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  1. Is there any way that customease can be converted to the cubic-bezier() for css? tks.
  2. GreenSock


    Download CustomEase Get CustomEase by creating a FREE GreenSock account which gets you access to our community forums plus you’ll receive our exclusive “GreenSock Insider” email series (you can unsubscribe anytime). Make sure you're logged in, then you’ll get immediately gain access to the download zip containing CustomEase. Note: CustomEase is not in the GitHub repository or CDN; it's only available for download at GreenSock.com. data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http%3A//www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%2084.25%2084.25'%3E%3Cdefs%3E%3Cstyle%3E.cls-1%7Bfill%3A%23FFF;%7D%3C/style%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Cpath%20class='cls-1'%20d='M42.12,0A42.13,42.13,0,1,0,84.25,42.12,42.17,42.17,0,0,0,42.12,0Zm0,77.25A35.13,35.13,0,1,1,77.25,42.12,35.17,35.17,0,0,1,42.12,77.25Z'/%3E%3Cpath%20class='cls-1'%20d='M53.38,41.25l-7.63,8V26.66a3.5,3.5,0,1,0-7,0V49.53l-7.69-7.69a3.5,3.5,0,1,0-4.95,4.95L39.78,60.46h0a5.17,5.17,0,0,0,.51.42l.2.11c.,0,.,3.17,0,0,0,.69.07h0c.12,0,.24,0,.36,0a1.65,1.65,0,0,0,.32,0,2.33,2.33,0,0,0,.25-.07,2.83,2.83,0,0,0,.41-.14l.21-.11a2.16,2.16,0,0,0,.39-.22l.2-.16c.11-.09.22-.18.32-.28l0,0L58.44,46.08a3.5,3.5,0,1,0-5.06-4.83Z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E Download GSAP (ZIP) Demos CustomEase Demos
  3. GreenSock


    CustomWiggle extends CustomEase (think of it like a wrapper that creates a CustomEase under the hood based on the variables you pass in), allowing you to not only set the number of wiggles, but also the type of wiggle (there are 5 types; see demo below). Advanced users can even alter the plotting of the wiggle curves along either axis using amplitudeEase and timingEase special properties. Note that the video is using GSAP 2 format. Demo: CustomWiggle Types Options wiggles (Integer) - Number of oscillations back and forth. Default: 10 type (String) "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "anticipate" | "uniform" | "random" - tThe type (or style) of wiggle (see demo above). Default: "easeOut" amplitudeEase (Ease) - Provides advanced control over the shape of the amplitude (y-axis in the ease visualizer). You define an ease that controls the amplitude's progress from 1 toward 0 over the course of the tween. Defining an amplitudeEase (or timingEase) will override the "type" (think of the 5 "types" as convenient presets for amplitudeEase and timingEase combinations). See the example codepen to play around and visualize how it works. timingEase (Ease) - Provides advanced control over how the waves are plotted over time (x-axis in the ease visualizer). Defining an timingEase (or amplitudeEase) will override the "type" (think of the 5 "types" as convenient presets for amplitudeEase and timingEase combinations). See the example CodePen to play around and visualize how it works. How do you control the strength of the wiggle (or how far it goes)? Simply by setting the tween property values themselves. For example, a wiggle to rotation:30 would be stronger than rotation:10. Remember, and ease just controls the ratio of movement toward whatever value you supply for each property in your tween. Sample code //Create a wiggle with 6 oscillations (default type:"easeOut") CustomWiggle.create("myWiggle", {wiggles:6}); //now use it in an ease. "rotation" will wiggle to 30 and back just as much in the opposite direction, ending where it began. gsap.to(".class", {duration: 2, rotation:30, ease:"myWiggle"}); //Create a 10-wiggle anticipation ease: CustomWiggle.create("funWiggle", {wiggles:10, type:"anticipate"}); gsap.to(".class", {duration: 2, rotation:30, ease:"funWiggle"}); Wiggling isn't just for "rotation"; you can use it for any property. For example, you could create a swarm effect by using just 2 randomized wiggle tweens on "x" and "y", as demonstrated here. Download CustomWiggle CustomWiggle and CustomBounce are membership benefits of Club GreenSock. It's our way of saying "thanks" to those who support GreenSock's ongoing efforts. Joining Club GreenSock gets you a bunch of other bonus plugins and tools like MorphSVGPlugin as well, so check out greensock.com/club/ for details and sign up today. Note: CustomWiggle is not in the GitHub repository or CDN; it's only available for download at GreenSock.com. Demos 
 CustomWiggle Demos
  4. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Are your animations meant to feel playful? Robotic? Slick? Realistic? If they had a voice, what would they sound like? To become an animation rock star, you must develop a keen sense of easing because that's what determines the style of movement between point A and point B. GreenSock's new CustomEase frees you from the limitations of canned easing options. Create literally any ease imaginable. Zero limitations. CSS animations and WAAPI offer cubic-bezier() which is great but with only two control points it's impossible to create more complex effects like bouncing, elastic, wiggles, rough/jerky eases, etc. Plus you can't make an ease return to its starting values (like a ball jumping into the air and falling back to the ground with a bounce). Features Unlimited anchors and control points. Copy/Paste any SVG <path> (including direct copy/paste from Adobe Illustrator). Use CSS cubic-bezier() values (For example, from cubic-bezier.com). Editor has snapping, undo, sample code and other conveniences. Start with any standard ease and customize it. getSVGData() method turns any ease into SVG <path> data for display at the size you define. Extremely optimized for runtime performance. Free for anyone with a GreenSock account. Reading Ease Curves, Editing, and Using CustomEase Here's an in-depth video tour that'll get you up to speed with exactly how to use CustomEase: Ready to play? Check out the new Ease Visualizer with CustomEase support. Click "Custom" to edit the curve as much as you want: Simple Example See the Pen Video: Single Tween with CustomEase by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen.&#13;We strongly recommend creating your CustomEases initially (rather than in each tween) to maximize performance and readability. You then reference them by ID in your tweening code. When an ease is created, it must parse through the points and do various calculations to prepare for blisteringly fast runtime performance during the animation, so executing those calculations when your page/app loads is typically best. Download CustomEase To get CustomEase, you must have a GreenSock account which is completely free to set up. Plus it gets you access to our community forums (a fantastic place to learn and get your questions answered). The widget below lets you sign up or if you're already logged in, it'll give you immediate access to the download zip that contains CustomEase in the "easing" directory. Note: CustomEase is not in the github repository or CDN; it's only available for download at GreenSock.com. [loginwidget]
  5. To give a quick summary, I want to be able to set the progress/time at which a bezier path will hit each anchor point while keeping both the path and speed/progress smooth, i.e.: var bezier_path = [ {x:0, y:0, progress:0}, {x:0, y:80, progress:0.1}, {x:80, y:80, progress:0.5}, {x:80, y:0, progress:0.6}, {x:0, y:0, progress:1} ]; Essentially what I'm trying to do is the same as @danehansenfrom 2013 if it gives you any inspiration: As you can see in the CodePen, the main method I've tried is correlating the x, y, and progress properties of a bezier tween. The x and y properties tween the moving element and the progress property tweens the parent timeline. Unfortunately it appears that including x and y values in the timeline tween breaks the tween. Hence, I've played with BezierPlugin.bezierThrough to calculate the correlated bezier and then seperate the object properties out for the element and timeline tweens. Unfortunately, TimelineMax.to() with bezier:{} doesn't accept this form of input. I've thought about using CustomEases but unless I know at at what time/progress a bezier anchor point will be reached this is not possible.
  6. Good morning, I'm making a project with Angular 5 and I've imported GSAP along with TimelineMax but I can't seem to get CustomEase to work. The terminal doesn't give me errors but when I load the page in the browser I get the "Error: CustomEase is not defined" Can someone explain me the exact procedure to import and use CustomEase? Maybe I'm missing something.
  7. Hello, I downloaded GSAP libraries and I tried dealing with CustomEase.js. I've imported it together with jQuery and TweenMax but I got this errore in console: "Uncaught ReferenceError: CustomEase is not defined". What's the problem? Thanks.
  8. Hello! I was wondering if it's possible (or if it already exists) to embed the GSAP CustomEase visualizer onto another page (was thinking a chrome extension)? Or if its hosted by itself somewhere? I find it to be a bit of a hassle to always go to the https://greensock.com/ease-visualizer page. You have to wait for it to load etc. It would be nice if we could have the ease visualizer to play around with. Thank you!
  9. I recently started messing with the CustomEase plugin and I love the freedom to adjust, however I'm finding it difficult to get precisely what I want which is basically 2 presets merged together. Using the visualizer on this page https://greensock.com/customease it seems you can only select one preset, then switch to Custom and adjust it from there. Just wondering is there any way I can select an easeIn say for "Power3" and an easeOut for "Back" and get it to come out as a nice mix of the two? When I adjust the points myself it just doesn't seem quite as smooth. Thanks!
  10. The animation in the Codepen ends using a staggerTo animation. Some info regarding the codepen: It uses the data object to store each tween's settings. There are 2 ways of running the animation: Directly and from the stored data (see above) The initial animation (what I'm calling the direct animation) runs when the page loads and if you click the REPLAY button. Each time it rebuilds using some random settings so runs a little different each time. When you click the PLAY FROM DATA button, I run a function that I'm using in my local app called getGsapData to snag all the data from the timeline and then pass that data to an animateFromData function to exactly replicate what was created randomly. (I have to be able to store the data in a file locally so can't just store the timeline itself. ) THE ISSUE is that when the direct animation runs, the ending staggerTo animation seems to animate each of the items out all at once. But, when you run the animation from the storedData, it seems to animate off the way it's meant to work - staggered. I've been trying to figure out what's different between the 2 for two solid days. Can any of you guys (most of whom are much smarter than me) possibly figure out what the deal is? I can change the staggerTo params in the initial animation and it doesn't seem to change the way the animation runs on REPLAY. The animation data gets sent to a textarea and prints as a pretty json string for perusal. So sorry for the complexity of the codepen but for what I'm attempting to do, I didn't see much I could do to both replicate the issue and simplify the example. I actually did remove quite a bit of stuff.
  11. I'm working on a project where we use TS and would like to add the CustomEase lib. We have added the GSAP through NPM and since CustomEase isn't part of it for some reason I have hard time to find a way to get it working. The error i recive is: !!! ERROR: browserify: Cannot find module '../TweenLite.js' from '/Users/myuser/Projects/myproject/src/ts'
  12. Hi there, I have the following SVG path data that I wish to use as a CustomEase. However, I think that CustomEase might not be properly normalizing this path: M16,350C17.6667,361.8333,18.2157,421,26,421 When pasted into the Ease Visualizer, this is the result: This SVG path data was generated by my new ae-ease-to-gsap-customease script, so it's possible that my script just hasn't generated the correct SVG path data. However, it certainly looks correct, which is why I'm currently suspecting that this might be an issue in CustomEase. Thanks for your time, Alex EDIT: For additional context, here's what this curve looks like in AfterEffects:
  13. Hi, I have a bezier curve generator that generates a bezier curve in terms of x and y coordinates. I want to input that generated bezier curve in the CustomEase GSAP function but I don't know What the values of s, cp, e represent in the CustomEase function. Can you guide me What the values s, cp, e represent in CustomEase and How are they calculated ?
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