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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I have such a part in my project, when I put a period and a comma between numbers like "1,000,000" or "4,000", the counter doesn't work. Can you help me?
  2. Hi GSAP Guys, I am trying to get this to work. When you scroll down the number counter activates when section comes in to view, then starts the counting up of the numbers. But this isn't working, I know something is wrong but can't figure it out.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a countdown with scroll magic and GSAP. When the user is scrolling down I have the timer fade in and onComplete I want to trigger the countdown. It's a very quick counter that goes from 2:00 to 0:00, trying to have it do the count down in 2s. Then on scroll up it go in reverse and counts up to 2:00. I am just having a hard time figuring out the logic for syncing the scroll, minutes and seconds. Let me know if any additional information is needed. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced. *NOTE: I have found some similar examples on here of the timer functionality, just having a hard time syncing the scroll with the minutes and seconds.
  4. Hi there, I have some skill bars on my website that I animate with TweenMax. Also I have added percentage counters by the skill bars with jQuery. But the problem that I have is that the skill bars animate when they reach a certain point and the counters not. Does anybody know how I can animate the counters at the same time as the skill bars? Preferably with TweenMax (In my opinion the most efficient way). Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello! I need to Tween a number from 0 to 53,5. Is this possible with GSAP? I-m trying and i'm having problems to count decimal numbers. var obj5 = {value:0}, element5 = document.getElementById("cantidadMujeres"); TweenMax.to(obj5, 1.4, {value:"53,5", ease:Linear.easeNone, onUpdate:function() { element5.innerHTML = obj5.value;}}); This is my code, the problem is that the counting number has like ten or eleven digits when init. And, if i add "roundProps:"value" " the decimal digit dont count. The is some solution to this? Thanks
  6. Hi, I would like to create a simple count-up from let's say 0 to 1000. I would also like to control about the time it takes to count up to that number and have a vertical blur effect applied, kind of like in an odometer. Is that possible in AS2? Thanks for any help, Dada
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