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Everything posted by friendlygiraffe

  1. I see, so the issue was the conflicting x properties? Thanks
  2. Hi, I’m having problems re-initialising the properties of a Timeline (Codepen url attached) On start, the plane should animate in form the left (-300) This only seems to work on the initial playthru. i've looked at Clearprops, invalidate() and a few other ideas, but nothing seems to fix it so far. Any suggestions welcome Thanks
  3. Hi, Is there an easy way to make an object wiggle back and forth, slowly reducing velocity? So an object's rotation would start at 0° and end at 0°, but go something like this: 0° 30° -20° 15° -7° 5° -4° 3° -2° 1° -0.5° 0° Thanks
  4. Thanks, the larger SVG route worked
  5. Hi, I'm using an svg as a background image, but it pixelates when scaling It resets itself to a sharp vector once it's finished scaling Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks
  6. Gotcha, thanks. Would it be even easier to use GSAP to get coordinates? Instead of a getOffset() function. Is that even possible? Might be good to have a JQuery-to-GSAP equivalent cheat sheet.
  7. Hi, I'm developing a HTML app that needs to work exceptionally fast, particularly on mobile. So I've decided to sidestep using Jquery. I've been looking at http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ as reference, and while I would not use Jquery for animation, I wondered if using bits of it's functionality would slow it down at all? eg: $(myElement).offset(); is very handy Would that undo all the performance-enhancing work on avoiding jquery code, or is using a combination of GreenSock/Jquery a good approach? From Google: Thanks
  8. Well at least I was right about missing something obvious Is it better to use Power0.easeNone now ?
  9. Hi, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, but why can't I remove the default ease from this tween? TweenMax.to(".box", 5, {x:1000, ease:Linear.EaseNone});
  10. Hello, The new xPercent, yPercent features in GSAP 1.13.1 are good, but I wondered if there were any plans to incorporate a widthPercent, heightPercent? Thanks
  11. Great thanks. Used a combination of ticker and toFixed(): Thanks for your help
  12. hi, I'm trying to produce a robust and very accurate counter in milliseconds. I'm trying to avoid setInterval/setTimeout and wondered what the best way of reproducing this in GSAP would be. I made a start here: http://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/zrxWNr Thanks
  13. Yep. I just wanted some further thoughts on it This article by Carl seems to clarify it though http://greensock.com/css-workflow/
  14. Just noticed that Google DoubleClick recommends using CSS - Animate with CSS section What are your thoughts on that? Also, I'm assuming GSAP doesn't use setInterval either ? Thanks
  15. Hi has anyone used greensock successfully in in DCM (Doubleclick Campiagn Manager)? It states that they don’t accept assets that use local storage or session storage https://support.google.com/dcm/partner/answer/3145300 Just wondered if that rules out GSAP Thanks
  16. Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to use GSAP for creating animated gifs? I noticed when using Export > Export Movie > Animated Gif, it only captures the timeline animated items, not the ActionScript-based ones It is possible, however to capture ActionScript-based animation via Export > Export Video is there a way round having to use Timeline animation, or would I have to convert the Video to a sequence, then produce a gif? Thanks
  17. Great! Is that free/available? I have a ShockinglyGreen account
  18. Hi, I am trying to achieve something similar to this Flash effect, tweening it with Greensock http://www.andysaia.com/radicalpropositions/displacement-maps-in-as3/ Is there a reliable HTML5/Javascript equivalent small enough to fit into a banner? Thanks
  19. Hi jack - I created a CodePen of your method here http://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/zvjRBd If you run a debug view, it throws an error: “Uncaught TypeError: Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type” Any ideas? Thanks
  20. Hi there, I have a banner that loops 3 times: var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:3}); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".text1"), 0.5, {alpha:0})); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".text1"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2.5"); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".text2"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".text2"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2.5" ); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".tele"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".tele"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2" ); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".endframe_logos"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".endframe_logos"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=4" ); After it's finished the 3 loops, I don't want the last Tween to fire. instead stopping at the 2nd from last line Is this possible using a label or some such? Thanks
  21. Hi Carl, Thanks for your reply I should have mentioned I'm using Flash CS6, which no matter what you type in will still reset the size to 96pt! Thanks
  22. Hi, There is a 96pt text size limit in Flash, so I have scaled the text up 200% I've noticed when using SplitTextField, the text appears off centre var stf:SplitTextField = new SplitTextField(title_tf,SplitTextField.TYPE_WORDS); TweenMax.allFrom(stf.textFields, 0.5, { motionBlur:{strength:1.5, quality:3},x:"100",autoAlpha:0,ease:Quart.easeOut},0.2); Any clues as to why this is? Thanks
  23. Hi, When using the MotionBlur plugin, I notice there is a jolt at the start and end of the animation Is there any way to avoid this? Attached demo swf http://www.fastswf.com/A97gy0Y TweenMax.to(text1, 1, {delay:0.5,x:100, y:100, fastMode:true, quality:3,motionBlur:true,ease:Quart.easeInOut}); Thanks
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