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  1. Hi all, I'm having some issues when I animate text using gsap and scrollmagic. The screenshot shows where I'm in the middle of a tween that has a duration. Any thoughts? Thanks;
  2. Hello, I have 2 CodePen Examples containing a simple tween and scroll. The first example works fine. The Second Example is really similar (the tween is slightly extended), but for some reason the console returns Cannot set property 'ScrollMagic' of undefined. I've been over this a hundred times and can't see where I'm going wrong ... can you help
  3. Hello everyone, need help here, 1. I don't know why but my codepen works but when I implemented on the website does not work. Any reasons why? 2. On the other hand, how I make these transitions more secure? Because when you scroll fast the animations has his glitches some times. codepen: I don't know why it's doesn't work on the website. these is the website code. The same!!! Just change the scroll triggers // Scroll Interactions //Init Controller let controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); // Ball Scene let ball = $('.ball'); let xCenter = window.innerWidth/2; let yCenter = window.innerHeight/2; let ballTl0 = new TimelineLite(); let ballTl = new TimelineLite(); let ballT2 = new TimelineLite(); let ballT3 = new TimelineLite(); let ballScene0 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '.hero-heading', }) .setTween(ballTl0) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); let ballScene1 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '#feature1', }) .setTween(ballTl) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); let ballScene2 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '#feature2', }) .setTween(ballT2) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); let ballScene3 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '#feature3', }) .setTween(ballT3) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); // Change index function changeIndex() { console.log('change index!!!'); } ballTl0 .to(ball, .8, {css:{ x: '-12%', borderRadius: '50%'}, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(.5, 0.4)}) ballTl .to(ball, .8, {css:{ x: '10%', borderRadius: 0}, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(.5, 0.4)}) ; ballT2 .to(ball, .5, {css:{ x: '-50%', borderRadius: '50%', scale: .5}, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(.5, 0.4)}) ; ballT3 .to(ball, .5, {css:{ x: '-90%', borderRadius: 0, scale: 1}, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(.5, 0.4)}) ; website: http://muuaaa.webflow.io/home-newer (webflow for fast prototyping and great for design focus. I include de js I want).
  4. Hey guys, First of all, let me appologize for my bad english because i'm french. I have a problem with scrollmagic. Usually, i put th code below to customize my scrollbar with CSS. But when it's with scrollmagic, it has no effect. ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #fff; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; background-color: #000; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); background-color: #000; border-radius: 8px; border: 2px solid #fff; } Does a solution exist for this issue or i'm blocked with the default weird scrollbar ? you can see the result in this url : http://test.jdo-univers.eu
  5. Hello GSAP'ers I'm using Vue-Cli / Webpack template and I already managed to import ScrollMagic, but when running TimelineMax with setTween I get this error: "(ScrollMagic.Scene) -> ERROR calling setTween() due to missing Plugin 'animation.gsap'. Please make sure to include plugins/animation.gsap.js" My webpack.base.config.js is configured like this: var $ = require("jquery"); var ScrollMagic = require("scrollmagic"); var ScrollGsap = require('scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap'); var gsap = require("gsap"); module.exports = { ... resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json'], alias: { "TweenLite": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/src/uncompressed/TweenLite.js'), "TweenMax": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js'), "TimelineLite": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/src/uncompressed/TimelineLite.js'), "TimelineMax": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/src/uncompressed/TimelineMax.js'), "ScrollMagic": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/ScrollMagic.js'), "animation.gsap": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap.js'), "debug.addIndicators": Path.resolve('node_modules', 'scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators.js') } And my Component.vue is like this: <script> import { TweenMax, TimelineMax } from 'gsap' import $ from 'jquery' import ScrollMagic from 'scrollmagic' import gsap from 'scrollmagic' export default { mounted () { TweenMax.from('#red', 5, {width: 0}); const tlVueGsap = new TimelineMax() .from('#blue', 5, {width: 0}) .to('#blue', 5, {x: 400}) const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); const scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#red" }) .setTween(tlVueGsap) .addTo(controller); } //Close Mounted } //Close Export Defautl </script> ScrollMagic is working, just the gsap.animation plugin that is not being imported Any idea how to solve it? Link of Github Project: https://github.com/Efetivos/vue_init/blob/master/src/components/GsapTest.vue Thanks Folk
  6. I have the following: var secOne = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '.section-a', triggerHook: 0, duration: $(window).height() - 100 }) .setTween( new TimelineMax() .add( TweenMax.fromTo(['.section-a .svg-a'], 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, force3D: false, ease:Power4.easeNone }) ) .add( TweenMax.fromTo(['.section-a .text-a'], 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, ease:Power4.easeNone } ) ) ) .setPin('.section-a') .addTo(controller); Which is fine apart from the fact that the animations have to come in smooth no matter how fast the user scrolling up or down. In this case if the user scrolls to fast then the animated parts suddenly show up. Is there a way to slow down the tween so that no matter if the user scrolling really fast they'll always get a smooth in out response from the animated tween? As you can see I have tried 'ease:Power4.easeNone' and that works to a degree but there's really nothing that stops it from zooming in on a fast scroll movement. Also I know scroll jacking is the work of Beelzebub but I'm being forced into this against better reasoning. Thanks
  7. Hey guys, So I have a centered element, when I create a scene for that element and go to another page (same window, scroll a little) and then coming back, the element is not centered anymore. It is moved a little to the left, even though my tween has only up and down movement. I tried to replicate on codepen, doesn't work. The original site: https://alacreme.000webhostapp.com/alczzz3/index.html On the first page you see "pasiunea gustului..." that goes down when you scroll. This p is centered. Now scroll down, where you see a facebook link, click it, scroll down on it. Now go back to page and scroll up untill you see "pasiunea gustului" again it is not centered anymore, refresh to see. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't. The code for the centering of p: position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); The code for the tween: tween_slogan_first = createTweenMoveVerticalEaseNone(slogan_first, 1, 0, $(slogan_last).parent().height(), 0); function createTweenMoveVerticalEaseNone(element, tween_time, opacity_var, distance) { return TweenMax.to(element, tween_time, { opacity: opacity_var, y : distance, ease: Linear.easeNone }); } The code for the scene scene_slogan_first = createScene($('#acasa'), 'onCenter', $(window).height()/2, $(window).height()/2, true, tween_slogan_first, false); function createScene($trigger, trigger_hook_var, offset_var, duration_var, reverse_var, tween, tween_changes) { return new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: $trigger, triggerHook: trigger_hook_var, offset: offset_var, duration: duration_var, reverse: reverse_var }) .setTween(tween) // pins the element for the the scene's duration // .addTo(controller) // assign the scene to the controller .tweenChanges(tween_changes); }
  8. Hi I'm trying to work out why this code isn't working. I would like to scan the document to find every instance of and element with a class of bcg-parallax and then run the code below: if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 767px)").matches) { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); $(".bcg-parallax").each(function(i, item){ var newIndex = i + 1; var itemRef = '.bcg-parallax:nth-of-type(' + newIndex + ')'; var parallaxTL = new TimelineMax(); parallaxTL.from(itemRef + '.bcg-parallax .content-parallax', 0.4 , {autoAlpha: 0, x:'+100px', ease:Power0.easeNone},0.4) .from(itemRef + ' .bcg', 1.8, {y:'-50%', ease:Power0.easeNone},0); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: item, triggerHook: 1, duration: '100%' }) .setTween(parallaxTL) .addIndicators() .addTo(controller) }); } I'm using the css rules plugin, but this code at this time is hiding the first instance of the .content-parallax and thats it. It is not firing any events at the point of scroll. Basically I want the animation to be relative to the elements position on the page. Any ideas, I'm really struggling. Thanks
  9. Hello everyone. I know that there is topic about angular but I have checked every topics without having an answer to my problem. My problem is simple. How to implemenent properly ScrollMagic and gsap to an Angular-Cli (2/4) app. I have installed: npm install gsap npm install scrollmagic I have added to my .angular-cli.json: "scripts": [ "../node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js", "../node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/ScrollMagic.js", "../node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap.js", "../node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators.js", ], In my component, I have: import { TweenMax } from 'gsap'; import * as ScrollMagic from 'ScrollMagic'; import "ScrollMagic/scrollmagic/minified/plugins/debug.addIndicators.min.js"; import 'ScrollMagic/scrollmagic/minified/plugins/animation.gsap.min.js'; And I use in my script.: TweenMax.to(calculator, 1.5, { scale: 2 }) ... new ScrollMagic.Scene(...) .setTween(TweenMax.to(calculator, 1, { scale: 2 })) And i get the following error: Cannot read property 'to' of undefined If I remove the path of TweenMax in angular-cli.json, and I remove the import of animation.gsap.min.js, the following action works. TweenMax.to(calculator, 1.5, { scale: 2 }) but the next action: .setTween(TweenMax.to(calculator, 1, { scale: 2 })) doesnt work and I have this error: (ScrollMagic.Scene) -> ERROR calling setTween() due to missing Plugin 'animation.gsap'. Please make sure to include plugins/animation.gsap.js And if I just remove the import {TweenMax} from 'gsap' in my component, I get the following error: ./~/ScrollMagic/scrollmagic/minified/plugins/animation.gsap.min.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'TweenMax' in 'D:\...\...\node_modules\ScrollMagic\scrollmagic\minified\plugins' @ ./~/ScrollMagic/scrollmagic/minified/plugins/animation.gsap.min.js 3:53-103 @ ./src/app/cv/cv.component.ts @ ./src/app/app.module.ts @ ./src/main.ts @ multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200 ./src/main.ts So If someone know how to install it properly, that would be great. Thank you.
  10. Hi guys - To create a tween that animates as you scroll what do you need exactly? I am referencing both tweenmax and scrollmagic and I also added the gsap animation plugin. No matter what I do this doesn't seem to want to work. Please help!
  11. Hello! I've been looking into creating an effect that I see a lot of modern websites using. Im not sure if im meant to be using scrollmagic or not but it seems like quite a good library to plugin to gsap. Here's an example of the effect that I am trying to create http://lamoulade.com/#!/home The website above displays items on the webpage while you scroll. I am looking at creating something similar. I thought the best place to start was to create a bezier curve, and have it only animate along the curve while I scroll - the only problem is, I have NO idea where to start. Should I be looking at ScrollMagic's 'pinning' of objects and have them set to containers? Not sure. Thanks in advance to anyone that posts any information on this topic. Cheers!
  12. So i've tried using my animation component more than once on a page. But its only works on one element. It doesn't animate on duplicate elements I've tried methods from Petr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA9SIQnzRQc & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c85GjM7vy5A&t=198s One of Petr's methods works great for adding a classes to multiple elements, but i cant get it working with a gsap timeline. This is my code, i left out all the gsap code animating my feathers. Now remember this animation is working perfectly on one div. Its just when i try duplicate the timeline on other divs, it only plays on one div not all of them. // create tween var timeline = new TimelineMax( {repeatDelay:0, repeat:-1} ) .add(tween1, 0) .add(tween2, 2.1) .add(tween3, 4) .add(tween4, 6.5) timeline.timeScale(1.2) // 1 default $('.feather_container_home, .feather_container').each(function(){ // build scene var scenefeather1 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: this.children[0], triggerHook: '1', offset: 200, reverse: false}) .setTween(timeline) // .addIndicators( {name: "feathers"} ) .addTo(controller) }); Would be great if someone has a solution or had trouble with this before. thanks!
  13. Hey there, i am trying to reverse/change the color of a logo based on the section its in. I got it working so far but i am kinda wondering if its the right and most performant approach (i kinda guess it isn't) I basically wont to use it on different subpages and the number of sections is variable. Thanks a lot, much appreciated const controllerMobile = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); const innerStart = new TimelineLite(); const innerEnd = new TimelineLite(); const outerStart = new TimelineLite(); const outerEnd = new TimelineLite(); innerStart.to('.js-logo__inner', 0.1, { fill: 'pink' }); innerEnd.to('.js-logo__inner', 0.1, { fill: 'orange' }); outerStart.to('.js-logo__outer', 0.1, { fill: 'orange' }); outerEnd.to('.js-logo__outer', 0.1, { fill: 'pink' }); const changeLogoStartTrigger = document.querySelectorAll('.js-change-logo--start'); const changeLogoEndTrigger = document.querySelectorAll('.js-change-logo--end'); function changeLogoStart() { changeLogoStartTrigger.forEach((triggerStart) => { const sceneChangeLogoStart = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: triggerStart, reverse: true, triggerHook: 0.065, offset: 0, }) .setTween(innerStart) .setTween(outerStart) .addIndicators() .addTo(controllerMobile); }); }; function changeLogoEnd() { changeLogoEndTrigger.forEach((triggerEnd) => { const sceneChangeLogoEnd = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: triggerEnd, reverse: true, triggerHook: 0.015, offset: 0, }) .setTween(innerEnd) .setTween(outerEnd) .addIndicators() .addTo(controllerMobile); }); }; changeLogoStart(); changeLogoEnd();
  14. Hi Guys, I stumbled on this post http://bassta.bg/2013/05/smooth-page-scrolling-with-tweenmax/ and implement the script there but not the result i wanted. Here is the script that $(function(){ var $window = $(window); //Window object var scrollTime = 0.3; //Scroll time var scrollDistance = 50; //Distance. Use smaller value for shorter scroll and greater value for longer scroll $window.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta/120 || -event.originalEvent.detail/3; var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); var finalScroll = scrollTop - parseInt(delta*scrollDistance); TweenMax.to($window, scrollTime, { scrollTo : { y: finalScroll, autoKill:true }, ease: Power1.easeOut, //For more easing functions see http://api.greensock.com/js/com/greensock/easing/package-detail.html autoKill: true, overwrite: 5 }); }); How to achieve something like this smooth page scroll on this page - https://www.shift-capital.com/about? Please help.
  15. Edit: See below for the most legible version of the code! Hello, I'm trying to play a tween whenever the user stops scrolling. Eventually I'll play from 0-1 on scrolling down, and from 1-0 on scrolling up. Currently I'm experiencing some unexpected behavior however. See the code below. The `ScrollMagic.Scene` tells the component whether the user is scrolling up or down, and `scrollStop()` is calling the arrow callback whenever the user stops scrolling. Contrary to my tween config, the scene ignores `paused: true` and moves `.yellowHollowCircle` 400px immediately on pageload (much faster than the 2 seconds it should be taking). Scrolling up and down yields the console.logs seen in the attached screenshot, and no further movement. Do you understand why `.play(0)` is not playing the tween from the beginning like I expect? const reverb = function(object, amount = 10, time = randomBetween(2, 3), timeMax){ let tweenName = object + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID, sceneName = object + 'ReverbScene' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID; if (!this.controller) this.controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); if (timeMax) time = randomBetween(time, timeMax); this[tweenName] = TweenMax.to(object, time, { transform: `+=translateY(${amount}px)`, ease: Power3.easeOut, paused: true }); this[sceneName] = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ offset: 0, duration: 1 }) .triggerHook(1) .on('update', e => { let { scrollPos } = e, { lastScrollPos } = this.state; let scrolling = lastScrollPos > scrollPos ? 'up' : 'down'; this.setState({ lastScrollPos: scrollPos, scrolling }); }) .setTween(this[tweenName]) .addTo(this.controller); } // just calls callback once user stops scrolling const scrollStop = function ( callback ) { if ( !callback || Object.prototype.toString.call( callback ) !== '[object Function]' ) return; var isScrolling; window.addEventListener('scroll', function ( event ) { window.clearTimeout( isScrolling ); isScrolling = setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 66); }, false); }; class SuperFunTime extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.reverb = globals.reverb.bind(this); } componentDidMount(){ this.reverb('.yellowHollowCircle', 400, 2); globals.scrollStop(() => { console.log('stopped scrolling ' + this.state.scrolling, this['.yellowHollowCircle' + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID].progress()); this['.yellowHollowCircle' + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID].play(0); }) } }
  16. Hello! I am currently trying to mimic the effect on this website: http://brightmedia.pl/ If you scroll down in my codepen you can see a similar effect with the line being drawn. I was wondering if anyone knew/has done this before and could provide me any additional information in: A. How do I keep the point of drawing in the middle of the window B. How do I go about adding extra paths to the animation? Do I get seperate SVGs to trigger on scroll? Thanks for any help in advance
  17. Hi, I am using scrollmagic to build a website where multiple panels overlap each other on scroll. Once you land on the 2nd panel, a separate timeline plays out, triggered by an onComplete function. When you scroll back up, I don't want the animation to replay, I just want it to scroll back up on the static last frame. But if you scroll all the way up, and then down, I would like for it to repeat. In my codepen, it only plays once, and I can't get it to replay the animation. What would be the best way to do this? Thank you, Jenny
  18. Hey Guys! I've recently discovered your awesome products and have been enjoying playing around with the examples. However, I've run into some trouble trying to implement it into my project haha. Yet confident this won't be a biggie for you guys. So , if it's not too much of a bother please take a look at the codepen attached to see what I mean. https://codepen.io/Raulito/pen/jmwXxp *Specifically, I keep getting the error 'cannot tween a null target' in the console , which stops all my other animations from running , when trying to use the CSSRulePlugin to target the :before pseudo element. *I've noticed that this error occurs and can be seen in the console both on codepen AND when doing local development without a server, but for some reason works when I'm developing it locally using XAMP. * Cheers, Raul.
  19. Hi, I am working with GSAP + ScrollMagic. There in codepen when you scroll to bottom you can see "eating animation" it is sprite animation based upon shifting background. Well my problem is visible when "burger is gone" and you try to scroll up. You will see backward animation of eating which in my case is not what I want. Is there a way how to play some animations only in "one way"? Idealy completly avoid "eating" animation when you go up. I tried to google it and search, but without result, if it is already answered please send me link. Thx
  20. Hello! I have some issue with show elements. I fill svg line with help property stroke: function pathPrepare ($el) { var lineLength = $el[0].getTotalLength(); $el.css("stroke-dasharray", lineLength); $el.css("stroke-dashoffset", lineLength); } But I don`t know how can show element when fill before it (elements are hidden). They are conected only alike scene and they have absolut position. Maybe GSAP or Scrollmagic have some functions for decide this problem? Or maybe give me some hints. My code: // Init ScrollMagic var ctrl = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ globalSceneOptions: { triggerHook: 0, tweenChanges: true, duration: ScreenHeight } }); // Create scene $("section").each(function(){ new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: this }) .setPin(this) .addTo(ctrl); }); var processLine = '#process-line'; // prepare SVG pathPrepare($(processLine)); var s4Tween = new TimelineMax(); s4Tween.to($(processLine), 1, {strokeDashoffset: 0, ease:Linear.easeNone}) .add(TweenMax.to(processLine, 0, {stroke: "#3495d1", ease:Linear.easeNone}), 0); // Create scene var scene4 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#section3" }) .setTween(s4Tween) .addIndicators({name: "1 (duration: svg)"}) .addTo(ctrl);
  21. hi, I'm trying to recreate the functionality of this New York Times page where as you scroll down the background fades into the section below and text elements can scroll over the background images before fading into the next row/section. I have made a start http://codepen.io/heavymessing/pen/WjbVNJ but it looks kind of clunky and I was wondering if there is a way to do it with scrollMagic and GreenSock. I have another version http://codepen.io/heavymessing/pen/zwGJLx but I don't know how to get one section fading in over the other? thanks,
  22. I'm just getting started with GSAP and so far it looks great. I've hit a difficulty using it with ScrollMagic. I'm playing a GSAP timeline to animate an SVG of a van exhaust, when the van being ing the middle of the screen is detected by ScrollMagic. In the pen scroll down to find the van and see the animation. Then scroll up and you should see the animation reverse before stopping. I can see how this behaviour would be desirable in some circumstances, but I wish to know how to avoid it here. Thanks
  23. Hello, i'm trying to make splittext animation on scroll using scrollmagic, the animation works but every animations are playing when windows is load, and i want my animations works when the parent section of my "content__text" div is in the viewport Anyone can help me to fix it ? http://codepen.io/AdverisTeam/pen/aJebRJ
  24. Hello great almighty GSAP forum, here I am with another question I'm having. Goal create some sort of traveling trail emitter that follows the object and being manipulated by scroll event. Also everything is responsive, relative to the SVG size.Progress/ attempts Got most parts working, however there're a few visual things I just can't figure out. I've tried manipulating x,yPercent, transformOrigin, svgOrigin on the <image> tag inside the <svg> Help needed I'd like to know how to make the image's transform origin to the tip or tail of the arrow how to properly adjust the emit position so it sync with the arrow tail.. Actual travelling route doesn't have to follow the predefined path strictly, it's more important getting the emitter right. I don't know how autoRotate works under the hood, by the look of the relationship between particle and the arrow position, seems like a "invisible bounding box" is created, and the arrow rotate inside the box, and the box takes on the bezier curve data. Question outside of this topic Why isn't <image> tag visible on Safari, let alone IE?? The emitted particle shows on Safari but seems the percentage position is way off? Seems like line 48-51 behave differently on Safari. Added on 19th of April To answer my own question for peoples reference. <image> tag needs an inline width and height attribute in browsers other than Chrome, somehow other browser can't take the CSS and apply it to <image> tag within svg; Thanks a lot!
  25. Ok so I am in the weeds on this. I'm not especially adept at javascript as is and this has pushed my limits. Also my normal web guy I ask questions to has gone MIA so I turn to those who know what they are doing. I want to animate an image/div to slide onto my page upon scrolling down. Normally that wouldn't be an issue and I would just use animate.css BUT the content is in a scrolling div in the middle of the page which means NONE of the scrolling scripts out there will work (save for scroll magic apparently). The problem is I can't make heads or tails of the available documentation between the two. If you look at this page, you can see by the first arrow image what I hope to accomplish. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to figure this issue out off and on for 3 months.
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