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Found 4 results

  1. Trying to basically "walk" a square across the screen the way you'd tip a heavy box across a room to move it. For it to work, I need to update the transform origin (i.e. rotation point) of the box for each step but since the origin is relative to the original box position, it doesn't quite work. Any thoughts on getting this to work? Currently I'm just using a div but I'm open to SVG solution.
  2. I'm trying to get proper control of these balloons, and I'm close, but not. quite. there yet. The green one is for reference, and demonstrates that gsap's default behavior is to use "left top" as the origin. The red one is the one whose attributes I'm tweaking, trying to accomplish this one, surprisingly-challenging goal: start horizontally centered, then animate till it's scaled 2x and centered on the crosshairs. Questions I have about the attached pen: Why doesn't the red balloon start already-centered? Why does the red balloon end up slightly below-left of the crosshairs? (I put a subtle box around the red balloon to make this easier to see.) What can I do to resolve these 2 issues before moving on to learning to animate these suckers along a curve?? ?
  3. How can I force each segment of TimelineMax to be TweenMax instead of TweenLite as it seems it is happening now. I have: var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); tl.to(mc, 1, {x:100}); if I check this with trace ( tl.getActive(false,true,false)[0]; ) I will get TimelineLite. do I have to do tl.add ( TweenMax.... ) or there is a way to make TweenMax to be default for each addition to TimelineMax if lined with .to, .from, .fromTo ... ?
  4. Hey all, I'm currently playing with the timeline and setting up a sequence of animations. So far i've used tl.to in my sequencing and all went good. I then wanted to implement .fromTo however that seemed to mess up my timeline. My objective is fairly simple, summarized in the following steps. 1. I do some initial CSS tweening 2. I fade up some text 3. I tween my div to the outer right 4. I change up some text 5. ISSUE: I now want to re-position my div to the outer left and tween it into center again. Ive set up an illustrative codepen example here: http://codepen.io/mrsgs/pen/IeLrF Note: uncomment line 15 to see the issue apply
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