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ohem last won the day on April 23 2017

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Everything posted by ohem

  1. Google Ad Manager is just a rebrand of DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP). ClickTag guidelines are here and they're the same as DCM.
  2. If you're not comfortable coding something like that yourself, you could get that exact functionality super easily in Google Web Designer using the Swipeable Gallery and Gallery Navigation components. They also have a bunch of existing templates with the gallery and navigation already implemented, which you could start with and restyle if you don't want to build one from scratch.
  3. I don't think you can. "AMP HTML uses a set of contributed but centrally managed and hosted custom elements to implement advanced functionality such as image galleries that might be found in an AMP HTML document. While it does allow styling the document using custom CSS, it does not allow author written JavaScript beyond what is provided through the custom elements to reach its performance goals." https://www.ampproject.org/docs/fundamentals/spec Also "Transition and animation are subject to additional restrictions. AMP must be able to control all animations belonging to an ad, so that it can stop them when the ad is not on screen or system resources are very low." https://www.ampproject.org/docs/ads/a4a_spec#allowed-amp-extensions-and-builtins & here's more specific info about how to create these ads: https://www.ampproject.org/docs/ads/create_amphtml_ad
  4. Thank you! Of all the little variations I tried, somehow that wasn't one of them. These forums are always so great/helpful.
  5. Thanks for the feedback! Now, I'm a little stuck trying to delay the remaining tweens until after the conditional tween has played. It seems shiftChildren would be the answer, but I'm having trouble understanding how to control it. https://codepen.io/ohem/pen/jKGZdq Any suggestions as to how to delay the timeline at the label until the conditional tween is done? Thank you.
  6. I'm working on a project where I want to have some slightly different animation depending on certain conditions, and this thread was helpful. I did a quick test in Codepen which seems to work fine. I was wondering if any of the experts can see anything wrong with this approach, or any way to improve it? Thanks!
  7. I didn't know I needed this! Really impressed with this tool. Great job!
  8. You don't need to use GWD for DoubleClick. These are the steps you need: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/3526354 Full documentation: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/2691686 Hope it helps!
  9. Check out the Dynamic Remarketing Build Guide, which is available with the dynamic templates in GWD. There's also information in the GWD Help Center. There are also GWD training videos in Google's Academy for Ads and Youtube.
  10. You don't need any clickTag for Adwords. Adwords makes the entire banner clickable by default.
  11. Adwords isn't going anywhere; they're been gradually rolling out a new interface: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6306932 It's not surprising that some ad features would be changing along with it.
  12. GSAP is still listed as one of the DoubleClick-hosted libraries: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6307288?hl=en It's fine for Adwords too: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722096#otherhtml5
  13. True, the IAB recommends 15 seconds. But Google allows 30 seconds for Adwords and DoubleClick.
  14. The IAB sets the recommended standards for the whole industry. Ad serving companies all have their own unique standards, too. For Google specifically, there's: Adwords DCM DoubleClick Rich Media The 30 second time limit is pretty standard across the board.
  15. Looks like you're trying to upload source files from Google Web Designer instead of published files. You should publish your files and then upload the final zip.
  16. I found this: https://github.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/flex-ad-testing Examples: https://flexibleads.iabtechlab.com/ I wonder how soon this stuff will start to be implemented. I feel like it will probably take a few years to become standard.
  17. I just read through some of this. I'm all for getting rid of the disruptive experiences that make people hate ads, but I don't like this flexible size stuff that they have planned. For animated banners, it seems like it would over-complicate the development process. Flexible ad sizing: Ad units are defined by aspect ratios and minimum and maximum size range so the ad can adjust based on the screen size it is being displayed on
  18. Seems like you want this: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/17226-stop-a-timelinemax-loop-at-a-point-before-final-action/
  19. @PointC also shared a solution in similar thread:
  20. Remove all the semi-colons at the end of each tween, or you would need to start each new tween with "tl" again. Remove ".mc" from all of your object names. It should just be "this.text2", not "this.text2.mc". "scale" is not a property in canvas mode. You must use scaleX and scaleY. Assuming you are linking to the GSAP library and all of your instance names match up, your code should work if it looks like this: var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:1, repeatDelay:3}); tl .add("scene1") .set(this.text2, {alpha:0}) .set(this.text3, {alpha:0}) .set(this.vendor, {alpha:0}) .set(this.blueBG, {alpha:0}) .from(this.text1, 3, { scaleX:"0.75", scaleY:"0.75", alpha:0, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene1") .add("scene2", 3) .to(this.BG, 3, { scaleX:"0.875", scaleY:"0.875", alpha:0, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene2") .to(this.text1, 0.2, { alpha:0, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene2+=0.2") .to(this.text2, 0.2, { alpha:1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene2+=0.2") .add("scene3", 7) .to(this.BG, { alpha:0.9, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene3") .to(this.text2, 0.2, { alpha:0, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene3") .to(this.text3, 0.2, { alpha:1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, "scene3+=0.5");
  21. @PointC your example was great & exactly what I want, but unfortunately I'm running in to scope issues implementing it w/ GWD. Please let me know if there's any chance I can send you a sample file to look at. If not, I understand.
  22. You can use the Google-hosted GSAP link for Adwords: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6307288?hl=en <script src="https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/cached_libs/tweenmax_1.19.1_92cf05aba6ca4ea5cbc62b5a7cb924e3_min.js"></script> Other Adwords banner requirements are here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722096#HTML5
  23. Thanks for the great example! I will play with this on Monday. It looks pretty straightforward; I just hope the other GWD-specific code doesn't make it overly complicated to implement.
  24. Do you have an example of what that code would look like?
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