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  1. Vonwelzen

    CPU usage intense for animation

    Hi all, We made an animation for our new website (check codepen) and notice extreme high CPU load when displaying the animation. We tried simplifying the animation but it didn't really work. Any tips or advice on how to lower the cpu usage because we know svg animation is a high on cpu but on slower pc's it sounds like we are going to take off Any help is appreciated! https://cdpn.io/Vonwelzen/pen/ZEbNrLX
  2. Johan ⚡️ Nerdmanship

    CPU test like Modernizr?

    Designing by screen size and available features is common practice, but what about hardware? I wanna do something like this: if (powerfulCPU) { // Use a crazy amount of blur } else { // Skip everything fancy but still deliver a killer animation } Is there a way to perform a quick CPU test in the loading sequence of a website in a similar manner that Modernizr does feature testing? Or do you have any other thoughts on how to achieve something similar?
  3. Hello, First thanks for this nice library and fine the documentation you produced. I am working on a 2D SVG game built with react.js. Why react? Because its something I have already used and know and also because react.js is the hot lib nowadays... Turn out that I needed a solution to animate my SVG, I first tried plain CSS animation but the result weren't the same in different browser or platforms so I spent some time to look for a more robust solution and I end up going for GSAP. I quickly found out that GSAP and React aren't the best friend but things could be worked out, after reading forum I tried react-gsap-enhancer but well It didn't solve my issues. One of my goals was to have some SVG element animation in a loop inside different components and containers all getting their props from redux store. What happened is that loop were working fine at first but at some point after some rendering due to game activity loop animation stopped definitely... , I solved some of those issues by creating a react component (not stateless) for each svg I wanted to animate, using ref callback to get the element and starting the animation when componentDidMount() and preventing the component the rerender using shouldComponentUpdate(){return false} in order to prevent react from rerendering the component on every tick of a timer for example. So I thought I found a solution, I got my simple animation loop going in background only tweening 1 or 2 attribute like scale, a total of 5+ animation loop. Thats when I started to realized that the app got slower and checking the CPU usage it was at best around 140 just in idle mode (only open the web page), i removed all loop and it was back to 0 in idle mode. Thus here I come asking for help..., I do need animations for the game... I was about to go premium so I could add even more animation like particles and text animation... but now I do not know what I can do to prevent animation from killing players CPU also the game main target will be mobile phone... Is there anyway to hire a GSAP expert to look into those issues ? (please note its an indie game not so much $) Has anyone managed to make react and GSAP play well together to animate a bit more than just a svg rectangle or circle... but complex SVG with hundreds of paths ?
  4. mib32

    CPU Usage

    Hello! I use GSAP to make infinite animation in the header of http://okcity.pro with TweenLite window.cloudsTween = TweenLite.to(clouds, 100, {'background-position-x': "-1739px", ease: Power0.easeNone, onComplete: window.animateClouds}) But i get 50% cpu usage when i view that page. It is better than with CSS animation and jquery, but still is a lot. Could you suggest a method to speed this infinite animation up?
  5. Michael71

    Performance, optimum declarations?

    Hello, I was wondering on the performance of the GSAP engine and what would be the optimum declarations for some simple scenarios. I have created a little game that animates 3 images (of 1500px) with repeat -1 Creates some images and animates them from side to side (1500px) momentarily rotates an image With these "simple" tasks the cpu is working 10-12% and the animations don't look so smooth. I'm not using TimelineMax/Lite but TweenMax instead for all of these So I was wondering if this is a wrong technique. Moreover all of the animations are using the CSSPlugin because I want to animate left, top, rotate is there another way to do it or the css animations are optimal for these tasks? I'm using the latest Chrome. Here is some sample code. This handles the paralax effect: var tween1 = TweenMax.to($("#child1"),speed*4,{css:{left:lefty1-1500},repeatDelay:0,useFrames:false, repeat:-1,ease:Linear.easeNone}); var tweenMountains = TweenMax.to($("#mountains"),speed*2,{css:{left:-1500},repeatDelay:0,useFrames:false,repeat:-1,ease:Linear.easeNone}); var tweenBuildings = TweenMax.to($("#buildings"),speed,{css:{left:-1500},repeatDelay:0,useFrames:false,repeat:-1,ease:Linear.easeNone}); This handles the creation of items and removal upon ending the effect: $("#mainContainer").append("<div class='mines' id='mine"+counter+"' style='top:"+randomY+"px;'><img src='mine.png'/></div>"); TweenMax.to($("#mine"+counter),speed,{css:{'left':-100},ease:Linear.easeNone,onComplete:function(id){ var _counter = counter; test = id; id.remove(); },onCompleteParams:[$("#mainContainer>#mine"+counter)]}); So appart from some input of the performance issue, It would be great if you had any methods of measuring the FPS of the animations (total, or one by one). You can view the total application here: http://www.netgfx.com/trunk/mission51 Thanks in advance.
  6. Alright, I'm 100% stuck, and I really need some help with my project. Below is a link to the FULL project so you can see everything that's there and test it yourself. It's 180MB, sorry for the filesize, but its like 78MB of video and some sound and other things. http://www.mediafire.com/?5eox4gderare717 The project is one frame, on the frame there is a movie clip called rewinder. inside rewinder theres about 24 frames that left and right arrows on screen navigate between, and plays different videos. I'm loading videos 2 in front and 2 behind the current frame, and unloading any videos outside that threshold, but it's not helping. Further details but not super relevant I dont think: the swf is referencing a php file every 2.5 seconds that has a variable I'm using. The problem: Run the swf, and you'll see your RAM usage and CPU usage skyrocket. I've compressed the videos as much as I can, I'm using Loadermax, loading the videos when needed, unloading them when they're not needed, but it's just detrimental to the computer. It literally starts to crash other programs and slow the computer down because it's too intense on it. I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it. Furthermore, when you navigate pages, the RAM usage endlessly goes up well beyond 1GB. Is there a way that I can test where a memory leak is occuring? Does this seem like a LoaderMax issue? I'm a designer primarily and trying to work with AS3 and greensock, so I apologize that the code isn't refactored well or optimized. Any help would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated, please let me know if I can supply with anything else thats needed for testing. The project is up and online at www.helpg.us. Please don't post that link around right now, just saying that so you can see the full file online running.
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