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  1. Christoph Erdmann

    Best compression for your banner assets

    Hi, I just want to introduce Compress-Or-Die which is an online compression tool especially created for the creators of banners... so I hope for the most of you. It isn't a tool like tinyjpg or jpegmini that just allows to shrink existing JPGs a little bit. It's the one that creates your (also low quality) images from your original data and really squeezes out the last byte. And allows things like JPGs with transparency and "Selective quality" (as known from Adobe Fireworks) btw... Take a look at it here: http://compress-or-die.com/ In this context these articles could be interesting that explain a lot of the options you can set: http://compress-or-die.com/Understanding-JPG http://compress-or-die.com/Understanding-PNG I am the author of the tool and the article. So if you have questions, wishes or something else, just drop me a line. Thanks, Christoph
  2. visitmexico.bvkdev1.com When the cover image (SVG clip path) is tweened to reveal the next cover image, sometimes there will be jank. This is especially true on high-res devices. On normal-res devices the jank is far less noticable, but still poses a problem. What can I do to reduce jank when tweening image over image? My assumption is there is not much more that can be done, as I'm already making the top layer render as its own layer in the GPU via 3D CSS acceleration, and the items that are tweening over one another are made up of complex image data. Most sites I see that make it to awwwards have solid colors tween over their content before tweening in another image or content section. Can what I'm doing be done with consistent 60fps? If so, what am I not doing? Thank you in advance for any insight. visitmexico.bvkdev1.com
  3. pcdavis

    Having trouble animating a jpg

    I am learning GSAP by following your YouTube tutorial "Getting Started Quickly with GSAP". I am trying to animate a jpg across the screen but am getting no joy. Could someoen take a look at my codepen and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Sorry for the newbie question. Paul
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