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  1. I have a function which draws lines using kinetic.js and canvas. I'm trying to find a certain argument from the function and write that argument to the console when I click on each line. How would I go about doing this? FYI, I'm trying to get the argument outside of the function. Kinetic function drawLine(name, points, fill, stroke, closed, strokeWidth){ window[name] = new Kinetic.Line({ points: points, fill: fill, stroke: stroke, closed: closed, strokeWidth: strokeWidth }); } drawLine("NST_R01", [938.4, 258.167, 868, 258.167], "", red, "", 3); The argument I want to get is the name argument.
  2. Hi Thanks in advance for any responses. I am trying to figure out what is the best way to load a large image sequence (300 images representing a 3d movie) and control it using TimelineMax or simply staggerTo. I used to do these things super easy with Loadermax (loading the image list from XML) and tweening it. I have no idea how to do generate this array of images using javascript. Please help. Fernando.
  3. I'd like to understand the best way to do those 'hiding and showing" elements that are not in the HTML flow — for instance, the sort of thing where you slick on a form element and more choices appear underneath. I believe, from looking at the forums, that if you have an element that is hidden, and not in the flow, you set visibility:none,opacity:0 and then TweenMax.to(element, time {autoAlpha:1, visibility:block}) — but will this "slide" the element into place, that is both make it tween opacity as well as tween the other elements to make room? If not, what's the best way to achieve this? How does one make it hide again? Perhaps I'm not on the right track, but it's an ubiquitous internet visual technique, so I'm open for best practices how to achieve. Or perhaps one should simply keep the place occupied, have visible:hidden? — but then there are a lot of blank spaces, no? Any help appreciated, sorry if at all vague.
  4. So i'm currently working on a page that has animation when you scroll down the page using scrollmagic and tweenmax. I've pinned the appropriate sections and created the animation, and everything works perfectly. I then added some javascript to have a show/hide function for the different features in a sticky nav (instead of having a long vertical scrolling page, it swaps out content within the same area). I noticed a very weird bug when I switch between the different sections. Here's a screenshot of what the bug looks like when I go back to the original section with the animation. It seems as though the tweenmax plugin is ignoring all of my css and completely breaks. What's even weirder is that when you start to scroll down the css is restored. Any ideas on what this is? I can't seem to figure out what's causing it.
  5. Hi, I have multiple small timelines added into a main timeline. And main timeline is controlled by a slider control and play pause buttons. The small timelines can be a text animation with a read time wait, or an image animation. This is my set up for text + image animation screen. I want to add a timeline to main timeline of an animation which keeps on repeating itself for the wait read time of a text animation timeline. Is there anyway to repeat an animation or play an animation in a loop for X amount of time (in seconds)? Thanx.
  6. AKA\'77

    if/else statement

    I need help creating a if/else function. 'when you click the red square if blue square is at position x (could be any random position on the x axis) green square tweens to the right' else if green square is a position x else both square tweens to the right & vice versa http://codepen.io/AKA77/pen/anogd
  7. Hello, First of all "GREENSOCK ROCKS !!!" I want to make character animation just like flash, in HTML5. I don't know from where i can start with this. Following are my options 1) Making a continuous film strip and somehow controlling the shifting the background of a div to make an animation. 2) Making an animation in an encoder or something (haven't thought of) and converting into an html5. Also i want to control the animation with slider and want to synch it with an audio. I know GREENSOCK can make it easier, but don't know how??
  8. First of all, I'm long time fan. Greensock is great! I've been using GSAP in one of my projects as a unified platform for animating both SVG and HTML. Up until recently, I'd been using Raphael as my SVG library. GSAP's RaphaelPlugin was a nice abstraction from the messy matrix math underlying transitions between transform states. I got spoiled using scaleX, scaleY, tx, ty, localPivot, etc. Recently, I switched fron Raphael to D3, both for the data-driven functionality but also for more direct access/control over my SVG elements. (D3 focuses on transformation of SVG, whereas Raphael introduces it's own, special representations.) The change has been refreshing, but I miss the added functionality of RaphaelPlugin--especially for times when I simply want to spin and scale SVG elements using transform without thinking about interpolation, etc. [i'm not exclusively making graphs, but also flying spaceships around, etc.] So I went back and looked at RaphaelPlugin, and it strikes me that you're very close to having a general purpose, library-agnostic SVG plug-in for GSAP. The very few Raphael-specific methods (e.g., matrix, bbox) in RaphaelPlugin are mirrored in the SVG spec (e.g., getCTM, getBBox). With a little hacking, I got a prototype (mostly) working fairly quickly. Is there any interest in the community for such a thing? Have GSAP staff thought about this?
  9. Ok I am using bootstrap 3, and the modal feature for my portfolio. I have it set up fine and everything works, but when I add my smooth scrolling javascript the mouse wheels scrolls in the background when you have the modal opened. I used this tutorial. Which helped me get smooth scrolling working with TweenMax and ScrollToPlugin. Here is my js for the smooth scrolling: $(function(){ var $window = $(window); var scrollTime = 1.2; var scrollDistance = 170; $window.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta/120 || -event.originalEvent.detail/3; var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); var finalScroll = scrollTop - parseInt(delta*scrollDistance); TweenMax.to($window, scrollTime, { scrollTo : { y: finalScroll, autoKill:true }, ease: Power1.easeOut, overwrite: 5 }); }); }); You can see my site without the above javascript here: Correct modal scrolling With the above javascript: Error modal scrolling jsfiddle, for some reason the remote content does not display in the modal (on localhost as well) so you cant see it scroll, but you can play with the js here. I attempted to make a jsfiddle but the way I am displaying the contents in the modal doesn't work in jsfiddle for some reason (this was mentioned after I did some research) anyway just scroll to the 3rd section (portfolio) and click an image to see what I am talking about. My modal code is just the stock bootstrap moal and I also tried this with bootbox.js and the same issue happened, so I don't think that is the issue. I have been trying to figure this out for a week now with no success if someone could take a look would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hey there forums! recently jumped into using TweenLite and really like its simplicity. All though when I try to tween between 40-60 CreateJS shapes at once my fps drop by 1 thrid. Here is what I have got. The tweenInStar gets called 3 times simultaneously. and draws a whole bunch of particles and shapes (The particles are handled by raw canvas code and dont affect the fps). The moment it gets to the " TweenLite.to(largeSparkle,.8, {easel:{rotation: 270 }});" My fps takes the hit. function tweenInStar(star, starX, starY , particleCount){ var shape = starsShapes[star]; if(!sparkleArrayFilled[star]){ buildSparkles(star, starX - 58,shape.y - 20, random(20,40)); sparkleArrayFilled[star] = true; } TweenLite.to(shape,.2, {easel:{scaleX: 0.9, scaleY: 0.9, alpha: 1.0},onComplete:function(){ fireworks.push( new Firework( starX, starY , starIndex, particleCount) ); createParticles(starX,starY); var largeSparkle = createSparkle(starX , shape.y - 10, 80, 40); TweenLite.to(largeSparkle,.8, {easel:{rotation: 270 }}); TweenLite.to(largeSparkle,.4, {easel:{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 ,alpha: 0.8 }}); TweenLite.to(largeSparkle,.4, {easel:{scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 ,alpha: 0 }, delay:.4}); TweenLite.to(shape,.15, { easel:{exposure:1.25}, onComplete: complete}); }}); function complete(){ TweenLite.to(shape,.15, { easel:{exposure:1}}); drawSparkles(sparklesArray[star]); } } var sparkleArrayFilled = [false, false, false]; var sparklesArray = [[],[],[]]; function buildSparkles(star, x, y, scale){ var i = Math.floor(random(5,15)); while(i--){ sparklesArray[star].push(createSparkle((x + random(15, 100)), (y + random(-20, 60)), Math.floor(random(10,30))), 20); } } function drawSparkles(sparkles){ for(var j = 0; j < sparkles.length; j++){ var shape = sparkles[j]; TweenLite.to(shape,.8, {easel:{rotation: 270 }, onComplete:resetRotate()}); TweenLite.to(shape,.4, {easel:{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 ,alpha: 0.8 }}); TweenLite.to(shape,.4, {easel:{scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 ,alpha: 0 }, delay:.4}); function resetRotate(){ shape.rotation = 0; } } } function createSparkle(x, y, scale, shadowBlur){ var sparkle = new createjs.Shape(); //sparkle.shadow = new createjs.Shadow("#fff", 0, 0, shadowBlur); sparkle.graphics.beginFill("#fff").drawPolyStar(x , y, scale, 4, 0.87, -90); sparkle.x = x; sparkle.y = y; sparkle.regX = x ; sparkle.regY = y ; sparkle.scaleX = 0; sparkle.scaleY = 0; sparkle.alpha = 0; // sparkle.cache(-x, -y, 200, 200); stage.addChild(sparkle); return sparkle; } Would be eternally greatful for any help
  11. Hi everybody! By advance, please excuse: 1. my english (I'm french, and I don't find any good answers about Gsap on french forums...) 2. my less of knowledge about coding... I know what is Code for.. 2 weeks.. 3. my (a bit) blonde brain.. But I got faith and I'm ready to learn!!! So, here's the situation: My final goal is to make a full personalized menu for my blog, that contains very seamless animations. The first animation (which I'm testing now) is color changing of the buttons' letters. The second one will be the "deployment" of an image that "get out" behind each button and then come in. Both animations will start "on mouse over" and when the button is clicked and the relative page is activated. My first question is about the first, simple animation: color of the buttons. What I'v already done: - created a drawn menu on Gimp - created the same image but with each button in right color for activated state - I've search for a few weeks on tutorials and forums, and found a code that works "A code that works"... BUT: it seems to work only on certain machines (don't understand why it works on my mac on Google Chrome but not on my office's PC on Google Chrome too!) and most of all, it is no seamless at all! (got to wait a few seconds with mouse over before the -images charge and- color changes. I read some interesting stuffs about the "wonderful Gsap library". But it's very difficult for me to understand how to make the right gsap code that is very complicated for me compares to my actual code (I don't even know if it's "simple javascript" code or something else - you will see that). Could you please give me a simple explanation of what I need to do in my case, or even indicate the right code to me..? Here's my code: <div> <img name="Menu" src="https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/mpmuozbm5zaaj6j/base%20onglets%20translucides%20koba%C3%AF%20crash%20test%20gelly%20texte.png" width="960" height="95" border="0" usemap="#menu jelly kobai" /> <map name="menu jelly kobai"> <area title="Accueil" shape="rect" coords="4,27,117,93" href="http://kobai-uneblondeetblogger.blogspot.fr/" onmouseover="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/dsltunaowxbg0e3/menu%20bouton%20accueil%20survol.png'" onmouseout="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/mpmuozbm5zaaj6j/base%20onglets%20translucides%20koba%c3%af%20crash%20test%20gelly%20texte.png'" onclick="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/dsltunaowxbg0e3/menu%20bouton%20accueil%20survol.png'" alt="Accueil'" /> <area title="Une Blonde et Blogger" shape="rect" coords="128,27,245,94" href="http://uneblondeet-blogger.blogspot.fr/" onmouseover="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/f9khuaph4qqhnk3/menu%20bouton%20blonde%20survol.png'" onmouseout="document.Menu.src="https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/mpmuozbm5zaaj6j/base%20onglets%20translucides%20koba%c3%af%20crash%20test%20gelly%20texte.png'" Onclick="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/f9khuaph4qqhnk3/menu%20bouton%20blonde%20survol.png'" alt="Une Blonde et Blogger" /> <area title="Onglet test" shape="rect" coords="255,27,369,94" href="http://kobai-uneblondeetblogger.blogspot.fr/p/un-onglet-test.html" onmouseover="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/7h3uglfwgxjk0uu/menu%20bouton%20onglet%203%20survol.png'" onmouseout="document.Menu.src="https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/mpmuozbm5zaaj6j/base%20onglets%20translucides%20koba%c3%af%20crash%20test%20gelly%20texte.png'" Onclick="document.Menu.src='https://photos-4.dropbox.com/s/7h3uglfwgxjk0uu/menu%20bouton%20onglet%203%20survol.png'" alt="Onglet test" /> </map> </div> Sorry for the entire code, I've searched in it but didn't find this widget's code - ?? (it's a HTML/Javascript widget in a Blogger blog. url of my "testing" blog: http://kobai-uneblondeetblogger.blogspot.fr Thanks a lot by advance for your help! Trinita Girl
  12. Hello everyone! Here is the link to my codepen: http://codepen.io/reggiegulle/pen/zCHyn As my code stands, it is fairly straightforward, and it does manage to accomplish what it was meant to do. It's just one basic timeline with buttons and all the following functions are grouped at the bottom of the code, like so: $("#debeersTopPanel").on("click", function(){ debeers.tweenFromTo("ringFadeIn","ringPause"); }); function ringBack(){ $("#BackButton1").on("click", function(){ debeers.tweenFromTo("ringFadeOut","ringToStart"); }); } $("#debeersBottomPanel").click(function(){ debeers.tweenFromTo("pendantFadeIn","pendantPause"); }); function pendantBack(){ $("#BackButton2").on("click", function(){ debeers.tweenFromTo("pendantFadeOut","pendantToStart"); }); } function debeersResume(){ debeers.play(0); I am fairly new at JavaScript, and so I am seeking some help on whether the code above can still become more elegant. The events on the timeline are mostly repetitive; could these repetitions be turned into iterations? I am still trying to get a better idea of objects and object arrays, and so I am not too sure whether those principles can apply to my codepen, or if other entirely different processes may be applicable. It's just that there may be a chance that more items will be added to my present drop down menu, and so any method of streamlining the coding (if there is any) would be very useful. I would appreciate any help. Thank you very much in advance! (Note: I mostly specialize in video, so if anyone has any questions about it, I would not hesitate to help out as much as I can)
  13. Hello everybody, so far I am loving this plugin it is a great tool and this site is a great resource and I appreciate all the work that has been done in delivering such a great tool. I have a timeline that I created. The timline is not really that important. Just in case though: var tweenArticle = new TimelineMax() .from($('header.food_header > hgroup'), 3, {opacity:0, top:'-40px', ease: Power4.easeOut},0) .from($('article.food > section > summary > p'), 3, {opacity:0, top:'40px', ease: Power4.easeOut},0); This is the site I am trying to put it on: http://webshowcase.tk/wp1/?page_id=114 This is a wordpress site and what I am trying to do is affect every post on the page. When The article is in the viewport I would like to start animating just the elements in that article and if possible reverse but reverse is not super important at the moment. I can't seem to figure out how to get my timeline to play when the article is in the viewport. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  14. Hi everyone this is my problem, i making a little practice and i want rotate a image but i don´t want use CSS only script var img; function init(){ ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); img = new Image(); img.src = "http://postimg.org/image/qj0abntbh/"; img.xpos = 50; img.ypos = 10; img.onload = function() { TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", loop); } function loop(){ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 800, 600) ctx.drawImage(img, img.xpos, img.ypos); } TweenMax.to(img, 7, { rotation: 360, delay:2.2, repeat: 5}); } thanks
  15. How can i expand a clip from top right corner in css n pure java script. As shown in image.
  16. I'm making the switch from Flash to GSAP HTML5 animation and want to really make sure I'm doing this the best way. Right within my html doc I have a series of animation that utilize TimelineMax so that I may loop the entire set of animations. I have a few questions about these. First of all here is the code: <script> window.onload = function(){ var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, repeatDelay:3}); tl.add( TweenLite.to(container, 1, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Quad.easeIn}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(my_films, 1, {width:177, height:44, alpha:1, ease:Power1.easeIn}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.from(season2, 1.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(grantland, .5, {x:19, alpha:1}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(packshot, 2, {alpha:1, ease:Power4.easeIn}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(holiday, 1, {alpha:1}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(starts, .75, {alpha:1}) ); tl.add( TweenLite.to(buy, .5, {alpha:1, top:142, ease:Back.easeOut}) ); } </script> Is there a more optimized way to load these? I know that window.onload = function(){ isn't the best way - I heard that document.ready could be a good way but having a hard time getting that work. Further more I can probably scrap the TweenLite reference all together and just use tl.to, is that correct? Also right now I'm pulling in the entire TweenMax library in this manner: <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script Is there a way to only load the select things that I need and therefore save on file size? Please advise. Apologies for the noob questions! Thanks in advance for any help!
  17. I am using The SuperScrollorama plugin, and used the "simple-demo" included with the plug-in (which works fine..) as a template in which I want to fade the given elements. Something identical to the "design process" section of this website www.comradeweb.com if you scroll about halfway down, you will see a cool timeline they have built outlining their design process. Like I said, I used the SimpleDemo included with SuperScrollorama which does work for me has a template for my fading tweens. However when I test my version my images fail to show up, although the images are their which I can tell by the scroll bar being scrollable but just being hidden and not becoming visible on the scroll event. I am very new to this, so its probably something basic. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! Here is the SimpleDemo, which I have based mine of off... (this one works) <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title>SUPERSCROLLORAMA - Simple Demo #1</title> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Luckiest+Guy' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css"> <style type="text/css"> #examples-1 { position: relative; } body { background-color: #272827; } #fade-it { position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 33px; } #1fade-it { position: absolute; left: 44px; top: 180px; } #2fade-it { position: absolute; left: 295px; top: 415px; } </style> </head> <body class="simple-demo"> <div id="content-wrapper"> <div id="examples-1"> <img alt="img1" id="fade-it" src="img1.png" width="639" height="249" /> <img alt="img2" id="1fade-it" src="img2.png" width="733" height="313" /> <img src="img3.png" id="2fade-it"> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <script src="js/jquery.superscrollorama.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { var controller = $.superscrollorama(); // individual element tween examples controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#fade-it'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}})); controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#1fade-it'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}})); controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#2fade-it'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}})); }); </script> </body></html> And here is my Code, which does not work, <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title>SUPERSCROLLORAMA - Simple Demo #2</title> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Luckiest+Guy' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css"> <style> body { background-color:#000; } #examples-1 { position: relative; } #fade-it { position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 33px; } #img2 { position: absolute; left: 44px; top: 180px; } #img3 { position: absolute; left: 295px; top: 415px; } #img4 { position: absolute; left: 235px; top: 638px; } #img5 { position: absolute; left: 527px; top: 1029px; } #img6 { position: absolute; left: 127px; top: 1190px; } #img7 { position: absolute; left: 476px; top: 1384px; } #img8 { position: absolute; left: 105px; top: 1651px; } #img9 { position: absolute; left: 133px; top: 1860px; } #img10 { position: absolute; left: 430px; top: 2096px; } #img11 { position: absolute; left: 222px; top: 2143px; } #img12 { position: absolute; left: 469px; top: 2419px; } #img13 { position: absolute; left: -2px; top: 2496px; } #img14 { position: absolute; left: 152px; top: 2716px; } #img15 { position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 3026px; } #img16 { position: absolute; left: 447px; top: 3051px; } #img17 { position: absolute; left: 315px; top: 3363px; } #img18 { position: absolute; left: 279px; top: 3539px; } #img19 { position: absolute; left: 97px; top: 3621px; } #img20 { position: absolute; left: -7px; top: 3906px; } </style> </head> <body class="simple-demo"> <div id="content-wrapper"> <div id="examples-1"> <img alt="img1" id="fade-it" src="img1.png" width="639" height="249" /> <img alt="img3" id="img3" src="img3.png" /> <img alt="img4" id="img4" src=img4.png width="544" height="426" /> <img alt="img7" id="img7" src="img7.png" width="528" height="425" /> <img alt="img2" id="img2" src="img2.png" width="733" height="313" /> <img alt="img5" id="img5" src="img5.png" width="420" height="256" /> <img alt="img6" id="img6" src="img6.png" width="565" height="442" /> <img alt="img8" id="img8" src="img8.png" width="733" height="238" /> <img alt="img9" id="img9" src="img9.png" width="563" height="229" /> <img alt="img10" id="img10" src="img10.png" width="412" height="71" /> <img alt="img11" id="img11" src="img11.png" width="452" height="388" /> <img alt="img12" id="img12" src="img12.png" width="371" height="210" /> <img alt="img13" id="img13" src="img13.png" width="984" height="336" /> <img alt="img14" id="img14" src="img14.png" width="791" height="342" /> <img alt="img15" id="img15" src="img15.png" width="652" height="227" /> <img alt="img16" id="img16" src="img16.png" width="475" height="374" /> <img alt="img17" id="img17" src="img17.png" width="361" height="187" /> <img alt="img18" id="img18" src="img18.png" width="457" height="87" /> <img alt="img19" id="img19" src="img19.png" width="779" height="275" /> <img alt="img20" id="img20" src="img20.png" width="1139" height="332" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <script src="js/jquery.superscrollorama.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // This example adds a duration to the tweens so they are synced to the scroll position var controller = $.superscrollorama(); // amount of scrolling over which the tween takes place (in pixels) var scrollDuration = 200; // individual element tween examples controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#img1'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}}), scrollDuration); controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#img2'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}}), scrollDuration); controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#img3'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}}), scrollDuration); controller.addTween('#fade-it', TweenMax.from( $('#img4'), .5, {css:{opacity: 0}}), scrollDuration); }); </script> </body> </html>
  18. i am wondering if it is possible to use the BezierPlugin to create a curve that not only goes through a series of points, but will hit each of them at a defined amount of the way through the tween? using an array something like this: var tracker1Positions= [ {x:13.3, y:19.5, progress:0}, {x:14.8, y:19.0, progress:0.1}, {x:16.8, y:18.3, progress:0.7}, {x:19.0, y:17.9, progress:0.75}, {x:21.0, y:13.3, progress:1}, ]; my end goal here, is that i have a video that will have a some dom elements following certain items in the video, and i think a bezier curve would make a much smoother way to simulate tracking than just straight tweens. thank you.
  19. Hey Guys, I am still new to GSAP animation, and i need some help. I am implementing a timeline using greesock js which handles a presentation of different SVG images mainly made up of simple lines, circles and paths. What is want to achieve is the animation of these SVGs while to timeline is being moved. As far as the timeline implementation goes, all is well. But when it comes to animating the svg the way i want i am reaching a road block. I can animate the scaling, width and opacity with no problems. The code is as such: TimeLine.from($('#Shape2 polygon'), 2, { scale: 0, onStart: function () { //Dont mind the variables mainTimeline.timeScale(NormalTimeScale); } }, timeShift) What i want to achieve is the drawing effect of the lines circles etc... As the user moved the timeline scroll bar, the vector graphics should be drawn and of course the reverse effect should be obvious. I am mainly trying to achieve this with stroke-dashoffset and stroke-dasharray but i cannot alter these properties even after i included the AttrPlugin. This is what i am trying: Timeline.from($('#Shape2 line'), 1, { atrr: { 'stroke-dasharray': '20px' }}, timeShift + 1) Please note that these are just example blocks of code. Can you guys help me with this please?
  20. Hey so i'm not sure if this is a greensock bug or a browser bug or me just pushing the limits too much, but what i have noticed on a couple projects i've started lately is that where i may have a bunch of tweens going on successfully in Chrome or Firefox, that when i test in Safari or on my iPhone, the animations dont seem to fully update visually. if i resize the window or anything like that, the screen corrects itself. where i've run into it, the problem doen'st happen if only 1 or two things are tweening at once, but if a more than a handful are tweening at once, it seems that the browser cant keep up or something. if you zoom in or out or rotate the screen or something to get the browser to react, the end of the animation will rectify itself after its been messed up. even with the window resize listener turned off. you can check out one project currently in progress where you can view this. to see them problem, in safari or on iphone open the link, then click between "bird" and "big bang". you will see that the divs and the nav elements will linger in Safari and iOS, yet not in Firefox or Chrome. if you step across the nav one at a time, (big bang, liquid, snakes, globe, wedges, candle, bird...) then it tweens fine in all browsers. http://danehansen.com/temp/gs
  21. I'm getting an actionscript error on the console but i'm doing an HTML5 simple javascript tween.to. screenshot of error attached. see all files in action here-> http://polklein.com/gs
  22. My colleague had scaled a DIV container with text/vector graphics. It looks super sharp on a retina screen in firefox, but on a regular monitor he has connected it looks blurry. For me it looks like on the retina it has scaled the fonts, but on the regular screen it seems like it has bitmaped and scaled (everything is blurry) Any workarounds? We used Elements inspector to check the width/height after scale and it´s whole pixel values.
  23. Firstly I would like to say thanks to you Greensock guys for making such a great animation platform. I have struggled with animation over the years using JS and GS is simply the best out there. My question is this: I am currently trying to create a clock with an hour and minute hand (also an AM to PM dial but that can come later after I get over this hurdle). I have got the hands to tween infinitely around and this works great if it were static and you just want a clock to keep spinning and spinning around. What I ultimately want to acheive is to be able to set the time and the clock would spin around till it reached that time. I have created a codepen link to show what I have done so far http://codepen.io/anon/pen/Iakzg I am very new to the platform, I hope I can get some advice about what I need to do. Any help is greatly appreciated and I would love to hear from some of you greensock gurus! Thanks!
  24. Hello everyone! I wanted to ask you something. My task is to reproduce flash banner with javascript and html. I attached example in .mov format to sendspace so you can download see it. First part of animation is not a problem to me but raising stars are. I don't know how to begin that animation. Can someone help me about this? Thank you! video file http://www.sendspace.com/file/4790e8 working files http://www.sendspace.com/file/pil2ph
  25. I've been a longtime user of the AS3 version of the GreenSock animation libraries and really got a lot of mileage out of them. Now I'm moving onto the JS version. You'll excuse me if I'm just a beginner at this. I'm trying to execute a TweenLIte animation by directly clicking on an HTML image to call functions from an external JS file. But when I click, nothing happens. My HTML file. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>GSAP Test 3</title> <!--CDN link for the latest TweenMax--> <link href="css/gsap_test_01.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="js/gsap_test_03.js"></script> </head> <body onload="init()"> <img src="images/yeller.png" alt="Yeller" name="imgyeller" width="150" height="150" id="imgYeller" /> <p>Click the girl to make her disappear</p> </body> </html> My external JS file, gsap_test_03.js. // JavaScript Document function init() { var yeller = document.getElementById("imgYeller"); yeller.addEventListener("click", disappear, false); } function disappear() { TweenLite.to(yeller, 1, {width:20, height:20, opacity:0}); } I tested it with just a simple alert call in the second function and it seems to have worked fine. But when I add the TweenLite code, I'll click on my image, but there is no reaction. I also tried it earlier as a straight function call without the onclick and it worked great. Am I just messing up on syntax or something simple having nothing to do with TweenLIte? I've been scouring the web for hours trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, but there is precious little useful information.
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