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  1. Daniel Silva

    How to create GSAP hover split text

    Hello, I would like help understanding how to create a hover effect in the text similar to the footer of this site (https://danielvaszka.com/). Can someone help me?
  2. Hi there! I have prepared a codepen that will hopefully help find the solution to my problem. I am using both ScrollTrigger and SplitText to try to animate some text. My goal is to do the following: 1. Have the first h1 animate into the page when the page loads. 2. Once the user scrolls down a bit, the h1 will animate out and the h2 will then animate into the page. This "works". The issue is once you scroll back up. When you scroll back up the h2 will animate out and the h1 will animate back in, however the h1's first character will not be visible. I noticed that if I comment out the first part of my timeline (the from()), it then works perfectly, however I can't seem to get it to work if I animate the h1 when the page loads. Here's another codepen showing what I just mentioned above (commenting from()): https://codepen.io/julienkos/pen/MWEVvQE. Please let me know if you can help! I appreciate it.
  3. Maniak Development

    SplitText puts <span> into a div and breaks text

    I have this issue with SplitText where the text inside a <span> is breaking into another line and I have no idea how to fix it. According to the docs they spans shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know what is causing this In my example, the "this is the THIRD line" should be on the same line
  4. Hey there! Can anyone help me with this? I am new to this thing, really trying hard to get my hands dirty with tweenMax. PROBLEM: I am trying to animate text in words by using SplitText, The thing i am trying to do is to change text on repeat. but can't do so. https://fastfoodsignage.herokuapp.com/ go to the second section, There is an animation, I am trying to give it YoYo effect, so it can look like a typewriter, and on repeat want to change innerHTML and update the splitText Codepen link: https://codepen.io/ifaizanahmed/pen/qBWgZGg demo1.mp4
  5. Hi there, I'm using splittext and wanting to animate a passage of text and then to underline a key region within that text. It looks like the split text function deletes the span I had used before because I'm not seeing it within the array of stuff it creates or in the text string that appears once I revert. I can provide a codepen if needed but I just wanted to make sure. Please let me know if I need to. Thanks!
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