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  1. Hi I'm quite new to GSAP and having an issue I can't figure out. I have full width section that pins when it gets to the top of the window, then inside that section I have scrolltrigger which toggles the class on some tab sections to open them as you scroll. This works well until the browser is resized, then the markers for the tabs jump to the top of the page and therefore aren't being triggered any more. You can see it on the lower green section of my dev site https://avidd2024.dev.avidd-design.co.uk if (window.innerWidth > 640) { // Pin the tabs container when a tab title is active const tabsContainer = document.getElementById("pintrigger"); gsap.to(tabsContainer, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: tabsContainer, start: 'top 0', // When to start pinning at the top of the screen end: '+=1000', // Unpin after scrolling 1000px past the start pin: true, // Pin the element pinSpacing: true, // Maintain the pinned element's position invalidateOnRefresh: true } }); } // Loop through each tab title and define ScrollTrigger const tabTitles = document.querySelectorAll(".vertical .tabs-title"); tabTitles.forEach((tabTitle, index) => { gsap.to(tabTitle, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: tabTitle, start: "top top", // Start when top of tab title reaches top of screen end: "bottom top", // End when bottom of tab title reaches top of screen scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true, toggleClass: { targets: tabTitle, className: "is-active" }, onToggle: (self) => { const panelId = tabTitle.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href'); const panel = document.querySelector(panelId); } } }); }); <section class="primary-color full-width" > <div class="block-tab-container" id="pintrigger"> <?php if (have_rows('repeater_content_tab')) { $counter = 0; ?> <ul class="tabs vertical" data-responsive-accordion-tabs="small-accordion medium-tabs" data-multi-expand="true" id="<?php echo esc_attr($id); ?>"> <?php while (have_rows('repeater_content_tab')) { the_row(); $tab_heading = get_sub_field('tab_heading'); $counter++; ?> <li class="tabs-title"> <a href="#tab<?php echo $counter?>-<?php echo esc_attr($id); ?>" aria-selected="true"> <div class="tabs-title-container"> <div class="text"><?php echo $tab_heading ?></div> </div> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php $counter = 0; ?> </div> <div class="tabs-content secondary vertical" data-tabs-content="<?php echo esc_attr($id); ?>"> <?php while (have_rows('repeater_content_tab')) { the_row(); $tab_content = get_sub_field('tab_content'); $counter++; ?> <div class="tabs-panel" id="tab<?php echo $counter?>-<?php echo esc_attr($id); ?>"> <?php echo $tab_content ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </section>
  2. I have a project in Astro, and I'm using smooth scrolling and scroll trigger on various animations in different components of my homepage. However, animations that involve horizontal movements (I'm not sure if this is relevant or not) break when I resize the browser. Working code: <script type="module" is:inline> import gsap from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/gsap"; import ScrollTrigger from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/gsap/ScrollTrigger"; document.addEventListener("astro:page-load", () => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); // Banner index animation const items = document.querySelectorAll(".sections ul li"); items.forEach((item) => { gsap.fromTo( item, { opacity: 0, y: 100 }, { opacity: 1, y: 0, ease: "power1.out", scrollTrigger: { trigger: item, start: "top bottom", end: "bottom-=100px bottom", scrub: 2, }, } ); }); }); </script> And this animations breaks on resize and kills any animation below him: <script type="module" is:inline> import gsap from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/gsap"; import SplitText from "../../node_modules/gsap/SplitText.js"; import ScrollTrigger from "../../node_modules/gsap/ScrollTrigger.js"; document.addEventListener("astro:page-load", () => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, SplitText); function animation() { // Dividir el texto en líneas y aplicar una clase a cada línea const splitText = new SplitText("#highlightText .text", { type: "lines", linesClass: "lineClass", }); const splitTextClone = new SplitText("#highlightText .text.--clone", { type: "lines", linesClass: "lineClassClone", }); const container = document.querySelector( "#highlightText .js-text-animated" ); gsap.utils .toArray("#highlightText .lineClassClone", container) .forEach((line) => { const childLine = line.querySelector("#highlightText .lineClass"); // Definimos la animación con ScrollTrigger gsap.fromTo( line, { x: -line.offsetWidth }, { x: 0, ease: "power3.out", scrollTrigger: { trigger: line, start: "top bottom", end: "top top", scrub: 2, }, } ); // Animación para el hijo en dirección opuesta gsap.fromTo( childLine, { x: childLine.offsetWidth }, { x: 0, ease: "power3.out", scrollTrigger: { trigger: line, start: "top bottom", end: "top top", scrub: 2, }, } ); }); // Configuración de ScrollTrigger para separator-main gsap.to("#highlightText .js-section-separator-main", { x: -1000, // Cambiar según la distancia deseada scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".js-section-separator", start: "top bottom", end: "bottom top", ease: "power1.out", scrub: 2, }, }); // Configuración de ScrollTrigger para separator-secondary gsap.to("#highlightText .js-section-separator-secondary", { x: -1000, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".js-section-separator", start: "top bottom", end: "bottom top", ease: "power1.out", scrub: 2.5, }, }); } animation(); }); </script> Thank you in advance!!
  3. Hi, I'm a bit rusty with gsap, and need some help. I did a bit of vanilla js to pin a div for a moment, and it's working fine, (even though sometime it's a bit laggy on the first scroll) but since I'm using gsap and scroll trigger for something else on the same page, I though it would be better to use it too here, but I'm not sure how to do it. The pinned div has an absolute position, with a 50% top and transform translateY -50%, and when you scroll it push is it down so it look fixed. The cover_parallax div has a 200vh Height, so when it's scrolled to the bottom of the warper it stop. here is the code : window.addEventListener('scroll', checkContainerVisibility); ////////////////////// function toggleFixed() { isFixed = !isFixed; if (isFixed) { // Set initial position when becoming fixed updateFixedPosition(); window.addEventListener('scroll', updateFixedPosition); window.addEventListener('resize', updateFixedPosition); } else { // Clean up when no longer fixed window.removeEventListener('scroll', updateFixedPosition); window.removeEventListener('resize', updateFixedPosition); } } // Function to update the position of the fixed element based on scroll and resize function updateFixedPosition() { const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; // Adjust the top position of the fixed element content.style.top = `calc( 50% + ${scrollTop}px`; } function checkContainerVisibility() { var bounding = cover_parallax.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( bounding.bottom < 0 ) { cover_parallax.classList.add('annimeover'); } else { cover_parallax.classList.remove('annimeover'); } } How would you do the same with a gsap scroll trigger ?
  4. I've run into an issue where ScrollTrigger freezes at a frame. If I keep resizing it back and forth it seems to come back to life. I don't seem to be getting any errors logged or anything. Below is the gsap snippet of the code running this part of the code. If anyone has any ideas!
  5. Hi @Rodrigo, Thank you for your response! Upon opening your Codepen link in a maximized browser and then clicking on "Restore down" (essentially reducing the browser size), I noticed a significant padding on the right side of the page. I'm encountering a similar issue where the "scroller" length seems to be inconsistent, either too long or too short on a window resize.
  6. Hi GSAP community, Can anyone help me with the following issue? I'm using ScrollTrigger to horizontally scroll/pin a few slides. The number of pixels to scroll (x) is a dynamic value: the overflow of the row with slides compared to it's parent. This works perfectly on the initial load of the page. But if you resize the viewport to a point where the parent narrows the pin end point gets off. I made a minimal demo to reproduce the issue. Resize the window to a point where the parent/container (blue border) narrows. You'll see that the last slide (the end of the scrub) won't line up with the parent container (blue border) anymore. I assume my function to calculate the overflow is wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Hello GSAP Community! Thank you so much in advance for your help! I am trying to create a scaled animation on scroll. When user scroll down to section a box will appear from down to center and when it hits center of the screen then start to scale upto 1. It is working on reload window but when i resize window on this section, it suddenly beaks its scaled position. All your help is greatly appreciated!
  8. I have an animation which uses pinning. However it doesn't reset the pin positions on browser resize. I have been at it for literally weeks now and have had no luck. Annoyingly it works on my demo but not on my live site https://staging-chfp.shereewalker.com/ Initially it looks fine, but when you actually open it on a mobile, it's completely breaks on screen orientation change. I think it might partly be caused by me hiding and displaying the animated section, but even at heights where this doesn't take effect, the markers are consistently off. I have included the code for the animation that sits above (the expanding image) because I thought this might be the cause, but the demo STILL works. I have had support on here before but nothing seems to work, so really all I am trying to do at this point is kill it entirely, and re-add/calculate on browser resize. But I can't even get this to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: You won't see the pinning unless you open the codepen link as the height is to small in this thread
  9. I see a lot of people hung up on creating buttons to scroll to a particular point on a page while using ScrollTrigger. Of course GSAP has you covered with this! See the ScrollTo plugin! But as with everything in GSAP it starts with an animation. First of please read my post about creating a stacking card effect, it will be used for the bases of this post So as usual everything in GSAP starts with an animation, so you first have to have an animation before you start doing anything on scroll, first focus on creating the animation you want to happen and when that is done we can worry about enhancing it with some scrolling https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/WNWqEYx If you’re happy with the animation you can add some ScrollTrigger logic to see how your animation works on scroll. https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/OJGevrB?editors=0010 Ok, now for the reason you’re here. How can we have a button that scrolls to a certain position on the page? That is where the ScrollTo plugin comes in, if you check the docs (https://gsap.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollToPlugin/), the most simple setup is to just animate to a pixel value, let’s see how that works! The below example scrolls to 1000px, simple enough but I hope it illustrates what it is doing under the hood, because scrolling to a specific section will be nothing more than getting the pixel value you want to scroll to and using this as the value in the scrollTo: property! https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/JjVQOyK But now we want to scroll to the third card in the animation, how can we do this? We know the total scroll distance of the ScrollTrigger because we define that in the start and end properties, right now the ScrollTrigger starts on the top of the browser and has a distance of 4 times the current window height (end: `${window.innerHeight * 4} top`) and we have in total 4 animations! This means each slide animates over the hight of the window, so what do you think will happen if we animate to the current window hight times 2? Well let's see! https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/BaEgwoz It animates to the third slide! As you can see I’ve wrapped the code in an arrow function, this indicates to GSAP that we want to recalculate this value if ScrollTrigger.refresh() is triggered, which happens on a page resize, because when the page resized probably the height of the browser changes, so we need to get new values. If you do not use a function based value you indicate to GSAP that it should not recalculate it’s values and can use its cached values. If you want to read more please check out the docs https://gsap.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.to()/#function-based-values Great we’re done! lets add some more content to the page and everything will be working just fine! But wait!? Why does it now only scroll to the second slide? Before it was scrolling to the third slide. Well all ScrollTrigger is doing is animating to a specific pixel value and because we’ve add another section before it, the scroll distance will be different. What you can do in this case is add the ScrollTrigger start value to the calculations, so instead of just animating to twice the window height, we animate to tl.scrollTrigger.start + window.innerHeight * 2, just try it your self and you’ll see it will always scroll to the top of the ScrollTrigger + twice the window height https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/BaEgwoz Ok, I hear you thinking, but I want to animate to each slide, and what if my scroll distance changes then I need to update my calculations every where! You are totally right! And the folks on the GSAP team has thought of everything! So what you can do is add labels to your timeline and then scroll to those labels! This can be as simple as scrolling to a specific label eg tl.scrollTrigger.labelToScroll("label3") or this can be be fancy like the example below by getting the next label in the timeline and scrolling to that, I hope you see that you can as easily scroll to the previous label. https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/gOyNeqj?editors=0010 If you don't have labels in your timeline you can also do some math to scroll to a specific point in a timeline. The progress of a timeline is always between 0 and 1, so what you can do is get the end and start values of you ScrollTrigger and then subtract and then multiply that by 0.5 to that the halfway point of the animation or any other value! Again to emphasise all ScrollTo need is a pixel value and it is up to you to get the correct value. GSAP gives you all the tools you need, but it is for you to figure out what the math is behind the logic you are looking for! Hope it helps and happy tweening!
  10. Hello I have a bento style gallery and on scroll the rows and columns of the gallery are changing size so the middle element is zoomed in and take full screen size. In the code pen provided you will see that everything works ok until you resize the window. I found out that if the scale option is set to true then the grid and images adapt to the new window size but images are distorted as the parent element is now scaled with a transform and I cannot have that. Is there any way of reseting Flip and ScrollTrigger to calculate everything from scratch but for the new window size? Or any other solution i'm missing at the moment? Thank you very much for your help!
  11. Hi everyone, Can anyone help me figure out on how to do this type of animation on scroll. It is a canvas with svg patterns, and when the user scrolls it will start scaling the 1st row from a smaller size to the initial svg width and height. Not sure how to make this one work Would really appreciate if someone can help me. I have had an attempt, maybe it is a good start but I can't figure it out properly. I have also break down the code into parts from the https://remote.com/global-hr/contractor-invoicing-and-payments https://i.imgur.com/hXHepSI.mp4 HTML <div class="sc-f1d6031c-0 hjWElG pattern-transition" from="white" to="red500"> <canvas width="5080" height="868"></canvas> <svg width="78" height="40" viewBox="0 0 78 40" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="pattern duo-petal pattern-ref" style="fill: pink;"> <path d="M39 39.9939C47.9212 39.939 60.9436 36.5061 67.7442 29.6951C74.3072 23.122 77.7258 14.2683 78 5.54268V0H76.507C66.495 0.195122 56.2148 2.82317 48.5672 10.4878C43.4911 15.5732 40.3162 21.8232 39 28.378C37.6838 21.8232 34.5089 15.5732 29.4328 10.4878C21.7852 2.82317 11.505 0.195122 1.49297 0H0V5.54878C0.280313 14.2744 3.69891 23.128 10.2558 29.7012C17.0564 36.5122 30.0727 39.9451 39 40"></path> </svg></div> CSS .hjWElG { position: relative; width: 100%; display: grid; margin-top: -0.5px; margin-bottom: -0.5px; background-color: #ffffff; } /*!sc*/ .hjWElG canvas { width: 100%; height: auto; } /*!sc*/ .hjWElG .pattern-ref { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const svgPath = document.querySelector('svg path').getAttribute('d'); const patternColor = 'pink'; // Color of the SVG fill let pattern; let maxScale = 1; // Maximum scale at the bottom of the page // Function to draw the SVG path into a canvas pattern function drawPattern(scale) { const scaledWidth = 78 * scale; const scaledHeight = 40 * scale; const blob = new Blob([`<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='${scaledWidth}' height='${scaledHeight}'><path fill='${patternColor}' d='${svgPath}' transform='scale(${scale})'/></svg>`], {type: 'image/svg+xml'}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat'); updateCanvas(scale); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; img.src = url; } // Function to update canvas drawing based on scroll function updateCanvas(scale) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = pattern; ctx.save(); ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width / scale, canvas.height / scale); ctx.restore(); } // Update the canvas on scroll window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { const scrollPercent = window.scrollY / (document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight); const scale = Math.max(scrollPercent, 0.1) * maxScale; // Scale starts from 0.1 to 1 drawPattern(scale); }); // Resize canvas dynamically and redraw pattern window.addEventListener('resize', function() { canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; const scale = window.scrollY / (document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight) * maxScale; drawPattern(Math.max(scale, 0.1)); }); // Initial setup canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; drawPattern(0.5); // Start with the smallest scale });
  12. I am struggling to get this effect to work. There is a hero image with parallax that is working. But the logo, which starts full size and fixed to the bottom of the hero container (with a slight overlap of about 75px at the bottom), needs to resize smaller to fit in the sticky header at the top. This should scrub with the scrollbar and be sticky at the top shortly before the hero is fully scrolled past. I've spent days trying to get this to work, and I can't find any examples anywhere that have helped me get to the bottom of the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  13. Hello GSAP, Currently I'm using the horizontal loop helper function to create horizontal drag, I have a problem: I only want it to work at breakpoints of 768px or less. When I'm at 768px (tablet breakpoint) I start dragging and when I resize the window it's higher than the tablet breakpoint. How can I completely cleanup that function?! I could clearProps and kill the draggable instance but it doesn't seem possible. You can test the demo by resizing the window for better clarity. Thank you Link stackblit: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-ebfeuj?file=app%2Fpage.tsx I'm using useGSAP, and Nextjs. Demo.mp4
  14. That's my fault, I tried to narrow down my issue as much as possible to simplify it and obviously the context was important! The real issue I'm having is actually related to splittext and resizing in Nuxt, and I'm unable to include splittext in a demo since it's a club plugin and I can't for the life of me figure out how to set up a nuxt environment in codepen. What I would like to do is this: 1. On resize, immediately reset the split to its original state so that the text resizes 'naturally'. 2. Debounce re-creating the timeline 3. Set the timeline's progress to 1 so the whole thing looks like it never happened. Then, when the user goes on their merry way interacting with this element, it animates as it's supposed to, having resized and done all its business. function createTimeline() { split = new SplitText('.text', { type: 'lines' }) timeline = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { delay: 0.15 } }) .fromTo(split.lines, { y: '100%', x: 10, autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0.99 }, { duration: 1, y: 0, x: 0, autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, stagger: 0.07, ease: 'power2.inOut' }) } function recreateTimeline() { createTimeline() timeline.progress(1) } const debounceHandler = debounce(recreateTimeline, 300) function handleResize() { if(timeline){ timeline.revert() split.revert() } debounceHandler() } onMounted(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize) }) What ACTUALLY happens is probably an issue with Nuxt more than anything (or maybe I'm missing something!), but it's the reason I thought I had to wait for .revert(). When I run handleResize(), the timeline and split are reverted and the debounceHandler is called just fine. The problem is that when recreateTimeline() calls createTimeline(), the split is not properly reverted and SplitText() runs on text that's already been split. Even though it should've been reset to its original state when handleResize() was first called. It's like the reverts never happened, or if they did they got stuck halfway. The timeline doesn't recreate properly and none of the animations run after resize. This does not happen if I debounce the entire handleResize function but I don't want to do that because when the user resizes the window down, they will see the incorrectly positioned text for 300ms or however long I set the debounce to. What I ended up having to do is this horrorshow: Basically I'm having to call the reset behavior multiple times to make sure it's cleaned up even though the reset DOES happen immediately, but for reasons I don't yet understand, not correctly or fully. let timeline let split function createTimeline() { split = new SplitText('.text', { type: 'lines' }) timeline = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { delay: 0.15 } }) .fromTo(split.lines, { y: '100%', x: 10, autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0.99 }, { duration: 1, y: 0, x: 0, autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, stagger: 0.07, ease: 'power2.inOut' }) } function destroyTimeline() { timeline?.revert() split?.revert() split = null timeline = null } function recreateTimeline() { destroyTimeline() nextTick(() => { createTimeline() timeline.progress(1) }) } const debounceTimeline = debounce(recreateTimeline, 300) function handleResize() { timeline?.revert() split?.revert() debounceTimeline() } onMounted(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize) }) If you're still reading by this point, I salute your immense patience. Basically I thought that MAYBE the issue was that reverts() weren't immediate, and I had to await them before running anything that relied on them being complete.
  15. Hello! In the codepen demo, I want the circle to orbit the rectangle. It works perfectly on page load. However, upon resize, despite killing the previous tween and creating a new one with updated values for the motionPath plugin, the circle moves in random directions instead of orbiting the rectangle. How can I make sure that the circle moves around the rectangle after resizing (just like how it works on page load)? PS - I encounter this console error post resize - "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive." Could this relate to my issue? Thanks!
  16. @GSAP HelperI apologize. Now , I have included the codepen for the animation i wanted to implement. It works but when i resize the window , those green divs just seem to go out of the container(u can just resize this window). But when i refresh the page(or rerun the code) , the green div seems to be in correct place. Its kind of hard to explain whats happening. I hope the codepen gives some insight. The problem seems inconsistent too.
  17. Hello! I am trying to make a horizontal slider with images that are 100vw and 100vh. The slider works fine until I do a resize. Then the start marker jumps wildly and no longer starts from the image. I want the pin to update when I do a resize, but it behaves somewhat erratically. I made a codepen but it works fine on that! adding a printscreen! Thanks
  18. one more thing, sorry… how do i resize the logo width with window resizing? I've set it to a portion of vw… and when i resize the window, the logo stays the same size
  19. Hi @claraapta welcome to the forum! As with anything in GSAP everything starts with an animation, so if the animation is not working it will never work on scroll. For now I've disabled ScrollTrigger in your demo, but be sure to enable it again when you think everything is correct. In the demo below we just get the total width of all the sections add together and use that as your x value. Bonus point for using a function based value https://gsap.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.to()/#function-based-values so that it gets recalculated on resize. Hope it helps and happy tweening! https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/XWQLBzJ?editors=0010
  20. That is called Flash Of Unstyled content eg FOUC, check out this post https://gsap.com/resources/fouc/ Best is to have GSAP fire when everything has loaded especially images, fonts ect, because if you use ScrollTrigger the hight of everything is really important. Sadly we don't have the time and resources to provide free general consulting, but your code looks fine. I would not worry about it the only thing I can see is that you use x: "120%" and especially for percent based values we have xPercent: 120, same as x: `${distance}px`, I would write it like x: () => distance, this will get distance again if ScrollTrigger.refresh() is called (which happens on page resize) read more about function based values https://gsap.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.to()/#function-based-values Hope it helps if you need further assistance, please provide a minimal demo, so that we can take a look at your code in action. Happy tweening!
  21. Hi Forum, i'm having troubles refreshing the scrolltriggers in my angular project. So when the site is loaded, everything works fine, but when i resize the video in the container i not perfectly aligned anymore. I've set up a minimal demo on stackblitz: Stackblitz Demo EDITNOTE: changed from codesandbox to stackblitz due to sharing issues see: app/src/pages/home/home.component.ts as you can see, i tried some solutions I found on here the forums like invalidateOnRefresh and ScrollTrigger.refresh(true), but none of these work. Desired behaviour after resize: Actual behaviour after resize: I appreciate any help/hint/idea Thank you!
  22. Just so you know, you could just call tween.revert() instead of doing both kill() and clearProps. You could also record the progress in your resize handler, and then re-apply that to make things continuous: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ZEZNmpz?editors=0010
  23. Im new to the whole thing , and Im just learning about gsap. I tried to create sort of parallax like effect , where the parallaxRef elements(those logos) moves left or right when i scroll up or down. It basically moves those logos horizontally when i scroll. And it works as intended. For the first row of logos , I translate it -30% and using gsap and its scrollTrigger , I translate it to 30% so when i basically at the middle of the container , those logos are relatively at the middle of the container. But when i resize the window , their position just seems to be weird position as shown in picture 2. But when i reload the page , it goes back to its intended position. I dont know if i explained the problem properly. Im using REACT for this. If theres a better way of doing it , it would be awesome too. 1st pic shows the page before resizing the window. 2nd pic shows the page after resizing the window with the logo's position all messed up. 3rd pic is after reloading the page , which seems to correct their position. const parallaxRef = useRef(null); const parallaxRef2 = useRef(null); const setupParallaxTriggers = () => { gsap.to(parallaxRef.current, { xPercent: 30, scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.container', scrub: 1, start: 'top bottom', end: 'bottom top', invalidateOnRefresh: true, markers:true, }, }); gsap.to(parallaxRef2.current, { xPercent: -30, scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.container', scrub: 1, start: 'top bottom', end: 'bottom top', invalidateOnRefresh: true, markers:true, start: '40% bottom', }, }); }; useEffect(() => { setupParallaxTriggers(); }, []) return( <div style={{margin:'100rem 0rem'}}> <section className='container'> <h1>DEMO</h1> <div className='box' style={{transform:'translateX(-30%)'}} ref={parallaxRef}> <span className='level'> <p>Level</p> <p>Intermediate</p> </span> <div><img src={html} alt="html"/></div> <div><img src={css} alt="css"/></div> <div><img src={javascript} alt="js"/></div> <div><img src={react} alt="react"/></div> </div> <div className='box' style={{marginTop:'10rem',transform:'translateX(30%)'}} ref={parallaxRef2}> <div><img src={node} alt="node"/></div> <div><img src={express} alt="express"/></div> <div><img src={mongodb} alt="mongodb"/></div> <span className='level'> <p>Level:</p> <p>Beginner</p> </span> </div> </section> </div> ) } react (1) (1).mp4
  24. I think you'd just need to clearProps when you resize and kill the tween. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/bGJyjYz/03ab931389596f7fd6e582a8f9c6c1ec But I agree with @Trapti, there are easier ways to do this with an SVG. Happy tweening.
  25. @mvaneijgenThank u for the reply. I followed the points u mentioned and was finally able to solve the issue. I used timeline and used fromTo to state the intitial and final xPercent instead of using the transform in css. I guess css and gsap conflicted or something. Now it seems to maintain its position relative to its container even when i resize the window.
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