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  1. Hello there, Assuming this is a pretty simple idea I just seem to be hitting a wall. I've got a button and on every click I'd like it to blur an image in increments. So everytime I click this button it runs a function where my MC runs the blurFilter below TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:10}}); If that was the result of clicking the button once it would BlurX and Y to 10. On click the button a second time it wouldn't do anything because it's already at 10 where I'd like for it to blur to say 12 on second click and 14 on 3rd click and so on. Could something like this work or is it possible? {blurFilter:{blurX:currentBlurX +2, blurY:currentBlurY +2}}); Any input would be appreciated. Cheers
  2. I've just started using AS & TweenLite / TweenMax. But I can't seem to get a blurFilter to apply. I have done this so far, package { //Import what I need to import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.easing.Linear; import com.greensock.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.ColorTransformPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import org.flixel.FlxG; import org.flixel.FlxState; import org.flixel.plugin.photonstorm.FlxSpecialFX; TweenPlugin.activate([blurFilterPlugin]); public class ScreenTwo extends FlxState { private var Bwain:Brain; private var bg1:BackgroundOne; //Active plugins TweenPlugin.activate([blurFilterPlugin, ColorTransformPlugin]); override public function create():void { super.create(); Bwain = new Brain(0,0); bg1 = new BackgroundOne(0,0); FlxG.addPlugin(new FlxSpecialFX); //Here I try to tween it. TweenLite.to(bg1, 3, {blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:10}}); TweenLite.to(Bwain, 10,{x:-120, ease:Linear.ease}); add(bg1); add(Bwain); makeRed(); } private function makeRed():void { //TweenMax.to(Bwain,4, {ColorMatrixFilter:{colo } } } When I run it, the Linear tween works fine, but during the duration of the blur tween the program looks frozen and resumes after 3 second.
  3. How do I set a blur value to an object before the animation? I want the object to go from blurry and alpha:0 to sharp and alpha:1 Thanks
  4. Regards, Recently I am learning to use the GreenSock libraries and now I'm doing the animation of photographs column when clicking on a button that scrolls down. Apply a blur filter to give it a blur on the Y axis and I can not make this return to the original state, I mean, that would slowly diminishes blur filter and stops. I'm using TweenMax to animate with As3, the following piece of code is the one I use to make the animation, and the blur does stop abruptly and do not slowly returning to their original state. I hope I can help. thanks TweenMax.to(column, 2 {y:column.y ease:Quart.easeInOut, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:20, remove:true}});
  5. I have a banner add that's about 34kb, so I've got 6kb to spare. Is it possible to add in blurFilter and only blurFilter? I tried commenting out the plugins from TweenMax.as, but it still bumps my file up to 46kb, before and after. PS. I'm on 11.691 (AS2)
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