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  1. Hi - In a banner I'm working on, I have a secondary timeline which controls an object sliding up and down on my screen. The secondary timeline works properly, but I'd also like to be able to pause the main timeline when the secondary object slides up on the screen, and then resume playback of the main timeline once my object slides out of view. Here's my current code: <script> var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.add( TweenLite.to("#studyDescription", 1, {top:20})); tl.to("bgMask", .5, {autoAlpha:1}); tl.pause(); var button = document.getElementById("openButton"); button.onclick = slideStudyUp; if (button.captureEvents) button.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); function slideStudyUp(){ tl.play(); } var closeButton = document.getElementById("closeButton"); closeButton.onclick = slideStudyDown; if (closeButton.captureEvents) closeButton.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); function slideStudyDown(){ tl.reverse(); } </script> I'm pretty sure that I just need to add something like "main timeline.pause()" to my slideStudyUp function, and "main timeline.play()" to my slideStudyDown function - but what's the correct way to reference the main timeline? Thanks!
  2. Hello everybody, so far I am loving this plugin it is a great tool and this site is a great resource and I appreciate all the work that has been done in delivering such a great tool. I have a timeline that I created. The timline is not really that important. Just in case though: var tweenArticle = new TimelineMax() .from($('header.food_header > hgroup'), 3, {opacity:0, top:'-40px', ease: Power4.easeOut},0) .from($('article.food > section > summary > p'), 3, {opacity:0, top:'40px', ease: Power4.easeOut},0); This is the site I am trying to put it on: http://webshowcase.tk/wp1/?page_id=114 This is a wordpress site and what I am trying to do is affect every post on the page. When The article is in the viewport I would like to start animating just the elements in that article and if possible reverse but reverse is not super important at the moment. I can't seem to figure out how to get my timeline to play when the article is in the viewport. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  3. I like to set pause on my timeline to help debug certain state. `timeline.addPause(1.3)` The issue is when I use `timeline.tweenTo(1.5)`, it skips the pauses.
  4. Currently I can't find anything in the documentation to register a function to be called each time the playhead change. You can listen to `onUpdate`, but this function doesn't trigger when you `timeline.seek(2)` to a position. Any solution to be notified by every changed to the playhead without adding tons of timeline callbacks?
  5. Greetings, I have been at this for a couple of hours now to no avail. I am trying to append some tweens to a timeline and use negative delays to offset them (they are the same animation otherwise). My problem is that the timeline is waiting each to finish before restarting, which is what I do not want Here's a link to what I have so far http://codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/sGbku and my code: var timeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}), electrons = document.querySelectorAll('.electron'), paths = document.querySelectorAll('.path'), atom = document.querySelectorAll('#atom'), startDuration = 2; for(var i = 0; i < electrons.length; i++) { var myDelay = -(i * 0.5); orbit(electrons[i], paths[i], myDelay); } function orbit(electron, path, delay) { var e = TweenLite.to(electron, startDuration, {rotationY:'-360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //e.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(e); var p = TweenLite.to(path, startDuration, {rotationZ:'360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //p.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(p); // The following line doesn't seem to add a negative offset... timeline.insertMultiple([e, p], 0, TweenAlign.START, -0.5); } atom.onmouseover = function() { timeline.timeScale(.2); } function TweenAlign() { } If you look at the demo it runs correctly the first iteration (before it's added to the timeline) but fails the next times Can you guys help me get this looking the way I'd like it to? Thanks
  6. hi, I have objects with different timelines, I create them dinamically from DOM animation containers id and cache the timelines so that I can use them later: var subBlock=function(blockId){ this.blockId=blockId; this.showTl=new TimelineMax({paused:true,smoothChildTiming:true, onComplete:thisInstance.shownCallback,onCompleteScope:thisInstance}); this.hideTl=new TimelineMax({paused:true,smoothChildTiming:true ,onComplete:thisInstance.hiddenCallback,onCompleteScope:thisInstance}); switch (blockId) { //each element has it's own in and out animations case "block_0_0": this.showTl.set('#'+blockId,{display:"block"}); this.showTl.fromTo('#e_0_0_display',1,{opacity:0},{opacity:1}); this.hideTl.to('#e_0_0_display',1,{ opacity:0}); this.hideTl.set('#'+blockId,{display:"none"}); break; } }; Then I want to switch from a content to the other chaining the hide animation of the first and show animation of the new one. I do this creating a TimelineMax and appending the cached timelines to it, but there is something not working, it plays just once. If I call the single timelines play() they work. changeSubBlock:function(subIndex){ //object with show timeline var subBlock=appDisplay.subBlocks[appDisplay.selectedIndex][subIndex]; //object with hide timeline var oldSubBlock=appDisplay.subBlocks[appDisplay.selectedIndex][appDisplay.selectedSubIndex]; //update status appDisplay.selectedSubIndex=subIndex; //this works /* oldSubBlock.hideTl.play(0); subBlock.showTl.play(0); */ //this doesn not work var ntl=new TimelineMax({paused:true}); ntl.append(oldSubBlock.hideTl); ntl.append(subBlock.showTl); ntl.play(); } what can be wrong?
  7. Hi Guys, The Timelines and delayedCalls method seems to forget time if they are paused when using the visibility API, when a tab loses visibility i'm setting the tween's timescale to 0 and pausing the audio. The audio play calls are trigger on a Timeline, I'm then using delayedCall to stop the audio after a certain duration. I have setup an example here http://jsfiddle.net/robaldred/nj9pY/ (requires sound& used fiddle because i needed to link multiple externals and don't have pen pro) On load, sound will play through nicely. All timelines and delayed calls work as expected. However if you switch to another tab for 30 seconds or so at some point during a playing clip. When when you return to the tab it really screws up the timeline and the delayedCall, it's like the play head jumps forward when setting timeScale back to 1. This only appears to happen when using visibility API callbacks. Something to do with RAF not being called when a tab is hidden? Any thoughts? Appreciate your time. Rob
  8. Example: http://mailinator.com/index.jsp The background is a static blue and the cloud image found here: http://mailinator.com/assets/img/clouds-s.png , just subtracts along the x-axis. How would you duplicate this action in a timeline? I think I get the x:-1 and repeat:-1 part; I'm just not sure how you would reset the image so a small image can loop on forever? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Hi, first post. Hope i haven't overlooked something obvious. I have a series of 'cards' (divs w/ front and back) that look similar to this pen: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/yzahJ except the flips all happen on a timeline instead of on hover. what we want is, in the middle of the timeline (which sequentially flips 8 cards), we want to be able to have a user hover, and stop that one card from flipping, and change its opacity. right now, all 8 cards are run together on one single timeline (b/c we need tight control of timing), so i don't know if i need put them onto their own timelines or something. Any pointers or clues would be much appreciated on how i could allow the single hovered card to drop out of the timeline and change its opacity, while still allowing the other cards to keep their animation/flipping happening. Thanks! m
  10. How can you put timeline into two different timelines and then have ability to play it separate as well as play "container" timelines? To clear what I meaning, here is an example of 4 timelines: 2 simple, 2 combined (also interactive example available on jsFiddle): var moveRight = new TimelineMax({paused: true}) .fromTo(box, 1, {x: 0}, {x: 300}); var moveLeft = new TimelineMax({paused: true}) .fromTo(box, 1, {x: 300}, {x: 0}); var moveRightLeft = new TimelineMax({paused: true}) .add(moveRight.play()) // call `play` because timeline paused .add(moveLeft.play()); var moveLeftRight = new TimelineMax({paused: true}) .add(moveLeft.play()) .add(moveRight.play()); In this example, when we'll try to play each timeline, only last one (moveLeftRight) will work. Why is it so? Can we somehow play any timeline? This question also posted on Stackoverflow
  11. Is there a way to clone timeline, so you'll be able to change it without causing original timeline? // Original timeline var moveRight = new TimelineMax().fromTo(el, 1, {x: 0}, {x: 100}); // Child timeline, wich works like original var moveFarRight = moveRight.clone(); moveFarRight.to(el, 1, {x: 200}); moveRight.pause(); // moveFarRight didn't paused, so it will play It's a little bit looks like classes and inheritence in OOP: basic timeline, child timeline.
  12. Hey all, I'm currently playing with the timeline and setting up a sequence of animations. So far i've used tl.to in my sequencing and all went good. I then wanted to implement .fromTo however that seemed to mess up my timeline. My objective is fairly simple, summarized in the following steps. 1. I do some initial CSS tweening 2. I fade up some text 3. I tween my div to the outer right 4. I change up some text 5. ISSUE: I now want to re-position my div to the outer left and tween it into center again. Ive set up an illustrative codepen example here: http://codepen.io/mrsgs/pen/IeLrF Note: uncomment line 15 to see the issue apply
  13. Hey Guys, I am still new to GSAP animation, and i need some help. I am implementing a timeline using greesock js which handles a presentation of different SVG images mainly made up of simple lines, circles and paths. What is want to achieve is the animation of these SVGs while to timeline is being moved. As far as the timeline implementation goes, all is well. But when it comes to animating the svg the way i want i am reaching a road block. I can animate the scaling, width and opacity with no problems. The code is as such: TimeLine.from($('#Shape2 polygon'), 2, { scale: 0, onStart: function () { //Dont mind the variables mainTimeline.timeScale(NormalTimeScale); } }, timeShift) What i want to achieve is the drawing effect of the lines circles etc... As the user moved the timeline scroll bar, the vector graphics should be drawn and of course the reverse effect should be obvious. I am mainly trying to achieve this with stroke-dashoffset and stroke-dasharray but i cannot alter these properties even after i included the AttrPlugin. This is what i am trying: Timeline.from($('#Shape2 line'), 1, { atrr: { 'stroke-dasharray': '20px' }}, timeShift + 1) Please note that these are just example blocks of code. Can you guys help me with this please?
  14. I have a separate stepped animation that I am using on the onComplete of the TweenMax animations and it works great everywhere except the first 5 animations. Here is the code excerpt. The last onComplete will fire causing all previous onComplete's to fire. function treeanimation(treeFrame){ bgPos = treeFrame*211; $("#plant").css('background-position', '0px -'+bgPos+'px'); } var controller = $.superscrollorama({}) controller.pin($('#slides'), aniDur,{ anim: (new TimelineLite()) .append([ TweenMax.to($('#slide1-bg'), .5, {css: { top:"100%" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(1); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(0); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide1-content'), .5, {css: { top:"-50%", display: "none" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(2); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(1); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide1-body'), .5, {css: { display:"none" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(3); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(2); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide2-content'), .5, {css: { marginTop:"20%" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(4); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(3); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide2'), .5, {css: { top:"0" }, onComplete: function(){ $("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">') $("#slide2-nav").parent().addClass('active') treeanimation(5); }, onReverseComplete: function(){ $("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">') $("#slide2-nav").parent().removeClass('active') treeanimation(4); } } ) ]) .append([ TweenMax.to($('#slide2'), .5, {css: { right:"-100%" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(6); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(5); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide2-content'), .5, {css: { marginLeft:"-90%", display: "none" }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(7); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(6); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide3'), .5, {css: { left: "0%" }, onComplete: function(){ $("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">') $("#slide3-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 3">') $("#slide3-nav").parent().addClass('active') $("#slide2-nav").parent().removeClass('active') treeanimation(8); }, onReverseComplete: function(){ $("#slide3-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 3">') $("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">') $("#slide3-nav").parent().removeClass('active') $("#slide2-nav").parent().addClass('active') treeanimation(7); } } ), TweenMax.to($('#slide3-content'), 0.5, {css: { marginLeft: "10%" }, startAt: {css: { marginLeft: "110%" } }, onComplete: function(){ treeanimation(9); }, onReverseComplete: function() { treeanimation(8); } } ), ]) Any Help would be greatly appreciated. This is integrated with SuperScrollerama
  15. Hi, I am trying to create a timeline that contains an ending pause of x seconds: now I can add a delay between tweens, a delay before a specific tween, but... how do I set a delay before onComplete is triggered? I could add a dummy tween at the end of the timeline, with a delay, but it look ugly to me. Am I missing the specific trick? Thanks
  16. Hi, I have been struggeling figuring out a simple slideshow using next and previous buttons. Currently I have a slideShow container with 4 movieclips arrranged next to one another. Essentially what I would like is have the slideshow cycle through the 4 slides in the slideshow container and have a next and previous button executable at anytime, but I have no idea on how to accomplish this. This is what I have at the moment: import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); timeline.append( new TweenLite(slideShow, 0.5, {x:"0"}) ); timeline.append( new TweenLite(slideShow, 0.5, {delay:2, x:"-280"})); timeline.append( new TweenLite(slideShow, 0.5, {delay:2, x:"-260"})); timeline.append( new TweenLite(slideShow, 0.5, {delay:2, x:"-260"})); Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks, Dada
  17. Hey all, I currently have a header with some repeating background pattern. What im looking to do is make this repeating background pattern move towards right and bottom from a point of position: absolute; - in the same speed and in an infinite loop. You can see a dummy here - hope it somewhat illustrates what im looking to do: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oapnB Initially my idea was to have it move in one direction first for like 10secs and then change to another direction - as the codepen illustrates. However lets just keep it simple: - Would anyone be able to tell me if im able to move my background pattern infinite in one direction? Right now I offset the background outside of the screen, so that I have some extra background to actually move around without it ending - im not sure how to adress that for an infinite solution - perhaps some resetting needs to be done? But in that case im not even sure how to do that so it looks in sync.
  18. How do you clear a timeline every time you perform a mouseover and mouseout function? Here is my code: http://codepen.io/vincentccw/pen/paslB My problem now is that the animation will build up within the variable and causing some weird behaviours when I perform more than one hover....
  19. Hi, I have created a tween to move an object from a point A to a point B with bezier trajectory: I have to dynamically calculate the starting and ending points, that will be percentages of the whole animation. How can I tell the tween to run from i.e. 23% to 78% of the whole animation (obviously in 78-23% of the total time)? I think I have to use progress property, but maybe I am doing something wrong, because it looks like the animation runs from 23 to 78% and then to 100%. I am doing like this: var timeLine: TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); timeLine.fromTo(item, totalTime, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { bezier: { type:"thruBasic", values: [ { x: 300, y: 200 }, { x: 500, y: 800 } ] }, ease: Linear.easeNone } ); TweenLite.fromTo(timeLine, totalTime* (0.8 - 0.5), {progress: 0.5 }, {progress: 0.8, ease: Sine.easeOut } ); I have to learn a lot about timelines...
  20. Hi Everyone, Been using greensock for a couple of months now. I finally got us to upgrade to the newest version and some things are different. My issues is we have a main big timeline that our animation runs on. There are points in it when we pause the timeline and people need to click on stuff and other animations happens. After they click everything they need to we restart the main timeline. The click functions have their own timeline with tweens in them. Well on the newer version we are using, when we resume the main timeline it ignores the css/tweens that happen in the click timeline. It restarts like the clicks animations never happen. Before on the older version we used that didn't happen. I'm seeing if there is a way to have a main timeline and have it keep the css and animtaion end tween from click on resume of the main timeline. I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
  21. Hi There! I'm kinda new to this wonderful engine, but a veteran on AS. I'd like to know, how can I set a navigation system, so on a click it plays the timeline but stops when said so. Take a look at my code below. I have added the labels and I have a menu so when someone clicks "about" I'd like to start playing the timeline from where it is to the about point and then stop. Tried putting the tl.pause(); but it didn't work - the timeline passes through and keep playing till the end. Any help will be appreciated! var mainTL = new TimelineMax({paused:true, onUpdate:updateSlider}); var slideTL = new TimelineMax({repeat:0}); slideTL.to("#introArrow", 3, {top:140, right:30 , ease:Power3.easeOut}) ; mainTL .add("begin") .to("#introArrow", 1, {top:-100, autoAlpha:0, ease:Circ.easeIn}) .to("#diver", 2, {autoAlpha:1, scale:.2, rotation:"-180deg"}) .to("#diver", 3, {top:1300, ease:Back.easeIn}) .to("#diver", .1, {autoAlpha:0}) .to("#parachuteTop", 1, {scale:1, top:200, ease:Circ.easeOut}) .to("#parachuteTop", 1, {scale:.2, top:-179, left:-210, rotation:"0deg"}) .to("#background", 3, {top:-100, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=3") .to("#parachuteText", 1, {top:137, left: 38, scale:.6, autoAlpha:1, ease:Back.easeIn}) .to("#zepelin", 1, {top:120, left:480, ease:Circ.easeOut}) .to(".introText", 1, {top:310, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=.5") // Start sections / about .to("#introDive", 2, {top:-1000, ease:Power2.easeOut}) .to("#about", 2, {top:40, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to("#background", 1, {top:-200, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to(".I-about", 2, {top:0, left:0, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .add("about") // Services .to("#about", 2, {top:-1000, ease:Power2.easeOut}) .to("#services", 2, {top:40, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to("#background", 1, {top:-300, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to(".I-services", 2, {top:0, left:0, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .add("services") // Gallery .to("#services", 2, {top:-1000, ease:Power3.easeOut}) .to("#gallery", 2, {top:40, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to("#background", 1, {top:-400, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to(".I-gallery", 2, {top:0, left:0, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .add("gallery") // Contact .to("#gallery", 2, {top:-1000, ease:Power2.easeOut}) .to("#contact", 2, {top:40, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to("#background", 1, {top:-500, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to(".I-contact", 2, {top:0, left:0, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .to("#secondblock", 2, {top:420, ease:Circ.easeOut},"-=2") .add("contact") ;
  22. Hello i have a question, is possible add new tweens to a TimelineMax and reorder another on the fly (dynamically). Example: timeLine = new TimelineMax(); timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box1", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box1"); timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box2", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box2"); After in need add a new TweenMax after box1 but i need that box2 run after the box3 tween = TweenMax.to(".box3", 1, {left:100}); timeLine.add(tween, "box1"); timeLine.play(); RESULT: Currently the box2 and the box3 run at the same time. Another test, was get 'box2' tween and use UpdateTo() to add delay:1 but UpdateTo dont work with delays. Some idea?
  23. Here is my full script: <script> $(document).ready(function() { var controller = $.superscrollorama(); //This code snippet is built on the parallax example: controller.addTween( '#gun', (new TimelineLite()) .append([ TweenMax.fromTo($('#hammer'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: -25}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}), TweenMax.fromTo($('#trigger'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: 40}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}) ]), 500, // scroll duration of tween 200); // offset? }); </script> What I need to know is... how can I add a tween to this timeline? I just need to know how to add tweens after the one I already have. Everything I have tried does not work.
  24. If I load the timeline code in the <head> and put play() in the <body>. The code "runs" but doesn't "display" animation on screen. By "display" I mean: no animation happens on the browser screen. By "runs" I mean: if I put a breakpoint on the .play() line in the <body>, I can step into the TweenMax code in the <head> and watch variable like "e", and "this._duration" assume the correct values as I step deeper into the code. I'm used to splitting things this way on the jQuery animate code I've been writing and must do so for compatibility. So why can't timelines be defined in the <head>? I'm assuming there must be a little "trick" I'm missing to make it work. Please see <body> only and split code below (and attached). With all code in the <body> this works no problem: <html> <head> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="title">This is growing title</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); timeline.to("#title", 2, {color:"#F0F", fontSize:"48px"}); timeline.play(); console.log("yes it ran"); </script> </body> </html> With the timeline in the <head> and play() in the <body> this doesn't do anything on screen but the console.log()string shows in the console, you can step into the timeline code and there is no error break: <html> <head> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); timeline.to("#title", 2, {color:"#0FF", fontSize:"48px"}); </script> </head> <body> <div id="title">This is growing title</div> <script type="text/javascript"> timeline.play(); console.log("yes it ran"); </script> </body> </html> [sorry I attached both twice, only download the first two!] simplest_timeline.html simplest_timeline_head.html simplest_timeline.html simplest_timeline_head.html
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