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  1. Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2tgtnenucbz3dt/Screenshot 2017-07-23 14.30.07.png I'm trying to make the image on the left (a staple) morph into the image on right ("S") by bending the path into place vs. the effect I currently get with morphSVG. The effect I currently get is more "blob-like" when the transition happens vs. a smooth and graceful bend that I prefer. Any suggestions to help me get on the right "path?"
  2. In the Codepen listed, I'm trying to tween a Snap.svg element with a dummy object. I first learned about this technique here: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/8604-snapsvg/ But... alas I have been unable to make it work. I'm not really sure why it's not working. For the record, I'm aware that Greensock has a Raphael plugin, but the project requirements commit me to using Snap.svg. I also just generally prefer Snap.svg and would LOVE to use my favorite tweening tool to make it work. I'm also aware that a forum user wrote a port for the Raphael plugin about a year ago... but there's been no recent activity on Github and I was unable to get it to work. Thanks for any and all help in advance!
  3. Hi, I am now testing my apps on 4k displays as these become more common. Using TweenLite: I am having an issue with the performance of a tween that occurs only when very high res displays are used. I am testing on 2560x1600 with the object in question spanning 2500px wide and 500px height, running on a core i7 high spec machine. The tween is simply a 0.5 second tween to alpha 0 and back again. The fade out is clearly running at around 4 to 6 frames per second. The object that is causing the performanc issue is a wood effect complex vector (as attached). With this layer removed from the animated object performance is perfect. I tried making the vector more simple and using optimise, with some very small improvement but nothng significant. In fact I tried making the vector 6X more complex and it was a little slower but not 6x as much. Anyone any ideas on how to improve this. Thanks Complex_vector.zip
  4. I searched around a bit to see if this had been suggested before - I'm guessing it has, but just in case - you can already pass in an array of clips to have their properties tweened - why not allow passing in a vector (e.g. Vector.<DisplayObject>) as well? mostly for the sake of sheer convenience in not having to switch collection formats when you need to tween things.
  5. Hello, I've been working with the Javascript version of GreenSock v 12, EaselJs, and the Canvas element. I know that the Actionscript version of Greensock has a CircluarPath2D or something something like that, but I've searched Google and the Greensock forums and cannot find a way of actual animate the drawing of a shape like in Flash. I've seen tons of examples on "Transforming" shapes, and the drawing of shapes and then put them on the screen, but not any actual on-screen animated drawing of a shape/bezier. I also, looked into svg, but did not see an option there. Is it possible to do this without using masks? If so, please provide a very simple example or send me a link to how to do this Thanks for viewing, any help will be greatly appreciated.
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