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  1. Guest

    Timeline Length

    Hi there, Is there a basic way to calculate the length of a TimelineMax animation? I do alot of banner work with Greensock and publishers have strict 15sec limits. I can't find an example anywhere. Thanks, Phil
  2. Hi guys, I have a timeline that animates between two classes. It works like a charm with the styling I've used so far, but it can't animate `scale3d`... Do you guys know if this is a known bug, or is there a known workaround? EDIT: I used Gulp with an automatic venderprefix, but I tried to add the vendor-prefixes manually and that worked.
  3. I have a banner that runs a quick GSAP driven animation as well as a JS based countdown timer. //edited to include link http://codepen.io/anon/pen/XXddLq GSAP code var tl1 = new TimelineMax (); tl1.from("#myAdHero", 1, {ease:Sine.easeInOut, autoAlpha:0, delay: 1}) .from("#myAdLogo", 1, {ease:Power3.easeInOut, autoAlpha:0, delay: .25}) .from("#timer", 1, {ease:Sine.easeInOut, autoAlpha:0}) .from("#myAdCTA", 1, {ease:Power3.easeInOut, autoAlpha:0}) .from("#myAdBar", 1, {left: "-300", ease:Power1.easeInOut}) .from("#myAdTxt1", .5, {ease:Power2.easeIn, autoAlpha:0}) .to("#myAdTxt1", .5, {autoAlpha:0}, "+=3") .from("#myAdTxt2", .5, {ease:Power2.easeIn, autoAlpha:0}) }()) When the countdown reaches a specified date the timer would just no longer remain visible. This is the code in that makes the timer <div> disappear ( I didn't include all of the code because I didn't think it was necessary) if (time[1] <= 0) { clearInterval(interval_id); document.getElementById('timer').style.display = 'none'; } Everything works great at this point but now, what I need to do, is move my button over and revise the copy with a different message. All of my lines of copy are in my sprite sheet. So, I was wondering, if I created an alternate timeline, could I use the above if/then to run it in place of the TL1 timeline and if so, how would I go about doing it? I'm really not well versed in JS.
  4. So I'm using scrollmagic for an infographic, and I have a smooth scroll plugin that I was trying to use that hasn't been updated in a while (last used in January), but TweenMax has! The script is throwing all sorts of errors and completely breaking the animation. I'm getting the error "Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'scrollTo' on 'Window': 2 arguments required, but only 0 present." Anyone know how to update this script? It's at the bottom of the js on my codepen.
  5. Hi, i have seven timelines each inside a function. created in the same way as shown in the 'GSAP JS Banner Example' six contain content and a seventh to control them all. i can get one timeline to activate (works when i use each of the 6 content timelines) but when i use the .add property to append another timeline at the end of the first. i get nothing surely this has a simple solution. i have tried to replicate the 'GSAP JS Banner Example' as diligently as i can but it just wont work for me. can someone take a look at the code on my codepen link please thanks
  6. I'm trying to do an autoalpha switch with a navigation. To prevent the page from getting too crowded, I'm tweening autoalpha for the appropriate content when the nav element is clicked. I've created a loop to create the timelines and listeners, and then calling the timelines on the appropriate "titles" click. Right now, the tween works if you click the titles once each, but if you try to switch back and forth, the timelines are no longer tweening.
  7. Hi, I have a basic timeline that tweens the opacity of list items in various ways. When certain things happen on screen I need to clear the timeline completely and also reset the elements back to their original starting values. 1st attempt: Just using restart() on the timeline expecting it to clear the existing inline "style" attribute. The timeline restarts nicely but it starts with the current inline values of the elements (eg: style="opacity: 0.89434") which ruins the animations because all the timings go off. 2nd attempt: Using invalidate() on the TimelineMax object to clear the existing values. This appears to have no effect, the inline styles are still in place after making the call. Calling restart() after an invalidate still has the same effect as attempt 1. 3rd attempt: Using clear() on the TimelineMax object and just re-adding all the TweenMax object to the timelines each time I want to play it. Clearing does indeed clear the tweens from the timeline, but does not reset the inline values so any subsequent tween will just start from the values it left off on. Because the inline styles pretty much have the highest specificity I can't override easily by applying any CSS, I'll have to resort to stripping inline styles (manually or with jQuery) when getting rid of the tweens unless there is something built in to restore the elements back to when there was no tweening applied to them? All the various 'kill' methods also don't get rid of the inline styles but at least it appears to reset when applying it again. Please help, there's gotta be something simple to solve this problem. Regards, Werner
  8. I'm trying to get my flicker animation to start after the opacity part of the tl tween. Problem is I can't just append it to the end, because I've got more tl tweens running while the flicker animation is happening. As you can see in the tween, it doesn't look like my function is firing at all. Any ideas? Codepen updated: http://codepen.io/kathryncrawford/pen/YyoyLz
  9. I'm trying to create a flicker effect (eventually intended for some christmas light images) that will flicker the light off and on on repeat, and with a yoyo effect so there isn't a jump between opacity:1 and opacity:0 when the tween repeats. Right now, nothing is happening in my codepen and I'm not really sure where I went wrong!
  10. How can I make this work? I want to pause, clear/reset my TimelineMax from this onclick function call. I'm getting an "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list" when I run the console. Is what I'm trying to do correct or possible? <div class="nav"><div class="arrowDown"><a href="#slide03" onclick="init03(); init02(tl2.pause(0); tl2.clear(); ); "></a></div></div> </div> An abbreviatated JS version of the init02() function has this: function init02(){ var tl2 = new TimelineMax(); tl2.to... } Thank you for your time and help.
  11. I've created a 3D bar in illustrator (see codepen). Now I want to animate it with TweenMax (or TimelineMax) as if it's building up from the bottom to the top. I tried a couple of things to make this happen, but without any luck. - Created a clipping-path and then try to change the Y coordinate of the 3 polygons (or wrapped them in a <g id="bars"></g>) - Tried to animate the points of the polygon (http://greensock.com/forums/topic/8565-animating-svg-polygon-points-using-attrplugin/) I hope someone can help me with this. This is the end result what I need to create > http://postimg.org/image/pg2drnvch/
  12. When I'm animating along a bezier curve, the object being animated slows down towards the end of the curve - you can see this very clearly in the attached Codepen which draws a series of dot along the curve to visualize it. The dots are more tightly clustered towards the end of the curve. Is there any way of changing this? I've tried changing the timeResolution but it doesn't fix this.
  13. GSAP Bezier Curve ViewerI've been working with bezier plugin quite a bit recently and made a tool to help visualize the curves as creating them blind is no fun! At its heart it's just this function, which should work to visualize any tween (uses jQuery): let visualizeTweenMaxBezier = (tween, steps) => { for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++){ tween.progress(i/steps); $("body").append("<div id='point" + i + "'></div>"); $("#point"+i).css({ position: "absolute", width: "2px", height: "2px", "background-color": "#7F7F7F", top: tween.target.css("top"), left: tween.target.css("left"), }); } tween.restart(); } Currently it generates code based on screen pixel values, if people are finding it useful though I might update it to generate code based on screen percentage, or percentage positions within the containing element. Happy coding!
  14. Hi All, Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm sure there's a fairly simple solution but i've yet to find an example (probably too remedial!). Situation: I have an infographic where animated elements are controlled by a timeline slider. That part works fine. What I need to do now is have two text items update using the same slider. For example, first item has a minimum text value of 47 (always whole integers), a maximum of 91 (range?) - so when the slider handle is all the way to the left the html text reads 47, all the way to the right reads 91 and movement of the handle in-between the two extents +/- the text value. The second item is exactly the same however uses a different range (0.9M > 2.3M) The CodePen (linked) is similar to what I want however the value it is based upon time rather than set min/max values. Hope that makes sense. Happy to cobble together a more relevant CodePen if needed. Thanks in advance for any help / pointers / codepen examples! tome
  15. Hi! I'm curious if there's a good way to manage changing durations. I don't have code snippet handy atm, but the situation is this: We have a series of animations/scene. There's the intro timeline, the waiting timeline, and the outro timeline. It's a loader scene. The intro and outro are their own var'd new TimeLineMax(), with a series of tweens. These animations have static duration, e.g. the intro takes one second, and the outro takes 2 or whatnot. The waiting timeline is a repeating series of .to()'s saved into a var'd timeline. The total time is variable based on bandwidth and filesize. I'd like to alter the duration the containing tweens (independently if possible), as the total wait time increases; Speeding up the repeating effect (reducing the duration) the longer we're waiting. I can navigate an onComplete that checks some bool and restart()'s that timeline to "get" a repeating animation without using repeat explicitly. Related: is there an API for timeline.repeateUntilFurtherNotice()? I didn't see one (https://www.greensock.com/asdocs/com/greensock/TimelineMax.html#methodSummary). Either way - what is a good approach for modding the duration of tweens inside a timeline when the total duration is variable/unknown?
  16. Hi there, long-time lurker, first-time poster. I have an obnoxiously complex set of dynamic banners (content pulled in through a feed) where there are dozens of different static elements that can be called depending on one of the variables passed into the feed. I'm using TimelineMax to animate them. There are 2 timelines running simultaneously: one with foreground content, and a background animation. The elements being tweened on each timeline are mutually exclusive and the timing doesn't relate. They should both start on load and play independently. The whole thing is MUCH more complex than this but I've simplified it down to the gist of the structure. Everything works perfectly ~8 times out of 10 while hosted on Doubleclick (Chrome, Firefox, Safari tested on Mac all similar results), and every time locally. It's just every once in a while the elements on the "animationTL" will suddenly revert back to opacity:0 after they've tweened in. The whole "mainTLready" and "animationTLready" thing is also a workaround for a different issue I was encountering. If I just let each timeline play immediately, sometimes, when hooked up to the dynamic feed, it would hang up and nothing would animate at all. So this seems to correct that problem, but I couldn't replicate the issue on my end so I'm not 100% sure. function init(){ graphicsAnimation(); //build mainTL: uses .to, .from, .staggerFrom, .add mainTLready=true; playBanner(); } function graphicsAnimation(){ //build animationTL (inside switch statement cases): .set, .from only. //Most of these animate x/y and opacity. ".set"s are declaring scale, top & left values. animationTLready=true; playBanner(); } function playBanner(){ if(mainTLready&&animationTLready){ document.getElementById('content').style.visibility = "visible"; mainTL.play(); animationTL.play(); } } TL;DR "from" tweened elements revert after tweening back to their pre-tween state. Works locally, breaks ~20% of the time loaded on Doubleclick with text and images pulled from dynamic feed. So um, any ideas? Let me know if you need more info. Thank you!
  17. Hi there, I have the following TweenMax sequence: expandedAnimation = function() { var i = 0; var a = 1; var d = 2.25; var t = 0; var o = 4.25; TweenMax.set('#dc_logo', {alpha:a}); TweenMax.set('#videoContent', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt1', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt3', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt4', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt5', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt6', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2_1', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2_2', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2_3', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2_4', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_txt2_5', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#exp_join', {alpha:i}); TweenMax.set('#bar', {alpha:a, width:0}); TweenMax.set('#logo', {alpha:a}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt1', t, {alpha:a, delay:.25}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2', t, {alpha:a, delay:.5}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt3', t, {alpha:a, delay:.75}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt4', t, {alpha:a, delay:1}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt5', t, {alpha:a, delay:1.25}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt6', t, {alpha:a, delay:1.5}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt1', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt3', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt4', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt5', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt6', t, {alpha:i, delay:d}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_1', t, {alpha:a, delay:2.5}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_2', t, {alpha:a, delay:2.75}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_3', t, {alpha:a, delay:3}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_4', t, {alpha:a, delay:3.25}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_5', t, {alpha:a, delay:3.5}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_1', t, {alpha:i, delay:o}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_2', t, {alpha:i, delay:o}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_3', t, {alpha:i, delay:o}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_4', t, {alpha:i, delay:o}); TweenMax.to('#exp_txt2_5', t, {alpha:i, delay:o}); TweenMax.to('#exp_join', t, {alpha:a, delay:4.25}); TweenMax.to('#bar', .5, {width:82, delay:4.25}); TweenMax.to('#exp_join', t, {alpha:i, delay:5.5}); TweenMax.to('#bar', t, {alpha:i, delay:5.5}); TweenMax.to('#logo', t, {alpha:i, delay:5.5}); TweenMax.to('#dc_logo', t, {alpha:i, delay:5.5}); TweenMax.to('#videoContent', t, {alpha:a, delay:5.5, onComplete:startVideo}); } startVideo = function() { vplayer.play(); } I know this is probably simple for some, but I'd like to convert this to TimelineMax because I need the animation to stop executing if my banner is closed, and reset, and begin animation again if it's re expanded. Right now, if you close the ad mid animation, and then re-expand, the code that was previously executing is still running, and then a new set starts again making a huge mess. When I tried converting to TimelineMax by using the var tl = new TimelineMax() and then tl.add to each one the delays got all messed up and I wasn't sure how to get the same results. Is there an easier way to reset/pause my function without totally redoing all my delays and etc? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  18. Hi If you've read this thread you know I've been trying to animate SVG masks. From what I gather, this is only possible by manipulating the SVG attributes directly, not with CSS transforms – which makes it easy for things like a circle's radius, but less so for rotation. Here's how I've attempted to do it (you can check the linked codepen): tl.staggerTo(el, 1, { cycle:{attr:function(){ var a = {cx:0, cy: 0}; a.cx = Math.cos((tl.progress() - 0.5) * 2 * Math.Pi) * 20; a.cy = Math.sin((tl.progress() - 0.5) * 2 * Math.Pi) * 20; return a; }}, ease: Linear.easeNone }) The goal is to change the cx and cy attributes over time so that the SVG element moves along a circle. There are two problems: using cycle and attr in conjunction doesn't seem to work? The function returns an object that should look like {cx:..., cy:...} but it's not interpreted correctly. I suspect I'm doing something really wrong here that has to do with not knowing javascript enough... here I'm trying to use tl.progress() to calculate cx and cy depending on the animation's progress, but this approach doesn't work; the progress is always 0 when accessed within the timeline itself I think, since the calculations are made prior to it running. How could I make it update properly? Using an onUpdate function, maybe? Cheers
  19. I'm a little confused about how to return a timeline for later use. I have a number of elements that I am looping through and playing my timeline on, however, I need to return the timeline outside of this loop, so that I can call the .kill() method on it, inside of another function. So my functions looks like this: dtnavs = { runStuff: function(){ dtnavs.cellFloatyTweens(); }, killStuff: function(){ // not sure how to kill the cellFloatTL here? }, cellFloatyTweens: function(){ dtnavs.cell.each(function(){ cellFloatTL = new TimelineMax() .to(this, dtnavs.getRandomNum(8,17), {xPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(0.5,12.5), yPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(1.5,14), rotation: "'-=" + dtnavs.getRandomNum(-20,1) + "'", yoyo:true, repeat:-1, ease: Power2.easeInOut}); cellFloatTL.seek(9); //So when it starts it's already moving }); } } Is it possible to call kill on this timeline, inside another method/function? I thought I could possibly do this, but it doesn't seem to be working: dtnavs = { runStuff: function(){ dtnavs.cellFloatyTweens().play(); }, killStuff: function(){ dtnavs.cellFloatyTweens().kill(); }, cellFloatyTweens: function(){ cellFloatTL = new TimelineMax(); dtnavs.cell.each(function(){ cellFloatTL.to(this, dtnavs.getRandomNum(8,17), {xPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(0.5,12.5), yPercent: dtnavs.getRandomNum(1.5,14), rotation: "'-=" + dtnavs.getRandomNum(-20,1) + "'", yoyo:true, repeat:-1, ease: Power2.easeInOut}); cellFloatTL.seek(9); //So when it starts it's already moving }); return cellFloatTL; } } The above code only runs my tween on one of the dtnavs.cell elements, and I need it to loop through them all and then be able to kill the whole thing at a later time. Thanks in advance for any insight. PS: I can add a codepen if you need, but my issue is really in syntax, not with the tween it's self, so I thought that just code would be sufficient here.
  20. Hi all - this is my first post on GSAP, hope you guys can help me. Love GSAP by the way, it is awesome. I'm using Reveal EventListeners (https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#slide-states) to trigger timeline sequences. These sequences are a combination of staggerFrom and from, and I use DrawSVG with Yoyo sometimes too. I found this example that pretty much matches my setup: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23936987/how-to-trigger-a-gsap-function-when-a-slide-comes-active-with-reveal-js Here is one of the sequences, they all follow the same structure: Reveal.addEventListener('slideName', function () { tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.staggerFrom("#aSlideElement", 9, { rotationY: 1080, scale: 15, y:"-1900px", x:"600px", ease: Power4.easeInOutQuint }, 0.7) .from("#anotherSlideElement", 9, { onUpdate: cssFilterTween, onUpdateParams: ["{self}", "blur", 100, 1], ease: Power4.easeInOutQuint }, 0) .from("#yetAnotherSlideElement", 10, { fill:"#0f0c31", ease: Power4.easeInOutQuint }, 5) .from("#soManySlideElements", 4, { autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power4.easeInOutQuint }, 10) }, false); Reveal is basically a presentation slides framework and each slide has its own sequence that is triggered using an eventlistener. My problem is these sequences do not completely reset the timeline and all the elements when you 'leave' a slide. This means if you go back and forth between slides, the elements are sometimes misplaced, finish in the wrong position or get muddled start/finish timings. Eventually they just slow to a halt and do nothing. I have to refresh the page to get it back to where things started. I've tried restart(), clear(), remove(), kill(), pause(0), etc. I've tried placing 'overwrite: 3' amongst each tween. I've tried placing a single global timeline above the eventlisteners, rather than create a new timeline for each slide. I think it may be something to do with the volatile triggering that occurs when quickly going back and forth between slides, but I assume GSAP should be pretty quick at resetting? Any help would be awesome, this is really puzzling me. Thanks, James
  21. This may be more of a feature request, but I'd like to be able to remove items (TimelineMax.remove()) and insert new items (TimelineMax.add()) by position. So if I have a TimelineMax that contains 5 TimelineLite animations, and I want to update the third TimelineLite assuming a zero index: TimelineMax.removebyposition(2); TimelineMax.addbyposition(myNewTimelineLite,2); Looking at the documentation I can't find a way to do this. I was just wondering if anybody here had any insight in to if this was possible or a planned feature? Thank you! Dan
  22. Guest


    Hi all, This may not look like a gallery at the moment but i problem there is a method to my madness. Just wondering what the best way to make only the div that is being hovered over animate instead of all of them at once. Thanks, Phil
  23. Hi guys, I'm having problems implementing the onCompleteAll function within my TimelineMax animation. My code looks like below var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl .from('.text1',0.5,{opacity:0, y:'+=10'}) .to('.text1',0.5,{opacity:0},'+=3') .from('.text2',0.5,{opacity:0, y:'+=10'}) .staggerFrom('.footer',0.5, {opacity:0, y:'+=10'},0.2, addBirdEvent) function addBirdEvent(){ console.log('footer animations done') } Problems are: The stagger animation runs immediately. I'm expecting it to run after the previous animation ends. The addBirdEvent (which is my onCompleteAll function) also runs immediately. I also tried using onCompleteAll: addBirdEvent but theres an error saying 'missing ) after argument list.' What do you think is wrong with my syntax? Thanks in advance!
  24. This is just a question about capabilities. I'm animating a site that is using the bezier plugin to move 4 small circles along outside of a single larger circle. I've got the animation working fine, I was just wondering if there was a way to have the plugin recognize the coordinates based on percentages relative to the parent or if this would just be too much of a strain on the browser(i.e. would it just bog the whole deal down because it would have to recalculate the path everytime the browser resized)?
  25. Hi there, Sorry if this is a stupid question. I am trying to pause a function and only start it when an onComplete happens in TimelineMax. The function works perfectly except that when it plays it is off screen because it is firing as soon as the animation starts. <script> var tl = new TimelineMax () tl .from("#txt1", 1, {right:-280, ease:Power2.easeInOut}, "+=4") .from("#counter", 1, {right:-280, ease:Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: startCounter}) .from("#txt2", 1, {right:-280, ease:Power2.easeInOut}) .from("#logo", 1, {top:250, ease:Power2.easeInOut}) .from("#tag", 1, {right:90, autoAlpha:0, ease:Power2.easeInOut}) var distance = {counter:0}, scoreDisplay = document.getElementById("counter"); function add() { TweenMax.to(distance, 1, {counter:"+=200", roundProps:"counter", onUpdate:updateHandler}); } function updateHandler() { scoreDisplay.innerHTML = distance.counter; } add(); distance.pause() function startCounter() { distance.play() } </script> Thanks for any help, Phil
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