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  1. Hi all, I am reading through Google Material's motion guideline. There is one particular effect that is interesting yet I am trying hard how to do this in code. The page: Choregraphing surfaces https://www.google.com/design/spec/motion/choreography.html#choreography-creation Video: https://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_8/material_ext_publish/0B14F_FSUCc01X1hUU2x6dWpQX1U/CreationChoreo_03_StaggerDo_v3.webm - I could put them into an array and display them one after the after from left to right and then drop to a second row and display the next set and so on. But how do I display them from left to right and top to bottom at the same time?
  2. squxd

    SVG Hovers Cont. -

    Hey all - As you may or may not have seen my previous post, this one has a few different issues I was unsure of how to fix. I am pretty satisfied at this point. The only other things I was struggling with were... 1) When hovering over the "U" or "D" to highlight the other svg's (U-X-D) blue. I was using the ':not' some in $(".blue-uxd:not(#diamond)").hover(function(){ joinButton.hide(); uxdButton.show(); 2) This line works but there are still some issues where the diamond does not return to a full 100% and stops mid-hover. And when animating back up it still fades quickly from black to blue. Could I use a switch or something that only activates if the diamond reaches the top/floating step? TweenLite.from("#diamond", 1, {fill:"#00bbd3", progress:0}) 3) And when I hover over the "X/A" the " join button fades out and the "What are you waiting for?" fades in right after... $("#xa-flip").hover(function(){ button.hide(); uxdButton.hide(); joinButton.hide(); hiddenButton.hide(); joinButtonActive.show() TweenMax.to("#joinButtonActive", 6, {delay: 2, autoAlpha:0}); TweenMax.staggerFrom("#hiddenButton", 2, {autoAlpha:0}); joinButtonActive.hide(); hiddenButton.show(); }, function(){ joinButtonActive.hide(); hiddenButton.hide(); button.show(); joinButton.show(); }); thank you very much, nick
  3. Hi, I am wondering what's the relationship between stagger's duration and stagger's staggerDuration. Looking at this code: TweenMax.staggerTo([mc1, mc2, mc3], 1, {x:100, y:200}, 0.25}). The time duration is 1 but there are 3 elements to stagger. mc1 = 0.25, mc2 = 0.25 + 0.25 mc3 = 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 1 - 0.75 = 0.25 (What happen to this extra 0.25?) - Is the duration the total duration for the whole stagger code (mc1, mc2 and mc3 combined?) And the stagger duration will modulate to fit within the whole duration? Thanks, Venn.
  4. Hi again, Another newbie question. Can anyone help. I am trying to get the last element in my timeline to start before the previous animation finishes. Thanks in advance. var h = $("h1"), para = $("p"), over = $(".overlay"), mod = $(".header-cta .module-cta"); var t1 = new TimelineLite() t1.from(over, 1, { css:{opacity: 0}, // /delay: 6 }); t1.from(h, 2, { css:{marginTop:400, opacity: 0}, ease:Bounce.easeOut, // /delay: 6 }); t1.from(para, 2, { css:{marginTop:600, opacity: 0}, ease:Bounce.easeOut, }, "-=1.3" ); t1.staggerFrom(mod, 1, { css:{marginTop:600, opacity: 0}, ease:Bounce.easeOut, }, 0.1, "stagger" );
  5. I have created a "pulse" animation using two staggerTo animations on TimelineLite. Initial play works well. However, restarting the timeline (on hover) plays all animations at once. I suspect it ignores initial delay values created by staggerTo? What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to create this animation?
  6. I am looking for a way to use the staggerTo, etc. methods on TweenLite, but am not sure what plugin file to include. Plz help
  7. Hi guys, Trying to get a conditional 'repeat' happening with a stagger animation. I want to be able to set a boolean variable (cloudsOn) and if this is true, certain tweens will replay. If it is off, the tweens will not replay. I've managed to get this working in other more custom javascript ways (thanks to help on this forum), but wanted to see if there was a simple way using a stagger loop and onComplete to get this happening. I will post a CodePen but this may be enough to check if it is a simple fix. Thanks. // five .cloud elements in my SVG var cloud = document.querySelectorAll('.cloud'); var tlClouds = new TimelineMax(); var cloudsOn = true; var cloudCheck = function(tween){ if (cloudsOn){ console.log(tween); // Successfully logs the individual tweens of the stagger, targeting individual .clouds. tween.seek(0); } }; tlClouds .staggerTo(cloud, 2, { cycle:{ x: [-400, -200, 0, 300] }, onComplete: cloudCheck, onCompleteParams: ['{self}'] }, 0.2) ;
  8. oby1

    How to stagger?

    Hello, so I am trying to animate letters individualy. for this purpose I'm taking text out of a jason object, breaks it into individual letters, and set each individual letter in its own <div> . the ideas is to be able to animate each letter individualy using stagger. However, as you can see TweenMax.staggerTo(elements, 5.5, { opacity:1}); changes the opacity of all the elements at the same time. Any idea why stagger is not working as I think it should? <div id = 'test'></div> #test { height: 500px; width: 500px; position:absolute; } .textlineholder { width: 100%; display:inline-block; position: relative; } .letter { display:inline; position: relative; opacity: 0; } $( document ).ready(function() { var test = document.getElementById('test'); var myArray = { "text1": [ { "txt":"Hello, hello, hello..", "x": "0", "y": "50", }, { "txt":"is there anybody in there?", "x": "0", "y": "100", }, { "txt":"just nod if you can hear me", "x": "0", "y": "150", }, ] } ; for ( var i=0 ; i < myArray.text1.length ; i++) { var linecontainer = document.createElement('div'), letters = myArray.text1[i].txt.split(""); linecontainer.id = 'line'+i test.appendChild(linecontainer); linecontainer.className = 'textlineholder'; for ( var k=0 ; k < letters.length ; k++){ textdiv = document.createElement('div'); textdiv.id = 'textdiv'+i+k; linecontainer.appendChild(textdiv); textdiv.innerHTML = letters[k]; textdiv.className = 'letter'; } } TweenMax.staggerTo($('.letter'), 5.5, { opacity:1}); });
  9. Hi, I was wondering if cycle could handle properties like delay or the overshoot value of a Back ease for example. Or to put it the other way, what are the properties cycle can animate?
  10. Oh how I love GSAP’s staggering. It’s so simple, and yet so powerful. The one thing that I wish it could do, though, is seamless staggering. See the animation at http://codepen.io/garyc/pen/OyMmvB?editors=101 I had to add a bunch of repeating to have seamlessness between each iteration. However, eventually the repeating stops, after the last repeat. I know I could set repeat to -1 but that would mess up the outer timeline’s duration (see the trackbar). To get a better sense of what I am talking about, in the codepen, remove the repeat and yoyo in the charAction by changing the anim entry to this: anim:{ dur:4, stagger:0.12, ease:"curve inout" }, rotation:{x:360} The characters all have to stop before the main timeline can start again, so at the beginning and end of the outer timeline there are characters that aren't moving. I’d love to be able to pass in a seamless flag that pre-positions all the characters before the last one, skipping part of the animation, using the ease, and right away starts all of them. It would also handle the end of the timeline by continuing the animation what was skipped at the start for all but the last one So, I wouldn’t need to repeat, the outer timeline would be as short as possible, and the animation could be looped forever without characters stopping.
  11. I'm replicating a tweenMax staggerFromTo which should display text one character at a time and changing the color of the characters. The color is irrelevant. Instead of doing this the full line of text just flashes once with no color change. I've attached the full code. Please help. thanks, Michael test1.html
  12. Hi, I am trying to stagger the opacity of all of the polygons, lines, etc that are part of an SVG (there are 900 elements). I have a basic codePen set up and I think I would need to make an array for all of the elements inside of my SVG in order to stagger the opacity of each piece, but I'm not really sure that is the way to start. The codepen only has 4 elements to simplify things, but the SVG I wanted to animate has about 900 separate pieces. I want to target all of the pieces inside on my SVG and stagger their opacity efficiently, if I have 900 pieces... I am finding that with so many shapes, it goes very slow only because there are so many shapes and it takes time for them all to render--so I want to try and overlap them with a large number, so elements would pretty much animate at the same time... or better yet, be able to set a time so that all elements would animate in within 3 seconds... is that possible ?
  13. this is my coding sample: var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); timeline.staggerTo([mc1,mc2,mc3],1,{onComplete:Function}, 1); i want each mc to have a different function. is it possible?
  14. Hi, I haven't used the stagger function much but would like to take advantage of it. I have the following: //create the timeline var tlNav:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); var clips:Array = [clip1, clip2, clip3, clip4, clip5]; //Thumbs are coming in tlNav.staggerTo(clips, .5, {y:755, alpha:1}, 0.2) which works as expected, but what I need to accomplish is to have all the icons go back down a split second after they moved up, like so: tlNav.staggerTo(clips, .5, {y:794}, 0.2) but can't figure out how to achieve this, since I am not sure how to cut into the started stagger tween in order to start animating the clips down in the same order. They should just pop up staggered and back down right after they have popped up. Perhaps I am overthinking things... Also when to use the TimelineLite and TimelineMax stagger methods? I am a bit confused about that. Thanks guys!
  15. I want to create a wave movement. A couple of boxes jump up and down one after the other. FromTo does not lead to right result, because the boxes don't go to their previous position. TweenMax.staggerFromTo(".box", 1, { opacity: 0.6, y: -20 }, { opacity: 0.2, y: 0 },, 0.2);
  16. Hi everyone, Only started using GSAP yesterday, until that point I was using Velocity.js on the basis of the rather disingenuous test that was originally listed on Julian's site (intentionally or not!) So anyway I discovered that GSAP dunks all over it and I wanted in! So, at the moment I'm making a UI pack for GSAP, since that was one of my most used features of Velocity, and it's great for front-end delights. It's going really well and I've taken to GSAP fairly quickly--but some things still elude me. One thing I'm trying to achieve is to do with one of the animations I've made, it's a 'shake', these are my first with multiple tween points, and I'm trying to figure out the way I'd go about successfully staggering a whole sequence on an array of elements. E.g. case 'stagger.shake': animate.to( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + (nudge/2) + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing} ).to( element, 0.1, {left: "0px", ease:easing} ); break; My initial approach was something like this: case 'stagger.shake': animate.staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + (nudge/2) + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "-=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "+=" + nudge + "px", ease:easing}, stagger ).staggerTo( element, 0.1, {left: "0px", ease:easing}, stagger ); break; I'm sure one of you guys knows exactly what I'm missing! Seems like a great community here and looking forward to becoming a part of it. GSAP is awesome. And not in the desensitised meaning of the word, like genuinely awesome!
  17. This is a beginner question—I'm just getting in to this—I notice that stagger methods seem to be for staggered application of a tween, as opposed to being able to stagger a timeline. This pen is the only way I could think of, to stagger the application of a timeline animation. In this case, it's applied to 100 red boxes, but I'm not sure if it's the best way of doing it, in terms of memory etc. since it results in the creation of 100 TimelineLite instances... is there a more performant or concise way of doing it?
  18. So I'm wondering how I can create a menu like this (Yes, I did kinda copy stagger example from GSAP sorry) but for the .btn elements to initially not display (ie; display:none instead of just no size). then when the 'Click' button is pressed, the .btn elements animate onto the screen. I can get it to work once but after i have clicked one of the buttons and they off, they will not come back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Hi i'm trying to create stagger effects on my app dashboard, but the problem is i follow all the documentation guide lines, but there is no way to create Stagger that trigger different directions. only the given parameters and all object stag to the same pattern, but i need to stagger it from different directions. eg : Use case scenario that i'm trying to archive. 1). Top bar comes in document top position 2). Sidebar comes in right side 3). Body element comes in bottom and so on.. i know i can use Timeline Max for this situation, but i need to create this from stagger Effect for re-usable purpose. and trigger from click event
  20. Hey I have a website which generates posts and I was wondering if I could use the stagger animation to Tween them from opacity 0 to opacity 1 on page load. The amount of elements differs since the website is dynamic. It is structured as follows. <div id="message-container"> <div class="message1"> <div class="message2"> <div class="message3"> etc... </div> I want to animate the divs with class .message<insert number>. Is there a way to do this by targeting the child elements of the message container and then doing the stagger effect on that?
  21. I want to create an effect that it will load my web page gradually from 1 div to another once the page load. I have applied staggerFrom() method so that it can create the desired effect that will load from the header follow by content and extend till footer. But my problem is that when I put it on live server, the webpage will load the animation even though the content isn't fully loaded, resulting in freezing the animation for few seconds.... Is there any solution for this?
  22. Simple question regarding TimelineLite / TimelineMax .add() with Stagger: Is it necessary to do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5", "normal", "stagger", 5); // shown in documentation example or would you do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5, "normal", 5); // what I would expect to do
  23. Hello. Thanks for the priceless GSAP. However, not sure why stagger isn't honoured with this code: function getButtonsInAnimation(callback) { var i, spots, spot, tween = new TimelineLite({paused: true, onComplete: callback}); for(i in spots = shuffle(hotspots)) { spot = spots[i]; tween.add(TweenLite.fromTo(spot, 0.3, {scale:0, alpha:0, left:290, top:168}, {scale:1, alpha:1, left:parseInt(spot.css('left')), top:parseInt(spot.css('top')), ease:Expo.easeOut} ), undefined, 'start', 0.05); } return tween; } As you can see, I'm adding new TweenLite object with TimelineLite.add() method. But it executes added tweens in sequence, ignoring the stagger value. Also tried to pass stagger value to the TimelineLite constructor. Same result. As of position property of TimelineLite.add() method, I also tried values, without any luck: '+=0', 0, false. Is there something I misunderstand?
  24. I'm creating Staggers automatically from text lines. Some lines contains more letters than others, so i end up with a different durations. How can i create staggers with the same duration but different number of elements?
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