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  1. bahnii

    gsap на iPhone

    hello, recently I developed a cool site that looks good and on my laptop everything works both in the mobile version and on the PC, but when I opened the site on my iPhone 13, the animations became somewhat jerky and not smooth, so they work correctly, but it looks not so good on ios as on a PC, here is the link to the site https://bahniimdev.github.io/remember/#
  2. please I need too know why my animation is not smooth const boxType = document.querySelectorAll('.animated-element'); boxType.forEach((box, i) => { gsap.fromTo( box, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: box, start: 'bottom -100%', end: 'bottom 50%', scrub: true, markers: false, }, y: -20, transformOrigin: 'top', ease: 'power4.out', opacity: 0.3, stagger: 0.1, // Adjusted stagger value duration: 0.5, // Adjusted duration }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: box, start: 'top 30%', end: 'bottom 50%', scrub: true, markers: false, }, ease: 'power4.out', y: 0, transformOrigin: 'top', opacity: 1, stagger: 0.1, // Adjusted stagger value } ); }); <ul class="mt-4 flex flex-col"> <li class="hover:-translate-y-2 ease-in duration-300 animated-element mt-8 inline-flex items-center " > <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-4" > <span class="" ><svg class="w-6" viewBox="0 0 23 5" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M2 2.5H21" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> </svg> </span> </span><span class="text-md inline-flex ml-4" >Engage your global audiences</span > </li> <li class="hover:-translate-y-2 ease-in duration-300 animated-element mt-8 inline-flex items-center " > <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-4" > <span class="" ><svg class="w-6" viewBox="0 0 23 5" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M2 2.5H21" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> </svg> </span> </span><span class="text-md inline-flex ml-4" >Establish your brand</span > </li> <li class="hover:-translate-y-2 ease-in duration-300 animated-element mt-8 inline-flex items-center " > <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-4" > <span class="" ><svg class="w-6" viewBox="0 0 23 5" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M2 2.5H21" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> </svg> </span> </span><span class="text-md inline-flex ml-4" >Achieve your corporate purpose goals</span > </li> <li class="hover:-translate-y-2 ease-in duration-300 animated-element mt-8 inline-flex items-center " > <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-4" > <span class="" ><svg class="w-6" viewBox="0 0 23 5" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M2 2.5H21" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> </svg> </span> </span><span class="text-md inline-flex ml-4" >Connect with your employees</span > </li> <li class="hover:-translate-y-2 ease-in duration-300 animated-element mt-8 inline-flex items-center " > <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-4" > <span class="" ><svg class="w-6" viewBox="0 0 23 5" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M2 2.5H21" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> </svg> </span> </span><span class="text-md inline-flex ml-4" >Inform and influence your stakeholders</span > </li> </ul>
  3. Hello Guys, it's my first Forum Article. I'm using GSAP for nearly a year now. I'm using GSAP + GsapSmoothScroll + ScrollTrigger and Barba.js I have some slightly complex Animations on my Site and its extremely laggy on iPhone Safari I tried a lot of Solutions that I found hear, but nothing really works. Does someone have some Ideas how to fix. Here is a Link to the Website: This is my config for the ScrollSmoother. The Lag is specially on the page uid42 thats the link i put in hear. The other pages are ok not perfekt but ok: I hope its enough information. scroll = ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 0.2, // how long (in seconds) it takes to "catch up" to the native scroll position effects: true, // looks for data-speed and data-lag attributes on elements ignoreMobileResize: isMobile() && !document.querySelector("#uid1") ? true : false, normalizeScroll: isMobile() && !document.querySelector("body:not(#uid42)") ? true : false, }) On a Mission (hantha.net) Hope someone could help me.
  4. I'm trying to animate a video on scroll using ScrollTrigger (switched from ScrollMagic), and the result is quite good. The animation works, but the problem is that frames are often skipped when scrolling. As can be seen from the console (line 26), the scrollPos skips some numbers, thus causing the videoCurrentTime to skip some frames. Is there a way to make this not happen? May I create a variable that increments more precisely with the scrollPos? Can the duration of the ScrollTrigger and the framerate of the video have something to do with it?
  5. Is there, or can there be an GSAP-alternative for the smooth scroll hijack like https://github.com/baptistebriel/smooth-scrolling?
  6. Helo, i want to disable smooth scroll in mobile browser, because scroll usability is seriously reduced, locomotiv scroll can do this by default. but it doesn't suit me because I use gsap library. I wonder if a scroll without animation is possible for mobile browsers?
  7. Whenever you scroll I am making a function to play the video. The video is playing rough, how can I play it smoothly? I think I should use "scrollerProxy", but I don't know how to apply it.
  8. Hi, Right now I am trying to change the conversation images on scroll down in the same position with smooth effects. I don't know how I can make this animation very smooth so that the User can read all the conversations very effectively. And On scroll up conversation image animation starts from first. - I want to change the image in the same position with a smooth effect on scroll down. - Image should be changed without any blink. - sometimes when scrolling down images got invisible on scroll. It should be fadeout first image and fade in the next image in the same position with smooth effect. I don't know but how could I achieve this effect? Does anyone know?
  9. Hey there, first off: congrats on and even more, thanks for the scrollTrigger Plugin - it's just awesome. I have been using scrollMagic in a project of mine so far, and been re-writing it to use scrollTrigger instead. I love it, since in most cases it is way easier to use and wrap my head around what I need to achieve certain sorts of scroll based animations - great job on that! But I have run into an issue, that probably is rather an edge case, since it is concerning the use of scrollTrigger together with idiotwu' smooth-scrollbar plugin. I know you guys try keeping things in here related to problems related directly to GSAP, but I thought I'd post anyway, since my problem might have something to do with scrollTrigger's performance - not saying it does, though. It's more likely that I am doing something wrong here, I guess. So, I have sections that are being pinned and their contents transformed on the x-axis to make them appear horizontally scrolling. I found, that hooking scrollTrigger up to smooth-scrollbar works in just the same way as it works with scrollMagic; by adding a listener to smooth-scrollbar that refreshes scrollTrigger on the virtual scrolling of smooth-scrollbar. In my project, when I have only one section with that effect, everything runs buttery smooth, but as soon as there is more than one section with the trigger applied, the scrolling suffers drops in fps to below 50 - which makes it pretty much visibly laggy and sort of annoying. I made a pen with a total of 5 horizontal sections, to show, what I mean. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/7c21be9a241e0e13b98316c197b617ef This is not the case with scrollMagic - everything staying smooth there. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/074d0a380e2a0393b13d0fb57b5be166 So, now I am wondering: Since, if I understood correctly, scrollTrigger makes all the heavy requests on refresh, is it not a good idea, to hook the refresh to the virtual scroll? scrollMagic seems to handle it absolutely fine, so might this be something, scrollTrigger could be improved on? Or am I maybe doing something totally wrong here? Maybe somebody finds the time to look into this. Any input appreciated. Cheers Paul
  10. As far as I see the scrollTrigger pin feature, it acts like `position: sticky` in feel. Scrolled elements move with the same speed as the scrollbar. When an element gets pinned/sticky, it hits a wall and goes from a 100 to 0 in an instant. That doesn't feel very good. Unfortunately I don't have a codepen to illustrate what I want, because.. well, I wouldn't need to ask then, would I? But back in 2017 I've made an animation that comes very close to what I want to do now: https://dumbo.design/airberlin (the laptop mockup as chapter intro) The difference to what I want now is: the laptop continues to move in the natural scroll direction very slowly (kinda like the SlowMo ease); I don't want it this time, the pinned element should be dead center and don't move at all (but of course I'll make another thread to do just that with ScrollTrigger aswell :D) the whole concept is the other way around: I "fake" the scroll, and the pin is "real" – the laptop is `position: fixed` all the time and I try to match the scroll initial movement speed with the scroll speed, which is definitely not ideal since the concept is so different, the laptop does never occupy any space and– .. it's hard for me to put into words but I just don't want to go this fixed route ever again the performance is just pure crap and I'm pretty sure not having to transform translate a fixed element until its pinned and just use the natural scroll and at the end some slight transforms to smooth things out, is way more performant than faking the entire "scroll distance" until the element stops. From what I saw you guys set `position: fixed` while pinning and set a transform translate immediately when the element gets unpinned and position: fixed got removed. Maybe there's a way to also animate the transform translate before the position: fixed gets set? Bonus: What would be reeeeally awesome is when the "ease" is not predetermined, but dynamic and reactive to the actual scroll speed. I just love the feel of `scrub: 1` and our users almost always play around with it in awe. An adaptable "pin dampener" would feel very organic Shoot it, Elders! Swing that file-size hammer. I'm ready for it ?
  11. Hello Guys, I am a newbie to this awesome scrolltrigger plugin. I somehow managed to get it worked the way I wanted but I am stuck at the very last part. As you can check in the below example link the entire block shrinks and move on x axis at start and at the end I want it to come back to center and become the normal size but it is not happening smoothly. You can check live example here: https://algobulls.netlify.app/ecosystem-2/ Sorry I cant upload Codepen as I am not able to replicate entire thing there. I request you guys to please help me out. I will really appreciate it. const sectionFirst = useRef() const mainIllustrationContainer = useRef() const firstHeading = useRef() const ecoCore = useRef() const ecoMarkets = useRef() const ecoOms = useRef() const ecoBrokers = useRef() const ecoclients = useRef() const ecoStrategist = useRef() const ecoChannelPartner = useRef() const ecoDataVendor = useRef() const videoBlock = useRef() const sectionSecond = useRef() const sectionThird = useRef() const sectionFourth = useRef() useEffect(() => { let tl = new TimelineMax() tl.fromTo( ecoCore.current, { autoAlpha: 0, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: mainIllustrationContainer.current, start: "0 300", end: "center 100", scrub: true, //markers: true, }, //y: 450, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( firstHeading.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 0, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: sectionFirst.current, start: "600 300", end: "800 150", // markers: true, scrub: true, pinSpacing: false, }, //y: 450, duration: 3, autoAlpha: 1, y: -100, ease: "power2.out", } ) .to(firstHeading.current, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: mainIllustrationContainer.current, start: "80% 300", end: "90% 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, pinSpacing: false, }, //y: 450, duration: 1, scale: 0, ease: "power2.out", }) .to(sectionFirst.current, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: mainIllustrationContainer.current, start: "0 0", endTrigger: videoBlock.current, end: "center center", // markers: true, pin: true, scrub: true, pinSpacing: false, }, //y: 450, duration: 3, ease: "power2.out", }) tl.fromTo(sectionFirst.current, { scale:1, x: 0, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: sectionSecond.current, start: "top-=400 300", end: "200 200", markers: true, scrub: true, }, scale: 0.53, x: -290, duration: 3, ease: "power2.out", }) // this is the one which makes it scale 1 ///////// .to(sectionFirst.current, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#data-vendor", start: "bottom+=150 300", end: "bottom+=250 150", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, scale: 1, x: 0, duration: 3, ease: "power2.out", }) tl.fromTo( ecoMarkets.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: sectionSecond.current, start: "top 400", end: "200 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoOms.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: sectionThird.current, start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoBrokers.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: sectionFourth.current, start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoclients.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#clients", start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoStrategist.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#pro-strategist", start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoChannelPartner.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#channel-partner", start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( ecoDataVendor.current, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 300, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#data-vendor", start: "-300 200", end: "-100 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, y: 0, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) .fromTo( '#eco-video', { autoAlpha: 0, }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#data-vendor", start: "bottom 200", end: "bottom+=200 100", // markers: true, scrub: true, }, duration: 2, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", } ) }, [])
  12. carleaql

    Smooth Morph SVG

    Hello, I'm trying to get a smooth animation with MorphSVG: http://codepen.io/carlbren/pen/pEYkRg The steps should as smooth as these ones: http://codepen.io/waterfallmedia/pen/ZbOjRO http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WQjRXE (see the cape animated with waveSVG which is not supported) http://codepen.io/osublake/pen/meepJE You can see a stop between the steps in my animation. Please, do you have any idea of what I could do to not feel the steps in the animation? Thanks!
  13. Hello, I noticed that when I chain animations with .to , sometimes if two animations start at the same time, there can be a slight jerk in the animation, even if I do the rotate:0.01 trick for Firefox, etc. Question, is it perhaps 'smoother' or 'faster' rendering wise, to in those cases create multiple instances of TimelineLite, for example two instances, to ease the stress that one instance carries when starting two animations at a simultaneous time index. I'm not including any code since I trust the question is a simple one, since it is simple to start to animations the same time by just giving them that time index at the end of the to. (object, time, {property: value}, 'timeindex') Snoop out
  14. ketz

    GSAP on iPad

    I made an interactive learning site that relies entirely on GSAP (HTML 5) for its animations. Generally, all the animations are quite smooth on Chrome or Firefox, but when I try it on my iPad, they skip sometimes. It doesn't look bad on the iPad, but it skips and misses parts of some animations. I know this is a more general question, but is this poorer performance on the iPad normal, or is there anything I can do? (FYI, I am a science teacher. I am band new to coding. I just recently taught myself JS and CSS.) Thanks! BTW, the site is temporarily at: http://ketzbook.com/chem/elementsymbols/elementsymbolmatch.html
  15. Hello. Is there a way to animate offset position? I'm trying to drop an element smoothly, using Jquery UI draggable and droppable, but I can't use left and top position as references. I really need to animate the offset position and an element is dropped. Any help?
  16. Hi all, Recently switched to the JS environment, after working with Greensock for some months in Flash. I have a question: I've been working on a banner ad where a DIV is rotatated and scaled. It is a scale up of 20% over 4 seconds, causing FireFox to render the animation not very smoothly. Chrome works like a charm and Safari is having some problems too I guess (I couldn't watch it on IE yet...). I added a codepen, but have the feeling the effect is a little bit worse in my own file. Any ideas how this is caused? Is it the rotation combined with the scale? Thanks in advance!
  17. Hi there, I have seen many sites that let you smoothly scroll a webpage up and down when you click on navigation buttons. I was wondering how I would go about this with the new Greensock JS. I have had no luck, and also all the examples I have looked at scroll to the location of a div. Is there no way I can just set a value or height property instead. Like scrollTo 1000px. I already have my function set up so I just need the animate scroll code. $('#box1').click(function(){ // Code goes here }) Thanks for your help Will P.s. Sorry I just moved this post to here, realised I posted this in the wrong area of the forum before.
  18. My carosel is not moving smooth, Can you help me to fix this. It is currently pausing, it should not pause. slider.zip
  19. giv me an example for using useFrames:true in tweenlite/max. The animations are fine in a pc, but are jerky in a mobile device.. I want animations to be look like those in Windows 8.
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