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  1. Hi everyone! Would love to get your opinion on what might be causing performance bottlenecks in a page transition animation I'm working on. Live WIP site is here: http://adamwagner.io/ Click on the first image below the Lorem Ipsum "about me" section. The image is of a band playing. Notice the low frame rate as the image animates to the hero position, a circular splash element hides the page, and then the route changes to the project detail page. Click the "back" text at bottom left below the hero image. This will take you back to the home page with a reverse animation. NOTE: only works in Chrome because I'm using webm for the image I refer to above. Will fix for prod of course. Performance increases after multiple runs, but typically first run performance is very janky. I would love some tips - even if they involve a totally different approach. Thank you so much in advance! I've attempted to use best practices. For instance, I clone the image before animating, making it fixed position to avoid reflow. GSAP delightfully takes care of optimizing position tweens, but I also need to animate height and width. I also need to set autoRound: false, because I need perfect overlap with the real hero image once the transitory clone is removed. Here's the code: import React from 'react' import { injectGlobal, styled } from "styled-components"; import {TweenMax, Bezier, TimelineMax, Power3, Sine} from "gsap"; import store from 'store' // import ripple from '../utils/splash' let globalSpeed = 1; export default class ProjectImage extends React.Component { getDuration(start, end) { let pixelsPerSecond = 700; let duration = Math.abs((end - start) / pixelsPerSecond); // set min value of .2 duration = duration < .25 ? .25 : duration // set max value of .5 duration = duration > .5 ? .5 : duration return duration * globalSpeed; } onImageClick = (e) => { // get the first element - the <body> let body = document.body // get window width minus scrollbar let w = body.clientWidth let h = body.clientHeight // get clicked project element and position data let el_original = this.refs.project_image let {top, left, width, height} = el_original.getBoundingClientRect(); // clone it let el = el_original.cloneNode() // place element on top of original // find a cleaner way to copy these over let elStyles = ` cursor: pointer; width: 100%; height: 40vw; will-change: width, transform; background-image: url(${this.props.image}); background-position: center center; background-size: cover; pointer-events: none; ` el.style.cssText = elStyles + `z-index:200; position: fixed; top:${top}px; left:${left}px; width:${width}px; height:${height}px;` body.append(el) // get mouse click coordinates let {clientY, clientX} = e; // save original image coords for "going back" transition store.set('lastClickedProject', {top, left, width, height}) // create and append splash circle let splash = document.createElement('div') splash.style = ` border-radius:100%; width: 50px; height: 50px; background: ${this.props.pageColor}; position: fixed; top:${clientY}px; left:${clientX}px; z-index:100; opacity: 0.75; will-change: transform; ` body.append(splash) // animate splash TweenMax.to(splash, (0.6 * globalSpeed), {scale:80, opacity:1, transformOrigin: "50% 15%"}, Sine.easeIn); // animate image to the hero position TweenMax.to(el, this.getDuration(0, top), {bezier: {curviness:0.25, values:[ {x:0, y:0, width:width, height: height}, {x:-left, y:-(top/2.5), width: w, height: height+25}, {x:-left, y:-top, width: w, height: height+100}, ]}, ease:Power3.easeOut, autoRound:false}); // redirect to detail page setTimeout(() => { el.remove() splash.remove() window.___navigateTo(this.props.path) }, (this.getDuration(0,top)*1000)) } render() { let style = { cursor:'pointer', width:'100%', height:'40vw', willChange:'width, transform', backgroundImage:`url(${this.props.image})`, backgroundPosition:'center', backgroundSize:'cover', } return ( <div onClick={this.onImageClick} style={style} ref="project_image"> </div> ) } }
  2. Simple question with perhaps a complicated answer. Is it possible to animate multiple objects towards a central point in GSAP? Rather than adding positioning tweens to each individual object? For example I have a scene with objects around the canvas, I'd like them to slide onto the canvas towards the middle of the canvas.
  3. Any idea how one would go about creating a jalousie, Something like what is found here
  4. Guys i really need help on this. Basically as you can see from the linked codepen i have a lowpoly lion in SVG, all made out of single triangles. At the moment i made this animation of all the pieces falling from a single spot and forming the image, but what i need is different. I need all the pieces to come randomly from all the directions, top, lef, right, bottom, all going to the center and create the lion. There is a simple way to make this with TweenMax? I dont really know how to make this and i'm not really good with Javascript. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi, I figured how to do it, But I Cannot understand the real logic behind it. if I ask a centered div to move X by 250px, then the next animation one by the same distance. they should end up a 500px ... with equal mouvement right ? .. I've made a simple codepen. I need to understand, even things this simple !
  6. I am missing something that I know should be easy for someone well experienced. I have only a couple of months of web design experience. I have a intro timeline and another one trigger on scroll. Both attach to a scrollmagic controller. The intro should finish before the user scroll down. I tried to overflow: hidden on y axis etc... doesn't work. But hidden the scrollbar is not good User experience. IF the intro played completely the first scene is good and reverse fine. But when the user scroll down to the first scene (of 6 scene total) and the intro is not done everything break down when the reverse of intro is triggered. And if windows is refresh on scene1. The intro start. IS there a way to somehow reset the intro timeline if the user reverse back on intro when they scroll down to scene1. And to lock the intro animation when refresh on scene1 or scene2 ...3....Maybe it's a scrollmagic coding but maybe greensock has a specific code to resolve this http://codepen.io/dominium/pen/zKyZZd Thanks in advance
  7. Hello, I am working with SVG object (Map), I have divided it by regions and now trying to append on-click zoom-in and zoom-out function. I have decided to make zooming function via changing Transform's "scale" and "translate" properties. Example is here: https://codepen.io/Creedplay/pen/oLRPjY Just check JS lines, and for test click on red object. I have used TweenMax library for transition change of up mentioned properties. My problem is a visual of transition, the "zoom effect" does not go straight to object, it starts from left and then goes to object. I think reason for it is asynchronous change of "scale" and "translate" properties. but I am not sure how to fix it. Can anyone explain why it does this? and help me to fix? I would like to make "zoom effect" to look like this: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/9656675 Thanks in advance.
  8. http://allthetime.co.nf/GSAPslider/ I'm developing a GSAP slider and it works well now with keyboard and click control. I want to be able to animate between states upon receiving a click/key event. So, when it's on slide 1 and I click the button for slide 4 instead of going to slide 4 instantly, the animation scrolls quickly across slide 2 and 3 and then lands at 4. Any ideas?
  9. Hey, I am working on a circular animation mainly based around animating the rotation property of clips and run into an issue with smoothly transition between an initial animation using the "StrongIn" ease and a follow-up of "SlowMo"-eases. I have made some tests with sequencing SlowMo animations and they seem to transition smoothly even if using different values for the params. But getting into the SlowMo smoothly from the other animation doesn’t work for me at the moment. Does anybody have any advice on how to accomplish this or done this in the past? Is it possible to have "finer" control over the SlowMo ease like controlling the ease for the beginning and the end of the SlowMo separately? Really appreciate any help!
  10. Hi, guys! I'm new to JS and GSAP and need some help. I'm trying to make quite a simple thing: hide login form with opacity transition. But if you make it like this: TweenMax.to(".plate", .3, {opacity: 0}); ...it just makes the form window transparent, but not hide it — you still can roll mouse over "close" button and over the input field and see how the cursor changes the shape. I have to set display: none; property after the animation is finished. And when I do it like this, the animation doesn't work: TweenMax.to(".plate", .3, { opacity: 0, onComplete: function() { TweenMax.set("."+type, {display:none}); } }); On top of that, the browser detects this JS as it has a syntax mistake, because when I load HTML page none of JS works on the page. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please, help to solve the issue. P.S. Is there any forum search? Couldn't find "search on the forum" button.
  11. Hello Everyone! I encountered a problem for which I can not find a solution. I would like to make the transition from one slide to another, something very similar to CSS clip. The problem is that I need a diagonal bar to sweep the screen from right to the left, showing the content that lies beneath. Does anyone have any idea on how to achieve that? I have attached a picture that might explain a little bit better what I am trying to do. Any help is very much appreciated!
  12. I am reading Google Material animation guidelines. https://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/authentic-motion.html#authentic-motion-mass-weight Has anyone able to mimic as close as possible to it? Does anyone has a set of easing values I can plug and play? Cheers, Venn.
  13. Hello, how do i change an effect when scrolling to next slide? I was trying to find some effect options in this codepen - http://codepen.io/bassta/pen/kDvmC but I didnt succeed. For example something similiar to this - http://www.bistroagency.cz/ They use some transitions between each slide, It kinda looks 3d. Thank you!
  14. I need to make this event happen a few seconds after page loads. Can someone help? Also, the type weight is normal during transition but is bold as it should be after transition. Why? Thank you!
  15. I am trying to use card flipping as part of an animation, and I am following the cool-looking example in the GSAP codepen. However, I noticed that it does not work on IE 10. On IE 10, the cards do flip, but instead of seeing the "back" card you see the backface of the front card. It appears as though there is a problem with the backface-visibility in IE 10. What can I do to make this also work in IE 10? Thanks! http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/yzahJ
  16. Hi i wonder if anyone know how to create google meaningful transition by using GSAP. and also i want to know how to implement below effect on Javascript, jquery or angular way. if anyone know it would be great and much helpfull http://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/meaningful-transitions.html#meaningful-transitions-visual-continuity http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/v_2/material_ext_publish/0B2wX4iIvu8L6aHVOOGxBOW5jZlE/animation-meaningfultransitions-visualcontinuity_music-tablet-01_xhdpi.webm and also i found this link http://material.cmiscm.com/ Jongmin Kim (@cmiscm). is the guy who made this amazing example. and these UI State change animation all done by using GSAP..i was amaze how smooth is it.. thats why i need to implement those type of effect on my own project. and also i want to know. is this can use for production project. and how the browser will handle. and how dom manipulation are handle, if anyone know know how to replicate that example. or any other way. please help me to understand this.
  17. Hi all, Recently switched to the JS environment, after working with Greensock for some months in Flash. I have a question: I've been working on a banner ad where a DIV is rotatated and scaled. It is a scale up of 20% over 4 seconds, causing FireFox to render the animation not very smoothly. Chrome works like a charm and Safari is having some problems too I guess (I couldn't watch it on IE yet...). I added a codepen, but have the feeling the effect is a little bit worse in my own file. Any ideas how this is caused? Is it the rotation combined with the scale? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi i'm trying to create stagger effects on my app dashboard, but the problem is i follow all the documentation guide lines, but there is no way to create Stagger that trigger different directions. only the given parameters and all object stag to the same pattern, but i need to stagger it from different directions. eg : Use case scenario that i'm trying to archive. 1). Top bar comes in document top position 2). Sidebar comes in right side 3). Body element comes in bottom and so on.. i know i can use Timeline Max for this situation, but i need to create this from stagger Effect for re-usable purpose. and trigger from click event
  19. Hi there, i'm trying to do one of those animations on the header as you scroll down. I want it to be a very nice and smooth transition. I'm trying to do in such a way that i could easily re-use the code in different projects, just changing the timeline animation. Basically, when you scroll down 50px, an animation would play instantly, at the moment i'm adding a class "sticky" to my header, so i can control the position thru css, but i can't get the animation working. I'm sure there's something missing on my code, just can't figure out what it is. $(function() { var header = $(".header"); $(window).scroll(function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 50) { header.removeClass('not-sticky').addClass("sticky"); console.log("sticky") } else { header.removeClass("sticky").addClass('not-sticky'); console.log("notsticky") } }); }); var headerAnim = new TimelineLite({}); headerAnim.to(".sticky", 1, {css:{background:'#ccc'}, color:'#fff', ease:Back.easeOut}); //>> animate logo in, etc
  20. i have two frame to show, play aniframe, then will appear aniframe1. last time was working, but suddenly aniframe1 not working anymore. TweenMax izit not support this code anymore? TweenLite.to($(".aniframe1"), {css:{visibility:"visible"}}); Last time i was using this topic attachment file, to do revision. http://forums.greensock.com/topic/7624-animatein-animateout-example/?hl=animatein
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