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  1. I have a function which draws lines using kinetic.js and canvas. I'm trying to find a certain argument from the function and write that argument to the console when I click on each line. How would I go about doing this? FYI, I'm trying to get the argument outside of the function. Kinetic function drawLine(name, points, fill, stroke, closed, strokeWidth){ window[name] = new Kinetic.Line({ points: points, fill: fill, stroke: stroke, closed: closed, strokeWidth: strokeWidth }); } drawLine("NST_R01", [938.4, 258.167, 868, 258.167], "", red, "", 3); The argument I want to get is the name argument.
  2. Hi there, I am using GSAP with Kineticjs and I am very happy with the combo. One of the things I like most about GSAP - alongside its features and super performance - is the way it helps me organizing my code and overall workflow. I think Kinetic and GSAP are a very good match for all sort of canvas-based applications. I have a couple of questions/doubts about the Kineticjs GSAP plugin - which I use a lot (the autoRotate support provided by the kinetic+bezier plugins saved me literally hours of pain). The questions are quite Kinetic-specific but this forum feels like the right place to discuss this topic. The GSAP Kinetic plugin handles drawings automatically by default (unless "autoDraw" is set to false - that took me quite a while to find!). On the other hand Kinetic has recently introduced batchDraw as a way to minimize layer redrawing by "batching up" updates in a special animation. I am not 100% sure what the best drawing strategy is when the two libs are combined: - Should the GSAP plugin be changed to use layer.batchDraw instead of layer.draw by default with autoDraw=true? Or should that be configurable (and when would one pick one vs the other)? - One should set autoDraw=false and handle updates manually by calling layer.batchDraw onUpdate? I currently use the latter almost always as it feels like I am having more control on what gets drawn (for example when animating many groups/shapes belonging to the same layer simultaneously in different tweens/timelines). In my understanding this means each GSAP "tick" queues up drawing requests into a Kinetic Animation which then performs the actual drawing when its own RAF fires - and that does not seem very efficient (as there are 2 RAF at the same time). Please correct me if I got it all wrong. Ideally I would like the GSAP plugin to do "the right thing" with batching (it seems it sort of does already?) - but would that work reliably when shapes belonging to the same layer are animated by different tweens/timelines simultaneously (that's my most frequent use-case)? Many thanks to the group for any advice on this. Keep up with the great work.
  3. Hey guys! I'm trying to make my Kinetic Layer draggable with the draggable plugin but I'm not quite sure if I'm doing it right. Maybe you guys can help me out a little. This is what I have so far: viewPort = new Kinetic.Stage({ container: 'container', width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }); mapLayer = new Kinetic.Layer(); Draggable.create(mapLayer, {type:"x,y", edgeResistance:0.65, throwProps:true}); mapLayer.add(...); // adding map tiles to the layer viewPort.add(mapLayer); but I'm always getting: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onselectstart' of null --- Draggable.min.js:14". I have a feeling that I'm doing something terribly wrong here ... greetings Skripted
  4. I'm trying to get the Throwprops plugin to play nicely with a Kinetic.js layer that I'm trying to rotate and am getting the following error: Uncaught ERROR: No velocity was defined in the throwProps tween of [object Object] property: setRotationDeg The relevant part of my code looks like this: var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to(el, 2, { setRotationDeg: (360 * 1), ease:Power1.easeIn, onUpdate:layer.draw, onUpdateScope:layer }) .to(el, 10, { throwProps: { setRotationDeg: { velocity:'auto', end:end }, ease:Circ.easeOut, onUpdate:layer.draw, onUpdateScope:layer } }); }); The first to() works, but the second fails with the aforementioned error. This type of timeline works if I'm tweening a regular html element such as an image, but not so with the Kinetic canvas element. Is there a way I can get these to work together? Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm using GSAP's TimelineMax with Kinetic JS. I got them to work together, but I'm having trouble when I try to pass my own custom functions to the timeline. I've included a jsbin to show the issue. http://jsbin.com/afixoc/4/edit The first part of the animation uses a standard Kinetic JS command and this plays fine. tl.to(rect, 1, {setX:300}); The second part of the animation uses a custom function that I am adding to 'rect' and this is failing. tl.to(rect, 1, {customSetX:100}); I tried to track this by publishing the value to the console and the issue is very strange - the value that's being passed to my function seems to be NaN. Now, the console.log gets printed a number of times, so I can tell that it's being called every frame. However, I can't figure out what's going on with the parameter. When I print (typeof val) it says number, but when I print the actual val, it says NaN. (You can click 'Play Anim' and open the console in JSBin to see this) Can anyone help me understand why this is happening? (BTW, the reason I'm trying to add my own functions is because I need custom rotate and scaling code for my objects to transform around a pivot point rather than Kinetic's offset.)
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