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Found 10 results

  1. Hello! I am using this useful resource https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjZdPWj to create my custom circle cards slider. I'm triying to spread all the cards around the main circle with a small rotation to get an effect like the image provided, because my cards are overlaping in both sides of the window, but I don't know how to approach this, it would be necessary to animate the rotation of the cards when the animation of the carrousel is executed to keep cards circle. Anyone could help me? Thanks!
  2. Hi there beloved community. I'm in the process of launching a new portfolio but there's a bug with my GSAP-based marquee which showcases my projects in a gallery. From what I can see it looks like my code doesn't calculate the proper width & height of all of the media's inside of the marquee. And sometimes on load it only loads some of the actual content inside. Another thing: the marquee height is clamped, and inside of my runMarquee function it looks like the height doesn't adapt when resizing. I use: SvelteKit (framework) Hygraph (GraphQL) Another issue I'm facing is that most of my content inside of the marquee's has different aspect-ratios, especially the videos doesn't load in the proper format. So please also look for a solution to this. Preview link of website: https://krause-ew9w4q45a-asgerkrause.vercel.app/ sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I need it to be bullet-proof. If you have a stronger code for the same results, please let me know! HTML structure: <div class="marquee"> <div class="track"> <!-- Media will go here --> <video autoplay loop muted src={url} type="video/mp4" /> <img src={url} alt="" /> </div> </div> CSS: .marquee { height: clamp(18.75rem, 12.5rem + 16.6667vw, 25rem); position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: block; margin-left: calc(var(--space) * -1); width: 100vw; } .marquee .track { height: 100%; transform-origin: 0 0; display: block; position: relative; } .marquee .track > * { height: 100%; width: auto; padding-left: 4px; position: absolute; object-fit: cover; } JS: onMount(() => { function runMarquee() { const allMarquees = document.querySelectorAll('.marquee'); allMarquees.forEach((marquee, index) => { marquee.querySelector('.track'); const allItems = marquee.querySelectorAll('.marquee>.track>*'), proxy = document.createElement('div'); allItems.length; let totalX = 0, marqueeH = 0; marquee.offsetWidth; allItems.forEach((item, i) => { const itemW = item.offsetWidth, itemH = item.offsetHeight; (totalX += itemW), gsap.set(item, { x: totalX, width: itemW, height: itemH }), itemH > marqueeH && (marqueeH = itemH); }); const marqueeVal = gsap.utils.wrap(0, totalX), marqueeProgress = gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1); gsap.set([marquee], { height: marqueeH }); const stringX = `-=${totalX}`, animation = gsap.to(allItems, { repeat: -1, duration: 300, x: stringX, ease: 'none', paused: !0, modifiers: { x: function (x, target) { return `${(x = ((parseInt(x) - totalX) % totalX) + (totalX - target.offsetWidth))}px`; } } }); function updateProgress() { const dragValue = marqueeVal((this.deltaX / 2) * -1) / totalX, currentProgressAnim = animation.progress(), endProgress = marqueeProgress(currentProgressAnim + dragValue); animation.progress(endProgress); } Draggable.create(proxy, { type: 'x', trigger: marquee, inertia: !0, onDrag: updateProgress, onThrowUpdate: updateProgress }), window.addEventListener('resize', function resize() { animation.render(animation.time(), !1, !0); }), animation.play(); }); } runMarquee(); }); Thanks
  3. Hi! Is it possible to use rem or em units to create snap points? I'm trying to create a carousel that always snaps the nearest card to the center, but the cards uses rem units instead of px. This carousel starts with a center card and can be dragged left/right. Thank you for any clarifications!
  4. Hi guys! I'm new here and I'm struggling to edit this slider by synchronizing slider index with titles index. It was pretty easy to make it work on nav click, but as you can see it can't count which is the destination index, and it only counts one for titles. Have you some suggestions? Also I would like to add an active class to che center slide in order to make the others with some opacity.. Thank you!!
  5. Hello humans, I am building a range input Vue component, like so many before me. Nothing fancy, but it should behave perfectly. It has to: be draggable ✅️, react on up-right/down-left (not in demo) ✅️, gracefully snap to mouse position when mousedown on the slider 'path' ❌️ and continue dragging ✅️, and also gracefully snap to mouse position on click on the slider 'path' (or rather to the nearest snap point) ❌️. But it: Jumps all over the path when mousedown--move a bit--mouse stop (and similar combinations of movement). Overshoots, or stops moving on mouseup without reaching the mouse. About the code: I omitted a lot of updating the styles on drag and such, but I did leave a couple of examples how I would go about it, i.e. using gsap.getProperty(slider.target, ...) so you can tell me if it should be done differently. I am accessing the slider target via slider.target because this is logging as udefined in my Vue SFC with <script setup> sugar. Any ideas about that? Another question is regarding updating Draggable. I sprinkled a couple of onComplete: slider.update to try and keep everything in sync, but I didn't achieve much. Or did I? How to unglitch it? Help me understand. Stevan
  6. I want to make a sort of wheel of fortune. But the wheel is now stopping too quickly. Is it possible to change (double?) the Momentum-based animation of the wheel causing the object to glide gracefully to a stop? There is no friction property, is it? I hope there is a simple solution. :)
  7. Hello, I've created a projects slider with interactive draggable projects menu. The snipped runs bi-directionally - if you scroll through projects it uses scrollTrigger to update the projects menu, and in reverse - if you click items in the menu, it scrolls the website to the chosen project. The problem is with the draggable projects menu, it works great on desktop and on android firefox, however in Android Chrome and on native Samsung Browser the links don't always work. It changes colour, as if the hover event fired, however touch/click doesn't register. I've tried adding Draggable setting of minimumMovement up to 20, but it doesn't help, and once I touch the link it visibly moves a few pixels so it seems like the dragging overpowers the click/tap. Please check out the codepen example in Android Chrome in landscape mode. (Sorry for the messy code, it had to be extracted from a bigger code). Thank you in advance
  8. altaircena


    Hi, I've got some Qs, I wanna create a draggable slider in react like in "http://robinmastromarino.com" and as I was checking the forum, I got confused about the algorithm and also, as I added and tried some of code instances, it didn't work. I use gsap module itself, not react-gsap. plz help
  9. Hi, I just bought a subscription to GSAP in order to use the InertiaPlugin. Unfortunately I am running into issues with the track function var tracker = InertiaPlugin.track(slider, 'x'); const vel = tracker.getVelocity('x'); The function track seems to be returning an Array and not a VelocityTracker object? I've created a codepen that demonstrates what I mean. Can someone point out what the correct way is to grab the velocity using the InertiaPlugin please?
  10. Hello I have updated an older project with GSAP 3.0.1 and ran into a strange behaviour. I had used Draggable & ThrowProps plugin before. The new code is just like this: Draggable.create('#test', {type: 'x', inertia:true}); With the new scripts it suddenly threw an error: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollWidth' of null at za (Draggable.min.js:1)…” I reduced the project to the single line above for CodePen. It mysteriously worked on CodePen but not offline and not on my local server. This it gave my an idea: I checked the order of JS files and this is where it becomes really strange. On CodePen the scripts are loaded in this order: 1 gsap.min.js 2 Draggable.min.js 3 InertiaPlugin.min.js On CodePen it works. The same order locally throws the error above. The some order locally using type:'x,y' perfectly works!? Actually the only loading order that works locally is: 1 Draggable.min.js 2 gsap.min.js 3 InertiaPlugin.min.js I’m glad that I figured this out because I can continue working on my game but it took hours. Is there an official loading order for the GSAP package or another explanation? Could you play around with a local version and check if you can reproduce the problem? Greetings, Henry PS. GSAP 3 is great anyway.
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