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  1. First of all congratulations, GSAP is extraordinary !! I'm beginner in this. I would like to access to time's property ( duration tween ) in onUpdateParam() Something like this : this.parent._time (And I can't find the main object here... )
  2. First of all sorry for not posting codepen URL, for some reason, my code isn't executing on codepen. Below is the TimelineMax code I prepared for the kind of animation I need. tl .to(panel1, 0.3, {width:'50%',ease:Power3.easeOut}) .to(panel2, 0.3, {left:'50%', ease:Power4.easeOut},panel1) .to(panel2, 0.3, {height:'50vh',width:'25%', ease:Power1.easeOut}) .to(panel5, 0.3, {width:'25%',height:'50vh',left:'75%'},panel2) .to(panel3, 0.3, {top:'50%'},panel2) .to(panel3, 0.3, {width:'25%',height:'50vh'}) .to(panel4, 0.3,{left:'75%',width:'25%',top:'50%'}); You could see how panel2 and panel3 have more than one ".to" that is because of the kind of animation I need where panel2 should first get to 50% left and then get to 50vh height, 25% width. Now, I want panel5 to follow along with panel2 but not the first panel2 but the second one. How can I target only the second panel2 (the one with height: '50vh', width:'25%') for the panel5? Hopefully, it makes sense to you. Thank you so much in advance. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Michael71

    Change tween duration while its tweening

    Hey guys, long time since I've been here. How can I change the duration of a tween while it is tweening? So I have this: TweenMax.to(".masked", 10, {"background-position": "0px 100%"}); And I want while this is playing, to dynamically increase the duration of it, or lessen it.
  4. pati

    Add acction to a video

    Hi! I would like to know if there's a way to animate a HTML video. What I would like to do is to add a link to another page on the video, but that link should appear just for a few seconds. For example, the video starts with no animations. Then on second 12, the link appears for 5 seconds and disappears again. I'm thinking of using the video currentTime like this codepen I created: https://codepen.io/sonder15478/pen/Ppeyry Any ideas of how to do it?
  5. How do I kill tweens past a certain point in time? So, I have a timeline with a bunch of tweens all starting at random times. I want to remove tweens of certain elements that either start past a certain point in time, say, 5 seconds, or tween beyond that point in time. I know about killTweensOf(), but now how do I killTweensPastTime()? I searched google and these forums but couldn't find anything. Thanks, John
  6. Hi, Been trying to get this to work for a little while now, a bit stuck. CodePen: http://codepen.io/Dev-KP/pen/jbMWxy Basically the individual animations work: .add(aninIn(copy1, 20)) //.add(aninOut(copy1, 20)) When one of them is commented out the other will work perfectly, but having them both there seems to make them merge. I'm guessing it's something to do with the .set in the returned tiimelines? If I am not mistaken the nested timelines should play one after another? Or is this something for immediateRender? Cheers P
  7. elsha

    Animation time tracker

    Hey there ... I've been creating some of my first banner ads using GSAP and I've come across a little snag which would normally be as simple as looking at a timeline in flash. I need to keep track of how much time has passed for my animation. Aside from sitting and calculating the length of each command -+ the delay times, has anyone come across an easy way of tracing/tracking the duration of GSAP animations? I'm loving GSAP though... tried GWD, edge and canvas in flash, but after an initial learning curve of GSAP, hand coding has definitely been the most powerful and easiest to control. Thanks
  8. kap

    setTimeout for TweenMax

    Is there a way to delay the start of a TweenMax, similar to a setTimeout ? setTimeout( function () { TweenMax.staggerFromTo( $box, 0.3, { y: 0}, { y: -100}, 0.10); }, 400 );
  9. I know that I shouldn't be too concerned as this is something I've noticed while testing my app in debug. When I transition to a screen that has video content I've noticed my ui elements repositioning(Feathers/Starling) and figure it's due to the workload being too much for that frame. Haven't looked at scout but know that not loading video prevented it. I could alternatively load the video when the user presses the play button instead and have any delay occur there instead, what I'm interested in though was that the load time of 0.64 is for the first time I load a video, when I try any other it becomes 0.078, this is irrespective of what video I am loading(<15mb mp4 h264). I've had a look at the api and tried various options but had no luck. Am I right to assume there is some sort of initialization for the loader? It seems to be when I tell my loadermax queue to load the first file. Is there a way that I can avoid this delay by doing something with loadermax during my app startup? Again unlikely a major issue as long as it does not scale with file size in release.
  10. I am accessing the time property via the ticker() methods event object: TweenMax.ticker.addEventListener("tick", loop, this, true, 1); function loop(e){ // the time property in the target if(window.console) console.log(e.target.time); // the time property in the target._eventTarget if(window.console) console.log(e.target._eventTarget.time); // do stuff with passing time } When accessing the time property in the event object that gets passed, which time property is best to use when keeping track of the passed time: e.target.time or e.target._eventTarget.time Any help will be highly appreciated!
  11. RenanSantos

    Stagger with custom ending time

    I'm creating Staggers automatically from text lines. Some lines contains more letters than others, so i end up with a different durations. How can i create staggers with the same duration but different number of elements?
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