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  1. Hi. I'm animating a div container clip-path using gsap. The idea here is to turn the container from a rectangle shape into a pill shape. This is how I'm doing it inside a timeline: const videoPinTl = $gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.video-wrapper-pin', start: `center center`, end: "+=1000", pin: true, scrub: true, } }) .fromTo('.video', { clipPath: 'inset(0% 0% round 50px)', }, { duration: 1, clipPath: `inset(46% 34% round 140px)`, }) Code above works fine in all browsers except Safari in which the shape radius bugs out while scrolling. I think the reason for this is because of the decimal values when animating from 50px to 140px. If I inspect the devtools and do a "manual" animation from 50px to 140px (without decimals) it doesn't bug. Is there a way to make it so that the clipPath border-radius does not use decimal values while animating? Thanks.
  2. It appears that a simple borderRadius tween with a relative increment value only affects the Y component of the CSS border-radius property (#1 in CodePen). I can get around it using an absolute value (#2 in the CodePen), but I thought this was odd so should be reported. Thoughts?
  3. I am working on developing some "star wars" type wipes for use as page transitions. i've got all 8 directions plus two circular ones going on so far. one circular one grows a small circle from the middle of the page to fill the whole page, masking on the new content. the other starts large and shrinks small to mask away the old content. the latter works in all browsers. but when i start small adn go big, it breaks in Chrome and Safari on the desktop only. yes, i am saying that it works fine on the mobile versions. here is a link to my project so far which is running a random transition from an array of 10 transitions: http://danehansen.com/temp/publik/wipes/ and here is a link to a special version i put up that is only the small to big circle that i am having problems with: http://danehansen.com/temp/gs/wipes/ i am not sure where this bug lies, but TweenLite is one of my suspects. i also suspect that this could be one of the odd situations where the browser is not visually updating. another couple of oddities i have noticed: i altered the code to only grow the circle mask to half its end diameter, then commented out the onComplete function... in Chrome the circle mask is a square during the tween, then ends as a circle when the tween is done. in Safari, the mask is a square during the tween also, but when it ends it turns into an odd part circle part rectangle shape, then if i drag the corner of the browser to change the size the mask corrects itself into a nice circle.
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