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Everything posted by WarenGonzaga

  1. Thanks @jonathan show me how! I am not able to adjust the origin for the rotation so I that's why I need help.
  2. Hello guys! I need to know how to replicate this animation using GSAP only! I dont have any idea on how to achieve the animation from animate.css. If you have some suggestion please let me know. If you know how to do it please reply. I've used rotateZ but doesn't copy the animation! Here's the codepen link: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/rrmXNZ Regards, Waren
  3. Hi Flash-To-HTML5 and Welcome to GreenSock Forum! Your topic is very helpful and related to Banner Animation. This should be pinned up in the banner section.
  4. I know about electron! You can use script tag instead of that! Since electron is HTML5 + CSS +JS.
  5. Carl is right! This is my other solution! CODEPEN: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/XjrbWQ var logo = $("#logo"), isactiveCt = $(".isactive"); isactiveAnimation(); function resetTl(){ init(); } function init() { TweenLite.set(isactiveCt) TweenLite.set(logo, {left:0, onComplete: isactiveAnimation}); } function isactiveAnimation(){ var isactiveTL = new TimelineMax(); isactiveTL.to(logo, 0.8, {left:"+=300",opacity:0.2}); } $(".bt").click(function() { resetTl(); }) Hope it helps!
  6. Hello buddy Welcome to GreenSock Forum! I don't know what exactly what to do with your problem! You said you want to control the functions but you've already did! Please elaborate your question and what exactly you want for the animation. GreenSock Team
  7. Hey buddy try this! JavaScript: $(bioSplitTextH2.words).each(function(index,el){ bioTL.from($(el), 0.6, {opacity:0 /*from 0.5 make it 0*/, force3D:true, delay: 2 /* add delay */ }, index * 0.01); bioTL.from($(el), 1.6, {scale:index % 10 == 0 ? 0 : 5, ease:Back.easeOut, delay: 2 /* add delay */ }, index * 0.01); }); Here's the codepen! http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/PGWbyd Reference: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/9856-inserting-a-pausedelaywait-into-timeline/ Solution use the Delay variable of GSAP! thanks! Click the like button if you find this helpful! Happy Tweening GreenSock Team
  8. Hello and Welcome to GSAP Forum! I am here and I saw your code! I am looking for solution on this please stand by! GreenSock Team Waren
  9. Still you can use the GSAP as base for effects I mean ready made animations.
  10. Hello GreenSock Masters! I want to collect and recognized all the plugins out there! If you have unofficial plugin for GSAP please comment it or reply it to this forum thread. My Unofficial Plugin for GSAP https://github.com/WarenGonzaga/AnimateCSSPlugin This is not actually plugin built because I rely on GSAP ease animations and some GSAP related variables. Anyway if you have something to share with go ahead and comment it/reply it! Thanks GreenSock Forum
  11. Love button is can be found only in Facebook LOL!
  12. You guys are awesome in that way! I've looked at your pens guys and I've amazed! I would suggest to create a library based on GSAP. In short re-usable animations for images. I would like to help!
  13. Yeah! Totally awesome library for CSS
  14. Hello buddy! Welcome carl! If you have time to collaborate go ahead buddy! I am enjoying using GSAP with animate.css animations to extend the ability of GSAP to adapt to others animations such as Animate.css
  15. The site is very awesome! Great animation! This is done with SVG the sites is loaded by SVG animation together with GSAP Here's the animation done by manipulating the svg!
  16. Is this while the car is moving?
  17. WarenGonzaga

    SVG and Clip

    Did you try to use the two CSS plugin?
  18. Dreamweaver is using JsLint to check the potential errors within your javascript if your "TweenLite" or "TweenMax" syntax has errors you should put this lines to define it globally. JavaScript /* global TweenMax */ /* global TweenLite */ You can look here for more information! http://www.jslint.com/help.html
  19. WarenGonzaga

    SVG and Clip

    Yeah Jonathan is Right!
  20. WarenGonzaga

    SVG and Clip

    Hello buddy! Welcome back to GreenSock Forum for your another post! Please stand by while I'm being trying to find the solution thanks!
  21. This is great! Thanks for sharing man! I really appreciate it!
  22. Hey there! Welcome to GreenSock Forums! You're codepen link is broken I didn't see anything with your codepen link! Thanks!
  23. WarenGonzaga


    Hello @Gingerman! Welcome to the forum! JavaScript TweenMax.to(["#circle1", ".clipcircle1"], 2, { x:50, y:20, yoyo:true, repeat:500, ease:Sine.easeInOut}); I've tried this stuff but I dont have idea on what is going on. I've tried to join the two objects into one animating function but I've noticed your clip why are you having two set of texts? Mr. Jonathan will help you! Please standby!
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