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Everything posted by Sukru

  1. @akapowl thank you veryc much. worked great for me so would "1.000,000" be a combination of dots and commas?
  2. Hello, I have such a part in my project, when I put a period and a comma between numbers like "1,000,000" or "4,000", the counter doesn't work. Can you help me?
  3. Sukru

    Gsap Section Anchor

    @akapowl thank you very much
  4. Sukru

    Gsap Section Anchor

    @akapowl i got it, it's very true. I am sharing similar example to what I want. Actually, it is my intention to examine this example. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/bGVjLwG I am using scrollsmoother and when I add it it loses its function inside the project. https://codepen.io/sukruemanet/pen/WNYGqam
  5. Sukru

    Gsap Section Anchor

    @akapowl Thank you for the example. However, my issue is that unless an item has only a "section id," the next item in the menu should not be assigned an active class. As a result of this problem, the active classes in the menu, in combination with the scroll, trigger changes in the active classes within the menu. In the example you provided, the menu item doesn't apply any additional class; it appears to be triggered without modification. If there were an instance similar to my specific case, I could handle it more quickly. Can you assist me with this?
  6. Sukru

    Gsap Section Anchor

    @akapowl hi thank you, I tried this, I continued by choosing the class with ".section" only, but the first "empty" button takes the active class, actually it should not. The complexity continues. I can't figure it out. Any chance you could help with my codepen example?
  7. Sukru

    Gsap Section Anchor

    Hello, in a project I am working on, I want to make the menu go to different places on the page, I created codes for this, but when I go to the point I want to go with "anchor", I also wanted to know where I was in the menu I fixed. However, I think it assumes the points that I didn't add #anchor and it seems as if the hug is surprised. When I click on an item, a very unrelated item "active" class is added. Can you help with the codepen link i created?
  8. Sukru

    Gsap Sticky Menu

    @Rodrigo i made the same example in codepen, but the active class did not work. can you help me? You can watch live on this page. https://karelsite.netlify.app/hizmetlerimizmax.html Gsap code https://karelsite.netlify.app/assets/js/gsap/sticky.js Codepen; https://codepen.io/sukruemanet/pen/VwVjEmv Thank you... My code; ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: "#sticky-menu", pin: true, start: "top 130px", // end: "bottom bottom", endTrigger: "footer", id: 'sticky-menu', pinSpacing: false, // markers: true, // toggleClass: 'active', willChange: "transform", }); gsap.utils.toArray("#sticky-menu ul li").forEach(function(a) { a.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const id = e.target.getAttribute("href"), trigger = ScrollTrigger.getById(id); gsap.to(window, { duration: 1, scrollTo: trigger ? trigger.end : id }); }); }); const scrollSections = gsap.utils.toArray("section"); const links = gsap.utils.toArray("li"); scrollSections.forEach((section, i) => { const link = links[i]; ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: section, start: "top 130px", end: "bottom 130px", onEnter: () => link.classList.add("active"), onEnterBack: () => link.classList.add("active"), onLeave: () => link.classList.remove("active"), onLeaveBack: () => link.classList.remove("active"), markers: true }); });
  9. Sukru

    Gsap Sticky Menu

    @Cassie i tried it in my own local project but it didn't work so I asked for help on my own example
  10. Sukru

    Gsap Sticky Menu

    @Rodrigo Thank you very much. Can you help with my codepen example?
  11. Sukru

    Gsap Sticky Menu

    Hello, I have 3 or more content and at a certain point I can make a sticky menu, but how do I make these links slide to the linked id content and I need to add an active class to the active ul li a. And when it comes to sticky menu footer, I want to hide my sitcky menu, like fadeout, when I go up from the footer again, I want to bring the menu back. Can you assist?
  12. Sukru

    Gsap Simplebar Plugin

    @Cassie Thank you, Now the smooth scrolling feature is disabled, I wanted both. Are both soft scroll and scrollbar style both the same terms not working?
  13. Sukru

    Gsap Simplebar Plugin

    @Cassie I am using gsap version 3.11.4. In this version I use scrollsmoother and the html structure; <div id="smooth-wrapper"> <div id="smooth-content"> </div> </div> There is no scrollsmoother you shared. The gsap version I used was conflicting with the plugin you provided. I tried many times. Because both offer smooth scrolling feature. gsap version 3.11 offers a lot of usefulness, I didn't want to give up on it. So I just searched for the scrollbar style.
  14. Hello, I added simplebar js to my ongoing project to customize the scrollbar, but there is a conflict. I think the styles come when gsap is disabled, but the simplebar styles do not work when gsap is active. Can you help me?
  15. @GreenSock Actually I just wanted to use this for scrollbar customization
  16. Hello, Smoothscroller and Smooth Scrollbar version but I couldn't get the Smoothscroller feature to work. I think there is a point where they overlap. Can you help?
  17. @GreenSock No, the contents do not overlap each other. example sports content must hover over fine arts content
  18. @GreenSock hello, while scrolling in the image I added below, the next item will be the pin that will come over the previous item, and we will see the content while scrolling to the side, and when the sub item is finished, it will continue in this way. can i explain now like pin example here; https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/gOxzpeV/e76593366cc841a7ef7b3fae38bea5e6
  19. Hello, I wanted to make a horizontal scroll structure under four headings. And these four titles have their own content and the videos will be side by side and will be horizontal scrolling while scrolling. and when the content content is finished it will move to the next one. I made a script like this but when I get to the title the pin works correctly but the horizontal scroll does not move. can you help me?
  20. @GreenSock thank you very much
  21. Hello, I have two endless loop animations going in different directions, but the animation on the right does not start from the top like the other one and works problematic. Can you help me?
  22. @GreenSock thank you very much
  23. @GreenSock Thank you very much. Can you make solution on my codepen example? is it possible
  24. Hello, I want to make the scrollbar special in the body by installing the Smooth Scrollbar plugin in the gsap project, but when I add it to the project, nothing appears in the body and the scroll does not work. Can you help me? I tried to do like in the example but it didn't work https://bayviewholidayapartments.com/ https://theresmoretolife.co.uk/
  25. @GreenSock I think it will be more descriptive if I share the problem with the video, in fact, it is not a problem of these two divs coming together. I wanted to tell this. I want to show this by making a video. I wanted to tell you that there is a flickering and then disappearing line at the bottom of the image at the very bottom. I think the problem is self explanatory now Video https://www.loom.com/embed/b795701bb1b54585a60d97d3019c9b16
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