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  1. I have 2 draggables drag1 - type:"scrollTop" & drag2 - type:"scrollLeft" On an ipad I notice when dragging horizontally the page jiggles vertically. o stop this I disable drag1 on DragStart of drag2. This is all fine but … When I enable drag1 on DragEnd of drag2 the content of drag2 snaps back to it's starting position. This error occurs on both the iPad and chrome osx. As I understand it this should work just fine - any pointers to what is going on or how to get around it would be greatly appreciated. Matt
  2. I have just had a look at the new auto scroll feature. (it looks great as does direction) Would it make sense to include the option to auto scroll on throw ? Currently if you throw the draggable object it disappears of the page. Sure I could adjust it myself on throw update but it seems to me like a nice option to include. Matt
  3. I have a site that lets users drag through a series of pages horizontally. When they reach the end of a series of pages and they drag the container, the edge-resistance kicks in. As they continue to drag against the resistance, the container still moves to the left revealing the background behind. This is how the site is supposed to work. This is how it used to work a few months ago. Now what I see is different. When I drag past the right edge, I can see that the scrollbar is "stretching" indicating the edge-resistance is working. However, the container does not move past the edge. It seems like the transform: translate3d() is not working. I can see the number growing in ie translate3d(-1px, 0px, 0px) -> translate3d(-2px, 0px, 0px). But the container is not moving. Did something change? I first noticed this problem in Firefox, but with the latest version of Draggable, I see it in Chrome, too (it still works in IE). Here is a simplified demo: Codepen URL: http://codepen.io/stephendlei/pen/azQaPb Dragging the first (green) block past the left edge produces the desired result. But moving the last (red) block past the right edge does not. The red block doesn't move and the gray background is not revealed. Note: If I cut down the number of blocks to just 1, the behavior will work as expected. Is there something I'm doing with the inline-blocks that is causing issues?
  4. GreenSock

    GSAP 1.16.x Update

    Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. We're constantly improving GSAP to solve the problems you face as a developer/designer. In the recent release of GSAP 1.16.0 and 1.16.1, Draggable got some big upgrades and SVG support has never been better across the whole platform. Here's a summary of what's most exciting in 1.16.x: Draggable gets "autoScroll" What happens if you're dragging an element inside a scrollable container (or page) and you reach the edge? Wouldn't it be nice if it automatically scrolled in that direction for you? Wouldn't it be even cooler if it applied variable-speed scrolling based on how close your mouse/touch is to the edge, and it handle MULTIPLE containers? Wish granted. Video tour Interactive demo See the Pen Draggable autoScroll by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Draggable's new getDirection() method Sometimes it's useful to know which direction an element is dragged (left | right | up | down | left-up | left-down | right-up | right-down), or maybe you'd like to know which direction it is compared to another element. That's precisely what getDirection() is for. Video tour Interactive demo See the Pen Draggable getDirection() by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Easier SVG animation with svgOrigin For SVG elements, CSSPlugin recognizes a new svgOrigin special property that works exactly like transformOrigin but it uses the SVG's global coordinate space instead of the element's local coordinate space. This can be very useful if, for example, you want to make a bunch of SVG elements rotate around a common point. So you can do TweenLite.to(svgElement, 1, {rotation:270, svgOrigin:"250 100"}) if you'd like to rotate svgElement as though its origin is at x:250, y:100 in the SVG canvas's global coordinates. It also records the value in a data-svg-origin attribute so that it can be parsed back in. So for SVG elements, you can choose whichever one fits your project better: transformOrigin or svgOrigin. Sara Soueidan used this feature in her excellent Circulus tool demo. Interactive demo See the Pen GSAP svgOrigin by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. For more information about how GSAP has solved cross-browser SVG challenges, see https://css-tricks.com/svg-animation-on-css-transforms/ and for performance data, see https://css-tricks.com/weighing-svg-animation-techniques-benchmarks/. More Draggable improvements Draggable exposes a lockedAxis property so that you can find out whether it's "x" or "y" (assuming you set lockAxis:true in the config object). New onLockAxis callback that fires whenever the axis gets locked. Several performance optimizations were made to Draggable, particularly for transforms and scrolling. Draggable allows you to native touch-scroll in the opposite direction as Draggables that are limited to one axis. For example, a Draggable of type:"x" or "left" permit native touch-scrolling in the vertical direction, and type:"y" or "top" permit native horizontal touch-scrolling. SVG support is better than ever. It plots the rotational origin accurately, for example. Touch support has been improved as well. Bug fixes See the github changelogs for 1.16.0 and 1.16.1 for a complete list. Conclusion If you're already using GSAP and/or Draggable, we definitely recommend grabbing the latest version. If you haven't tried GSAP yet, what are you waiting for? Head over to the Getting Started article/video now and you'll be having fun in no time. Helpful links Getting Started with GSAP Draggable demo and main page Draggable docs GSAP docs Got questions? Visit the forums
  5. I'm trying to use the amazing Draggable plugin to create a re-orderable list of items in AngularJS. The implementation was easy to set up on static data, but when I switched to dynamic data using ng-repeat, there are z-order issues for any items dragged down the list. [see codepen] I attempted to manually set the z-order of the element, but that didn't change anything. I realize this is more of an 'angular' thing than a 'draggable' thing, but I was wondering if anyone has any potential solutions?
  6. Hi! I have noticed that if I have a draggable element with throwProps:true and throwing it will stop animate if I call the enable() function while the throw animation is still active. What im trying to do is that I have nested draggables that needs to call disable and enable at a specific time and dont want to break the animation if its still going. I looked at the Draggable.js source code and in line 1718 does the animation to stop. TweenLite.set(target, {x:"+=0"}); //simply ensures that there's a _gsTransform on the element. I wanted to let you now what I found and maybe its better that you guys does the change in source code if you think this is something to change. The disable() function works as i should. Thanks!
  7. I touched on this in a previous posts but am still to find the perfect solution for mixing Draggable dragging/scrolling with native browser scrolling. 1. Open the attached Codepen 2. Emulate touch events - open Chrome inspector and emulate a device such as a Nexus 5 3. Alternatively view the Codepen on a device 4. Alternatively view the screen cap below Basically, you will see that it isn't possible to scroll the page vertically when the drag starts on the Draggable carousel (blue blocks). I've examined Draggable.js source code but I can't figure out where you the relevant scroll / touch event are being intercepted. Could you point me in the right direction? I know one work around is to use a second Draggable to control vertical scrolling but this isn't an option for us, we need native browser scrolling when scrolling vertically.
  8. Guest

    Disable drag, but not click

    Is it possible to disable the drag of a Draggable, but not the click?
  9. I have the basics figured out from following the brilliant docs, thanks for that. I am stuck however. I would like the nav in my example to be draggable only to the top and only by about 45 pixels. When it reaches 45px you shouldn't be able to drag it any further and then on release obviously it tweens back to where it started (but that I have working already). It would be cool if I can have the edgeResistance kick in as well close to the end of the drag but it's not required. It should be easy but I can't get my head around how I will achieve this.
  10. I've little experience with HTML5 and Javascript. I've only built sites with templates, and I'm attempting my first project that really requires a site built from scratch. I want to use knobs to sort images based on the knob setting, so I've got the draggable knob up and running, now I'm wondering how to even search this forum for answers on how to capture the knob's new position as a variable I can use to sort some images. I've got some examples of image sorts by tab pushes, so what I'd like to do is capture the knob's position after the user rotates it, set a variable and when the user presses sort, insert the variable value to duplicate the effect of a tab push. I'd appreciate any links to tutorials or documentation I can read that is specifically about this kind of task. Best, Marc
  11. Hello! I have a little problem with Draggable Plugin and the snap option. draggable = Draggable.create(__that.$slideshow, {type:"x", edgeResistance:.5, throwProps:true, lockAxis : true, bounds:__that.$bounds , snap: { x: function(_x) { var newX = (_x / __that.totalFlowWidth) * __that.totalFlowWidth; return newX; }, } }); In the above example, totalFlowWidth represents the total width of my container. The problem is that the value are correct but the snap tween is not launched in the return. When i put a number instead of variable newX, it works. When i switch to newX (which return a number value), nothing happens. It's very weird. Need some help. Thx
  12. I've just discovered that Draggable will clash with contenteditable="true" elements in a way that: it sometimes puts edit cursor at the beginning of the editable element most of the time it prevents editable content to be edited, except when it contains clickable elements, like A, INPUT, BUTTON... Example: http://jsfiddle.net/9j2r56md/ ... in the example, there are 2 boxes, both enhanced via Froala Editor which basically just adds a DIV with contenteditable="true". First div has data-clickable="true" on the draggable container DIV, so the DIV is not draggable but the issue is still visible. The second one has an additional strange behaviour, as it starts to drag the box when the contenteditable="true" element is clicked. An updated version is available here that just adds one extra DIV with contenteditable="true" only, so it's obvious that it's not a Froala thing: http://jsfiddle.net/9j2r56md/1/
  13. See the Pen Sortable Grid Using GreenSock Draggable by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Demo created by Blake Bowen, featuring GreenSock's Draggable.
  14. Hi I have a draggable with a iframe, in mobile, i can't move if my first touch is in the iframe. The scrolltop is good, the touch on desktop too, but on mobile nothing. So i can't use Draggable if i have a video(youtube/video) inside, on mobile. If i hijack with dragClickables:true, all my links and the play button in the iframe become unavailable. Anyone have a solution ? Thanks
  15. Any clue on how to enable the throwProps plugin found in the Shockingly Green library set of Greensock. The momentum scrolling in the feature found on this site works exactly the way it should on iOS http://greensock.com/draggable The scrolling example I've attached has no momentum or inertia when viewing on an iOS device. Ive easily been able to get other libraries to work with no hick-ups but this scroller feature has been bugging me. I'm sure it's something super simple and I'm just overlooking. The current libraries i'm calling are Draggable, Throwprops, TweenMax. Using Edge Animate 2014.1.1 Any thoughts? [edit: files removed that included bonus plugins]
  16. hareeshch

    GSAP draggable

    Hi, Can we implement below pen using GSAP draggable.? i don't want to use jquery UI. Thanks for reading
  17. Hi all, I am looking for a custom scroll bar with Draggable Scroll. For simulate a scroll like mcustomscrollbar or iscroll and keep the touch fonction for mobile. I don't like the native scrollbar, i am looking for a thin/cute bar who appear only on mouse move. Anyone have something like this ? I have see : http://codepen.io/MAW/pen/WbvOrM But not working on FF/IE Thanks for reading
  18. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. The following is a guest post by Chris Gannon. Chris is the leading authority on using GSAP with Edge Animate. A veteran of the Flash world, Chris has been applying his animation and design skills to many cutting-edge HTML5 projects. We asked Chris to explain to our audience some of the techniques that he uses in his client work and top-selling components on CodeCanyon.net. The concepts he describes have many practical applications and can serve to radically transform how you approach complex projects. Be sure to explore the demos and study the source code. This is not intended to be a step-by-step tutorial. .wide .content p { font-size:20px; } I love 3D stuff and I'm always trying out interesting ways to add depth to my projects. In this article I'll talk about how the CubeDial below was made, the concepts surrounding its underlying mechanism and how some of the solutions I employ overcome some common issues. Ok, so let's get going. Explore the CubeDial demo In the demo below, spin the dial. Notice that spinning the dial spins the cube. You can also swipe the cube and the dial will spin. Both the cube and the dial spin using momentum-based physics. If you are really clever, you may notice that the cube isn't really a cube, as it has 6 front-facing sides. See the Pen Gannon - Cube / Dial by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. What's it using under the hood? The core functionality is handled by the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). I always load TweenMax because it includes all the things I need in one script load: TweenLite, CSSPlugin, EasePack, timeline sequencing tools, etc. I use TweenMax all over the place not only to immediately set CSS properties (using TweenMax.set() but also to delay the setting of them, to tween them, and to trigger events not only when they start or stop but crucially whilst they're animating too. Next up is Draggable - a very useful and flexible utility that I use in practically all of my projects now as most UIs need something dragged or moved. Finally we add in ThrowPropsPlugin (and couple it up to Draggable) for that flick/throw/physics/inertia that we have all become so used to on our mobile devices. So the three main GreenSock tools I will be using are: Draggable, TweenMax and ThrowPropsPlugin. The Cube's Structure A lot of you reading this will be visually led developers so below is a diagram of what's going on with the cube (ok it's a hexahedron I think as it has 6 sides). Each face of the 3D object is a <div> with a background image. Each <div> has its Z transformOrigin point set a fair bit away from the actual face (behind it) so that when its rotationY is animated it pivots left to right in perspective. This diagram illustrates the 6 faces - their transformOrigin X and Y are simply set to the middle of the faces (50% 50%) but the crucial part is the transformOrigin Z position which is -200px. In the actual code I dynamically work out what that distance should be based on the number of faces but to keep the diagram simple, I use -200px. The dotted center is that value (-200px) and once that's set each face will appear to swing around a point 200px behind itself when you tween its rotationY. By spinning each face around the same point, we achieve the illusion of the entire cube spinning around its center. To programmatically figure out the rotational offset of each face I use this equation: rotationY: (360/numFaces) * i; What wizardry is used to make a 6-sided object look like a cube? There's a simple answer to this and to demonstrate what's going on I have coded it so that all the faces become slightly transparent when you drag the cube. Try dragging and then holding it halfway through a drag - you'll see the other faces are distorted behind (see sceenshot on left). That's because the transformPerspective on each face is set fairly low (meaning exaggerated) in order to 'bend' the other faces behind. I've also added a slider to help illustrate this in the demo at the top of the page. As you drag the slider, the faces' transformPerspective is set higher and higher to the point where if the slider is fully to the right the perspective is so flat that the cube looks more like an infinite slide show. Try dragging it halfway then spinning the dial or the cube. Creating the dial In simple terms, the dial is just a png with some divs with some numbers in them. I do a little loop based on the number of sides in the cube to generate those divs and position them over the dial image. To make the dial "spin-able" literally takes one line of code using GSAP's Draggable. myDialDraggable = Draggable.create(dial, { type:'rotation', throwProps:true // for momentum-based animation }) That's really all you need to spin something. Amazing. However, the dial I use for this project is a little more advanced. I've isolated some of the dial's code in the demo below. Take note of how the numbers stay vertically oriented as the dial spins. Spin the dial See the Pen Gannon - Dial Only by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Using this method keeps everything in sync and it allows for multiple UI inputs - the null object is always controlled by user interaction and its X position is used to determine the rotation value of the dial (if the cube is dragged) and rotationY value(s) of the faces (if the dial is dragged). You can also use it to work out which face is at the front and because Draggable has the brilliant snap function you can ensure that when you release your drag/throw on either the 3D element or the dial it will always animate the null (and consequently all dependent objects) to a position where a face is flat on. Once it's come to rest you can also fire an onComplete event and have something happen - you might want the active/front face to load an iframe or animate its content. Or maybe you'd like a sound to play or you might want to perform a calculation based on the X position of null. Examples of using onComplete to trigger an animation when the spin is complete can be seen in demos for EdgeRotater and EdgeDial. Interacting with the 3D cube Unlike the simplified 2D demo above, grabbing and throwing the cube is a little more involved. The secret here is that you aren't directly touching the cube at all. In fact it would be literally impossible to effectively drag the cube by a face as the face would eventually disappear in to the distance of 3D space and overlap with other faces. It would be extremely difficult to assess which face receives the touch / mouse input for dragging. To solve this issue a Draggable instance is created that has the null object as its target and uses the <div> that contains the faces of the cube as its trigger. In simple terms this means that any time you click and drag on the div containing the cube it controls the x position of the null object, which in turn sets the rotation of each face of the cube and the rotation of the dial. Its sort of like interacting with a touch screen. There is a piece of glass between you and the UI elements you tap. Where you tap on the screen dictates which UI elements respond to your input. In the CubeDial, the div that contains the cube is like the glass screen of your phone. As you move your finger over the container, the app tracks your motion and applies the new values to the null object. Wrap up Ok that's enough of the complexities - it's hopefully not that complicated when you play around with it and adjust some values and see how things react. And if you're not already familiar with this kind of mechanism, once you've got your head around it you'll probably find you use it everywhere as it can be applied in pretty much all of your interactive projects. So that's all for now - I hope you found some (if not all) of this article interesting and/or informative. Admittedly it introduces the concept of null objects using a fairly complex example but it really doesn't have to be complex (or 3D). The 2D null object demo above might be a great place to start if all of this is pretty new to you as it uses a null object at its most basic level. Dive into the entire source code of the CubeDial Demo. My first draft of this article was peppered with gushing compliments regarding GSAP and I was told to tone it down a bit and maybe leave them until the end. So here it is (it's toned down a bit because I'm quite an excitable person!). GSAP rocks my world and the world of all my clients. If you aren't using it yet you are potentially missing out on one of the best (if not the best) animation platforms for JavaScript/CSS3. Its flexibility, ease of use and performance is light years ahead of anything else and if you're not using it and are curious then I heartily recommend you dive in and see for yourself. Jack has created amazing tools for designers and developers like us and Carl does an extraordinary job of explaining how they work in a simple, relevant and, most importantly, usable way. Happy tweening!
  19. Hello GreenSocks, I cannot get syncing / resetting a draggable to work. Please, see my pen. The red dot is a (Draggable) slider. When user changes number of control points, I remove the transform on the target and call Draggable.update(). But unfortunately, the x property remains the same. Would be great if you could have a look at it! Roelof potatoDie
  20. Hello, I'm attempting to make an SVG element (which is already draggable) rotatable by using a handle positioned at the bottom right of the element. I have done this in the past on a div (not SVG) with the jQuery rotatable plugin, which came pre-packaged with this functionality. Does anyone have advice on how to proceed on this to perform the same with SVG using GSAP?
  21. Hi! I am building a global velocity tracker that runs as soon as you move your mouse or touch. Im using the Draggable plugin where I call the startDrag method in a mousemove touchmove jquery callback and passing the corresponding event to the startDrag method. Everything is working fine on a computer but when using a touch device it doesnt work. Like if the startDrag never is called. Can you see if I have missed something... I have tested with ipad air 2, ipad air mini, iphone 4s all with ios 8.1 and its not working. Check out the codepen. Thanks for this great library!! //Robert
  22. Is there a way to change the click test from 3px to something greater? I'm finding in Android browsers that a Draggable object is hard to click because it has a tendency to move a very short distance when I tap the field. On most mobile browsers, 3px is extemely tiny because of retina displays, thus a larger pixel range would be beneficial.
  23. Hello All! So I'm trying to use a Rotation Draggable to control a timeline. I found this topic: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/8842-draggable-parallax-effects-in-edge-animate/but it's for a linear draggable. I tried imputting that code and changing a few things around to make it work with rotation, but I'm afraid my coding capabilities are woefully underdeveloped. If anyone could help out, I'd greatly appreciate it! -mlovett
  24. Hey, I am using Draggable with hitTest() to determine possible drop spots. I needed more advanced solution to get the drop spots ordered by percent covered (if draggable object is dropped on 2 or more droppable spots - I needed the one which has the most overlap area covered). Otherwise you end up with let's say 1 draggable element being dropped on 2 possible droppable elements (both having the minimum threshold), it won't matter if you cover one of the elements waaaay more than the other. For this I modified Draggable.js if (isRatio) { threshold *= 0.01; area = overlap.width * overlap.height; // edit here return [(area >= r1.width * r1.height * threshold || area >= r2.width * r2.height * threshold), area]; } return (overlap.width > threshold && overlap.height > threshold); and onDragEnd: lastOverlapScore = 0; var highestScoreObject = null; $.each(droppables, function (i, obj) { var overlap = draggable.hitTest(obj, '25%'); // some threshold if (Array.isArray(overlap) && overlap[0] === true && lastOverlapScore < overlap[1]) { lastOverlapScore = overlap[1]; var highestScoreObject = obj; } }); // highestScoreObject is the element with highest coverage area This may help someone looking for similar result or may be in use if you decide to add way to get the score. It would be less hacky solution of I could get the area from Draggable without having to modify it, but though I'm happy it works.
  25. I'm trying to build a slide-out menu in an app that runs within an SVG tag and everything works except the grid snapping. Codepen I've tried using console.log(endValue) where the Codepen says alert() but it doesn't seem to get triggered. I was thinking that maybe snap was a feature inherited by the ThrowPropsPlugin (not using that) but I wasn't sure. The idea is that the menu element (#testE) can slide halfway out of screen OR fully visible.
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