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  1. I'm trying to create a 'sticky' menu that appears after a certain breakpoint and scrolls according to the user scrolling. Basically, when you first start scrolling on the page, the menu should disappear relatively with the page (scroll up normally) but after a breakpoint has been reached, the menu should slide down according to how the user is scrolling. An example of the animation is the menu on the videinfra.com site. The menu translates according to the same number of px that the user scrolls up. I'm currently setting the menu's position to relative before the breakpoint and once the breakpoint has been reached, I set the position to sticky and translate according to the user scroll, using the code here: const transitionTo = isScrollDown ? Math.min( currentTranslateLocation + scrollDiff, VISIBLE_NAVIGATION_POSITION ) : Math.max( currentTranslateLocation + scrollDiff, INVISIBLE_NAVIGATION_POSITION ); TweenMax.to(navigationClassname, 0.5, { y: transitionTo }); The problem is the scrolling looks more... animated than the example in the site above, I'd really like to achieve the smooth natural scrolling as shown there. Also, when the page scrolls really fast, the menu tends to glitch but I can't figure out how to stop that. Alternatively, if there's another method to achieve this instead of using TweenMax, I'd be glad to implement that instead.
  2. Lionel Sirvel

    Gsap compatability with PhpStorm

    Hi All, I am currently trying to create an animation using gsap libraries for the very first time...For which I have included the gsap external library from preferences in Phpstorm...pfa the screenshot below Its works just fine on Codepen...you can find the link below Is gsap compatible with PhpStorm?...because the syntax is not getting detected in the IDE....and I am stuck halfway..Your help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Lionel Sirvel
  3. I have a red box as the element to animate. Here is a simple representation of how I want to animate the red box. (attached image) How can I get the result using TweenMax? I have tried this with no luck: const e = document.getElementById('element'); TweenMax.to(e, 1, {left:"20px", ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay:1, yoyo:true, repeat:-1}); As you see the box moves right at first and then starts animating from right to left. I just want to set the anchor point of the movement at the center of the box. so that we can not see the first movement to the right. Note: I need to use TweenMax 2.1.3
  4. XxMxX

    Tweenmax free or paid

    Hello everyone. Sorry for my English. I'm beginer in HTML CSS JS and greensock, a friend ask me to create a small website (one page) for little pizza shop (one employed (just my friend)), the website is just informative, no online pay, of course i mentioned greensock on website. I use the perfect tweenmax on this website And I have a question, i know this question are already asked, but the answer is not clear for me. I answered the form "Not sure which membership to choose? Click here for help." but i don't know if tweenmax is a special animation. If i use tweenmax for this web site, do we have to pay for a license? I think no, but I'm not sure. Best regards.
  5. Hello! I have a big slider with animations, and it gives a lot of load on the PC P.S. I apologize for the text with errors - I am writing through transliteration (my language is Russian) Question No. 1: How is it in those slides that are not visible to pause the animation, and run only for 4 seconds? Question No. 2: How to put a stop on the entire animation with media <768, and start a new one with media> 768? And is it possible to set the conditions for the media in the animation (I want to make it beautiful on mobile devices .. now we hide it)
  6. LeoZ

    Need help with card animation!

    Hello everyone, I have been trying to achieve the similar kind of card animation for one of my project. Please click on this link to see card animation effect: http://knowlupus.org/ The way card gets open and close in this game, I want to create exact same effect. I have also attached the codepen link. Is anyone can suggest me how can I achieve this? At least suggest me any resource or idea to achieve this. Your help is much appreciated.
  7. MaximeRou

    ClassName overwrite all classes

    Hello everyone, I'm doing an animation with a big overlay on page so I'm using the timeline of TimelineMax but I have issue when I'm using .className. To be brief, when I'm using className, it remove all classes on my element and I don't understand why it overwrite it all. Should I write it differently to keep existing classes ? Or is it possible to add an overwriting setting for .className ? This is a codePen that I simplify to troubleshoot : https://codepen.io/FrenchCooder/pen/ZEQpWJe Thanks in advance
  8. https://codesandbox.io/s/affectionate-cookies-9hccc?file=/src/App.js It does not work when scroll and works only once
  9. Raydoan

    convert gsap javascript to gsap vuejs

    I have created a product list page where every thumb image will have a zoom effect. the zoom effect code is working fine in the pure javascript. but my project is in vuejs and I wanna achieve same effect in my vue component. I already made my component and put some code in vuejs way. but it's not working right way. when I clicked it jumps to top left and then zooming. Here is my sandbox link in vuejs. Maybe I am missing something or there is have a better way to write this pure javascript code to vuejs way. it would be appreciated if any expert takes a look and give me the solution. The zoom effect goal is this. I believe i am very close to this effect. just can't figure out the problem. Thanks in advance.
  10. How can I animate height from 0 to auto using the Tweenmax Timeline? I do a lot of research and see some solutions with CSS. But I have already something dynamic with Gsap where I need to animate height from 0px to auto on clicking the item. I didn't find any solution to gsap documentation and any example where I can achieve it. Here is my code to animate on GSAP. import { TimelineMax, Power4, Expo, TweenMax } from 'gsap/all'; const loginSection = document.querySelector('.login-form'); const loginForm = document.querySelector('.login-form form'); const tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }) TweenMax.set(loginSection, { height: 0 }) tl.addLabel('start') .set(loginForm, { opacity: 0, x: 50 }) .to(loginSection, 0.7, { height: 'auto', ease: Power4.easeOut }, 'start') .to(loginForm, 0.7, { opacity: 1, x: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut }, 'start+=0.4') when I click on the element rather than it expanding it renders immediately without any animation. But when I use px instead of auto it's working. But it's not my goal. Your suggestion or solution appreciated.
  11. heavylifting

    Controlling the speed of Tween on scroll

    I have the following: var secOne = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '.section-a', triggerHook: 0, duration: $(window).height() - 100 }) .setTween( new TimelineMax() .add( TweenMax.fromTo(['.section-a .svg-a'], 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, force3D: false, ease:Power4.easeNone }) ) .add( TweenMax.fromTo(['.section-a .text-a'], 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, ease:Power4.easeNone } ) ) ) .setPin('.section-a') .addTo(controller); Which is fine apart from the fact that the animations have to come in smooth no matter how fast the user scrolling up or down. In this case if the user scrolls to fast then the animated parts suddenly show up. Is there a way to slow down the tween so that no matter if the user scrolling really fast they'll always get a smooth in out response from the animated tween? As you can see I have tried 'ease:Power4.easeNone' and that works to a degree but there's really nothing that stops it from zooming in on a fast scroll movement. Also I know scroll jacking is the work of Beelzebub but I'm being forced into this against better reasoning. Thanks
  12. DownfallOfADog

    Slide with ScrollTo doesnt work

    Hello, I'm doing something in React.js and I don't know why the scrollTo doesn't work. Basically what I'm trying to do is something similar to what Mikel did : https://codepen.io/e1668058/pen/XWbBGPz?editors=0010 but without the buttons. I'm just trying to figure out how to do it just with the mousescroll. just a little extra, I've also thought of adding an onStart and onComplete for the TweenMax so that when it starts I lock the mousewheel with : window.addEventListener("wheel", function(e){e.preventDefault();}, {passive: false} ); and when it completes I unlock the mouse with passive: true. Thank you. Heres my code pen.
  13. engineersatendra

    How to implement CSS3 @keyframes in tweenMax

    Hello friends !!! I'm a newbie on GSAP tweenMax and don't know how to make tweenMax object for animation like this CSS3 keyframes. @keyframes rubberBand { from { -webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); } 30% { -webkit-transform: scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1); transform: scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1); } 40% { -webkit-transform: scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1); transform: scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1); } 50% { -webkit-transform: scale3d(1.15, 0.85, 1); transform: scale3d(1.15, 0.85, 1); } 65% { -webkit-transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1); transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1); } 75% { -webkit-transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1); transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1); } to { -webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); } } please help me about this !!!
  14. gimperdaniel

    How to simulate css keyframes?

    With CSS 3 I am able to use keyframes, which makes animating objects really flexible. For example, with keyframes I can change a object opacity from 0 to 1 at 50% of the animation and then back to 0 at 100% of the animation... that creates a smooth fadein and fadeout. I am trying to accomplish the same with gsap. With TweenMax I can set a fromTo... but how, would I go about doing a fromTofrom? I tried doing something like this: var mydiv = new TimelineMax() .add(TweenMax.fromTo($(".mydiv"), 1, {opacity:0, scale:0}, {opacity:1, scale:1})) .add(TweenMax.fromTo($(".mydiv"), 1, {opacity:1, scale:1}, {opacity:0, scale:2})); However, when using "add", there's a very small delay between the first and the second add. How do I go about removing that delay? Or, is there another way of doing chained animations?
  15. DapperDirewolf

    Has killAll() been deprecated in GSAP 3?

    Greetings! My apologies in advance if the answer to this question exists somewhere. I have had a look but I've not been able to spot anything conclusive. I've used TweenMax exclusively for years in my HTML5 banners, and sometimes my banners have quite a lot of animation going on throughout. However there are typically time limits for animation (after which no animation can be going on), so when it comes to stopping every animation, I used to rely on the extremely useful TweenMax.killAll(); to end everything at the same time; particularly useful when there are dozens of animations (on smaller things) running at the same time. Though GSAP 3 was released a while back, I've only just begun to adopt it into my banner development process. However, it seems (unless I am mistaken - and please do correct me if I'm wrong) that killAll() no longer exists as a function. I'm sure there's a very good reason for this, and I know I can still kill the animations of everything individually, but it seems like unnecessary extra custom code I now need to write when there was previously a function to do this automatically for every single active tween, in one single stroke. Am I missing something? Is there a plugin or something else I have been embarrassingly oblivious to? Many thanks!
  16. Hello there, I would like to know and clarify if the TimelineMax is already inside of TweenMax? I just created this topic so it will be useful for someone that wants to know if TimelineMax is included on TweenMax file. For any answer will be appreciated!
  17. I have button 1 that initiates the pulsating animation like this: //Global variables let tween = new TimelineMax(); // button 1 code //First of all select the element let item = $('[aria-label="speak"] svg') // Start the infinite pulsating animation tween.to(item, 1, {scale: 1.1, ease:Elastic.easeOut, repeat:-1, repeatDelay:0.2}) So far so good, BUT... What if we have a second button (button 2) that reverses the iteration Not the whole timeline! I want the second button to instantly animate the pulsating element to its initial state without any jumping or jerking moment. I'm not bound to the code above any pulsating animation is accepted. Let me clear this out: I have used this code but it just reversed the whole timeline to the beginning ... I want it to instantly go back (With the same animation) to initial state : // button 2 tween.reverse();
  18. MG Dev

    Animating button on hover

    Hi, I'm trying to add animation on hover in my button. The animation work but I'd some issue in the element after the page scroll as you can see in this example https://codepen.io/MG_Dev/pen/VwYawbe How can apply the animation to all page elements? Thank you!
  19. Hi, Currently I'm in the midst of a project that requires me to show videos sequentially during certain times within certain days of the week. I bumped into this library and it's gorgeous timeline. However whenever I set the duration of a tween (video) on an onStart callback to zero an inconvenient gap of it original duration persists. Is there any way around this problem? Thanks in advance!
  20. Hello! I don't speak English well .. I have a question using TweenMax I'm asking the right question here? I want Controlling a lot of TweenMax in my project I want visual() function run -> reset I want to Infinite repeat this function Please help me. I am a beginner. ? I made the code like this. ⬇️ <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var visual= function() { var $con_03_mobile = $('.top_con .motion_mobile') , $con_03_01 = $('.con_03 .motion01') , $con_03_02 = $('.con_03 .motion02') , $con_03_03 = $('.con_03 .motion03') , $con_03_04 = $('.con_03 .motion04') , $con_03_05 = $('.con_03 .motion05') , $dim1 = $('.con_03 .dim1') , $dim2 = $('.con_03 .dim2') , $mask = $('.con_03 .mask') , $mask2 = $('.con_03 .mask2') function a5(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_04, 0.6, {x:'8px', y:'184'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_05, 0.3, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_04, 0.1, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); } function a4(){ TweenMax.fromTo($dim1, 0.5, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:0.8, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.7, {x:'8px', y:'184'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.3, {opacity:'1'}, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); setTimeout(a5, 100) }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.1, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); } TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_02, 0.8, {x:'200', y:'0'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.ease, onComplete: function(){ setTimeout(a4, 200) }}); } });
  21. Ctrl+Shift+f5

    Great change but workload increased

    Hi, I've been using GSAP 2 for around 2 months for now. By using the knowledge I have I've created some basic animations using it. Now that the GSAP3 has arrived every thing looks a tini-tiny bit difficult.(but can be achieved) I know its new and i also know this is the only place i can get support. My problem is as follows, I have used Tweenmax and scroll magic to create a basic effect. Now that Tweenmax has been merged in GSAP core I cannot use the `.setTween(t1)`. As we have to Specify the animation at first in the Tweenmax and call them later using setTween. How can I achieve it in GSAP3 One more important thing as you can see the page scroll is smooth on the page. A friend of mine has given me the script to implement in the page that will make the page scroll smooth. Now i have lost contact with him. I wonder If someone could re code the script for me. I would be more than thankful Here is the codepen link for my example: https://codepen.io/Wahed98666/pen/MWWBmWa Thanks in advance
  22. immy77

    Move Div on mouse hover

    Hi, How can i create this sort of effect with gsap https://perficientdigitallabs.com/work Thanks
  23. At first sight an easy animation causes lags and is choppy on mobile devices. In Chrome I can reproduce it by going to F12 > emulate mobile > iPhone 6/7/8. And when the page is scrolled down it's possible to see that the animated text is kind of jiggling up and down, in other words, it's choppy. GIF with visual representation
  24. Hello GSAP pals, I came across with this weird issue, and I need your inputs. I am trying to animate items with TiltShiftFilter() filter enabled, and I get this strange residual afterimage. All I want to achieve is to simply move things around UNDER the TiltShiftFilter() like you see on Pixi demo. Do you guys have any suggestions?
  25. karpovsystems

    Animation starts from the wrong position

    After killing animation and setting a new style, the new animation starts from the wrong position Steps for reproducing: Create new tween let tween = TweenMax.to($test, 5, {x: 100}); Kill the tween while animating tween.kill(); Change target style $test.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; Start new animation TweenMax.to($test, 5, {x: 100});
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