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  1. Hi there, I am very new to javascript and trying to keep the code readable. I want my timeline to be in a separate function and being played and reversed on a button click. However, the animation only fires forward, but never backwards and I cant get my head around it. If I put the timeline into the constructor method it suddenly works, but not if putting it into a separate function. The codepen is a very simplified version for the main issue. I'd glad if someone could lend me a helping hand. If you have better suggestions how to structure the code, I am very open to learn something. Just want to write it as clean as possible.
  2. Hi, Been trying to get this to work for a little while now, a bit stuck. CodePen: http://codepen.io/Dev-KP/pen/jbMWxy Basically the individual animations work: .add(aninIn(copy1, 20)) //.add(aninOut(copy1, 20)) When one of them is commented out the other will work perfectly, but having them both there seems to make them merge. I'm guessing it's something to do with the .set in the returned tiimelines? If I am not mistaken the nested timelines should play one after another? Or is this something for immediateRender? Cheers P
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