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  1. I have learned from the doc that how can I animate rect along path. For advance, how can I make the arc-shaped element(id="pin-arc" in the codepen demo) move around the circle path, and always fits to the circle radian? Is this possible with only MotionPathPlugin? Or are there any other solution for this, (yet prefer not to includes other plugins). Thank ahead!
  2. Hello guys. Attached code pen. I am new to GSAP and you can see the animation its basically at a background on a website I want to start showing this on my scroll trigger with my scrub I am a little new to gsap cannot do it can you guys please check it. Attaching the SVG too if you want to do it. The gaps that are coming has elements between them and it will come like this in the attached screen shot. Attaching the svg too. Please make it happen for me. Group 35.svg
  3. Hi everyone! I'm trying to implement SVG drawing on scroll based on example. Currently, I have achieved some results (attached codepen), and I have a couple of questions: The timing of the circles is hardcoded (manually set by the selection method). How can I calculate them correctly? Is it possible to do this automatically? Can I somehow calculate when the line intersects the circle trajectory and launch the animation at that moment? Is it possible to slow down the filling and the scroll itself? If the SVG fit on one screen, I think I could use pin, but since it doesn't, is it only possible to achieve this using a custom scroll? I would appreciate any help or advice. Thank you in advance!
  4. Hi all, I have been experimenting with MorphSVG and I am trying to make a button where the border morphs to a sort of arrow shaped border when you hover over it. This has been fairly successful but I see that the left side of the SVG morphs a bit and the animation still feels a bit too wavy. How can you approach a problem like this? I am not that experienced with MorphSVG and would love some insight.
  5. I'm using pixi.js and gsap together in my project. GSAP handles animating my sprites along paths. Most of the time it works fine, but sometimes my sprite jumps to `{x: 0, y: 0}` at the end of a path. The example is using dummy data, but the issue happens thare as well. Am I using the gsap.to() method correctly? Thank you for any help!
  6. Hi to all, Formula 1 2021 season will soon start so I've thought it would be nice to share my animation. It was for a contest and I still believe it was the best but the client is always right (only when he's not ? - remember Steve Jobs?). Undercutting in F1 is going to pit earlier, do some fast laps (with fresh tyres - filling a fuel not an action here) and get in front of the car previously leading. Maybe the text caption for driving fast lap(s) would be good to add (you can see in the code the red car is driving faster after a pit stop). I would love to see the code updated to GSAP 3 if anyone has time to do it - I haven't succeeded in the zeitnot. And for real F1 fans here's the schedule for 2021 (I don't remember but maybe there are all tracks available as vector shapes somewhere on the web): https://www.formula1.com/en/racing/2021.html ?
  7. create the bazier bath and card with rotate in globe so that it can create its path and rotate arround the globab like this in the pic how to create this ?
  8. Any idea why this transformation is not working? When I use the uncommented line it is working, but I don't want to animate the whole SVG, only the red letters.
  9. Hi, This is my first time posting in the forum! I searched everywhere but could not find the answer so here goes. I want to animate a line of text on a motion path. At the moment it is not working as the characters all end up on top of each other. I think it has to do with the start/end within the path that's being set but I do not know how to add code to address this. (FYI my end goal is to animate the three lines of text on three different motion paths perhaps using the class for each line. Any help would be appreciated.)
  10. iman

    draggable over path

    hi guys i want drag element over path and didn't success. anyone can help me ? whats my mistake.......!!!!!!!???
  11. Hi, I have a text Logo SVG containing HTML Paths. when the user scrolls down (> 10 px) the paths of the Logo will be hidden except two paths (.path-d, .path-m). the second path will animate next to the first one. This work and happens correctly. When the User scrolls up to the top of the page the position of the second path should be animated back to the initial position. This doesnt work for any reason. I dont get it. const logo = document.querySelector('.logo'); const logoSvg = document.querySelector('#logo'); const paths = logoSvg.querySelectorAll('path'); const pathM = document.querySelector('.path-m'); const tl = gsap.timeline(); const filterPaths = Array.from(paths).filter(path => !path.classList.contains('path-d') && !path.classList.contains('path-m')); // e.target is the event from scrolling container if (e.target.scrollTop >= 10) { console.log('here'); tl.to(logo, { duration: .2, left: '2%' }) .to(filterPaths, { duration: .1, opacity: 0 }) .to(pathM, { duration: .4, x: '-75' }); } else { console.log('and here'); tl.to(pathM, { duration: .4, x: '0' }); } I tried it now with timeline and simple 'gsap.to(...)' but both with the same result. When the User scrolls to top, the second Path (.path-m) moves a millisecond to the right and goes back to the position where it have to be when the user scrolls down. That doesnt makes sense to me. In HTML the property which ist on the Path is 'matrix(1,0,0,1,-75,0)' which is definitely wrong. What do I forget? What do I wrong? Thanks in Advance.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a simple problem to solve ( I'm sure that's something dum ): I have some points as bezier curve, and I'm animating a Svg along that path. This is the code: let flyMove = new TimelineMax({ ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1, paused: true }); flyMove.to("#" + id, 12, { ease: Linear.easeNone, bezier: { values: [ { x: startPointX, y: startPointY }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: startPointX, y: startPointY } ] } }); I'm trying to figure it out why the svg doesn't start again at the same point: can you help me? Thanks in advance, Simone
  13. Animate anything (SVG, DOM, canvas, generic objects, whatever) along a motion path in any browser. Define the path using an SVG <path> or an Array of points. The magical "align" feature bends coordinate systems and really sets it apart. You can even edit the path in-browser using MotionPathHelper! Video Feature highlights Magical align capabilities that bend coordinate systems in order to position the target exactly on top of the path (or move the path to the target), regardless of how deeply nested they are inside different transformed containers! This is insanely convenient and no other tool on the web offers this functionality! autoRotate makes the target rotate automatically in the direction of the path as it moves. Define specific start and/or end positions on the path (progress values from 0-1). Even wrap around or go backwards! A separate MotionPathHelper tool for Club GreenSock members enables interactive editing of the path directly in the browser! No need to supply an SVG path - you can provide raw coordinates through which to plot a curved path, complete with adjustable curviness, or if your Array has cubic bezier coordinates just set type: "cubic". You can even have a path go through non-positional properties like scale, rotation, or ANYTHING! That will basically smooth out the velocity changes as it hits each value, like: [{scale:0.5, rotation:10}, {scale:1, rotation:-10}, {scale:0.8, rotation:3}]. Loads of helper methods for doing advanced things like: Convert native SVG shapes like <circle>, <rect>, etc. into an equivalent <path> (convertToPath()) Calculate the relative position data between any two DOM elements so that you can move one to align perfectly with another, even if they're inside different containers that have various transforms applied! (getRelativePosition()) Convert SVG <path> data into raw cubic bezier data/numbers (or the other way around) (stringToRawPath()/rawPathToString()) Get matrix data for converting between coordinate spaces (convertCoordinates() / getGlobalMatrix() / getAlignMatrix()) Check out the MotionPathPlugin Demos collection on CodePen! Demo Sample code gsap.to("#div", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true }, duration: 5, ease: "power1.inOut" }); Usage details (docs) Check out the MotionPathPlugin docs for all the details. How do I get it? MotionPathPlugin is included in the free download, so it's available via the CDN, Github, NPM, and Yarn too! See the installation page for all the options. MotionPathHelper (which lets you live-edit the path inside the browser) is a members-only benefit of Club GreenSock. If you're not a member yet, animation superpowers await! Demos MotionPath Showcase MotionPath How-To Demos
  14. I want to limit a Draggable within a Path given for an AVG Layer. if that's possible? I read about bounds but it says container or XY cordinates can be passed in bounds if we can pass an SVG path to bounds? something like http://jsfiddle.net/JwkYm/8/
  15. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. We recommend using GSAP 3's motionPath instead of the approach outlined here. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. GSAP's BezierPlugin enables you to animate any object along a complex bezier curve. However, it isn't simple for most people to generate the exact coordinates of all the anchor and control points needed to describe a Cubic or Quadratic bezier curve. MorphSVGPlugin to the rescue MorphSVGPlugin's main responsibility is morphing SVG paths and in order to do that, it converts SVG path data internally into bezier curves. We thought it would be convenient to allow users to tap into that functionality. MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier() converts SVG <path> data into an array of cubic Bezier points that can be fed into a BezierPlugin tween (basically using it as a motion guide)! Watch the video Demo Aren't there other tools that do this? Sure, you could find some github repos or dusty old WordPress blogs that have some tools that move objects along a path. The problem is, what do you do when you need to incorporate one of these animations with other effects? Before long you're loading 5 different tools from different developers and none of the tools can "talk to each other". Choreographing a complex animation becomes a nightmare. What happens when you need to pause or reverse an animation from one of these "free" tools? Chances are you'll be spending dozens of hours trying to make it all work. With GSAP, all our plugins work seamlessly together. Any animation you create using any plugin can be synchronized with hundreds of others. Suppose your client comes to you with a small project with the following requirements: Morph a hippo into an elephant Progressively reveal a curved path Animate the elephant along the path Display captions for each animation Make sure you can play, pause, and reverse the entire sequence Sounds silly, but something like this should be a breeze. How many hours are you going to spend just looking for the tools you need? With GSAP you can build it all in under an hour, with less than a dozen lines of code. See the Pen Sequence of Bonus Plugins by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. The demo above uses MorphSVG, DrawSVG and ScrambleText which are available to Club GreenSock members. For more information check out the many benefits of joining Club GreenSock.
  16. I'm trying to move paths created in a Illustrator to a given position. In the codePen, I move the group, then morph the balloon and move the stars. The 2 targets are positioned at 100,300 and 300,300 (in pixels) in Illustrator. I've tried a variety of techniques but none seem to work...
  17. Hello, All I am trying to do is morph one shape (#step0) into (#fullFace0) after a 0.42s delay for 1s and then into (#fullFace0). I've done this before and I'm not sure what I am doing differently causing it to not work. The paths are all siblings with the destination morphs having display:none. I was getting a weird log in the console, but I looked that up and it was because the Morph plugin wasn't being added properly. That is resolved now, but I'm not sure why this morph isn't taking place. Thank you!
  18. I am trying to create a minimap for a little game. First i started creating a full map in SVG, and then animated the player icon alongside the path. But is it possible to reverse the behaviour, so that the player icon stays, and the path itself, is animating, moving and rotating anchored to the player icon? Just like the image below. Any help is highly appreciated. current code: motionPath = MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier('#motion-path', {align:'#player-dot'}); TweenLite.set('#player-dot', {xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50}); tl.to('#player-dot', 2, { bezier:{values:motionPath, type:'cubic'}, ease: Power0.easeNone });
  19. The circle move along the path with animation in this example. But how to do that with draggable plugin, drag the circle along the path.
  20. Hi, fellow GreenSock (forum) members. I'm stuck with animating an object over path, more like generally how to center say rectangle or any path to move smoothly on a path with autorotating. The Codepen pen is a part from what I would like to do but can't center the green "car" e.g. so that its center (midpoint X and Y or centroid if you wish) would move on the path. This year I have created complex animation of a cube moving along the "infinite" path with calculating shadows per rotation angle - with callback function - yet cannot do this simple animation well. Gray path is a rectangle, red one is nearly completed rounded rectangle with Bezier curves. The latter would be perfect but I cannot script the green rectangle to be centered on path at all times. So in general how to draw, position and/or offset an object so that it will move along the path by its center (centroid)? Having a group with invisible rectangle boundaries and then animating a group along the path? And yes, I have watched the excellent Note: I'm using svg.js for some easy creation of SVG elements. Intention is to script all to have rule base path creation and then animating objects over paths. Sure, the path rounded corners will be redone with arc commands :-).
  21. I came across this on CodePen last week and I've been digging around to better understand it ever since. Not getting very far very fast. I'm new to GSAP and SVG (which may be 90% of the problem) and what I'm trying to figure out is what's going on behind the drawable connections. If not a tutorial, just a quick pseudo-code summary of how this is implemented might be enough.
  22. Hello, what plugin should I use to mimic the functionality of this codepen: If someone could also showcase how to animate the SVG Path with a GSAP plugin, I would be grateful. Thanks.
  23. hi is anyone one know how to animate text on a curve path, i've attached a snap shot. can you please advice me to get this thing done.
  24. Hello, I'm quite new to GSAP and still learning the ropes. I am trying to create a specific animation that has proven difficult and was hoping someone could give me some pointers or advice on how to best tackle this. Using the MorphSVGPlugin I have placed several dots on a path and made them loop on it. What I would like to be able to do with this is when clicking a dot, to have this dot move to the bottom center of the path. In other words, the dots should loop forward or backward (based on the shortest distance) until the clicked dot is in the right location. So far I have not been able to figure out a way to make this work. Any help or advice would be much appreciated! Thanks.
  25. Hi, I'm getting more and more familiair with GSAP and JS, but I'm only diving in to it since last week. Now I was playing around with the TweenMax.ticker and mousemove event based on: But I got stuck on trying two things: 1)move SVG paths in the same way as the circle element; I did get the rect element to work by changing the cx and cy into x an y, but I don't know how to interpret this with a path position, since the ticker event does not seem to work if I give the SVG group tag an id. 2)I attached a codepen sketch based on the pen from Blake Bowen; as you can see I simply added a timeline to rotate one of the elements. Now I want this to keep on rotating around the origin value of the element, but this doesn't happen. The origin point stays on the begin value of the element (which is the top left corner) and does not move accordingly to the mouse position. Initially I want to be able to do: 1)move SVG paths based on mouse position 2)know how to apply more than the change of position accordingly Can anyone help me? Please let me know if my question is unclear. Thank you in advance!
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