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  1. Hello, I need a banner like in the following example: https://www.moxionpower.com/industries/ It should work without jQuery and should use only the Gsap library.
  2. Hello everyone, I have a task to create a banner like next: https://www.moxionpower.com/industries/ I've tried, but it isn't work fine.
  3. Hi, I am new to banner ads and GSAP. I am trying to get acquainted with creating multiple framed banners (transitions and fades of content). I am trying to replicate the actions of this https://share.bannersnack.com/bvzpax1t6/ to the code I uploaded, which in my mind is 1 frame and the css is extremely long. I am just not sure how to get this started. The css and HTML I can do but the js is where it gets confusing. desktop.html desktop.css
  4. I am trying to make a image slider, with same effects shown in the below video url https://youtu.be/VfIfy5fZLhM I have this code below: this.tl.from("#panel1", 4, {autoAlpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut}) .set("#panel2", {top:0}, "+=2") .from("#panel2", 6, {autoAlpha:0, scale:1.5, ease: Sine.easeInOut}) .set("#panel3", {top:0}, "+=2") .from("#panel3", 8, {autoAlpha:0, scale:1.5, ease: Sine.easeInOut}) I am trying to achieve the same image effect shown in the video [zoom in, out and second image is sliding inside]. Can someone please help?
  5. Hello everybody, i just had a little inconvenience occuring to me, when i wanted to animate a Sizmek Deluxe Banner (inside of their Template) using TimeLine Light and Tween Light. The code is read properly, console log is also working, no compiler errors and so on. just ... the animation wont play. I have contacted their support that is pretty good but unfortunately they also couldn't come up with a solution. Did anybody have a same experience or has an idea about how to fix that (i also tried not to use timeline but only TweenLite in its stead, but no response whatsoever)? Thanks in advance and best regards Felix 01_DeluxeBanner_2.0.0.zip
  6. Hello everybody, I am totally new to GreenSock banners, but I have a task, which is suppossed to be not so hard, but seems to be very hard for me and I would be glad for some help. I have to make 728x90 test size by modifying the necessary javascript modules and css using GSAP. Everything I have is in https://codepen.io/mikiko16/pen/RqBvPo file.
  7. Hi all, What measures do you take to optimize your banner ads in terms of file size? Do you optimize the file size of your images? Do you minify the HTML, JS and CSS? Any other things? We've recently integrated an image optimizer into our platform which optimize all images (PNG and JPG) in your HTML5 ads. Just wondering what the experts do more
  8. Hi, Aphalina Animator is a visual authoring tool that produces human-readable gsap + svg code. I just launched version 1.2 with some new features: path motion, hand-drawing imitation, clip masks, sprite sheets, sequence animations (similar to GSAP staging). It is paid app but can be used for free for non-commercial projects. Project link is aphalina.com. Any feedback is highly appreciated!
  9. AdsMaker is an intuitive banner feedback, approval and sharing tool. AdsMaker supports all media formats: HTML5 banners, newsletters, social media ads, mobile campaigns, print or TV- and radio ads. More infos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEGaOxieJ4Y
  10. Hi there, I've been struggling with this for a while now and finally decided to submit this to the forum. I've read a number of posts that make this seem easy, but I'm obviously missing something. I'm trying to simply add an HTML video element to a timeline so I can control when it starts to play and coordinate it with my other banner elements. In this simple example, I want to control how long I see a black screen with the intro text before I fade that black background and text away and start the video. (The Pen I've posted here is a much shortened version, btw, for simplicity.) I have tried a number of configurations of .play() and .add with a callback function, but it just doesn't seem to work. The only reason the video plays in the Pen I have now is that I have autoplay set in the HTML attributes in the video element. If I remove that attribute from the video element, the rest of my timeline plays over a blank box. Is there something I'm missing with how to configure a video element and add it to a simple timeline? Thanks so much for any insight you can give me!
  11. Hi Guys, my Name is Oliver. I am the developer of anivendo. A fast, modern and easy to use HTML5 Banner-Animation-App for Windows (Mac-Version will follow) which uses TWEENMAX. · No Coding Experience required! · NO COMPLICATED TIMELINE! anivendo animates your Banner Creatives very much faster than traditional HTML5 Animation Tools like Google Webdesigner, Adobe Flash, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe Edge Animate, etc… Why don’t you take a Look. We are currently searching for alpha-Tester! https://anivendo.com/ Update (03-23-2018): anivendo is now fully documented! https://anivendo.com/docs/ Questions, Bug Report and Improvement Suggestions can be made via anivendo Community Forum https://anivendo.com/community/ _ Cheers Oliver
  12. Hey guys, I'm creating a banner, which will play 3 times (loop 2), and use GSDevlTools. The bannerflow is like this: Intro, Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Outro Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Outro Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3 So after the first loop Intro should be removed, and the last loop should not play the Outro. My issue here is, that i cannot figure out a way to write the code, so it also works with GSDevTools. - the final timeline is not showing the correct length. I've tried with var master_timeline = new TimelineMax(); master_timeline .add(intro()) .add(scene1()) .add(scene2()) .add(scene3()) .add(outro()) .add(scene1()) .add(scene2()) .add(scene3()) .add(outro()) .add(scene1()) .add(scene2()) .add(scene3()) ; But that makes it very messy writing the scenes.. - i cannot use .from at all because, the it conflict with the scenes later on. Then i've tried with var master_timeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, onRepeat:check_replay}); master_timeline .add(intro(), "intro") .add(scene1(), "+=0.5") .add(scene2(), "+=0.5") .add(scene3(), "+=0.5") .add(outro(), "outro+=0.5") ; function repeat(){ master_timeline.remove("intro"); } Which does not remove the intro. Then i've tried var master_timeline = new TimelineMax({onComplete:repeat}); var loops = 0; var max_loops = 3; master_timeline .add(intro(), "intro") .add(scene1(), "+=0.5") .add(scene2(), "+=0.5") .add(scene3(), "+=0.5") .add(outro(), "outro+=0.5") ; function repeat(){ loops++; if(loops == 1){ master_timeline.remove("intro"); } else if(loops >= max_loops){ master_timeline.remove("outro"); } master_timeline.restart(); } Which it does not remove any of the labeled scenes, and the GSDevTools timeline, does not show the correct maxtime. I'm really out of solutions, so i would be very happy if any of you guys have a solution, or just a hint which can lead me in the correct way. Best regards Christian
  13. Hi all, This isn't really Greensock-related but I was wondering how you guys create backup images for banners, you know those 40k backup images that are needed when JS is disabled on the browser for example. I mostly use Animate CC (in combo with TweenMax of course) and how I do it now is right clicking on the banner (the canvas object) in Chrome once the banner reached its end and then saving it as a PNG, and then also mostly compressing it afterwards in Photoshop as a JPG to get it under 40k. Are there better practices or tools that can automate this? This is really time consuming. Thanks! Nicolas
  14. Hi guys! Is it possible to find an example of a responsive banner that I can make in Adobe Animate 2017? All my old source files that worked a year ago do not work now and my skills are not enough to understand what has changed, I just see that the code that generates Animate just diferent. The banner should stretch the entire length of the page, have a minimum width (for example 800 px), and inside there should be 3 independent moveclips - "left", "central" and "right", which change their position depending on the width of the banner. Thanks for any help!
  15. Hi Guys, How's it going? I can't seem to figure out how to target inside movieclip on my banner. Basically i want to play the background once my timelime reaches the button - also how I'm i suppose to make the slideshow in code-based? please find attached. http://chriswebstage.com/html5/pcf-rental-bnr-300x250-html5-v2.fla Thank alot, Chris R Archive.zip
  16. HI everyone, really happy to get a job animating HTML5 banners using GSAP. Making and animating the banners are not the problem, i am having a problem getting them loaded into sizmek. I followed some documentation and registered click events but the agency i have to send them to says they won't work. Does any one have a blank biolerplate i can load my project into with sizmek built into it. The static banner template from sizmek set they gave me keeps throwing errors it's just a simple one size banner that needs a to be fully clickable. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. I've been using this for a while, it's not perfect but the idea behind it I guess is to generate multiple banners with minimal effort plus a presentable preview link, with backup images. https://github.com/bastole/dc-richmedia-automation-template If anyone can review or comment on what can be done for improvementr, it'd be great! cheers
  18. Please check my tutorial on my Layout Helper tool to create banners faster:
  19. I'm new to banner development and I'm pretty much on my own. Living and learning... I've built quite a lot of DCMs without any issues. My DCM template is pretty solid already but this template I created doesn't work well with other formats and ad platforms. I ran into a lot of issues while doing DCRM and sizmek ads. I've tried BannerTime and I liked it for the most part like being able to choose which platform specific template to use and all but it's using smart objects and stuff which the dumb me doesn't really see the point of using all that while every KB counts. I also noticed that it served the ad right in the middle of the page horizontally and vertically. I also do not see the point of that. Aren't ads supposed to be at the top left corner by default? But I digress. I'm scared if I changed something, it would break something else. I plan to create my own builder in the future once I gain more understanding on the requirements of each ad platform. For now I just want a very minimal builder that can create boilerplates for different ad platforms with gsap so that I don't run into any more issues. That's it. Please help if you know any. Thank you. Oh and does anyone run into issues by using outdated templates? I don't know why ad platforms do not make it easy to get the latest stable templates. So, it would be great if it's a builder that is being updated quite regularly.
  20. I tried to add a border to a banner Ive made, but none of the tries worked i tried .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", border:"40px #00a1d6 solid"}) I tried with an inset and i get the same effect but I dont want it to be transparent. .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", box:"inset 0 0 0 7px #00a1d6 solid"}) I like how it looks with the inset but I the only thing about it is the shadow effect and how things can be seen under the inset once the logo passes by. Here is my codepen
  21. I recently struggle to deliver a couple of banners for XAd. They needed to be a 320x50 and a 300x250 with weights of 20k and 40k respectively. After some research I ended up doing it in Photoshop. However "Video Timeline" only allowed for linear interpolation. My question is: When requested for GIF banners what is your approach? tools? workflow? dealing with the art director?
  22. Hi all! I'm new to GSAP - are studying it. I found this example of the banner - http://gsap-banner.getforge.io/. However, this banner needs to be redone. Said that it was necessary - "Need to size it down for adwords, and also make a few variations". But please tell me, I don't know what I need to change in this banner? I need to make changes - just tell me, please, what should I do and what changes to make?
  23. Hello! I've been making svg animated banner ads, and the client ran into a bit of a snag- there are some artifacts being left behind by the animation on certain computers. It seems to only be in Chrome, but isn't consistent across computers. The client is running the same OS and version of Chrome as I am (Windows 10 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m), yet I have no issues. Here is a screenshot of what's showing up underneath the Call-To-Action button (scales in from 0, there is no shadow under the button) and some text (moves up from below the viewbox): This is the transformations I'm applying: t1.fromTo(text2, 0.75, {y:75}, {y:0}); t1.fromTo(cta, 0.4, {autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}, {autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, ease: Back.easeOut}); Has anyone else encountered this?
  24. Hello GSAP community! Been learning GSAP as of late and really loving it however i am stuck in developing this particular banner. I have set up all my html, css and JS created my ids and variables and developed a single timeline for animation. However it seems for some reason the timeline only plays the first 2 tweens and then stops even though i have more animation to follow. have a look at my codepen to see what i am trying to achieve here: https://codepen.io/Caderial/pen/LbYRVZ What i would like is to at first set mainScene, NYScene, NJScene, PAScene all to beoffscreen to the left by 322px. then the animation should kick in and slide in each scene and slide it back out then slide in the next scene and so on. But for some reason my first two timeline events happen with mainScene but then it stops? Please advise. I am also open to any alternative methods of bringing in pages/scenes into and out of view that may be better then my solution. thanks everyone!
  25. Hi, I have just started working the Tweens here, so please if you can help me on probably a simple thing for some. I would like to: 1. Add a YouTube video that autoplays after an animation (not when the banner starts, so the video starts autoplays after the animation). 2. When clicking anywhere on the banner to be taken to the external link, the video stops. 3. The video stops after playing for example, 10 seconds. Can this be done? I have been trying and looking into it and unable to combine my animation and Youtube video together.
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