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  1. Hi Guys, Thanks for this awesome gsap lib again. I'm still learning it but the library is really powerful and quite fun to explore. I need some help with the animation where my container gets pinned on screen and then the image is horizontally moved with the scrolling. This part works fine in the codepen above. What I need with this is for the text in the adjacent container to smoothly show hide along with this image movement. Obviously the number of texts will be the same as the image movements so that wont be a problem. Thanks for any help in advance.
  2. So it's more visible in Desktop than in mobile but elements are stuttering when using stagger. I have uploaded a portion in codepen and you can see it on the website I used GSAP as well: https://shoaibahmed.dev If you look at the buttons ('Check on Github' and 'Live Preview') in that website, you will see that they are stuttering just before they reach their position. Is it something I am doing wrong?
  3. Hi All, I'm looking to stagger the display of a list of items, I only want 1 item to show at once. I have knocked up an example using jQuery but can't figure out how to utilise GSAP for the same action. Ultimately, I want to control the fade and scale of each item as they appear and disappear. Any help appreciated
  4. Hello, I'm new to GSAP and very happy with it so far. I have an interesting problem and I can't find any codepens or topics containing useful info. Actually I am not sure if this is even possible. What I'm trying to do: Elements are fading in inside a section, when you scroll to it. When you scroll past it the elements fade out again and when you go back up they fade in again. I'm using stagger to animate the elements inside the section. Is it possible on scroll up to reverse the stagger effect, I would like the elements to fade in from the last one to the first, but only when scrolling up. I know that using a negative value for the stagger does that, but I'm not sure if you can combine it with the toggleActions somehow. All ideas are welcome, thank you :)
  5. Hi guys, I am new to GSAP animations, I love everything about this framework. It has made so many lengthy tasks very simple, short and fast too. But unfortunately I am stuck at one point. If you go to my codepen demo, when you click on 'button', you will see a stagger animation which is working fine. I have 6 boxes there and the 5th and 6th number boxes overlaps the 1st and 2nd. I want this animation to work like this only but instead of overlapping I want 1st and 2nd box to fade out before 5th and 6th box fade in.
  6. I'm trying to have texts scroll up one by one, then pause at a certain point and then continue to scroll up while fading out. I have almost achieved this using ease functions for both the first stagger where the text fades in and moves up and the second stagger where the text continues up and fades out. However I want the text to pause briefly in the middle after the first animation. Since I'm using a power function for the ease I don't know how I can set the delay between the two animations to also be a power function so the timing works out. I'm just starting out with GSAP so I may be going at this animation in the wrong way. Any help much appreciated.
  7. Hello all. First of all, I want to emphasize that this project is purely for practice purposes. I'm trying to get better at GSAP so any suggestions at all to improve my code or approach to this problem in any way are welcome. I was inspired by the level change screen of the video game, Just Shapes & Beats. If you're not sure what this is, check out this video. I made sure to time stamp it so it starts at the exact point it happens. I wanted to try to recreate this. To start, I programmatically generate 100 divs, attach event listeners to them, and use flex to space them out evenly. When a box is clicked, I use two arrays to separate the boxes that are above and below the target. Once I have those arrays, I loop through them and create a tween for each one that gets added to a timeline. Once that's done, I play the timeline. Here's the problem I'm running into. Because I'm creating tweens for every item in the array, I don't really know how to stagger them. I can't just use a class, because that would target all of them and they need to animate differently based off if they are above or below where the user clicked. I tried adding a delay to each tween, but the problem with that approach is when the animation for the blocks above the user click happens, the last block is delayed the greatest which is the opposite of what I want. That's my specific problem. But again, if you just have any general suggestions for a better way to approach this, I'd love to hear it. I'm still very much in the beginner stages of GSAP. Thank you. Edit --- Here is a debug link. It seems to show the animation better than the preview window inside codepen. https://cdpn.io/DDI-Web-Team/debug/06180d06502c57364e0a0f3ae563e79f
  8. I've got a bunch of elements I'm doing a stagger animation on. I'd like to set different properties (say scale/position) for each of these elements based on index of stagger. Is there a straightforward way of doing this with a single gsap call? The current solution I'm thinking of involves looping through the elements to get index and setting the properties and delay as per this with individual gsap calls in the loop. Any ideas are appreciated, I didn't make a codepen cause I felt like the description explained it well enough.
  9. Hello Folks, I have a specific case which I am not sure how to handle: I have an array of PIXI Sprites that I would like to stagger to another set of X, Y coordinates. While they each have specific start coordinates assigned to them, their destination coordinates are defined by an offset from a target destination point. The effect that I want is for the sprites to tween in formation - think of a squadron of planes, or a vee of geese, flying together in formation. What I need to accomplish this, then, would be not unlike the map function where I can iterate through an array of objects, setting their tween properties dynamically, without hard-coding the destination coordinates in tween config object. Is there a built-in function within the stagger property, that would give me access to the current instance so I can access its destination coordinates? I was thinking I might be able to hack the stagger's function(index, target, list), but how can I set a tween within a function that is out of scope of the timeline's config object?
  10. Hello! I am trying to animate a puzzle. I would like to make each piece appearing from the top-left of the svg puzzle without success. For the moment, as shown in the codepen, it's completely random. Any suggestion?
  11. Hi guys I really happy with gsap3, and I was waiting for it for very log time ?, but I now facing a very weird problem I'm animating some labels with gsap timeline.from to make them appear one by one "a really simple animation" but opacity is animating from 0 -> 0.003 or 0.06 also this is the same with scale from 0 -> 0.08 or something like this i'm using react-js but I don't think this is the problem useEffect(()=>{ labelsRef.current && tl .from(labelsRef.current.getElementsByTagName('mark'),{duration:1,opacity:0,stagger:1},0) .fromTo(labelsRef.current.getElementsByTagName('label'),{scale:0},{duration:0.5,scale:1,stagger:1, ease: "back.out(4)"},0.5) },[labelsRef.current]); when I animate the scale by fromTo everything works perfectly Am I doing anything wrong ???? Thank you very much
  12. Hi everyone. Firstly, I'd like to say thanks to an amazing forum, I've learnt so much here over the last few weeks. The effort you lot put into this is unreal. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a solution to the issues I'm having, hence this post. I'm trying to stagger animate a list in and out that changes length and properties. I'm using gsap3 with react hooks. I'm sure this is common and I'm just approaching it wrong so I would really appreciate someone taking a look at the link below: https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-listobject-stagger Thanks so much!
  13. Hello. This is a basic question regarding my StaggerTo animations. For scope of this, I'm using 2.x still and am using StaggerTo to animate a hand of cards and all of them work beautifully when adding new references to the array. When adding a reference/element to the middle of any stagger or removing an element from an array, I get some experiences I didn't expect. Delete from the array: It doesn't animate out or in reverse as I expected, it just "pops" out of existence. Example: https://gyazo.com/a6cb14ef2b75f9dd40eaf4393581db93 Add to middle of an array: The index and all items after the index are removed, and then they are animated in afterwards. Example: https://gyazo.com/d8e710656e77aeab1ad67110325b871d After research I'm not able to find out if there's a way to work a different stagger, or a setting that can be flipped to enable animations when an item is removed from the array. Or is it this way by design? I looked into make a codepen example, but I lack the skill to recreate the React Hooks + GSAP in codepen in any semblance of a reasonable timeframe, figured with this question it could be a quick answer before I potentially tried to do a lot of work for something that could be as simple as "not by design!". If anyone is kind enough to read and respond to this, I would greatly appreciate it.
  14. hello there, I am working on a stagger which scales down to 1 from 1+(0.1*index of array) I am tryin to reverse it but I cannot use .reverse() because I am changing some values in other tweens I have to create a new timelinemax and do the reverses one by one. the scale is 1 and I needed to increase to 1+(0.1*index of array) how can I write different values to scale I can create another timeline and reverse this one but it will be better if I can write to different values. thanks
  15. Hello, I was wondering, does anyone see lag when playing animations on Firefox? I made just a few animation so far as I am a "newbie gsap coder", what I have experienced is that those animations are smooth in chrome, safari and IE but they lag a lot in Firefox. At first I thought I was coding in the wrong way my scripts but then I saw that even the animations in the "Examples" page have the same problem (eg. https://www.reputationsquad.com/). What I see is that this doesn't seem a GSAP problem but is like Firefox is having hard times with all kind of animation methods. I tested it both on my macbook pro retina (late 2015) and on a mac mini, in both cases if I try to open a website like: http://beta.wind-and-words.com/ (examples page), the fan start working at max power! Like when you render an After Effects animation with all your cores. Do you have the same problem? Do you know any solution or workaround? Thanks guys!
  16. Hey any tips or suggest to perform a kind of reel infinite random motions? I find my approach too redundant. Example on text matrix? I get a random behavior, but alway same from looping ! this is currently the code startMotion(){ const List = this.child.Master.children; //words //!motions words if('option motions words'){ gsap.staggerFromTo(List, 0.5, {alpha:0},{alpha:1, ease: Power1.easeIn}, 0.4); gsap.staggerTo(List, 4, { x:()=>`+=${Math.randomFrom(4,-8)}`, y:()=>`+=${Math.randomFrom(7,-10)}`, ease: Power1.easeInOut, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}, 0.2); }; }; What i would like it a way to compute a random range from a radius ? but alway random after loop cycle. Do gsap have a native easy feature to perform this? suggest welcome
  17. I'm working on animating a grid of threejs boxes and I would like to implement the grid option available in the stagger object of the timeline, but when doing so I get an error: The example code only shows how to use the stagger options applied to DOM elements so I wonder if I'll need to create my own objects with properties that the grid optins will understand, which I can easly do, but I dont know what it is required. Hope that makes sense. Here is my setup: - There is an array of threejs Meshes layout in a grid - I want to create a timeline to animate all elements in the grid using the stagger grid options like: stagger: { amount: 1.5, grid: "auto", from: "center" } - But I'm getting the error quoted above Any help will be much appreciated.
  18. In TweenMax 2.x, use TweenMax.staggerTo, first element yoyo repeat first. https://codepen.io/7up/pen/LYEpRXg But in gsap 3.x, use stagger attribute, first element start first, but yoyo last. not same result as above. https://codepen.io/7up/pen/bGNVwJp How, can I get the same result using gsap 3.x? @ZachSaucier
  19. I'm playing around with this amazing library. What I'm currently doing is to stagger animate a list of words. How do i stop the animation of a particular elem in the list while they're being animated one by one by TweenMax stagger method Requirement: If a condition is met, i want to stop a particular element in the stagger.
  20. Hey, I just have a question regarding behaviour of stagger methods callback onCompleteAll. onCompleteAll does not fire whenever there are no DOM elements found by a tween - in other words, when there's no target DOM to tween (eg. ".nav-item" does not exist), onCompleteAll does not fire. I wish it would, since I have chain logic in my app. I also do not want to validate whether target elements exist every tween call. I simply resolve a promise on the callback and since stagger does not complete, promise does not resolve. How to deal with that? Thanks
  21. Hi all, I’ve been wondering if currently there exists an easy way to target the 9 typical transform points of a box / grid with the new staggers? TL - top left TC- top center TR - top right ML - middle left MC - middle center MR - middle right BL -bottom left BC - bottom center BR - bottom right Those 9 reference points are common typical points of transforms. I see there is already various nifty calculations being done but is that 9 position logic also 'dynamically' possible even with reflow (like others) within the new advanced staggers? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks everyone!
  22. Hi guys! I'm working on a project for which I'd like to animate the drawing of a handwritten signature. The desired effect is to have it like it's being written. Here is the base file: I tried to vectorize the image using Illustrator, which worked, but the paths that are created are "looped", meaning that it's not one stroke. Thus, when I stagger the paths, they appear to do a "round-trip" around the letters. Do you know of a way that would allow me to animate it in one stroke? Preferably one that doesn't involve redrawing the whole signature manually Thank a lot in advance.
  23. Hey everyone, I was staggering some elements from the middle by using cycle and a delay function. Diaco showed me this formula a couple years ago. return Math.abs(Math.floor(yourElements.length / 2) - i) * 0.25; This works great for an odd number of elements, but with an even number of elements the middle two should start at the same time so this function doesn't work correctly. I came up with a new formula for an even number of elements. return Math.floor(Math.abs(yourElements.length / 2 - 0.1 - i)) * 0.25; That seems to work just fine. I'm just using the modulus operator to figure if the element list length is odd or even and then using the appropriate formula to return the correct value. My question is can anyone think of a way to calculate it with one formula whether it's odd or even? I'm thinking I'm gonna need two different formulas which is no big deal, but wanted to make sure I'm not missing something obvious here. Happy tweening.
  24. Hi If I have a staggerFrom tween that runs from left to right, is there anyway of having the stagger go from right to left on a series of elements? I don't want to reverse the timeline because the stagger is part of a wider / larger animation and when I use the .reverse() method it obviously reverse the timeline. I've given a simplified example below (Codepen example included). The red box comes in from the top and there is a stagger on the blue boxes that come up from the bottom (going from left to right). Is it possible to stagger the blue boxes so they still come up from the bottom, but stagger from right to left? Many thanks var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1}); tl .from("#box", .8, {y:-60}) .staggerFrom(".box", .8, {y:60}, .15)
  25. Hello, I want to start by saying i'm a noob to programming in general, as to javascript and green sock. As soon as I learned some html and css I dived into SVGs. I have an illustration background so this seamed appealing and most fun to me... I quickly realised that greensock is the way to go... So, I want to animate my logo appearing in a sci-fi kind of way, where there is a bunch of stuff happening. This isn't the logo animation but a test. I want to learn what I can and can't do... I am trying to use a single svg and make it appear a bunch of times using the staggerfrom. The plan was to create a symbol and then call on it as many times as I need. Then make them stagger on to the screen. The problem is I dont know how to call on those symbols with Tween... I tried giving my <use>es Ids, classes and even putting every <use> element inside of a div. The first two just don't make the animation work. When I put it inside of a div then the animation works but the called <use> symbols are just not visible. Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible? Is there a workaround? I know there must be but my general knowledge is limited at best. romb.svg
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