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Found 9 results

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to develop this kind of animation for my background. Anybody suggest me about this how can I develop this? Also how can I add liquid hover effect on images. https://s.muz.li/NzNjY2YzNGRi Thanks
  2. Hi! I have this new project with Ionic and some custom animations. Does GSAP plays nice with Ionic/Angular.js? And is there any chat/clack channel for GSAP? Would be nice to have one, especially slack which is getting really popular at the moment. cheers, Nico
  3. Creating dynamic animations in Angular 1.3 has dramatically improved. You no longer need to inject a service or access your scope to get values for your animation. All animation methods now have an options parameter where you can pass in values to your animation modules. There is also a new inline animate method where you can pass in from and to values and no longer have to deal with toggling a CSS class name. // In a directive link: function(scope, element, attrs) { scope.moveToMouse = function($event) { var from = { autoAlpha: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }; var to = { autoAlpha: 1, x: $event.pageX, y: $event.pageX }; $animate.animate(element, from, to); } // In your animation module animate: function(element, className, from, to, done) { TweenMax.fromTo(element, 0.5, from, to); done(); } Here's a simple demo of that code in use http://plnkr.co/edit/midHzP?p=preview And a more involved demo showing how to flip a card in the direction of the mouse and creating random bezier curves Demo: http://embed.plnkr.co/CIiLR4/preview Code: http://plnkr.co/edit/CIiLR4
  4. Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to use TeenMax functions inside of an angular controller (or in 2.0, component). Do I dependency inject it somehow? Thanks, Jim
  5. Following code using $http service in Angularjs is not giving required output: $http({ url: ' "http://localhost/AdvancersService/AdvancersService.svc/GetDomains" ', method: "POST", data: { "name": { "SearchText": "Info" } }, }) .then(function (response) { // success alert("Success:" + response) }, function (response) { // failed alert("Failed" + response) }); please suggest to make code operate, any suggestion will be appreciated.
  6. Hi I'm a big GSAP newbie here. Im using the angularjs framework and I fetch data from a REST service, also flexbox as a layout grid manager, I have a container div with a loading image inside of it. When the data is loaded I ng-hide the loading image and show the data. But is it possible to animate the containers div height as soon as the data is available? So first the div has the height of the loading image, and afterwards the height of the text data returned from the rest service. I dont know the height untill the data is returned so im kind of puzzled here. Any tips on how to handle this? Grts, Ryan
  7. Hello, I am trying to build an animation where GSAP will tween an SVG's d value to values that are stored in Angular scope variables. Currently I am using three "buffer" attributes to hold d values waiting to be used. These buffers are in the root controller scope, and are updated / refreshed by a function called in the onComplete of each tween in the timeline. The svg is inside of a directive, and the bound data can be outputted to the dom inside the directive reflecting the changes made to the scope var. The problem is that the target value of the tween doesn't change, as if GSAP doesn't notice that the scope var has changed. How can I get GSAP to notice that the bound var has changed, and tween to the new target value? I tried to get this going in a code pen, but for some reason the ng-if that the directive waits for was never triggered, so there was a whole bunch of nothing on the screen. Sorry about that, attaching code here : points.js is a temporary, external .js data source. It looks like this : var pointsServicePoints = [ 0,51.75885, 0.537109375,55.035365, 1.07421875,58.67774, 1.611335,69.03644, 2.1484375,73.44304, 2.68555375,91.91347, 3.22265625,102.512685, 3.7597725,110.4608538, 4.296875,117.23217, 4.83399125,117.9035, 5.37109375,120.02518, 5.90821,121.87956, 6.4453125,117.093845, 6.98242875,117.22029, 7.51953125,113.7137265, 8.0566475,109.850114, 8.59375,107.4311315, 9.13086625,114.337245, 9.66796875,113.621948, 10.205085,106.555064, 10.7421875,112.5433925, 11.27930375,107.3785735, 11.81640625,107.055696, 12.3535225,103.23841, 12.890625,107.243752, 13.42774125,108.128185, 13.9649125,104.9441085,......................etc for about 8,000 lines. App.js var cacheTestApp = angular.module('cacheTestApp',[]) .controller('CacheTestAppController', ['$scope','CacheService', 'PointConverterService', function($scope, CacheService, PointConverterService){ var cacheCont = this; $scope.dPoints1 = ""; $scope.dPoints2 = ""; $scope.dPoints3 = ""; //Main Holder For X,Y from Cache $scope.rawDataArray = []; // next offset to use for dPoints - offset by 2 to get to start of next x,y pair. var nextDPoint = 2; // Points to render for each svg var pointsPerSvg = 4000; angular.element(document).ready(function(){ // Get points from service. $scope.rawDataArray = CacheService.extractDataPoints(); // Get points to convert for initial SVGs var activeSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(0,pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; var firstSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; var secondSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; // Convert x,y points to SVGs. $scope.dPoints1 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(activeSvg); $scope.dPoints2 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(firstSvg); $scope.dPoints3 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(secondSvg); }); /** * Swap points in buffers. * @param p */ $scope.advancePoints = function(p){ var t0 = performance.now(); var nextSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); switch(p){ case 1 : $scope.dPoints1 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; case 2 : $scope.dPoints2 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; case 3 : $scope.dPoints3 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; } nextDPoint += 2; $scope.$apply(); }; }]); directives.js cacheTestApp.directive('svgDirective', [function(){ var linker = function(scope, element, attrs){ var lead1p1 = document.getElementById('lead1path1'); lead1p1.setAttribute("d",scope.points1); var updateMe = function(){ console.log("Update me triggered!"); scope.advancePoints(scope.points1) }; var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, paused:true}); tl.to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points1}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:1}]}) .to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points2}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:2}]}) .to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points3}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:3}]}); document.getElementById('tweenStarter').addEventListener('click', function(){tl.play();}); document.getElementById('tweenStopper').addEventListener('click', function(){tl.pause();}); var style = window.getComputedStyle(lead1p1); var left = style.getPropertyValue('left'); }; return { scope:{ points1: '@points1', points2: '@points2', points3: '@points3', advance: '&advance' }, link: linker, templateUrl: 'pages/svg-directive.html' } }]); services.js cacheTestApp.service('CacheService', ['$rootScope',function(){ /** * Uses points from points js to simulate return to points request. * @returns {pointsServicePoints} */ this.extractDataPoints = function(){ return pointsServicePoints; }; this.extractHeartbeats = function(){ }; }]); /** * PointConverterService * Converts from x,y to svg. * Returns path. */ cacheTestApp.service('PointConverterService', [function(){ this.convertToSvg = function(pointArray){ var size = pointArray.length; var last = size - 4; var path = "M" + [pointArray[0], pointArray[1]]; for (var i = 0; i < size - 2; i += 2) { var x0 = i ? pointArray[i - 2] : pointArray[0]; var y0 = i ? pointArray[i - 1] : pointArray[1]; var x1 = pointArray[i + 0]; var y1 = pointArray[i + 1]; var x2 = pointArray[i + 2]; var y2 = pointArray[i + 3]; var x3 = i !== last ? pointArray[i + 4] : x2; var y3 = i !== last ? pointArray[i + 5] : y2; var cp1x = (-x0 + 6 * x1 + x2) / 6; var cp1y = (-y0 + 6 * y1 + y2) / 6; var cp2x = (x1 + 6 * x2 - x3) / 6; var cp2y = (y1 + 6 * y2 - y3) / 6; path += "C" + [cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2]; } return path; }; }]); svg-directive.html <svg id="ekg_holder"> <defs> <pattern id="basicPattern" x="0" y="0" width="5.5" height="5.5" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <rect x='0' y='0' height="5.5" width="5.5" style="fill:rgb(250,250,255);stroke-width:.5;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"></rect> </pattern> </defs> <rect x="0" y="0" width="1100" height="220" fill="url(#basicPattern)"/> <rect x='0' y='110' height="1" width="100%" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:.1;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"/> <!--<polyline id="EKGpoly"></polyline>--> <path id="lead1path1" class="ekgMove"/> <!-- <path id="lead1path2" class="ekgMove"/> <path id="lead1path3" class="ekgMove"/>--> </svg> <a href="#" id="tweenStarter">Start</a> <a href="#" id="tweenStopper">Stop</a> {{points1}} index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-us" data-ng-app="cacheTestApp"> <head> <title>Cache Test App</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-COMPATIBLE" content="IE-Edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/css.css"/> <script src="js/angular.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> <script src="js/services.js"></script> <script src="js/directives.js"></script> <script src="js/greensock/uncompressed/TweenMax.js"></script> <style> html, body, input, select, textarea { font-size: 1.05em !important; } </style> </head> <body data-ng-controller="CacheTestAppController as cacheCont"> <div class="container"> <div svg-directive ng-if="dPoints1" points1="{{dPoints1}}" points2="{{dPoints2}}" points3="{{dPoints3}}" advance="advancePoints(id)"></div> </div> <div class="container"> <div> <div id="var1holder" class="jumbotron" data-ng-bind="dPoints1"></div> <div id="var2holder" class="jumbotron" data-ng-bind="dPoints2"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> css : #lead1path1{ fill: none; stroke: #ed0002; stroke-width: 1; } Thanks in advance for any help, and thanks to @OSUblake for the help on the x,y -> svg conversion!
  8. I'm trying to use the amazing Draggable plugin to create a re-orderable list of items in AngularJS. The implementation was easy to set up on static data, but when I switched to dynamic data using ng-repeat, there are z-order issues for any items dragged down the list. [see codepen] I attempted to manually set the z-order of the element, but that didn't change anything. I realize this is more of an 'angular' thing than a 'draggable' thing, but I was wondering if anyone has any potential solutions?
  9. Hi guys, I only want to share with you a small AngularJS directive to quickly use the Draggable (Knob) plugin. https://github.com/fabiobiondi/angular-tweenmax-draggable-knob Usage: <img tmax-knob src="imgs/knob.png" width="410" height="410" on-drag-end="onDragEnd(rotation)" on-drag="onDrag(rotation)" > Hope it's useful
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