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Everything posted by friendlygiraffe

  1. I have two symbols, mc1 & mc2. mc2 is a button symbol but it does not tint using this code. Does TweenLite not work on button symbols? AS2: import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TintPlugin; TweenPlugin.activate([TintPlugin]); TweenLite.to(mc1,1,{tint:0xFF0000}); TweenLite.to(mc2,1,{tint:0xFF0000});
  2. Is it possible to get the instance of the targetted MovieClip? for example: I have an mc with a variable inside it, and I get that value like this: text_mc.myX = 50; TweenNano.to(text_mc, 1, {x:text_mc.myX}); but I want to get that value without have to name it: TweenNano.to(text_mc, 1, {x:CURRENTMC.myX}); Is this possible? Thanks
  3. When I use this code, it calls the function setMainNavBtns at the end of every movieClip tween var nav_array:Array = [logo_mc, work_btn, about_btn, contact_btn, about_mc, breadcrumb_mc] TweenMax.allFrom(nav_array, 1, { x:253, rotation:"40", onComplete:setMainNavBtns}, 0.1); Is it possible to call it only once, at the end of the last tween Thanks in advance
  4. Hi I want to tween a group but with separate destinations. Is this possible or do they all have to have the same target? var Letters:Array = [let1, let2, let3, let4]; var Dest:Array = [123, 5, 67, 345]; TweenMax.allTo(Letters,3,{_y:Dest[?]});
  5. hi is it possible to make TweenLite even smaller? For example, I am only using _y movements and blurFilter - Could I remove all the the other lines of code from the class source? Thanks
  6. Hi, what's the best method for yoyo using TweenLite ? I understand it only works in TweenMax, and I'm using onComplete events but it's quite a lot of code Thanks
  7. ok I commented out all the activation lines in TweenMax I also commented out the plugin lines and it works now. Luckily I am only using simple tweens
  8. nearly there, I have opened TweenMax.as and commented out the plugins import //import com.greensock.plugins.*; I deactivated the blur plugin and a few others //BlurFilterPlugin but I'm still getting errors at line 420: plugin.add(pt.target, prop, pt.start, pt.change); anything else I need to comment out?
  9. it seems to work with TweenLite, but with TweenMax I get a load of errors
  10. is it possible to export a TweenLite powered swf to Flash player 7?
  11. Would it be possible to dynamically call the function from itself ? function createGraphic(fn){ TweenLite.delayedCall(25, fun, [], this, true); } createGraphic(createGraphic)
  12. That's great. is there an equivalent for setInterval ?
  13. Hi - I'm using the delayedCall function which is very usefull but I wondered if it's possible to set it using useFrames:true TweenLite.delayedCall(1, createHoles, [], this); TweenLite.delayedCall(1, createHoles, [], this {useFrames:true}); Thanks
  14. Hi I am using TweenMax.killAll() but there are a couple of tweens I would like to continue playing. Is there a way of excluding selected tweens? something like this: TweenLite.from(code,1, _alpha:0, killThis:false});
  15. Hi - I can't get a simple play command to trigger on an onComplete function call. It works in AS3 but not 2: import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; TweenLite.to(mc,1,{_alpha:50, onComplete:play});
  16. Hi is there a way of doing to AND from in the same command - using tweenLite? Thanks
  17. Hi I am trying to apply different easing to individual properties on 1 tween (AS 2.0) I want the _x to easeOut and the _y to easeIn This is not possible using this code: TweenLite.to(mc,1,{ _x:20, ease:Quart.easeOut}); TweenLite.to(mc,1,{_y:80, ease:Quart.easeIn}); Is there another way round this? Thanks
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