3,59.3,45.3c-10.2,0-17.5-5.3-15.8-14.1c1.7-8.6,11.1-14.2,21.3-14.2 C75,16.9,82.3,22.6,80.6,31.2z M55.7,31.3c-0.6,3.1,1.6,5.3,5.3,5.3c3.7,0,6.7-2.1,7.3-5.3c0.6-2.9-1.4-5.4-5.2-5.4 C59.2,26,56.3,28.4,55.7,31.3z"/> <path class="st2" d="M76.8,42.8c3.5,1.6,8.2,2.5,12.4,2.5c7.3,0,15.2-3.2,16.5-9.8c0.9-4.7-2.4-6.9-7.4-7.9l-2.7-0.5 c-0.9-0.2-2.4-0.3-2.2-1.3c0.2-1.1,1.8-1.5,2.9-1.5c2.6,0,4.8,0.9,6.7,2.1l4.7-7c-3-1.6-6.3-2.4-10.2-2.4 c-7.3,0-15.3,3.6-16.5,10.2c-0.8,4.3,2.7,6.6,7.4,7.3l2.4,0.4c1.1,0.2,2.7,0.3,2.4,1.5s-2.2,1.6-3.4,1.6c-2.8,0-5.2-1.1-7.1-2.5 L82,35L76.8,42.8z"/> <path class="st2" d="M157.9,18.1c-2.4-0.7-5.2-1.1-8-1.1c-9.8,0-18.8,6.4-20.3,14.4c-1.5,7.8,4.8,13.9,14.4,13.9 c2.2,0,6.8-0.3,8.9-1.1l2.3-10.3c-2.3,1.6-4.7,2.5-7.5,2.5c-3.6,0-6.4-2.3-5.8-5.4c0.6-3,4-5.4,7.7-5.4c2.8,0,5,1.3,6.6,2.8 L157.9,18.1z"/> <path class="st2" d="M177.5,16.9c-10.2,0-19.6,5.6-21.3,14.2c-1.7,8.8,5.6,14.1,15.8,14.1c10.2,0,19.6-5.3,21.3-14.1 C195,22.6,187.7,16.9,177.5,16.9z M175.7,26c3.9,0,5.8,2.4,5.2,5.4c-0.6,3.1-3.6,5.3-7.3,5.3s-5.9-2.1-5.3-5.3 C169,28.4,171.9,26,175.7,26z"/> <path class="st2" d="M46.6,11.9c-3-0.9-6.5-1.4-9.9-1.4c-12.3,0-23.4,7.8-25.4,17.4c-1.9,9.5,6,16.8,17.9,16.8 c2.7,0,8.5-0.4,11.1-1.3l2.9-12.4c-2.8,1.9-5.8,3.1-9.3,3.1c-4.6,0-7.9-2.8-7.2-6.5c0.7-3.6,5-6.5,9.6-6.5c3.4,0,6.2,1.5,8.3,3.3 L46.6,11.9z"/> <path class="st2" d="M185.8,43.5c0.2-1,1.3-1.7,2.4-1.7c1.2,0,1.9,0.8,1.8,1.7c-0.2,1-1.3,1.7-2.4,1.7 C186.4,45.3,185.6,44.5,185.8,43.5z M189.4,43.5c0.1-0.8-0.4-1.3-1.3-1.3c-0.9,0-1.6,0.5-1.8,1.3c-0.1,0.8,0.4,1.3,1.3,1.3 C188.5,44.8,189.3,44.3,189.4,43.5z M188.7,44.4h-0.5l-0.3-0.8h-0.4l-0.1,0.8h-0.5l0.3-1.8h1.1c0.5,0,0.7,0.1,0.6,0.6 c-0.1,0.3-0.3,0.5-0.6,0.5L188.7,44.4z M188,43.3c0.2,0,0.4,0,0.5-0.2c0-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.4-0.2h-0.5l-0.1,0.4H188z"/> </g> <polygon class="st1" points="12.2,60.9 69.3,60.9 69.2,60.8 69.2,60.8 68.5,57.7 12.2,57.7 "/> <polygon class="st1" points="12.2,56.4 68.2,56.4 67.4,53.2 12.2,53.2 "/> <polygon class="st1" points="12.2,51.9 67.1,51.9 66.9,50.7 66.4,48.5 12.2,48.5 "/> <path class="st1" d="M131.5,48.5h10l-0.6,3.4h-4.5l-0.2,1.2h4.1l-0.6,3.2h-4.1l-0.2,1.2h4.7l-0.6,3.4h-10.1L131.5,48.5z"/> </g> </svg>
  15. Hi there, (newly registered, but long time user) I have a problem with SVG transitions. If I have a SVG object with a CSS transform and try to tween it, the tween will set an (ignored) DOM transform attribute and nothing happens. Using force3D has no effect, as it still only sets the DOM attribute and not the CSS property. Something is clearly wrong here. When is this an issue? When using Draggable, as Draggable sets the CSS property. Once a Draggable has been updating the value, I can no longer tween it - even if I kill the Draggable. Regards, Morten
  16. Hey folks, I am using GSAP to get around the Firefox transform origin issues with SVGs and SVG child elements. I am applying animations to groups within an SVG. I have two SVGs, one that is for desktop sizes, and one for mobile. Each one calculates the 50% 50% transform origin on page load. However, on resize, when swapping to the alternate SVG for the different screen size, all the calculations are shifted and messed up for the one that was previously hidden. CodePen Demo Resize the window to see the issue. The SVG groups should be animating the same way. Is there a way to force GSAP to recalculate the transform origin on resize? This is the code I'm using: TweenMax.fromTo( elem, 0.75, { rotation: -10, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, { transformOrigin: '50% 50%', rotation: 20, ease: Sine.easeInOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true } );
  17. I am working on a reveal effect to show a frame over another one using clip-path either an inline SVG with <clipPath> or with a CSS shape and basically animating the reveal. On the Codepen: * Left side uses SVG clipPath * Right side uses CSS shape Basically, on Desktop Chrome v56, I have great performance and it works as it should for both strategies. On Desktop Firefox, I can only get it to work with SVG clipPath. However, on the first rendering, the animation is jerky. On subsequent renderings, it is smooth. On Desktop Safari, I can only get it to work with a CSS shape. Safari can't seem to be able to animate the attributes of the SVG shape inside the <clipPath> component. If I resize the window, the final SVG clipPath is rendered, so it seems that Safari cannot render the graphics without being resized. For IE / Edge, I haven't tested, but I likely won't be able to support those browsers. Trying to see if others had suggestions on how to improve the performance of this reveal effect on Firefox and/or Safari.
  18. Hi all, Currently I'm testing a website on which I use some GSAP animations. One of this animations causes a error in Firefox (v51 run a Macbook Pro retina). This is the code that causes the error: this.tl .set(this.modalBackground, { display: "block", className: "+=" + this.modalBackgroundModClass }) The classname line causes the following error in Firefox: TypeError: this.ownerSVGElement is null This code does work on all other devices and browsers on which I've tested on. I also can make it work by adding the class like this: this.tl .set(this.modalBackground, { display: "block", onComplete: function () { this.modalBackground.classList.add(this.modalBackgroundModClass); }.bind(this) }) But I would like to use the className way. Any idea on what is going wrong? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hello, I am having a couple of issues, the first being a slight flicker on load of the homepage, before the animation kicks in, it flickers a preview of the page: http://2017.hypemarketing.uk. My second issue is more serious, on my mobile, Android - Chrome V. 56.0.2924.87 the animation seems to lag incredibly, and almost stops my mobile browser working, could someone help me figure out how to make this smooth. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated, my code is below. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Scroll Magic Controller var frontPageAnim_Controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); //Scroll Magic Controller // Animation vars var htmlContainer = $('html'), body = $('body'), viewPort = $(window).height(), // Height of viewport heroSection = $('.hero-section'), panelClickthroughs = $('.panel-clickthroughs'), portfolioPanels = $('.portfolio-panel'), portfolioSection = $('.portfolio-section'), socialSection = $('.social-section'), scrollDown = $('.scroll-down'), scrollDownArrow = $('.scroll-down i') header = $('header'), heroContent = $('.hero-content'), logoContainer = $('.logo-container'), logo = $('#hype-logo'), letter = $('.letter'), letterFill = $('.letter_fill'), logoBorderBottom = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".logo-container:after"), overlayMenu = $("#overlay-menu"), listItemsOverlay = $("#overlay-menu #primaryMenu ul li"), heroBackground = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".hero-panel:before"); var fadeSlogan = function () { TweenMax.to(header, 1, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1 }); TweenMax.to(heroContent, 1, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1 }); TweenMax.to(scrollDown, 1, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1 }); }; function urlChecker() { if( window.location.href =="http://2017.hypemarketing.uk/" ) { var otherAnimations = new TimelineMax({ immediateRender: true }); // Start New timeline for all other animations otherAnimations .set(heroBackground, { opacity: 1 }) //has been set in css to remove skip .set(logo, {visibility:"visible"}) .set(letterFill, {visibility:"hidden"}) .set(header, {y: -80, force3D:"auto", autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power2.easeIn }) .set(heroContent, {y: -15, force3D:"auto", autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power2.easeIn }) .set(scrollDown, {y: 30, force3D:"auto", autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power2.easeIn }); } else { //Do nothing } } urlChecker(); // TweenMax Timelines var timelineHero = new TimelineMax({ immediateRender: true }); // Start New timeline for Hero Section & Portfolio var entranceAnim = new TimelineMax({ immediateRender: true }); // Start New timeline for Entrance Anim timelineHero .set(heroSection, { top: 0, position: 'absolute', force3D:"auto" }) .to(heroSection, 0.4, { top: -viewPort, opacity: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut }); // Animation for timelineHero entranceAnim .set(logoBorderBottom, { ease: Power2.easeOut, force3D:"auto" }) .set(letter, {fill:"none", force3D:"auto", stroke: "00ffbc", strokeWidth: "4", strokeLinecap: "round", strokeLinejoin: "round"}) .fromTo(letter, 3, {drawSVG:0}, {drawSVG:"102%"}, 0) //now animate the logo strokes (note we use "102% as FireFox 34 miscalculates the length of a few strokes) .fromTo(logoBorderBottom, 3, { width: 0 }, { width: 100 + "%" }, 0) //draw out the load under hype .to(letterFill, 1, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Linear.easeNone}) //fade in the real logo and the rest of the text .to(letter, 1, { stroke: "ffffff;", ease:Linear.easeNone }) //fade the stroke to white .to(heroBackground, 3, { opacity: 0.9, ease: Power1.easeIn, onComplete: fadeSlogan }, 0.3); //fade the background // Scroll Magic Scenes var heroAnimation = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: heroSection, triggerHook: 0, duration: 1 }).setPin(heroSection).setTween(timelineHero).addTo(frontPageAnim_Controller); // ScrollMagic Scene for Hero Section var portfolioSectionAnimation = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ duration: viewPort/2 }).setPin('.portfolio-section', { pushFollowers: true }).addTo(frontPageAnim_Controller); // ScrollMagic Scene for Portfolio Section // Scroll Down Button Begin TweenMax.set(scrollDownArrow, { transform: 'translateY(0)' }); TweenMax.to(scrollDownArrow, 1, { autoAlpha: 0, repeat: -1, transform: 'translateY(10px)' }); scrollDown.click(function(){ TweenLite.to(window, 0, {scrollTo:1}); // Scrolls 1px on scroll to initiate the Hero Section sliding out }); // Scroll Down Button End });
  20. I am working on this map (not sure why the animation itself is not working on the Codepen). I made it on a 27in monitor and on a big screen it works fine. However, when I started working on the stylesheet for smaller screens I realised that this map on a typical 13in Mac laptop (1280x800) I realised that I have a bit of a white border at the bottom because the monitor is of different proportions to my image. Is there a way of stretching the SVG to cover the full height of the DIV? I tried adjusting many different parameters but none of them seem to do anything. I also noticed that adjusting padding-bottom on <div class="svg-container" style="padding-bottom: 58%;"> does not do anything to the size of the image!?
  21. Hey I have small issue with figuring out how to use the pathDataToBezier plugin, I've read a lot of similar topics, and probably I could do this with just some pure js or even pure css. But I wonder is there some simple way to animate few objects on the same path? I used some very simple example - right now, only the red 'planet' sticks to it's orbit, but it also ends in the different point it should - this should be just perfect closed orbit for all objects on it. I'm probably missing something very basic here Any suggestion on how to bite this would be a huge help ! There will be a lot of objects on that orbits, and I would love to have a lot of control there. http://codepen.io/Dikus/pen/VpwdNx?editors=1010 Thanks!
  22. Dear Greensock Community, my task is simple and clear: I want to rotate a svg group <g id="rotationFrame>. I have written the following TweenMax to achieve this: TweenMax.to("#rotationFrame", .5, { rotation:rotationDeg, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }); This does work quite good using safari. But as soon as I switch to Chrome the code does some crazy stuff: Demo: https://vid.me/9EJU How can I solve this? To me it seems like Greensock is creating some wired css code, like transform-origin: 0px 0px 0px; transform: matrix(-0.86602, 0.49999, -0.49999, -0.86602, 957.167, 575.015); As soon as I change this manually to something more straight forward, it does work in chrome: transform-origin: 50% 50% transform: rotate(90deg);
  23. Hey guys, I'm trying to get a simple DrawSVG animation working. DrawSVG works amazing as per.. however I'd like the animation to start from 12 o'clock rather than the standard 3 o'clock start point for SVG circles. For some reason neither iOS or desktop Safari honour the rotation. Any ideas? Reduced CodePen is attached.
  24. Hello, I have 9 svgs takes fullpage at each, each svg contains several elements, runs about 6 seconds to complete. On computer everything works great, but on mobile it starts to slow down , even on iPad pro 12.9. (so slow). My site has 9 svgs, each takes fullpage, you can scroll to see different animation. Here is my site: https://rockmandash.github.io/InteractiveInfographic/ If you open the url on computer, it will load pc version svg and code, otherwise it will load mobile version svg and code XD. Here is a svg animation code look like: tlScene02.from($svg02topLine, 0.6, topLineParameter, 0.5) .from($svg02bottomLine, 0.6, bottomLineParameter, 0.5) .from($svg02Heading, 0.3, HeadingParameter, 0.7) .from($svg02subHeading, 0.4, subHeadingParameter, 0.8) .from($svg02Bg, 0.4, { y: -100, opacity: 0 }, 0.9) .from($svg02Door, 0.4, { y: -100, opacity: 0 }, 1) //---------------------------港澳 .to($svg02PeopleHongKongAndMacao, 0.7, { y: 190, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 1.4) .to($svg02PeopleHongKongAndMacao, 0.7, { x: -90, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 2.1) .from($svg02BubbleHongKongAndMacao, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 2.8) .from($svg02LineHongKongAndMacao, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 2.9) .from($svg02TextHongKongAndMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3) .from($svg02FlagHongKong, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.1) .from($svg02FlagMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.2) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberHongKongAndMacao, 14.5, 1, 'percent']) //14.5 % .from($svg02NumberHongKongAndMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.5) //---------------------------中國 .to($svg02PeopleChina, 0.7, { y: 70, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 1.9) .to($svg02PeopleChina, 0.7, { x: -140, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 2.6) .from($svg02BubbleChina, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.3) .from($svg02LineChina, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 3.4) .from($svg02TextChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.5) .from($svg02FlagChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.6) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberChina, 40.1, 1, 'percent']) //40.1 % .from($svg02NumberChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.9) //---------------------------日本 .to($svg02PeopleJapan, 0.7, { y: 80, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 2.4) .to($svg02PeopleJapan, 0.7, { x: 130, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 3.1) .from($svg02BubbleJapan, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.8) .from($svg02LineJapan, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 3.9) .from($svg02TextJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4) .from($svg02FlagJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.1) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberJapan, 15.6, 1, 'percent']) //15.6 % .from($svg02NumberJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4.4) //---------------------------東南亞 .to($svg02PeopleSoutheastAsia, 0.7, { y: 200, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 2.9) .to($svg02PeopleSoutheastAsia, 0.7, { x: 115, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 3.6) .from($svg02BubbleSoutheastAsia, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.3) .from($svg02LineSoutheastAsia, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 4.4) .from($svg02TextSoutheastAsia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4.5) .from($svg02FlagSingapore, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.6) .from($svg02FlagThai, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.7) .from($svg02FlagMalaysia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.8) .from($svg02FlagPhilippines, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.9) .from($svg02FlagVietnam, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 5) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberSoutheastAsia, 13.7, 1, 'percent']) //13.7 % .from($svg02NumberSoutheastAsia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 5.3) .from($svg02BottomText, 0.4, BottomTextParameter, 5.2); You can see my site is almost complete, but I really don't like the low speed on mobile. All the animation done inside svg so I think I probably can not cache them as png or wrap them as div? So I was thinking moving to canvas will get better? I haven't try it yet. Please help, thank you! update: I think canvas is much more worse, so my problem stick to svg mobile performance issues.
  25. 335

    Draw Svg polygon

    Hello! I am trying to make an animated SVG of a complex map. I have over 120 elements in my animation. Most of these are paths but some of them are also polygons (circular). Here's a CodePen: http://codepen.io/i76/pen/vgwKKX I am a JavaScript novice. I searched this forum and found a script (in Carl's post) which allows me to draw a path- var orig1 = document.querySelector('#lineAB'); var obj1 = {length:0, pathLength:orig1.getTotalLength()}; orig1.style.stroke = '#f60'; var t1 = TweenMax.to(obj1, 10, {length:obj1.pathLength, onUpdate:drawLine1, ease:Linear.easeNone}) function drawLine1() { orig1.style.strokeDasharray = [obj1.length,obj1.pathLength].join(' '); } However, this does not work with polygons. My guess is that there is not built-in polygon.Length object in JS. I have found this function on another forum that would measure the length of a polygon but I am not sure how to implement it- getPolygonLength:function(el){ var points = el.attr('points'); points = points.split(" "); var x1 = null, x2, y1 = null, y2 , lineLength = 0, x3, y3; for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){ var coords = points[i].split(","); if(x1 == null && y1 == null){ if(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm.test(coords[0])){ coords[0] = coords[0].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); coords[0] = coords[0].replace(/\s+/g,""); } if(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm.test(coords[1])){ coords[0] = coords[1].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); coords[0] = coords[1].replace(/\s+/g,""); } x1 = coords[0]; y1 = coords[1]; x3 = coords[0]; y3 = coords[1]; }else{ if(coords[0] != "" && coords[1] != ""){ if(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm.test(coords[0])){ coords[0] = coords[0].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); coords[0] = coords[0].replace(/\s+/g,""); } if(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm.test(coords[1])){ coords[0] = coords[1].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); coords[0] = coords[1].replace(/\s+/g,""); } x2 = coords[0]; y2 = coords[1]; lineLength += Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2-x1), 2)+Math.pow((y2-y1),2)); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; if(i == points.length-2){ lineLength += Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x3-x1), 2)+Math.pow((y3-y1),2)); } } } } return lineLength; } If it doesn't take very long would anyone be able to include the above function into the snippet above so I have a way of animating the polygons as well? Many thanks in advance!
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