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  1. Hello, I'm trying to make rotationX/rotationY transforms on SVG shapes with the last version, GSAP 1.19.1, but it does not work. This is working only with rotation or rotationZ properties. Here you can see that nothing happens on mouseover event: http://codepen.io/classikd/pen/rjPxKr But if i am using GSAP 1.19.0 or lower version everything is working well : http://codepen.io/classikd/pen/NdorKo Is there a bug or do some properties have changed, i have found nothing about it ? Thanks for your help.
  2. Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to make this fish vector appear to make a flopping in-air animation. At first I was thinking that MorphSVG would be the ideal tool for this, but then diving deeper I'm noticing that there's so many paths I believe I would have to find an ideal shapeIndex for each to get a fluid motion. Transform gives off the whole 2D vibe since I'm using scale -1 to give the appearance of a reflection during the flopping animation. This is a link to a primitive attempt to use MorphSVG http://codepen.io/dylan9o4/pen/bgQLyP And this is a link to a primitive attempt using regular transforms http://codepen.io/dylan9o4/pen/dNQdxe Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hi there, I've got an SVG circle that I'm drawing using the DrawSVGPlugin. Say I want to draw from 12 o'clock to 9 o'clock, I would use `drawSVG: '0 75%'`. However, when I do this, for some reason my drawing is always starting at 3 o'clock. So `drawSVG: '0 75%'` ends up animating from 3 o'clock to 12 o'clock. My questions are, why is my animation always starting at 3 o'clock? And how do I get it to start at 12 o'clock? Maybe this is more of an issue with my SVG? I'm a rookie at SVGs so I'm not sure. I've attached a codepen which will hopefully illustrate the problem. Thanks
  4. Hi guys, I set up a very minimal test case here: https://codepen.io/mbuesing/pen/pRpPOX Setting up a draggable with type x or y on an SVG element causes a problem on Chrome on Android: I can't move the element more than a couple px at a time, and the drag is not smooth. I can see this behaviour on multiple Android devices. I first thought this might have to do with the fact that in Chrome, GSAP uses CSS transforms in SVGs instead of attributes, but since that changed in the last version and the problem still persists, I guess it's something else. In this case I could simply use a proxy object and set the cx/cy values of the circle, but the project I'm working on is much more complex, so I'd like to avoid that if possible. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
  5. I bet there's a good explanation for this and probably a much better way to accomplish a background crossfade but I'm seeing some strange behavior. In the codepen, I have an SVG with 2 foreignObjects each containing a div with a background image as a base64 image URL. Overlaying that is a group element with a text>tspan with some text in it. I've got a simple autoAlpha tween on the top-most background div from 1 to 0 over 3 seconds and at the same time, the lower-most BG goes from 0 to 1. The crossfade is a little wonky but what's weird is the text is affected by the fade in Chrome. Firefox seems to handle it fine but I need it to work in Chrome. I can set either of the backgrounds to zero opacity and the text looks fine. I'm wondering if it has something to do with positioning because if I add any kind of position setting to the div's with the backgrounds I lose the text behind the background divs. Any idea why this might be happening?
  6. I set the draggable to horizontal move (type: 'x') for a svg slider button. Sometimes while mouse was moving, the button kept staying at the same location. The vertical drag(type: 'y') worked just fine. You could see the test in Codepen link. Does anybody have any ideas about that?
  7. Dear community, I got to code a one-page website. It got quite a lot of sections and SVG elements with a lot of elements. As I want to animate them, I thought I got to include them into my html document. Doing so creates a massive file with way to many lines to work productive inside the document. Googling I found the `<use>` tag to reference groups or shapes, but it seems like its not suitable to reference a whole external .svg file. So thats my question: - How do you handle HTML files with a lot of SVG code? - Can I somehow use the external SVG files for internal use? As a tweak, I know that SVG for Everybody https://github.com/jonathantneal/svg4everybody creates a polyfill by adding external SVG files into the DOM for IE9+. Can I somehow "always enable" this, even if I know that its not the most appropriate way? To keep it simple: Its a "big thoughts low budget" project, so it does not need to a the professional solution at all and only has to support the newest browser (while IE9+ would be good). Thanks in advance for any suggestions and let me know if you got any questions, Marian.
  8. Hi everyone, do you want feel magic of GSAP's morphSVG? Or if you think about buy membership, but not sure, i sure, after see it you buy it in anyway. http://codepen.io/dalisoft/full/yVmLVO/ If you like it, please Like it. Thanks to @GreenSock for amazing library and all of helpers for fast reply
  9. Hi there, I've spent an hour or two looking at the documentation and the forum and I'm excited by what I'm seeing. I'm a designer who would like to develop an efficient workflow for working with Wordpress and Illustrator. in time, I would like to use to use CC Animate. In my ideal world, my workflow would be something like: Develop my SVGs in Illustrator in separate artboards, using a combination of symbols and non symbols Export them using the new export screens feature Import the SVGs onto a server via FTP (not using Wordpress media import feature) Be able to manipulate SVGs using Jquery, GSAP, and CSS I'm pretty good about learning technical processes, but I'm more of a designer than a developer. The SVG gotchas post was helpful but I'm hoping for a less high maintenance revision process. I understand that this workflow is probably not realisitic at this point, but I'm hoping people can give me some ideas on resources I can use to develop something that works. Thanks in advance for your help,
  10. Ran into an interesting bug the other week. I was using DrawSVG to make an element follow an SVG path (technically a polyline), and Morph SVG's pathDataToBezier feature to grab and convert the polyline to path data. I found that if I named my polyline with a specific naming convention, MorphSVG broke. The ID name I used was path_1_1_1 and for some reason the specific sequence of a repeated underscore and a number broke the plugin. The console log reports "ERROR: malformed path data" but the path is fine; it's the _#_#_# name that breaks things. Please see attached Codepen for a demo. Changing my ID name fixed everything but it took a few hours of QA (and baffled coworkers) to resolve. Since I didn't see any online reports of this issue, I figured I'd post here to bring attention to it.
  11. Hello all, Have been searching the forum, but can't find an answer to something that can't be complicated, I'm sure. (Can't get it figured out, though.) Check the Pen: I'm trying to 'shoot' small circles on a larger circle. All the elements are inline SVG (part of a larger drawing), using SVG 'transform: rotate()' on the small circles. If you comment out the 'staggerFrom' you'll see what it's supposed to look like. With the tween active the transforms on the small circles are somehow skipped. Any idea anybody? Thanks, Ruud.
  12. Hi, I'm fairly new to this SVG animation and getting by mostly by copying someones work and modifying it. (Still learning alot). For that codepen link that I've provided - it works smoothly in almost all browsers except IE and IE Edge. Its basically moving the pattern from SVG horizontally and repeating it. It seems like IE cannot recognize attr:{x} for some reason. advance thanks!
  13. After Reading through some topics in the forum and on codepen, I try to do a "filter:drop-shadow(...)" animation on a CSS filter that is supposed to take effect on the SVG, using the onupdate() and TweenMax.set() methods. Unfortunately unsuccessfully so far. The included codepen shows the basic animation: 1. first an animation over opacity and scale, then 2. the "onUpdate -> set" animation, which is, where the magic should happen. There are 2 debug helper functions that throw out some values to the console. And they seem to proof that the values for the shadow distance and the color opacity ( in var logoFilterAmount) are calculated correctly over the course of the animation, but the final result (using getComputedStyle to check) shows strange numbers that I can't explain to myself how they were created. Any insight here would be most welcome! Thank you!
  14. Hello! I've been making svg animated banner ads, and the client ran into a bit of a snag- there are some artifacts being left behind by the animation on certain computers. It seems to only be in Chrome, but isn't consistent across computers. The client is running the same OS and version of Chrome as I am (Windows 10 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m), yet I have no issues. Here is a screenshot of what's showing up underneath the Call-To-Action button (scales in from 0, there is no shadow under the button) and some text (moves up from below the viewbox): This is the transformations I'm applying: t1.fromTo(text2, 0.75, {y:75}, {y:0}); t1.fromTo(cta, 0.4, {autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}, {autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, ease: Back.easeOut}); Has anyone else encountered this?
  15. Hi guys, As you can see in my codepen, I have a couple of svgs that have a filter applied. I would like to be able to apply the tweens I stored in the "addClass" and "removeClass" variable to specific id elements. How would I be able to achieve this? So that I can toggle the saturation. Any ideas? Thanks!
  16. Hi there, I am new to greensock and even to jquery/javascript at all. I am trying to scale the "g" parts of a svg element from 0 to 1. It already works but the elements don't stay in their end position when they are animating, but "move" in along the x and y axis. I am wondering if there is a way, that they stay fixed in their position and just scale from 0 to 1? I already searched the forum and found advises about transformOrigin, but none of them solved my problem.
  17. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a hint, as you can see in the Codepen attached I managed to drag a masked SVG circle around the container, problem is when I want to use a path as a mask I don't know how to get the coordinates (for path there's no "cx" and "cy"). Any suggestions on how I could accomplish this? This is the function that does the trick with a circle //move the mask with the drag function onThrowUpdate() { var posX = parseInt(rocketHole.getAttribute('cx')) + this.target._gsTransform.x; var posY = parseInt(rocketHole.getAttribute('cy')) + this.target._gsTransform.y; TweenMax.set(rocketMask, { attr: { cx: posX, cy: posY } }) http://codepen.io/Polenji86/pen/KNeZOE
  18. Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can help me. I'm putting together an animation of a play button. Everything works fine on mouseenter and mouseleave, but my problem is, the SVG is not rendered on page load. The circle, that is. What I tried: When I removed `.fromTo($circle, .3, {opacity: .5, drawSVG: '100% 100%'}, {opacity: 1, drawSVG: 'true', ease: Expo.EaseOut})` from my timeline, the bug disappeared. For some reason, the drawSVG of 100% 100% seems to be applied to the svg even though the timeline is paused? Timeline.progress has not worked, but clearProps: drawSVG did fix it (although obviously I can't clear the drawSVG on init). Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks! PS. Sorry a codepen isn't included. I don't have a PRO account so I couldnt upload GSAP to it. LMK if you'd still like me to create it if it makes it easier for you to debug. $playButton.each(function (index, elem) { $this = $(this); var $circle = $this.find('#play-icon__circle'); var $caret = $this.find('#play-icon__caret'); TweenMax.set($caret, {transformOrigin:"50% 50%", scale: 1}); TweenMax.set($circle, {opacity: 1, rotation: "-90", transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); var playButtonTimeline = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); playButtonTimeline .fromTo($circle, .3, {drawSVG: 'true', opacity: 1}, {opacity: .5, drawSVG: '100% 100%', ease: Expo.EaseOut}) .set($circle, {rotationX: -180}) .fromTo($circle, .3, {opacity: .5, drawSVG: '100% 100%'}, {opacity: 1, drawSVG: 'true', ease: Expo.EaseOut}) .to($caret, .2, {scale: .7, ease: Expo.EaseOut}, '-=.4'); $this .mouseenter(function () { if(playButtonTimeline.isActive()){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } playButtonTimeline.play(0); }) .mouseleave(function () { if(playButtonTimeline.isActive()){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } playButtonTimeline.reverse(0); }); });
  19. Hi there, While trying to animation multiple SVG circle I found that interesting bug where if I rotate one of my circle (circle2) to the value -90 it seems to go back at to rotate back to 0deg at the end of my animation. Fun fact, if you replace the value -90deg by -90.06deg it doesn't seems to bug, I would guess there is some rounding involve, it jumps to -91deg. This bug seems to occur only on Safari 10.0.1 Even if I found a temporary fix for my problem I'm still curious on what could be done differently to avoid that bug
  20. First off let me say that I love GSAP! This is a great plugin and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Now onto my issue I'm having an issue when I try to morph multiple paths that are separated by groups. The morph seems to be working ok, but the scale of the resulting image is very small. I'm thinking it has something to do with the svg itself but for the life of me I can't find the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! http://codepen.io/rmarquardt/pen/JbOVWM
  21. Hello, I've created a SVG animation with snapSVG + Greensock but I am not happy with the performance. (lagging and etc.) I would like to have any opinion for better performance. Here is the URL. Thanks in advance. Please leave a comment if you need more details.
  22. Hi guys, I am trying to use the Attribute Plugin to ensure that my SVG also animates in Firefox, but can't figure out the correct syntax for this: .fromTo("#star",1, {attr:{transform:"scale(0.2)"}},{attr:{transform:"scale(1)",transform:"rotate(360)"}}) The issue: This above code ignores the fromTo scale tween completely and just rotates the SVG and this gives me a syntax error: .fromTo("#star",1, {attr:{transform:"scale(0.2)"}},{attr:{transform:"scale(1)","rotate(360)"}}) All I want to do is scale up and rotate the star at the same time from transformOrigin:"50% 50%". I tried that as well as transform-origin:"center center" inside the Attr plugin with no luck. Thanks!
  23. Guys i really need help on this. Basically as you can see from the linked codepen i have a lowpoly lion in SVG, all made out of single triangles. At the moment i made this animation of all the pieces falling from a single spot and forming the image, but what i need is different. I need all the pieces to come randomly from all the directions, top, lef, right, bottom, all going to the center and create the lion. There is a simple way to make this with TweenMax? I dont really know how to make this and i'm not really good with Javascript. Thanks in advance!
  24. Hello guys, I recently started developing with GSAP and i love it so far, its really great but my problem is that i am not able to change the anchor point of the circle... even if we assign a top, left and bottom anchor point to it it just takes the default anchor point on the circle due to this issue the animation isn't the same on both sides and it looks really weird. does someone know how to fix this issue? i also saw a solution over here from OSUblake, but i am not able to figure out how to make that work http://greensock.com/forums/topic/14129-morphsvg-change-start-and-end-point/ kind regards
  25. I'm trying to make this: http://codepen.io/Ryan84/pen/MbjEZX?editors=1000 but instead of using .st1 and .st2 in the .staggerFrom I would like to combine these into one class called .SET1 .st1 and .st2 are in a group and I have added a class to this <g id="SET1" class="SET1"> the .staggerFrom doesnt seem to like .SET1 Can anyone see why? Kind regards Ryan
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