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  1. Hi all! First off thanks for everything...! So... I have created a "Player" class which extends MovieClip and contains an array of F4V files being loaded via LoaderMax.parse ... In my Main Document Class (Main) I want to transform properties of the entire Player class (alpha, scale, etc.) however the F4V does not see the transformations....It seems I have to reference the content directly within the Main class. For example, if i simply try to set player.visible=false, after i've already added video content to the stage, It does not stick, but if I reference player.video.content.visible=false, it works... What I'm really trying to do is fade the player object out before I navigate back to a main navigation screen. I can fade each video.content individually but I'd rather just write one tween that effects the whole class. Am I missing something simple or is this larger than I think? ...additionally, these transformations DO work with NetStream driving the f4vs. But looping w netStream is ugly , as we know. Thanks!
  2. Hi folks, I am not really new to this, but I get a hard time trying to do the following: I got an array of MCs named "stepArray". I want to animate through it after a dice function which gives me a number between 1 and 6 (if 5, the stepArray will have 5 elements and so on). Whatever, I need to know when the last element of the array has finished tweening, because that is the time the dice can be used again and is set free. If you need more input, please reply. function animatePlayerMove ():void { tweenScaleUp(); } function tweenScaleUp():void { TweenMax.allTo(stepArray, tweenSpeed, {alpha:1, scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5, dropShadowFilter:{blurX:15, blurY:15, distance:5, alpha:0.33}, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, onComplete:tweenScaleDown}, stepStaggerAmount); } function tweenScaleDown():void { tma = TweenMax.allTo(stepArray, 0.2, {alpha:1, scaleX:1, scaleY:1, dropShadowFilter:{blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:5, alpha:0.33}, ease:Cubic.easeInOut}, stepStaggerAmount); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkStepAnimationprogress); } function checkStepAnimationprogress (e:Event):void { if(tma[tma.length-1].currentProgress == 1){ //This doesnt work properly even with totalProgress trace("STEP ANIMATION ENDS HERE"); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkStepAnimationprogress); activateDice(); } } Obviously there is some mistake in my logics and I hope someone here will help. TIA, Lasercode
  3. Hi Guys, I seem to have a problem with the tweenMax.updateTo method. Given this sample code: _tween = new TweenMax(myMc,2,{rotation:360,repeat:-1,onUpdate:onUpd, ease:Linear.easeNone}); function onUpd():void{ if(_stop){ _tween.updateTo({repeat:1,rotation:_angleToStop, onComplete:onF},true); } } I am expecting the _tween to update 1. its rotation value to the predetermined value in _angleToStop 2, repeat count to change from infinity (-1) to 1 3. for it to call the onComplete method once that 1 rotation is done, where it stops in the correct value; What actually happens is the spinning starts to slow down as i would expect as it is reaching the target value however it then start animating again... Its like the repeat is not working.. Could anyone help me? Seems weird. Thanks, Bynho
  4. Hey guys... This is my first post to this forum... I am working on a project and i want to have a tweening effect similar to the 'Custom Presets : fly-in pause fly-out' option in Flash IDE. Its just that i want to create it with action script and want to control it properly through code. For the rest of the tweening in my project i am using 'Greensock's TweenMax'. So if someone can help me creating the same effect in this engine it would be helpful. Thanks.
  5. Obviously addChild(mc1); works on a single clip, but how would I bring the current movie clip in the sequence to the front? Thanks. Here's my code. var mcArray:Array = new Array(mc1,mc2,mc3,mc4,mc5); var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:1}); timeline.insertMultiple (TweenMax.allTo(mcArray, 2, {bezierThrough:[{z:0}, {z:-200}, {z:0}], orientToBezier:false, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 1));
  6. I was curious if there is a way to "overwrite" the globalTimeScale with the one assigned to a given TweenMax instance. For example: - I set the entire playback to slow-motion by setting globalTimeScale( 0.25 ); - Then, whenever I shoot enemies, I want to delay the SFX call with TweenMax.delayedCall in realtime timeScale, so I use: TweenMax.delayedCall( pTime, playSFX, [pSoundClass, pLoop]).timeScale(1); But this still animates according to the globalTimeScale (I'm assuming it does timeScale x globalTimeScale = 1 x 0.25 = 0.25). This DOES seem like the correct typical behavior (one timeline governing them all), but is there a way to overwrite this behavior? The only way I could get around it was by dividing 1 / TweenMax.globalTimeScale(), which gives the "inverted" time-scale value for the delay to catch-up to realtime durations. Is there any other approach to overwrite the timeScale of a given TweenMax instance? A boolean or a binary flag?
  7. Hii I'm loading in a swf animation with a couple of frame scripts embedded on the loaded swf timeline. I managed to load in the swf, place it into a TweenMax instance, and placed that TweenMax instance into a TimelineMax instance so I can control the playback. The only issue I'm having is that the swf animation frame scripts are not firing off. This is an example of how I'm setting up the above: // This occurs after the swf is loaded var intro = LoaderMax.getLoader("transition_intro").rawContent; var introTransition:TweenMax = new TweenMax(_intro, _intro.totalFrames, { useFrames: true, frame: _intro.totalFrames, ease: Linear.easeNone } ); var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax( { useFrames:true, paused:true } ); timeline.append(introTransition); timeline.play(); Is there a way to have the loaded swf run a frame script on the defined frame (like mc.gotoAndPlay(0) or am I setting up this wrong? Cheers
  8. Hey all, I understand that TweenMax simulates flash behaviour and always rotates to the nearest point, but I'm having some problems in some ocassions, I'm not exactly sure why... I have a movieclip that has an initial rotation of -161, I want it to rotate to 147. Ok, so with some basic calculations give me the following: A ClockWise ROTATION: - Would take 308 degrees. A CounterClockWise ROTATION: - Would take 51 degrees. However, when I rotate the movieclip it rotates ClockWise direction, which would take longer. What am I missing here? What I did: Placed a movieclip on canvas, set the rotation to -161 and then call this: TweenMax.to(arrow, 1, { rotation:147 }); Many thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, I was implementing a tween based on CSS3's background-size today. That would map to "backgroundSize" as defined in CSSPlugin.js. However, the tween doesn't work in the latest Firefox. While it works perfectly in the latest Chrome. I digged down until I found about this condition in _parsePosition function in CSSPlugin.js: _parsePosition = function(v, o) { if (v == null || v === "" || v === "auto") { v = "0 0"; } Debugging this, I found that 'v' was passed in as 'auto' in Chrome. But it was passed in as 'auto auto' instead in Firefox. Since 'v' was not changed to '0 0' this leads to parsing problem resulting in 'NaN' in o.ox. And thus the effect doesn't work. My TweenMax code looks like something along these lines: controller.addTween( chart.offset().top, TweenMax.fromTo($('.bub', chart), .25, {css:{opacity:0, 'letter-spacing':'30px', backgroundSize:'0% 0%'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Quad.easeInOut}, {css:{opacity:1, 'letter-spacing':'0px', backgroundSize:'100% 100%'}, ease:Quad.easeInOut} ), 0, -350 ); I patched CSSPlugin.js locally so that it now handles 'auto auto' case. The backgroundSize transition now works correctly on my machine. if (v == null || v === "" || v === "auto" || v === 'auto auto') { v = "0 0"; } Hope this helps. Not sure of any proper channel to report issue for TweenMax? Natthawut
  10. Hi there, for a mobile car game i use Starling and TweenMax for all animations. Since i would like to show a realistic driving behaviour the cars should also be able to brake and accelerate when obstacles occur or vanish. I thought about changing the timeScale property of the car's tween that needs to brake (from 1 to 0) or accelerate again (from 0 to 1) with another Tween. First tests show me that the animated cars with a changed timeScale property do not drive that fluent anymore as with a value of 1.0. What do you think, is this a good and performant approach to implement that behaviour or would there be better options ? Thanks for your opinions. Best regards valley
  11. Hey Jack, I'm trying to improve on the current method of applying animating values to Webkit's 3D transforms ( this is my current jQuery implementation http://chrisgannon.w...-and-greensock/ ). The new method I'm trying is as follows (and allows the tween to be used in TimelineMax etc). var myObject = {value:100}; TweenMax.to(myObject, 3, {value:400, onUpdate:applyValue, onUpdateParams:[myObject.value]}); function applyValue (val){ console.log(val); //always passes 100 }; I may be missing something here but I would expect the 'val' parameter to be updated onUpdate but it seems to only pass the initial value that was set. i.e. 100. The following obviously works but it's no longer a generic function available to any element. var myObject = {value:100}; TweenMax.to(myObject, 3, {value:400, onUpdate:applyValue, onUpdateParams:[myObject.value]}); function applyValue (val){ console.log(myObject.value); //animates from 100 to 400 }; Is there a way to access/pass the animating value? I should also point out that I am also placing the tweens in a TimelineMax so that may be the issue. Cheers, Chris
  12. Quick question here, sorry if this is answered somewhere else (couldn't find an answer). Simplified scenario... Let's say I have a div "#container" with an image inside it. Then I attach a tween to the image which rotates it infinitely. Then... using jQuery, I replace the contents of #container with a new image. Will the Tween that was attached to the original image (which is now gone) continue to eat memory, or is it now eligible for garbage collection? Do I first need to "Kill" all of its tweens before removing it? My real situation is much more complicated but that is the general idea. Thanks!
  13. Hello, I'm working on an animation that will become a screensaver. Below I have a for loop that tweens an array of sprites from alpha 0 to alpha 1. It executes exactly as I need it, but when I try to tween endframe (as written in the second TweenMax) the delay of 18 seconds and the repeatDelay of 2.5 only works on the first loop. After the first loop, endframe fades in and out every 2.5 seconds. Here is the code snippet: for (var i:int = 0; i < gridBoxes.length; i++) { TweenMax.to(gridBoxes[i], .5, {alpha:1, delay:Math.random() * 7, ease:Circ.easeIn, repeat:-1, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:10}); } TweenMax.to(endframe, .5, {alpha:1, delay: 18, ease:Circ.easeIn, repeat:-1, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:2.5}); How can I solve this so that endframe fades in and out every 18 seconds indefinitely? I also have to apply this ability to several other movieclips exported for as3 that will fade in and out every 5, 10 and 15 seconds. By the way, endframe is a movieclip exported for as3. It's a logo so that's why I exported for as3. Thank you so much in advance!
  14. I have a banner add that's about 34kb, so I've got 6kb to spare. Is it possible to add in blurFilter and only blurFilter? I tried commenting out the plugins from TweenMax.as, but it still bumps my file up to 46kb, before and after. PS. I'm on 11.691 (AS2)
  15. Not a problem, but I wondering why the following happens. I recreated a cockpit instrument environment and the tweens are updating the cockpit instruments towards the next array index value (currentSpeed, currentAlt, etc) every 0.5 second. Each instrument has its own array where to update from. The really strange thing is (which caused me sync problems before) that the speed and altitude array index is updated twice as fast as the others. However the instruments keep synced somehow.....? I'm tracing in the actionscript now only Speed, Alt and N11. How is that possible since all tweens are using 0.5 as duration? import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.TimelineMax; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([FramePlugin]); //activation is permanent in the SWF, so this line only needs to be run once. //X-Plane data var airSpeeds:Array = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.7, 3.5, 4.2, 5.1, 6.0, 6.9, 7.8, 8.8, 9.7, 10.7, 11.8, 13.8, 16.4, 20.3, 24.0, 27.1, 29.4, 34.0, 37.7, 41.3, 44.8, 48.1, 51.7, 55.7, 57.8, 61.8, 65.2, 68.8, 72.2, 75.6, 78.9, 82.2, 85.6, 88.9, 91.8, 95.3, 97.9, 100.2, 104.0, 106.9, 110.2, 113.1, 116.4, 119.1, 122.3, 125.0, 127.5, 129.7, 131.8, 133.5, 134.9, 136.1, 137.2, 138.2, 139.0, 139.7, 140.6, 141.4, 142.4, 143.3, 144.2, 145.1, 146.1, 147.0, 148.0, 148.9, 149.8, 150.6, 151.5, 152.4, 153.1, 153.8, 154.4, 155.0, 155.5, 156.0, 156.5, 157.0, 157.4, 157.8, 158.2, 158.5, 158.9, 159.5, 160.1, 160.8, 161.5, 162.2, 162.9, 163.5, 164.2, 164.8, 165.3, 165.8, 166.2, 166.7, 167.1, 167.6, 168.1, 168.5, 169.0, 169.5, 170.1, 170.6, 171.2, 171.9, 172.6, 173.4, 174.3, 175.4, 176.3, 177.0, 177.6, 177.8, 178.3, 178.6, 178.8, 178.8, 178.8, 178.7, 178.5, 178.2, 178.0, 177.7, 177.5, 177.3, 177.1, 176.9, 176.6, 176.2, 175.8, 175.3, 174.8, 174.2, 173.6, 173.0, 172.4, 171.7, 171.0, 169.9, 168.6, 167.2, 165.8, 164.4, 163.1, 161.9, 160.7, 159.7, 158.9, 158.5, 158.4, 158.4, 158.6, 158.9, 159.3, 159.8, 160.4, 161.0, 161.6, 162.2, 162.8, 163.3, 163.7, 164.0, 164.1, 164.0, 163.9, 163.5, 163.2, 162.8, 162.4, 162.0, 161.7, 161.4, 161.2, 161.0, 160.8, 160.7, 160.6, 160.5, 160.5, 160.5, 160.4, 160.4, 160.4, 160.4, 160.4, 160.4, 160.5, 160.5, 160.7, 160.9, 161.3, 162.0, 163.0, 164.3, 166.0, 167.9, 169.8, 172.3, 174.8, 177.6, 180.5, 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390.1, 390.0]; //Tweenings //speed var SpeedIndicator:Array = [AS.AS_MOVE, AS.AS_MOVE.AS_MOVE_SUBTAPE] var maxSpeed:int = airSpeeds.length - 1; var currentSpeed:int = 0; var SpeedTimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextSpeed(){ SpeedTimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(SpeedIndicator, 0.5, {frame:(10*(airSpeeds[currentSpeed])+1), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextSpeed})); currentTxt.text=String("SPD " + currentSpeed); current2Txt.text=String("ALT " + currentAlt); current3Txt.text=String("N11 " + currentN11); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentSpeed < maxSpeed){ currentSpeed++; }else{ trace("speed array finished"); currentSpeed = 0; } } doNextSpeed(); //altitude var altindicator:Array = [AT.AT_MOVE, AT.AT_MOVE.AT_MOVE_SUBTAPE] var maxAlt:int = altitudes.length - 1; var currentAlt:int = 0; var AltTimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextAlt(){ AltTimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(altindicator, 0.5, {frame:(altitudes[currentAlt]), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextAlt})); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentAlt < maxAlt){ currentAlt++; }else{ trace("Alt array finished"); currentAlt = 0; } } doNextAlt(); //roll var rollindicator:Array = [AH.AH_PITCH] var maxRoll:int = roll.length - 1; var currentroll:int = 0; var RollTimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextRoll(){ RollTimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(rollindicator, 0.5, {rotation:(-1*roll[currentroll]), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextRoll})); //increment the value used to get data from pitch array if (currentroll < maxRoll){ currentroll++; }else{ trace("Roll array finished"); currentroll = 0; } } doNextRoll(); //pitch var PitchIndicator:Array = [AH.AH_PITCH] var maxPitch:int = pitch.length - 1; var currentpitch:int = 0; var PitchTimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextPitch(){ PitchTimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(PitchIndicator, 0.5, {y:((7*(pitch[currentpitch]))), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextPitch})); //increment the value used to get data from pitch array if (currentpitch < maxPitch){ currentpitch++; }else{ trace("Pitch array finished"); currentpitch = 0; } } doNextPitch(); var HeadingIndicator:Array = [NAV.NAV_RADAR]; var maxHeading:int = Headings.length - 1; var currentHeading:int = 0; var HeadingTimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextHeading(){ HeadingTimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(HeadingIndicator, 0.5, {shortRotation:{rotation:(-1*(Headings[currentHeading]))}, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextHeading})); NAV.HeadingTxt.text = (String(Math.round(Headings[currentHeading]))); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentHeading < maxHeading){ currentHeading++; }else{ trace("Heading array finished"); currentHeading = 0; } } doNextHeading(); var N11indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_N1_1] var maxN11:int = N11.length - 1; var currentN11:int = 0; var N11TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextN11(){ N11TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(N11indicator, 0.5, {frame:(2*(N11[currentN11])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextN11})); EIC.EIC_N1_1.N11Txt.text = String(N11[currentN11]); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentN11 < maxN11){ currentN11++; }else{ trace("N11 array finished"); currentN11 = 0; } } doNextN11(); //N1 2 var N12indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_N1_2] var maxN12:int = N12.length - 1; var currentN12:int = 0; var N12TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextN12(){ N12TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(N12indicator, 0.5, {frame:(2*(N12[currentN12])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextN12})); EIC.EIC_N1_2.N12Txt.text = String(N12[currentN12]); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentN12 < maxN12){ currentN12++; }else{ trace("N12 array finished"); currentN12 = 0; } } doNextN12(); //EGT1 var EGT1indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_EGT1] var maxEGT1:int = EGT1.length - 1; var currentEGT1:int = 0; var EGT1TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextEGT1(){ EGT1TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(EGT1indicator, 0.5, {frame:(0.13*(EGT1[currentEGT1])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextEGT1})); EIC.EIC_EGT1.EGT1Txt.text = String(EGT1[currentEGT1]);; //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentEGT1 < maxEGT1){ currentEGT1++; }else{ trace("EGT1 array finished"); currentEGT1 = 0; } } doNextEGT1(); //EGT2 var EGT2indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_EGT2] var maxEGT2:int = EGT2.length - 1; var currentEGT2:int = 0; var EGT2TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextEGT2(){ EGT2TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(EGT2indicator, 0.5, {frame:(0.13*(EGT2[currentEGT2])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextEGT2})); EIC.EIC_EGT2.EGT2Txt.text = String(EGT2[currentEGT2]); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentEGT2 < maxEGT2){ currentEGT2++; }else{ trace("EGT2 array finished"); currentEGT2 = 0; } } doNextEGT2(); //FUEL1 var FUEL1indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_FUEL1] var maxFUEL1:int = FUEL1.length - 1; var currentFUEL1:int = 0; var FUEL1TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextFUEL1(){ FUEL1TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(FUEL1indicator, 0.5, {frame:(0.33*(FUEL1[currentFUEL1])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextFUEL1})); EIC.EIC_FUEL1.FUEL1Txt.text = String(FUEL1[currentFUEL1]); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentFUEL1 < maxFUEL1){ currentFUEL1++; }else{ trace("FUEL1 array finished"); currentFUEL1 = 0; } } doNextFUEL1(); //FUEL2 var FUEL2indicator:Array = [EIC.EIC_FUEL2] var maxFUEL2:int = FUEL2.length - 1; var currentFUEL2:int = 0; var FUEL2TimeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function doNextFUEL2(){ FUEL2TimeLine.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(FUEL2indicator, 0.5, {frame:(0.33*(FUEL2[currentFUEL2])), ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:doNextFUEL2})); EIC.EIC_FUEL2.FUEL2Txt.text = String(FUEL2[currentFUEL2]); Tasktimers(); trace(currentN11); //setcurrent(currentSpeed); //increment the value used to get data from airSpeeds array if (currentFUEL2 < maxFUEL2){ currentFUEL2++; }else{ trace("FUEL2 array finished"); currentFUEL2 = 0; } } doNextFUEL2(); var timetraffic1:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //traffic function tweenTraffic1():void { timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic1, 250, {delay:10, bezierThrough:[{x:-100, y:-200}, {x:400, y:-500}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic2, 200, {delay:25, bezierThrough:[{x:-300, y:-200}, {x:200, y:-600}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); } tweenTraffic1(); function tweenTraffic2():void { timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic3, 140, {delay:30, bezierThrough:[{x:-100, y:250}, {x:-500, y:-300}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); //just miss timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic4, 180, {delay:30, bezierThrough:[{x:-85, y:-85}, {x:200, y:-500}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); //enters zone and flys away } tweenTraffic2(); function tweenTraffic3():void { timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic5, 160, {delay:0, bezierThrough:[{x:-100, y:200}, {x:700, y:400}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); //just miss timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic6, 120, {delay:0, bezierThrough:[{x:-200, y:300}, {x:-400, y:400}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); } //tweenTraffic3(); function tweenTraffic4():void { timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic7, 190, {delay:25, bezierThrough:[{x:0, y:-200}, {x:-500, y:0}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); // all above no danger timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic8, 140, {delay:25, bezierThrough:[{x:9, y:300}, {x:-500, y:100}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); timetraffic1.insert(TweenMax.to(NAV.NAV_RADAR.traffic9, 120, {delay:30, bezierThrough:[{x:-200, y:300},{x:-300, y:-400}], ease:Linear.easeNone})); } //tweenTraffic4();
  16. Hi folks! Iam making a platform game, where the Hero can get extra time for picking up some jewel! For time tracking i'm using TweenMax. Is there any way, to pause tween, and skip back(reverse) let's say with 5 seconds? Any help appreciated! tnx daniel
  17. Hi all, I'm in my first JS GSAP project and I've just discovered what seems to be a long standing issue with Javascript: fading in elements after the page has loaded, causing a "flicker" before they're able to start in their opacity:0; state. I have my elements starting at opacity:0; in my CSS and in my JS, I'm using TweenMax.from to {css:{autoAlpha:0}. What's the best practice here to prevent that flicker? Any good workarounds specifically using GSAP correctly for a simple fade in? Thanks as always!
  18. I completed a series of tests and examples and I created a very simple game that uses TweenMax as its animation core. I believe some things should be more smooth (99% has something to do with my code). Let me know what do you think. (Animation or coding wize). feel free to use the code as you like. http://netgfx.com/trunk/birdbreak/
  19. I am using TweenMax to fade some interface arrows on an AIR / iOS project, using the following (slightly simplified) code: TweenMax.to( overlay.arrowE, 0, { alpha:overlayFactorX + minOverlayAlpha, colorMatrixFilter: { saturation:overlayFactorX }} ); The tween essentially responds to a user drag action, and highlights one arrow graphic (colour and alpha up) to show the direction of travel, whilst other arrows recede (colour desaturates to greyscale, and alpha decreases). A bigger drag creates a stronger highlight. Everything works fine when viewed in preview on PC, and the code does runs when compiled and running on an iPad, BUT the saturation doesn't appear to work. The arrows (there are four) change alpha, but their colour saturation remains unchanged. Any ideas why this might be the case? Thanks! TweenTest.zip
  20. Alan

    bezier in javascript

    Hi, I wonder if we will have bezier support in javascript version soon? I had a great success with greensock and easelJs together, I can almost 100% duplicate what I have done with actionscript 3 before, apart from bezier curve animation...
  21. This is a pretty cool example of how to combine AE to make buttons in flash http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=67# They used some other tweener then greensock, but the transition would be pretty easy to do in tweenlite/max. The guy embeds the button into flash which is easy. But what if you had 5 buttons and suddenly your size is up to 3-5mb or so of the fla file. What is the best way to call these flv's without embeding them into the timeline ? Via videoloader? I've seen the tutorial on nettuts but seems pretty complicated. Any examples on how do to this as simple as possible and keep the loading as fast as possible.
  22. G'day Jack, Just a quickie Q about TweenMax and the plugin system. Do you know if it's possible to make an addon to TweenMax which would allow an object to have it rotation tweened to look at or rotate to another object? I know Math scares off a lot of people when it comes to getting a game up and running that's why I really want to make this tutorial set super simple. If you could point me in the right direction to making a plugin that would be great. So instead of: var dy:Number = gunTurret.y - stage.mouseY; var dx:Number = gunTurret.x - stage.mouseX; var angle:Number = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI; mcTurret.rotation = angle; I could just use. //ie: TweenMax.to(gunTurret, 0.5, {lookAt:new Point(mouseX, mouseY)}); //. Cheers -Z
  23. un4given


    I am getting the error "invalid argument" from TweenMax.min.js line 16 in IE9 simulating IE8. Im trying to test my TweenLite code in IE8 &> but cant get past this error. Any help would be appreciated. -----update----- changed from TweenMax to TweenLite + CSSPlugin but now the error is popping up in the CSSPlugin script, line 14, character 12005. D
  24. Hey every one, i'm newbie with Starling and greensock I try to use Greensock with Starling but i find down there's some problem When i try to make a glow filter with MovieClip of starling. i got this error <B>ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property filters not found on starling.display.MovieClip and there is no default value.</B> Here is the code TweenPlugin.activate([FilterPlugin]); TweenMax.to(heroArt, 1, {glowFilter:{color:0x99cc33, alpha:1, blurX:30, blurY:30, strength:3}}); with heroArt is the MovieClip from starling.display.MovieClip But if i use heroArt is flash.display.MovieClip, everything's okay. So, how can we deal with that problem ? I got stuck with Image too
  25. I'm trying to plug this into my custom framework before I pull the trigger on a commercial licence and I might be asking a super noob question but I have looked through a bit of the documentation and from what I can tell there is no way of manually updating a tween through a external function. bool = true; TweenLite.to(someMC, frameCount, {useFrames:true, updateOnFunction:updateTween, onComplete:tweenComplete}); public function render():void { if(bool) updateTween(); } public function tweenComplete():void { bool = false; } I'm sure I can program some roundabout way to get this to work but I am hoping I am simply blind Xp
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