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  1. Hi! i'm new to gsap and i'm wondering how .paused() and .resume() are works I have a case, when i need to hide (pause) specific tweens while timeline in playing state but unhide (unpause) it when timeline is about to pause. The problem is when I unpause tweens this instantly applies and changes the current state, even if the tween with duration: 1 added to timeline.time(5), while we paused timeline in timeline.time(9) I'm tried some tricks with .timeScale(0) and .timeScale(1) and combining other tween methods but nothing works correct :( Is there any way to unpause tween without affecting the current state? The pen To reproduce it just click start button and then after 2-3 seconds click pause button Problem: red box moves after it. Solution: red box should not moves after it.
  2. I've been struggling with the issue for 3 days, rewriting, refactoring code few times. Please help me if possible, guys. I use ReactJS and GSAP to create different computed animations ( overlays over a video ). What happens is that when I seek to specific percentage completed, for example 0.19 out of 49s timeline total length, it does seek to the first 1s part of the animation timeline cycle, and doesn't show the animation at the stage expected based on the progress percentage. I couldn't upload project to codesandbox as 1) it is nda signed and 2) it says that it has exceeded the 500-module items limit; I'm really sorry for that. Could someone please help me? I can share the source code or give access to my github repository. Thanks in advance everyone! import gsap from 'gsap'; import RightTitleStyles from '../../../../styles/right-title.module.css'; import React from 'react'; interface RightTitleProps { range: Object; name: string; currentTime: number; isPreview: boolean; type: 'smaller' | 'bigger'; isVisible: boolean; style: any; subtitle: string; title: string; } const RightTitle = React.memo( ({ videoRef, setStyle, range, name, currentTime, isPreview, type, isVisible, style, title, subtitle, }: RightTitleProps) => { const titleRef = React.useRef(); const { current: tl } = React.useRef(gsap.timeline({ paused: true })); const [ rangeIntervals, setRangeIntervals ] = React.useState< Array< number > >( range.timeIntervals ); const connectTitleRef = ( el : HTMLElement ) => { if (titleRef.current || !el || !videoRef || isPreview ) { if ( isPreview || !el || rangeIntervals === range.timeIntervals ) { return; } else { tl.killAll(); // just clearing out some tweens for repeated recreation } } tl.progress(1 - (range.timeIntervals[1] - currentTime) / (range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0])); titleRef.current = el; console.log( titleRef.current.id, videoRef, ); console.log('configuring...'); tl.fromTo(videoRef, { width: '100%' }, { duration: 1, width: '63%' }).to(videoRef, { duration: range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0] - 1 - 1, width: '63%' }).to(videoRef, { duration: 1, width: '100%' }); console.log( 'video configured', ); tl.fromTo( el, { x: name === 'Right Title' ? 150 : -150 }, { duration: 1, x: 0 }, ) .to(el, { x: 0, duration: range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0] - 1 - 1, }) .to(`#${ el.id }`, { duration: 1, x: name === 'Right Title' ? 150 : -150, }); console.log(range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0] - 1 - 1); }; // console.log( style, ); React.useEffect(() => { if (!titleRef.current || isPreview) return; console.log( 'styles applied to titleRef', titleRef.current._gsTransform ); console.log( 'these are tweens', tl.getChildren().map( child => child.vars.x || child.vars.width ) ); console.log( 'these are tweens', tl.getChildren().map( child => child.vars ) ); if (!(range.timeIntervals[0] <= currentTime && currentTime <= range.timeIntervals[1])) { console.log( 'current timing doesn`t fit the intervals' ); setStyle({}); tl.progress(0); return; } setStyle({ marginLeft: name === 'Left Title' ? 'auto' : 'unset', marginRight: name === 'Right Title' ? 'auto' : 'unset', }); tl.progress(1 - (range.timeIntervals[1] - currentTime) / (range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0])); console.log(range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0] - 1 - 1) console.log( currentTime, range.timeIntervals, 1 - (range.timeIntervals[1] - currentTime) / (range.timeIntervals[1] - range.timeIntervals[0]), ); }, [range.timeIntervals, currentTime]); const show = isVisible; if ( isPreview ) { return <div style={{ top: type === 'smaller' && 0, height: type === 'smaller' && '100%', ...style }} className={RightTitleStyles.aligningWrapper} > <div style={{ transform: isPreview && 'scale(0.55)' }}> <h1> {title} </h1> <p> {subtitle} </p>{' '} </div> </div> } return ( <div ref={ connectTitleRef } id={`${isPreview ? 'previewMode' : 'notPreviewMode'}3${range.color.slice(1)}`} style={{ visibility : !( currentTime + 1 >= range.timeIntervals[0] && currentTime - 1 <= range.timeIntervals[1] ) ? 'hidden' : 'visible', top: type === 'smaller' && 0, height: type === 'smaller' && '100%', ...style }} className={RightTitleStyles.aligningWrapper} > <div style={{ transform: isPreview && 'scale(0.55)' }}> <h1> {title} </h1> <p> {subtitle} </p>{' '} </div> </div> ); } ); export default RightTitle; Title.tsx animation.tsx
  3. Hi there! I'm trying to create a very simple 'carousel' using GSAP's TimelineLite that I will be controlling with buttons and dragging/swiping. Initially, all items of the 'carousel' will be translated -100% to the left of the viewport except for the current item, which will be translated 0%. let $items = $('.container').children(); function init() { initTimelines($items); } function initTimelines(items) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (i === items.length - 1) { createTimeline(0.5, items[i]); } else { createTimeline(0, items[i]); } } } function createTimeline(progress, elem) { let tl = new TimelineLite({ paused: true }); tl.fromTo(elem, 1, { x: '-100%' }, { x: '0%' }) .fromTo(elem, 1, { x: '0%' }, { x: '100%' }) .progress(progress); return tl; } init(); All I'm doing is looping through the divs with .item as a class and creating a timeline for each one. If it is the last .item, I'd like for it to start halfway through the timeline. In the future I'll be controlling the timelines through the progress method from drag/swipe and click callbacks. You'll see that when I create the TimelineLites setting paused:true all of the .items are on top of each other in the viewport. Since the first line of the timeline is fromTo(elem, 1, { x: '-100%' }, { x: '0%' }), I would expect those .items to be translated -100% until I play the timeline or set its progress to something other than 0. Now, in that createTimeline function, if I set progress to be 1, everything is translated 100% like I would expect. If it is 0, however, the items aren't translated -100%. Why is this? If you toggle paused: true to paused: false, you'll see the timelines work, but it flashes from 0% then translates to -100% and plays the rest of the timeline. I hope that makes sense. If you need anymore clarification let me know.
  4. Hi, I am trying to work out best practice to pause another play another timeline. I have included 2 attempts with the first commented out. Ideally i would like it to run so that in the sequence of the first timeline (tl1) it resumes the paused timeline (tl2). I'm not sure if this means that an onComplete need to be added or whether it can just be a command in the timeline. e.g. .from("object", 1, {})... .from("object", 1, {})... .resume("tl2") .from("object", 1, {})... Sorry if the syntax is incorrect just trying to explain my problem. Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Phil
  5. Hello, in my current project that is a fullscreen site, the visitor first sees an introduction animation. After thsi animation the timeline is paused. The user now can navigate through diffrent screens by using the mousewheel. Each screens animations are part of the main timeline that is declared global and are labeled. I am using TimelineMax and the main timeline is declared global to access it from everywhere where its needed. Navigating through the screens and all animations are working but I have the following problem: When an timeline section (screen animation group) is running I dont want the user to be able to scroll further untill the animation is finished. But I cant check the current state / status of the main timeline. I have tried .active(), .paused() but according to my logging output they dont seem to change. So how can I access the current state of the timeline? Markup: <!-- HTML TAG AND <head> --> <body> <!-- Screens do also have some markup inside but thats unnecessary --> <div id="screen-1" class="screen"></div> <div id="screen-2" class="screen"></div> <div id="screen-3" class="screen"></div> <div id="screen-4" class="screen"></div> </body> JavaScript TimelineCreation $(function(){ //Get necessary DOM elements with jQuery //and declaring timeline var tl = new TimelineMax(); /* ... some more code ... */ //Creating timeline //Introduction animation tl.add(TweenMax.to(/* my animation */)); //Labels are declared in an array, each screen has an own label tl.addLabel(sceneLabel[0]); //add more animations tl.addLabel(sceneLabel[1]); // more animations ... tl.addLabel(sceneLabel[n]); }); Mousewheelhandler function mouseWheelHandler(e) { //Following condition as always false no matter when triggered, //also tried .paused() but its also not working if ( tl.isActive() === true ) { return; } if (e.deltaY > 0) { //Scrolldown console.log("scrollDown"); currentScreen += 1; } else if (e.deltaY < 0) { //Scrollup currentScreen -= 1; } if (currentScreen > maxScreens) { currentScreen = maxScreens - 1; return; } else if (currentScreen <= 0) { currentScreen = 1; return; } tl.tweenTo(sceneLabels[currentScreen]); }
  6. I discovered today (unless im doing it wrong) that my paused tweens and timlines don't play when added to a timeline. They need to be manually unpaused. Is this a desired effect? Would you guys be open to implementing a switch? Thanks.
  7. Hello, I have a main timeline, which is paused and controlled by `seek` method. And I have a tons of small timelines, which I want easily add or remove from main timeline. If you create some timeline, but don't place it in main timeline with `{paused: true}`, it will auto play. To prevent this, I decide to set `paused: true` for each small animation. But in this case `seek` method doesn't work. Example: http://codepen.io/panych/pen/zidBA If you remove `{paused: true}` from childTl1 everything will work as I need. I find one way to solve this: use `play` method for each paused animation, which placed into main timeline. Is there something better or maybe another way to achieve needed result? Thanks
  8. One more question about pause behaviour of timelines and tweens: if you do the following: var tl = new TimlineMax({paused:true}); var tween = new TweenMax(element, duration, {someVars, paused:true}); // pause the tween upon creation tl.insert(tween); tl.play(); // ==> nothing happens Isn't the timeline supposed to play the containing tweens? If I only pause the timeline upon creation and not the tween, that will be inserted afterwards, everything works fine. I think that the timeline should overwrite the paused state of it's containing elements. Thanks for a short hint! Bastian
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