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  1. Stagnax


    Hi, This is broad question. How can I create something like the pen i mentioned through GSAP. (A detailed explanation would be really helpful as I'm a noob) Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi, How do I animate this ball up and down smoothly. I'm using fromTo but i don't know where to put "repeat:-1"
  3. Hi, Id like to know if there is a GSAP function that can create the effect of a mouse following the cursor
  4. Stagnax

    Draw svg

    Hello, I'm trying to use DrawSVG for the external border . As you can see I have 4 blocks that appear one by one . What I'd like to do is : As soon as the first block appears a border should start and complete its path as the last block appears I hope I'm clear what I want
  5. I want the car to move after the bicycle has reached its end. (How to trigger a 2nd scene only after the 1st scene is completed ) Thank you in advance
  6. Hi, I stumbled across a website that is using GSAP (TweenMax, based on Wappalyzer) to animate its elements, and I found one specific animation really interesting. If you visit the website in Desktop (http://thieb.co) and arrive at the home page, click one of the projects and you'll be brought into the specific project page. If you see carefully, the project title animates from the home page position to the project page position, and the URL changes. But the project title element is still the same. I was just trying to figure out how to do this and I've been searching all over the internet for this. Since the creator of the website uses GSAP, I guess this is where I can start. Does anyone knows how to create a similar effect for that? Or can lead me to a place where I can learn how to achieve that effect? Thanks, Alfian
  7. Hi everyone, I am trying to perform an animation with a delay on every subsequent SVG 'path'. In this Codepen link you can see that every letter of the SVG logo is separated by a 'path'. How do I perform a DrawSVG animation delay for each path, similar to how it looks like in here. This was animated using Anime.js, but sadly it couldn't control the animation using events as good as DrawSVG, but the delay of each letter was what I'm looking for. Is there a quick way to do this? Or would I have to manually delay every path by giving it IDs? Thanks
  8. Hi guys, This is more of a pre-sale question than a problem, to be honest. But I do need some help with the Javascript/jQuery. I'm working on an SVG animation using Anime.js, but I feel that there are limitations to the animation that's possible for SVG. I was trying to replicate https://thieb.co homepage animation. So basically on mouse down, the animation starts playing, and mouse up, the animation reverses to the empty state. Due to Anime.js's limitations, I was wondering if DrawSVG is able to replicate the aforementioned effect? With a 'completed' callback to prevent the animation from reversing once completed, etc. Here's what I got so far: http://alfianridwan-fms-stories.netlify.com/ with Anime.js Is it possible to replicate this with DrawSVG? (before I purchase the membership and find out that I can't replicate it!) Thanks, Alfian
  9. Hi, I tried create similar animation in right top which you can see in the picture from this website ( https://waaark.com/ ). In CodePen is my animation. Their animation start from bottom to top but my from all sides to middle. Thank you for your advice.
  10. I am animating svg elements onto the screen with a simple opacity tween, however the elements look like they jump left 1px at the end of the tween, is there some properties I need to set to allow the SVG elements to tween on smoothly and without this weird jump? thanks in advance
  11. How can I achieve this scroll animation on the hero sections on this website - https://www.sapientrazorfish.com/ using scrollmagic and GSAP or any plugin you can direct me towards.My main aim here is to achieve the overlapping section and snap effect. Looking at my codepen, I've achieved the overlapping effect but can't just seem to make them snap on scroll just like the website. Any help is appreciated.
  12. I'm working on a lightweight text slider for use on WordPress sites. The slider's context appears to be an issue: on some sites, contained within a widget, the animation works perfectly. On others, using a different WP theme, when the animation runs, the "slides" do slide, but instead of sliding out of view, they just slide to the far right side of the screen, underneath the other content. The "offscreen" slides remain partially visible under that content. I am pretty sure this is concerned with the distance the "slides" move, which I'll admit I don't fully understand. The basic code was forked off of another similar pen, I think, but a long time ago. The basic issue here is that the available plugs for basic WP animation are beasts: tons and tons of code, enough to slow page loading times by many seconds. TweenLIte, of course, is extremely lightweight. I'd be grateful if someone could explain the movement pieces of this TweenLite animation, so that I could figure out where the "offscreen" slides need to "go" to remain invisible.
  13. Hey Tweeners, I was wondering is it possible to create typing effect for placeholder text without using "SplitText"? If yes how to set textarea placeholder as target in tweenmax function. I have tried but it's showing null target. Anyone can explain why?
  14. Hi Guys, my Name is Oliver. I am the developer of anivendo. A fast, modern and easy to use HTML5 Banner-Animation-App for Windows (Mac-Version will follow) which uses TWEENMAX. · No Coding Experience required! · NO COMPLICATED TIMELINE! anivendo animates your Banner Creatives very much faster than traditional HTML5 Animation Tools like Google Webdesigner, Adobe Flash, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe Edge Animate, etc… Why don’t you take a Look. We are currently searching for alpha-Tester! https://anivendo.com/ Update (03-23-2018): anivendo is now fully documented! https://anivendo.com/docs/ Questions, Bug Report and Improvement Suggestions can be made via anivendo Community Forum https://anivendo.com/community/ _ Cheers Oliver
  15. Hello all, I am newbie and just started to learn GSAP technology in my company. I have asked to create this effect using GSAP. I tried my best to find scrollTop of current message and fail to apply autoAlpha on it. Will you just check both images and can someone tell me how can I create fadein and fadeout effect scrolling up and down. I want to show current message with opacity 1 and last message with 0.5 and last second message 0.25 and so on. And when I scroll down messages opacity should change as per scroll. Please need someone early help to achieve this. Thanks in advance.
  16. Good day everyone. I have just completed my personal portfolio site which makes use of GSAP. However, it seems the animations are not playing and so the page remains blank. Everything works fine on my local server but when I uploaded my website to the dreamhost servers, the animations no longer work. There are no errors whatsoever on the console. I contacted the customer service and was told that in my error.log file it says the folder where all my GSAP.js files are located cannot be found. But looking at my panel, all files were uploaded successfully. Ok, in order to be sure it was not just the dreamhost servers, I decided to try uploading the site to github servers and still the same thing. The site and all files uploaded successfuly but the javascript files are not running or located. I don't know exactly. And after looking at the console and the network in the google developer tools, there is no single error, it shows all files were uploaded successfully as there is no error. What may be causing this issue? I'm lost.
  17. Hi all, My issue here is a bit two-fold. I've been making steady progress on this project, but I've hit another wall. The first issue is that since I've added my Timeline for the second animation, the animation opens immediately on browser load. The second issue is that my Timeline doesn't seem to be running the .fromTo() I've defined for it. So what I'm attempting here is to define the first animation, define the second animation, toggle the first with click, toggle the second with timeline onComplete of the first animation, and then to be able to reverse the whole sequence on click again. I've made a mess of my code I think and I'm having a hard time piecing it all together. I feel slightly bad about having so many questions/requests for assistance. If I'm asking an inappropriate amount or types of questions please feel free to let me know, I wouldn't want to violate any forum rules. Whatever you can help me with I will greatly appreciate and I thank you in advance.
  18. Hi all, I need to reverse my div's animation to its original state on the click of the link. I've been reading that TimelineMax is the only way to do this? Will they work together in this context/is there a way to do this with just TweenMax/am I stuck in the woods? The reverse() function in TweenMax doesn't seem to really do anything besides stopping the animation from working altogether. I've tried using TweenMax.to in a separate instance that selects my .link class for the addEventListener( 'click', animate); to return the div to its former properties but that hasn't worked either. You can see my attempt in the pen. Any tips? Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi all, So I am attempting to make it so my child grows into its parent. I have my wrapper div's margins set to 5vw so that I have a perfect border all around my browser. The issue seems to be when I click the div and the animation starts, it ignores the margins set there and expands past the wrapper's containment field. What am I not seeing? Thanks in advance!
  20. Hi all, I try to have a perspective effect on my title "Master Roaster", I separate all the letter (all of them are in a different <span>), but my animation doesn't work on that, it's work on my head-text ("01. Redesign"). I can't find the problem... Anyone could help me ? Thanks a lot
  21. I need to scroll animation when the user scrolls the mouse wheel.Now animation is working on page load. I need content should animate on the scroll. First two articles is working but when I scroll it than animation is not working. I tried some code but not working. would you help me out in this? https://jsfiddle.net/Narendra2015/0gL8k79a/
  22. This is literally my first animation with GSOP, I have some understanding of Js and a good grasp on HTML and CSS but I am confounded. I have been trying to get this to work for the better part of an hour to no avail. Thank you for any help. Sorry, to clarify I know that the image isn't loading in the pen, but I'm mostly concerned for the animation. The image loads fine on my computer because that's where it's source is.
  23. Hello, I would like to know if we can create a retro game using GSAP? Is it really possible for beginners to create their own basic game using GSAP? Even without physics in the game just to control the character only. Or even control a snake in the snake game. Anyone tried to create a game using GSAP? Can you please share it?
  24. I'm very new to GSAP, so apologies if this is a simple question, but I couldn't seem to find the answer anywhere. As you see in the codepen, I'm trying to animate this gold bar across the screen (and fade it in/out) in three tweens. However, between each tween in the timeline is a distinct pause for a quick moment before the next tween begins. I tried firing the tweens before the others finished, but that seemed to break the animation when it repeated. How do I make this animation one continuous motion and allow it to be repeated indefinitely? Here is my js right now: var $loader = $('#load'), tl; tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1}); tl.from($loader, 1, {x: '-=40%', transformOrigin:"0% 50%" , autoAlpha: 0, scaleX: .2, ease:Power2.linear}) .to($loader, 1, {x: '+=60%', ease:Power2.linear}) .to($loader, .8, {x: '+=10%',autoAlpha: 0, scaleX: .2, transformOrigin:"100% 50%" , ease:Power2.linear});
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