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Found 6 results

  1. Hey Team, The server is down again. Could you please look into this quickly? reason: connect ECONNREFUSED Thank you! Previous thread -
  2. Hey Team, The server is down. Could you please look into this quickly? reason: connect ECONNREFUSED Thank you!
  3. Hey, I am a long time gsap customer. I run marketing websites for allot of business clients. Currently I am unable to do any new deployments or changes, or for that matter, work on any of the projects, because when I try to install my projects I get the following error: This also happens with npm, bun, or any other package manager. When I on my server, it also refuses connection. This is not the first time this error is occurring, its a regular thing at this point and can last multiple hours, destroying my development schedule. I am seriously considering finding an alternative to this library because of this.. I hope you take this seriously and upgrade to a serious production ready hosting solution, if you need help with that contact me, I will help you free of charge, but this NEEDS TO STOP.
  4. Hi everyone, I am trying to perform an animation with a delay on every subsequent SVG 'path'. In this Codepen link you can see that every letter of the SVG logo is separated by a 'path'. How do I perform a DrawSVG animation delay for each path, similar to how it looks like in here. This was animated using Anime.js, but sadly it couldn't control the animation using events as good as DrawSVG, but the delay of each letter was what I'm looking for. Is there a quick way to do this? Or would I have to manually delay every path by giving it IDs? Thanks
  5. Hi guys, This is more of a pre-sale question than a problem, to be honest. But I do need some help with the Javascript/jQuery. I'm working on an SVG animation using Anime.js, but I feel that there are limitations to the animation that's possible for SVG. I was trying to replicate https://thieb.co homepage animation. So basically on mouse down, the animation starts playing, and mouse up, the animation reverses to the empty state. Due to Anime.js's limitations, I was wondering if DrawSVG is able to replicate the aforementioned effect? With a 'completed' callback to prevent the animation from reversing once completed, etc. Here's what I got so far: http://alfianridwan-fms-stories.netlify.com/ with Anime.js Is it possible to replicate this with DrawSVG? (before I purchase the membership and find out that I can't replicate it!) Thanks, Alfian
  6. So I have been searching for a way to have a background orbit a center. I came across the greensock blitmask that does an amazing job of wrapping the bitmap data to do infinte scrolling effects. However, I can't figure out a way to use this blitmask to rotate and still have the wrapping effect. I attached a SWF file to demostrate what i'm trying to accomplish. WASD keys control the movement cosc469.zip
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