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  1. Hello guys, I have a SVG dash polyline in my project. The query is that when I animate that line it becomes solid instead of dash line. I know that I can achieve this using 'DrawSVGPlugin' but I want to animate using TweenMax or any other free plugin your help is highly appreciated in this regard. code: ************HTML************* <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" id="hero-svg"> <polyline id="polyline" fill="none" stroke="#9a201c" stroke-width="2" stroke-dasharray="10,10" class="polyline" points="100,100 300,150 300,500"> </svg> ************Scroll Magic************* var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); function pathPrepare ($el) { var lineLength = $el[0].getTotalLength(); $el.css("stroke-dasharray", 100); $el.css("stroke-dashoffset", 100); } var companyLine = '#polyline'; pathPrepare($(companyLine)); var s5Tween = new TimelineMax(); s5Tween.to($(companyLine), 1, {strokeDashoffset: 0,ease:Linear.easeNone}) var scene5 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#polyline" }) .setTween(s5Tween) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); }
  2. https://tympanus.net/codrops/2021/05/04/dynamic-css-masks-with-custom-properties-and-gsap/
  3. Hi to all, Formula 1 2021 season will soon start so I've thought it would be nice to share my animation. It was for a contest and I still believe it was the best but the client is always right (only when he's not ? - remember Steve Jobs?). Undercutting in F1 is going to pit earlier, do some fast laps (with fresh tyres - filling a fuel not an action here) and get in front of the car previously leading. Maybe the text caption for driving fast lap(s) would be good to add (you can see in the code the red car is driving faster after a pit stop). I would love to see the code updated to GSAP 3 if anyone has time to do it - I haven't succeeded in the zeitnot. And for real F1 fans here's the schedule for 2021 (I don't remember but maybe there are all tracks available as vector shapes somewhere on the web): https://www.formula1.com/en/racing/2021.html ?
  4. Juc1

    SVG filter value

    Hi all In my pen I have an SVG filter with a value of 90 - can this value be targeted / animated? Thanks...
  5. I have a simple svg with a rect box inside. I want to change the width of this rect in such a way that it changes from the centre of the rect, like a scaleX would work with transform-origin center. Currently, reducing the width contracts it from the right side. I need to change with width in order to maintain fidelity otherwise I'd use scale. Is there a way to get this to work? Would I have to play around with the x attribute? Thanks.
  6. Hi Guys, I am trying to create a seamless "clipMask Text Marquee", with a timeline. The tl is started (and paused) by ScrollTrigger. Basically everything works as desired, but I have trouble with resizing. The height of the text (trigger Element) is changed by a js function. After Resizing the hight, the position of the triggers become wrong. Is there a way to update them? Or is there generell a better apporach? I am not a big expert (as you guessed) and very thankful, for honest “code critique”. Furthermore I wonder, if and how I have to kill the timeline in PJAX-context. By now it works, when I kill the ScrollTrigger (before entering) the Page and call the createMarquee (after entering) again. Is this enough or is the (old and unused) Timeline (created by function) still present somewhere in memory? Sorry for my English and many thanks in advance.
  7. I am trying animate a SVG element where the element's position/pose is held for a duration and then snaps immediately to a new position/pose, and so on and so on. I have a working example using SteppedEase, but it feels a bit hacky - as it requires me to use an undocumented 'true' parameter (mentioned in: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/13388-steppedease-to-step-immediately) and duplicate the relevant SVG element's path data from the inline SVG image - with a slight modification (otherwise the duplicated path seems to be ignored). In the codepen example - the Red square should snap to align with the Green triangle as it passes the little blue squares (at 0s, 1s and 2s). When I tried using just steps(1) - it stepped once, but at 50% of the inter-blue-square duration (1s in this example). Whereas I need it to step once at 100% of that duration. So the overall behaviour would be more akin to using a series of Hold durations.
  8. Hey, This is my first post on the forum, loving gsap! I've ran into a little bit of an error. I have an SVG clip-path that I wan't to perform a simple scale animation on when in the viewport but for some reason it does not want to run in safari, I'm fairly new to gsap so don't have much experience troubleshooting SVG animations, so any help would be appreciated, cheers! NOTE: I've not included the scrollTrigger library on the codepen just so you don't have to scroll to play the animation, the bug still stands.
  9. Hi. I am starting to go mad trying to resolve this, so I thought I would post a question here instead. I am try to implement a rotation such that everything on the page view box (the outermost group -- depicted by the purple outline) rotates about its pre-defined origin point (shown by the cross - located at 50% 50% of view port in this case, but could be anywhere). At present the resultant rotation is relative to the compound contents of the Group (i.e. all the House elements) -- spinning around itself , whereas I need it to be relative to the parent view box -- effectively spinning around a fixed point on the page. So... the outer Group element ('street' in my codepen example) needs to behave like a parent-filler rather than a child-wrapper, with the origin offsets relative to the parents offset and dimensions. Note: The content items can be arbitrary i.e. multiple houses, cars etc. (set by a user), and the content may also exceed the bounds of the purple view box. None of these factors should affect the pre-defined rotation origin of the 'street'. (start) (desired @ 90 deg)
  10. Hi folks! I need help to implement a new timeline from tweens that are building into a loop. (btw, I use as a base this pen https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/ExPMgQq, credits to Blake Bowen) If is use a gsap.exportRoot() into a const, I have control over the timeline (but there isn't apply to use into a component) . So but I use tl.add(tween) into the loop I can't reach the same result . Also I tried with tl.add(tween, 0) but isn't work for me. Surely I'm doing something wrong, but I can't discover what, so if you can help me I will be appreciated. Thanks. ?
  11. Hello! I want to layout some text on an SVG path and have an animation play in a loop, on hover. On mouse out, the text should go back to its initial state. I used SplitText and the MotionPath plugins in my CodePen and it looks kind of what i want, but i have the following issues: Timeline related: The intended initial layout, is the one you'll see if you comment out addPause (line 44). I thought i'd probably need to change the startTime of the timeline, but that's not working. What am i missing? On mouseout, i'd like to tween the timeline to its initial state (the corrected initial layout), but again not working as expected. Any ideas? SplitText & MotionPath related: Right now the letter & word spacing is off. It's tight to the stagger values. So how can i maintain the default ones? (This animation is intended to work with words of different lengths). Is there a callback i could use onResize that would re-calculate the correct position of the letters? Any help in any of the above would be much appreciated Thanks in advance
  12. Hi guys! Please click once in codepen demo. I am trying to make a very simple sparkling animation on clicking anywhere in the window but unfortunately I am not able to do it. It runs only once. I want it to run whenever I click. Please help me.
  13. I am playing with spiral animation using tweenlinemax, I saw couple of examples related to spiral animation for growing text font size during animate but I also want to reduce the size of font after 1 second duration. tl.to("#Text",10,{attr:{startOffset:'100%'}}) .to("#theText", 5, {fontSize:50},2) .to("#theText", 5, {fontSize:10},1); //this is not working so is there any way to grow up and down the font size while animate on SVG path using tweens.
  14. Hello, I was wondering if is possible to change the direction in which 2 paths are being morphed. Currently, my path is being morphed from left to right, which doesn't look that great. Is it possible to modify it so that it starts morphing from the center and expand outwards? The link to my animation is https://codesandbox.io/s/confident-violet-lywmu?file=/src/Animate.js
  15. Hello, I am new to animation and SVG in general. I am using attr property to morph between 2 paths in a SVG. I created the shapes with same number of anchor points in Illustrator. The problem I am experiencing is that at the start of the animation, the path is all messed up. I am not sure if what I did is correct but how can I achieve that the starting path is the one given and start expanding from there towards the new path? I created a codesandbox showing this behavior at https://codesandbox.io/s/falling-dew-7l0cz?file=/src/Animate.js I was able to animate it correctly using different frames and a timeline, but is not as smooth. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Any idea why this transformation is not working? When I use the uncommented line it is working, but I don't want to animate the whole SVG, only the red letters.
  17. The minimumMovement property to configure a Draggable can actually be a float. The docs say it's integer. This is good to know if you are dragging elements of an SVG element of just a few units high/wide.
  18. Hello, I am having a problem in making motions with Scroll Trigger. I am trying to make an SVG appear when triggered, and disappear after a few scrolls. I tried making two separate timelines for each motion, which did not work at all... ,and I have also tried using .reverse( ) or .fromTo( ) with no avail. Would any of you guys teach me how to make my SVG appear and later on disappear using the scroll trigger? To get the precise image of what motion I am trying to make: I want this appearing and disappearing to be triggered through scrolling. I am sorry, I cannot provide a codepen of my project (as I do not have the pro to upload the svg assets), instead I will clip a video of what I my current circumstance. I am trying to make the forest kinda thing sink out of the view after another stroke of scrolls. Please help me out here. Sincerely,
  19. Hi all! So I have an SVG image that is basically an outline of a Chinese letter: https://imgur.com/a/WxcxIgr and I would like to fill this in with brush strokes when the SVG image is hovered, while making sure that the strokes are confined within the outline. Kind of like this: https://imgur.com/a/AdoPnkx The brush strokes will not fill the SVG all at once, but basically as the cursor is moved over it. Can I use GSAP for this? Still pretty new to this so any pointers to the right direction would be highly appreciated!
  20. violet

    Animate SVG line

    Hello everyone, this is my first post so sorry if I'm wrong in something. I'm unable to create a Codepen but I've created a Codesandbox, I hope it's good anyway. What I want to do is very easy: animate an svg line tag. So I created a tweenMax.to animation but it seems not to work. Why? export const AnimatedLine = ({ x1, y1, x2, y2, ...props }) => { const lineRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (lineRef.current) { TweenMax.to(lineRef.current, 1, { x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2 }) } }, [x1, y1, x2, y2]) return <line ref={lineRef} x1={x1} y1={y1} x2={x2} y2={y2} {...props} /> } When I run it, I get:
  21. Hi everyone! Sorry, if the answer is already there, but I couldn't find it. I have 2 SVG tags. 1) Source SVG sprite with 2 <rect> shapes. 2) And the second SVG is pulling elements from the first SVG with <use> tag. The task is to move both shapes from the source SVG to the same point (x, y) using your library. Now they are moving together and to different points. Thanks for your attention, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  22. iman

    draggable over path

    hi guys i want drag element over path and didn't success. anyone can help me ? whats my mistake.......!!!!!!!???
  23. Hi! I am working on an SVG handwriting effect. I've got it to work but I can't figure out how to make it not show the "crossing" points of the letters as shown in the codepen. Also, I need the final SVG animation to have a gradient such as in the image below but can't figure out how to change the color of the stroke which is currently black to a gradient. Hope my questions make sense. Thanks!
  24. Hello! I am working to reveal this shape/outline via a mask ...specifically the rectangle shape, as it animates via motionPath the shape should reveal. This pen is set up to show the rectangle animating along its path (.path2) successfully, but when I place it within a mask ("theSquare"), motionPath breaks. Commenting in <defs> and <mask> within the linked pen will replicate the error. Can you help me understand why this is happening? Thank You!
  25. Hi, I'm trying to get an effect of a collection of shapes to come together and fit together (though some of the paths need a clean up ?) I have made a few simple ScrollTrigger animations and can arrange the shapes into where they should be / the general animation however.... I'm really stuck on how to get the shapes on the bottom on the vector to act as a mask for the background image the animation is placed upon. I'm able to make a compound path a set the mask but wondered if anyone had any ideas around how I would be able to mask as well as animate the shapes independently (as they are moving on the y-axis at different heights). Any help would be appreciated!
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