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  1. If anyone has any insight here, a MILLION thanks in advance. There is probably a simple way to to this, but I've been struggling to figure this out for days and I'm literally about to lose my mind. I am dragging a placeholder item (GSAP Draggable) from a sidebar and dropping it onto a pannable/zoomable "stage" which uses CSS transforms (jquery.panzoom). When dropped, the draggable element is removed and should be replaced by a new element with absolute positioning inside the panned/zoomed "stage" in the exact same position, visually speaking, regardless of how the stage has been panned/zoomed. I am close, but the calculated position is only correct when the scale is at 1, and I can't figure out how to account for the scale programmatically. I have tried a million things but I just can't wrap my head around it. Codepen here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/meYWvL You can see that when you zoom (using the mousewheel) to Scale 1 it works they way I want, but at other scales I can't figure out how to account for the difference. The maths I am using now (only works when scale is 1): $(theNewItem).css({ 'top': dropPosition.top + (currentY - (currentY * 2)), 'left': dropPosition.left + (currentX - (currentX * 2)) });` Notes on the code: dropPosition is the $.offset() of the dragged element (relative to the window) at the moment it is "dropped", and currentY and currentX is the transformed x,y values of the container element I am trying to add the new element to, which at scale(1) could be considered 0,0 relative to the window. Side note: (currentY - (currentY * 2) is my derpy way to convert the negative number used in the transform matrix to a positive number since I don't know of any other way to convert +/- off the top of my head.
  2. I have used GSAP for a few years now, after being introduced to it through college. I am a big fan and want to use it for animating a sequence in my portfolio site. I am testing a simple concept to see if I can make a much more complex sequence What I am trying to do is change an image at a specific point in the Timeline sequence - essentially changing the "src" path of the image. I have spent an hour or two now scouring the forums and searching online for a solution, and the only seemingly related issues are much more complex. I am aware of the possibility of using jQuery and the "attr" , however ideally I would like to keep it as simple as possible, and believe there should be a way to simply change the source of the image as a 'src' css property. I have tried it without the CSS Plugin, as well as spelling out the word. I have also ran a check on the image source to make sure it isn't a file-path issue. Here is the code as of now: <body> <img src="images/7.gif" id="seven"> </body> <script> var seven = document.querySelector("#seven"); var tl = new TimelineMax({delay: 2, repeat: 2, repeatDelay: 2}); window.onload = function() { tl.from(seven, 0.5, {autoAlpha: 0.5, x: +100}) .to(seven, 0.1, {y: + 100, x: + 300}) .to(seven, 0.4, {css:{src: "images/7777777.png"}}); var pathSource = String(seven.src); console.log(pathSource); } </script>
  3. Hi one and all - I have a small test that has produced nothing on my site but I just loaded it to Codepen (from "Morphing Countdown" by Chris Gannon) and I get nearly what I was after Is there something else I need to load apart from MorphSVG & TweenMax? Perhaps I should load these some other way? Internet Explorer is showing "Cannot load a null target" TweenMax.min.js (16,27469). I have it loaded on my site at: www.ezpc.eu/anitalouise.html Thanks to anyone who has time to look at this - Trev
  4. I am trying to integrate CSS animation with GSAP. @keyframes animation1 { from { transform: translateX(0); } to { transform: translateX(30px); } } @keyframes animation2 { from { transform: translateY(0); } to { transform: translateY(30px); } } @keyframes animation3 { from { transform: translateY(0); } to { transform: translateY(50px); } } Above code can be achieved directly through Tweenmax, but what I need is to integrate the animation keyframes with the Tweenmax methods. In CSS, the animation3 will overwrite the translate() of animation1 and animation2 which is undesirable. I hope the properties are sequenced when combined with GSAP methods. Something like tweenmax.to { animation1, delay1, animation2, delay2, animation3, delay3 } The behaviour in CSS can also be seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/Manojkr/0z2ehwhd/1/
  5. Hey all, Long time Greensock user (since as2, love you guys! edit: lol, according to my profile since 1901) but this time i need a little help. Im basically looking for a internal Greensock function (or one that's external and does what i need) but i cant find it in code or docs. Let me hash out a bit, im working on a little framework for a '1Pager' site (you know, those silly sites that let you just scroll for more stuff as the entire thing animates all over the place) and im in need of a function that can take two css styles, a start and end, and then pick a point between them. For example, see the below pseudo code: var start = 0; var end = 100; var position = 0.5; var result = myMagicalFunction(start, end, position); // result = 50 So im looking for a function that i can feed 2 variables, and then i get a variable between those 2 variables, based on a 'position'. Obviously for the above example this is dead simple to do, but what i need is something like this that works for css variables, so for example the below: var start = "0%"; var end = "100%"; var position = 0.5; var result = myMagicalFunction(start, end, position); // result = "50%" And thats still a pretty basic example, it should also work with things like colors, css transforms, etc. So what i was hoping to be able to do is use some internal TweenMax function to get said values, is such a function available? If its not, does anybody have a function like this? that can handle a load of css values? Kinda started writing a function for it myself, but its a pretty hefty task, and feeling like im doing needless work, since one way or another TweenMax already has this ability, im just stumped how to use it. Any help very much appreciated!!
  6. Hi guys, Coming back to this forum for some simple trouble ! I have a flexbox layout, which tweens in many ways, and through many efforts GSAP and flexbox work (almost) perfectly together ! Everything works fine in latest Chrome, Firefox and IE (well, some minor border-radius tweening trouble in IE, but... meh). The troublemakers are Safari / Safari iOS / Chrome iOS and buddies, which still need vendor prefixes for flexboxes. As pointed out in this topic, we can set() prefixes in CSS PROPERTIES this way : tl.set($('#myDiv'), {css:{"-webkit-flex":0}}); But how about setting prefixes in a CSS property VALUE ? I have tried things like : tl.set('#myDiv', {css:{display:'-webkit-flex', display:'flex'}}); As I feared, it seems to be considered a duplicate by browsers. Testing various situations, I think only the last instance of 'display' is applied, which seems only logical. Depending on the order, I get my tweens to work on webkit-based browsers, or the others So, the questions are : - is there a way to set display right cross-browser ? - is there a way to do it simply ? xD Cheers to all the GSAP team, you're awesome ! ================================================================================ EDIT : While looking for an answer, I got to : this stackoverflow topic Based on the answers there, I got some workarounds with no tweens : toggling an HTML "flexBox" class with jQuery for instance. .flexBox { display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; } function addClassFlex(elem) { elem.addClass('flexBox'); } tl.set('#myDiv', {onComplete:addClassFlex, onCompleteParams:[$('#myDiv')]}); Since I need this to happen at a precise point of my timeline, I got nothing better than this callback yet. Does it sound ok to you guys ? Anything better to propose ? (awful use of callbacks, and I dislike messing with styles in the HTML...)
  7. Hi there. This seems rather simple but actually might not be as a simple of a solution as I was hoping for. I'm trying to transform the height of a div: #mountain { position: absolute; top: 175px; left: 18px; width:123px; height:46px; background-image:url(mountain.png); } Using this GSAP TweenMax.from('#mountain', .5, {height:0, transformOrigin:"bottom"}); On <div id="mountain"></div> However it does transforms the height, it scales the div from the top down regardless of the transformOrigin setting. What am I missing? I suspect transformOrigin does not cover height? Can you suggest a workaround for what I'm trying to accomplish? Thanks.
  8. mib32

    CPU Usage

    Hello! I use GSAP to make infinite animation in the header of http://okcity.pro with TweenLite window.cloudsTween = TweenLite.to(clouds, 100, {'background-position-x': "-1739px", ease: Power0.easeNone, onComplete: window.animateClouds}) But i get 50% cpu usage when i view that page. It is better than with CSS animation and jquery, but still is a lot. Could you suggest a method to speed this infinite animation up?
  9. ..I would expect it would return the new value and not the pretween value. Please reffer to the codepen example. I am either missing something vey simple or very complex and surely nothing in beTween. Thanks lads
  10. So on this website, I use Timeline to set up and intro animation on the home page. When I host it, I'll set a cookie script so it'll only happen the first time you hit the home page, but for now, it's part of the problem. I have CSS statements and media queries interacting with my script and it just occurred to me that I have queries in my script for the different values and dimensions of the animations based on screen size. It's hard to explain, but as I'm new to GSAP, I cannot think for the life of me how to make them now conflict. I've attached the files needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can see what I'm going for. Sorry if it's a cluster****. It's been a messier process than usual. website.zip
  11. I've seen a lot of posts about media queries and running animations on screen size, but I haven't seen any that I can use for my problem. My problem is that between the mobile/tablet and desktop versions, the original logo is a different percentage size and is scaled down to a different size. Forgive my code. It's a little sloppy at the moment. But as you can see, on the desktop version, the original img width is 50%, and on mobile/tablet, it's 90%, so the post-animation sizes will be different as well. Can anyone help with this? Thank you.
  12. Hi guys, I am having an odd issue. I am using the splitText plugin successfully and the animation works perfectly on all tested browsers and devices except the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2/3 (!?) The odd thing is that it only happens on the second text instance animating in ("txt2"). All other instances animate as expected... I can't figure out why the line break in the "txt2"instance is being ignored on Samsung Galaxy Tab2/3 only?? Any ideas? Thanks!
  13. tl;dr: TweenMax + Safari can't read the value of perspectiveOrigin, can set it just fine. Hi, happy customer and big fan here. I'm working on a project where I'm trying to tween the perspective-origin CSS property. It works just fine as long as I TweenMax.set() it, but it breaks in Safari when I change it to TweenMax.to(). Both scenarios work in Chrome. It looks like TweenMax is unable to READ the property's current value when in Safari, which it needs for calculating the tween. It is able to WRITE the value though. If you take a look at my Codepen, switch the method to "to", move the mouse and then hold still for a bit you'll see that the value gets set to the tween's end value as soon as the tween ends. Which is also why TweenMax.set() works just fine, because it doesn't need to read a value, only set it. Any idea how I can get around this without manually checking for browsers and juggling with vendor prefixes? Thanks a bunch, Franz
  14. I am trying out the gsap animation library. According to the basic docs the syntax for getting a tween up and running is: TweenLite.to( [target object], [duration in seconds], [destination values] ) So I have tried a really simple tween based on jQuery's hover event: $('.contact-item').hover(function(){ TweenLite.to(this,4,{background:'#671B4B'}); },function(){ TweenLite.to(this,4,{background:'#FFFFFF'}); }); Oddly, the background does change to the correct color, but it tweens instantly instead of over the course of 4 seconds as I have specified in the second argument. I did check to make sure the default is seconds not milliseconds. It's in the docs I linked to. I did make sure I am using TweenLite and not TweenMax. I am using jQuery but see no conflicts or errors in the console. Any help is appreciated. I have linked to a codepen I have added the css plugin and it is added to the codepen as well.
  15. Hi, I've been working long on the chart for the client yet I cannot solve the slow Firefox zoom problem. Here's the limited version of the SVG chart that exibits the problem: http://codepen.io/mattsrinc/pen/mJMRMX Now please try to click on the light blue areas (of the cow drawing shown). The neck and the part at the top are set to be zoomed (scale-d) two times while the bottom parts are set to zoom to three times larger. The (zoom) animation is slow and unusable on Firefox (when other parts are added, even in this limited version the slowness is noticable). Safari and Google Chrome are great - testing all this on MacBook Pro, Windows experience is similar. Because of the shaking text animations I have already scripted timelines to have text appear after the zoom ends. Is that because of the (known) scaling bug in the Firefox? I've tested different tricks mentioned in the forum (rotate by 0.01, z etc) yet it doesn't help. When I have explained the issue to the client I thought about simple changing the viewbox of the SVG e.g. having a final view a zoom by using SVG attributes and GreenSock somehow animated the tween (if it would not call scale command implementation). Dear community members, is there any workaround to get same fast animation like in Chrome and Safari? And no, no Flash please - never scripted it.
  16. Hey, guys. I'm having some trouble moving my CSS3 animations to GSAP. I'm new to this animation library so bear with me. I have several elements starting off-screen and dropping downwards into their final resting places. Each element has its own unique CSS transform string, containing some or all of the following: perspective, rotateX/Y/Z, and skewX/Y. My first attempt was to use from() and have GSAP do all of the heavy lifting interpolating from a base state I defined in a JSON object to the state defined in my CSS transform strings. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any 3D transforms to occur; only the vertical translation. In other words, the elements would move but would look out of place since their final state had no rotation or skewing present. I posted a question on SO and Jack recommended I move away from these transform strings entirely and use GSAP native animation properties. (He also pointed me to these forums.) So, I switched from, ah, from() and moved to, uh, fromTo(). I explicitly defined the initial and final states in JSON objects and handed them off to fromTo() for animation. I used my original CSS transform string values (i.e. transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(39deg) etc etc) in my GSAP state objects (i.e. 'transformPerspective': 400, 'rotation': 0, 'rotationX': 39). Unfortunately, the end result is fairly different from the pure CSS transform version. I came up with two fiddles to demonstrate the difference: Pure CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/nLohzgzb/4/ Pure GSAP: http://jsfiddle.net/fuoch37v/ Note that the animation itself is different (no "blowing in the wind"-type effect) and the end results aren't identical either. I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong or missing something obvious. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  17. Hey all, I've got a lovely animation up and running for the site I'm working on, but I would like the mobile animation to run slightly differently. Specifically, I've got a Tween that looks something like this: TweenLite.to(target, 1, { "top": 0 }); Pretty basic stuff. What I'd really like to do is replace "top" with some variable, such as orientation, declared earlier in the code depending on what device and screen size the user is using. That way, I can change the animation slightly based on the users' device/screen size. I'd like to do this in one Tween if possible, because the actual tween itself is much longer, and I love keeping my code as simple and elegant as possible. So that super simple Tween becomes: TweenLite.to(target, 1, { orientation: 0 }); where orientation gets declared some time earlier. Is this possible? I've messed around with declaring it a few different ways, but none of them have worked. Apologies if this is an easy fix that I've been missing, but I've been messing around with this for a while now and haven't found a solution. Thanks in advance!
  18. Hello in the given pen i want to achieve : 1) Only the elements inside the circle area to be visible with ease effect of gsap.i.e on increasing the radius they must appear onto screen via gsap and on decreasing similarly should disappear 2) the elements to appear or disappear should be draggable with the container as the max limit of circle. 3) the elements should be clickable. 4) the circle opacity should be reversed i.e right now it is rgba(0,0,0,0.8) inside the circle i want it to be outside the circle so as to give the selection effect waiting for help. Thank you
  19. Hi all, I've encountered a strange situation: when an item whose css position is set to 'fixed' is placed within another div that has been scaled using TweenMax, the fixed item is no longer fixed. Any ideas?... Thanks for the great work ! Elior
  20. hello, thanks for this awesome GSAP i have one question, a simple code as below var tl = new TimelineLite(); TweenMax.set($a, {autoAlpha: 0, display: 'none', top: 100}); tl.staggerTo($a, 1, {autoAlpha: 1, top: 0, display: ''}, 0.2); tl.play(); staggerFrom seem better for my code but i cant get it work, i will try again late so now i set the $a property by TweenMax first. if i set the property by css file not by TweenMax, and then play with TimelineLite, will i get the nice performance from gsap too? e.g set translate, opacity, z-index, scale etc any different between set property from css / TweenMax? which one is better? sorry for my language skill, thanks so much
  21. Hi, I'm really new to all this and this is my second post. I'm trying to do something I thought was simple, but something does not work. I have two div (#red and #blue) and two buttons (#opacity1 and #opacity2), clicking the first button will increase the opacity of the first div while decreasing the opacity of the second div and vice versa. The code I'm using doesn't seems to work, can someone help? Thanks UPDATE: There's an error in the code, sorry!!! .to("#blue", 0.1, { opcity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); should be .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); (opacity instead of opcity) and now seems to works. Anyway, am I doing this correctly? or there is a better way? Thanks. $('#opacity1').click(function() { var tl1 = new TimelineMax(); tl1.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); }); $('#opacity2').click(function() { var tl2 = new TimelineMax(); tl2.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0"); });
  22. andyr

    fromTo, left, right

    TweenMax.fromTo('.modal', 2, {top: 0, left: 0}, {top: 0, right: 0}); The aim is to animate top-left to top-right of browser window. In the above, the 'left' property is still being read in the 'to', so it stays top-left. So I tried overriding 'left' with left: "auto": TweenMax.fromTo('.modal', 2, {top: 0, left: 0}, {top: 0, right: 0, left: "auto"}); That sets 'left' back to default, but it doesn't animate from the left: 0 specified in the 'from'. Any ideas? Edit : Although I could do this: {top: 0, left: "100%", xPercent: -100, yPercent: 0});
  23. I've got a box in the middle of the screen: .box {width: 20em;height; 20em;z-index: 10000;position: fixed;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);-moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);background-color: #fff;box-shadow: 4px 4px 80px #000}; When I resize the browser window, the box stays centered. However, when I add a tweenMax.from, to slide the box from a corner of the screen. var tl = new TimelineMax(); tween = TweenMax.from('.box', 2, {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 0, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0}); tl.add(tween); The animation is fine, but when I shrink the browser window, the box doesn't stay centered. Instead, the box just remains in the same position. Any ideas? Thanks
  24. Hi there, first of all, wow!! GSAP is very impressive. I have the following code to animate the transform of an element: TweenLite.to(".element", transitionSpeed, { ease: Power2.easeInOut, css:{ transform: "scale("+scaleDiff+") rotate("+angle+"deg) translateX("+left+"px) translateY("+top+"px)" }}); Everything works as expected, except that the rotation is in the wrong direction. Can you give me a hint on how to change the direction of the rotation without loosing the transform property?
  25. I'm coding an accordion and I'd like to tween the height of a submenu so that it grows from 0px to whatever is it's natural height. I've found that GSAP doesn't tween values between 0 and 100% or auto. Apart from having a variable record the final size and pass that to the tween, is there a more GSAP oriented way of solving this? TIA
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