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  1. Hey, guys. I'm having some trouble moving my CSS3 animations to GSAP. I'm new to this animation library so bear with me. I have several elements starting off-screen and dropping downwards into their final resting places. Each element has its own unique CSS transform string, containing some or all of the following: perspective, rotateX/Y/Z, and skewX/Y. My first attempt was to use from() and have GSAP do all of the heavy lifting interpolating from a base state I defined in a JSON object to the state defined in my CSS transform strings. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any 3D transforms to occur; only the vertical translation. In other words, the elements would move but would look out of place since their final state had no rotation or skewing present. I posted a question on SO and Jack recommended I move away from these transform strings entirely and use GSAP native animation properties. (He also pointed me to these forums.) So, I switched from, ah, from() and moved to, uh, fromTo(). I explicitly defined the initial and final states in JSON objects and handed them off to fromTo() for animation. I used my original CSS transform string values (i.e. transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(39deg) etc etc) in my GSAP state objects (i.e. 'transformPerspective': 400, 'rotation': 0, 'rotationX': 39). Unfortunately, the end result is fairly different from the pure CSS transform version. I came up with two fiddles to demonstrate the difference: Pure CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/nLohzgzb/4/ Pure GSAP: http://jsfiddle.net/fuoch37v/ Note that the animation itself is different (no "blowing in the wind"-type effect) and the end results aren't identical either. I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong or missing something obvious. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  2. Hey all, I've got a lovely animation up and running for the site I'm working on, but I would like the mobile animation to run slightly differently. Specifically, I've got a Tween that looks something like this: TweenLite.to(target, 1, { "top": 0 }); Pretty basic stuff. What I'd really like to do is replace "top" with some variable, such as orientation, declared earlier in the code depending on what device and screen size the user is using. That way, I can change the animation slightly based on the users' device/screen size. I'd like to do this in one Tween if possible, because the actual tween itself is much longer, and I love keeping my code as simple and elegant as possible. So that super simple Tween becomes: TweenLite.to(target, 1, { orientation: 0 }); where orientation gets declared some time earlier. Is this possible? I've messed around with declaring it a few different ways, but none of them have worked. Apologies if this is an easy fix that I've been missing, but I've been messing around with this for a while now and haven't found a solution. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hello in the given pen i want to achieve : 1) Only the elements inside the circle area to be visible with ease effect of gsap.i.e on increasing the radius they must appear onto screen via gsap and on decreasing similarly should disappear 2) the elements to appear or disappear should be draggable with the container as the max limit of circle. 3) the elements should be clickable. 4) the circle opacity should be reversed i.e right now it is rgba(0,0,0,0.8) inside the circle i want it to be outside the circle so as to give the selection effect waiting for help. Thank you
  4. Hi all, I've encountered a strange situation: when an item whose css position is set to 'fixed' is placed within another div that has been scaled using TweenMax, the fixed item is no longer fixed. Any ideas?... Thanks for the great work ! Elior
  5. hello, thanks for this awesome GSAP i have one question, a simple code as below var tl = new TimelineLite(); TweenMax.set($a, {autoAlpha: 0, display: 'none', top: 100}); tl.staggerTo($a, 1, {autoAlpha: 1, top: 0, display: ''}, 0.2); tl.play(); staggerFrom seem better for my code but i cant get it work, i will try again late so now i set the $a property by TweenMax first. if i set the property by css file not by TweenMax, and then play with TimelineLite, will i get the nice performance from gsap too? e.g set translate, opacity, z-index, scale etc any different between set property from css / TweenMax? which one is better? sorry for my language skill, thanks so much
  6. Hi, I'm really new to all this and this is my second post. I'm trying to do something I thought was simple, but something does not work. I have two div (#red and #blue) and two buttons (#opacity1 and #opacity2), clicking the first button will increase the opacity of the first div while decreasing the opacity of the second div and vice versa. The code I'm using doesn't seems to work, can someone help? Thanks UPDATE: There's an error in the code, sorry!!! .to("#blue", 0.1, { opcity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); should be .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); (opacity instead of opcity) and now seems to works. Anyway, am I doing this correctly? or there is a better way? Thanks. $('#opacity1').click(function() { var tl1 = new TimelineMax(); tl1.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0"); }); $('#opacity2').click(function() { var tl2 = new TimelineMax(); tl2.to("#red", 0.1, {opacity: "+=0.1" }, "0") .to("#blue", 0.1, { opacity: "-=0.1" }, "0"); });
  7. andyr

    fromTo, left, right

    TweenMax.fromTo('.modal', 2, {top: 0, left: 0}, {top: 0, right: 0}); The aim is to animate top-left to top-right of browser window. In the above, the 'left' property is still being read in the 'to', so it stays top-left. So I tried overriding 'left' with left: "auto": TweenMax.fromTo('.modal', 2, {top: 0, left: 0}, {top: 0, right: 0, left: "auto"}); That sets 'left' back to default, but it doesn't animate from the left: 0 specified in the 'from'. Any ideas? Edit : Although I could do this: {top: 0, left: "100%", xPercent: -100, yPercent: 0});
  8. I've got a box in the middle of the screen: .box {width: 20em;height; 20em;z-index: 10000;position: fixed;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);-moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);background-color: #fff;box-shadow: 4px 4px 80px #000}; When I resize the browser window, the box stays centered. However, when I add a tweenMax.from, to slide the box from a corner of the screen. var tl = new TimelineMax(); tween = TweenMax.from('.box', 2, {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 0, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0}); tl.add(tween); The animation is fine, but when I shrink the browser window, the box doesn't stay centered. Instead, the box just remains in the same position. Any ideas? Thanks
  9. Is there a way to override properties set by GSAP when tweening a className? Here's a demo where I initially set my boxes to a height of 50. I then tween them to a class that has a height of 150, but the height won't change unless I use clearProps. However, I really don't want to clear any props and you can't animate the clearing of props.
  10. Is it possibe to scale a div with TweenMax but I would like to maintain or reset the CSS top and left position? Below are a few failed attempts. It seems TweenMax always scales from the center point. TweenMax.fromTo('#div-name', 2, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5}, {css:{top:0, left:0}}); or TweenMax.to('#div-name', 2, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5}); $("#div-name").css({ top: '0px', left: '0px' }); The Codepen URL shows the red div scaling but not maintaining the top: 0 and left: 0 desired position.
  11. Hi there, first of all, wow!! GSAP is very impressive. I have the following code to animate the transform of an element: TweenLite.to(".element", transitionSpeed, { ease: Power2.easeInOut, css:{ transform: "scale("+scaleDiff+") rotate("+angle+"deg) translateX("+left+"px) translateY("+top+"px)" }}); Everything works as expected, except that the rotation is in the wrong direction. Can you give me a hint on how to change the direction of the rotation without loosing the transform property?
  12. I'm coding an accordion and I'd like to tween the height of a submenu so that it grows from 0px to whatever is it's natural height. I've found that GSAP doesn't tween values between 0 and 100% or auto. Apart from having a variable record the final size and pass that to the tween, is there a more GSAP oriented way of solving this? TIA
  13. This is supposed to be a sidebar that pushes the entire page when clicked, but the clip animation is not working the way it should. Help? Using Google Chrome.
  14. Hello! 1) div moves to 200 pixels to the right and takes the position 300px - it's ok 2) and next div moves to 50 pixels to the left - why? I thought it was specified the absolute position (left:50px) And how I can move the block to the absolute position (left:50px) at the second tween (if the first tween use "x:..." ) var logo = document.getElementById("elem"); new TweenMax(logo, 2, {x:200}); new TweenMax(logo, 2, {css:{left:"50px"}}).delay(2); ...... <div style="left: 100px; top: 100px; position:absolute;" id="elem">blablabla</div>
  15. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34687130/work/kynan/tiles/index.html On Safari (or iOS Safari) notice how one tile is over the top of another when it shouldn't be. When I disable perspective, this issue does not occur. I have tried changing the zindex at the correct place, as well as the Z 3D property. Nothing seems to work. Is this a known issue? Thanks.
  16. Using TimelineMax and TweenMax, when doing a zero duration tween to adjust an object's visibility at a point on a timeline, the visibility is toggled immediately instead of in sequence. Example var text = some text object var img = some image object img.css('visibility','hidden') var tl = new TimelineMax() tl.to(text,3,{left:500}) tl.to(img,0,{visibility:'visible'}) tl.from(img,3,{left:500}) The image object will be visible at the start of the timeline animation, instead of after the text object animation. Although it works if you do: tl.to(img,0.001,{visibility:'visible'})
  17. When you animate the width of an element expressed as a percentage fractions with zeros to the right, the animation is not performed correctly.
  18. I have an odd issue. I've created a simple rotation as follows: <div id="wish"> <p>Make a wish.<br> Write it down.<br> Tie it to the tree.</p> </div> I've added backfaceVisibility:"hidden" to the contained 'p' tag which works. When I add a pseudo element div#wish the backface visibility on the p tag fails and the pseudo element flickers badly during animation. Can anyone shed any light on this? I've been trying to solve it for nearly 2 hours! Thanks.
  19. I came across an unexpected behaviour: apparently Chrome 36 and up supports both prefixed and unprefixed 'transform' property. So, if you set initial transform values on an element (not with GSAP) like so: someElement { -webkit-transform:rotate(30deg); transform:rotate(30deg) } and do TweenMax.set(someElement, {clearProps: 'transforms'}) only the unprefixed version is being cleared and the rotation remains on the element.
  20. Dear GSAP and fellow GSAP users. Although I found a workaround, as I expand my usage of your api, I thought it might be useful for me, and maybe others, to create a discussion based on what I encountered I've added a codepen as this is good practice, but it's a completely stripped down version of what is actually happening, as it is not possible to include everything, and what I'm after, seems to me to be something fairly straight forward. Scenario I have a timeline (small snippet in codepen) that simply animates some text, but which includes calls (removed from codepen) to external (unconnected to the animation) functionality. The timeline works great, and all the controls I've included do exactly as expected - accept that what I want to happen is when a user pauses the anim, the text acts gracefully and moves back to the starting position (css only, not timeline), as I don't want the text just to be stuck mid flow. I handle the external calls perfectly and the paused state is fine, all I want is the css side to be cleared. Ok so I tried the clearProps:transform || all etc (via a set command, and injected at different time points**), I also removed props/data/attr etc etc, but the transform on the text resolutely remains, if the timeline is either playing or paused. If I clear first, then clearProps works. For completeness, I tried killing the current tween (which I don't want,but as a test), didn't do anything. I tried using the timelinemax calls to get current/before/after labels, but since this moves the play head, but not the external function calls, I cannot use this. **Now I've read conflicting posts that say it is possible to use clearProps on working timelines as GSAP doesn't force continual transforms, and others that say it is not supposed to work in that way. I believe the default is for overwrite between tweens so wouldn't this allow another tween to take precedence? I'm pretty sure a tween is added to the end of the stack, as per api and probably explains what I'm seeing. I used $('.key-shortcuts').children().removeAttr("style"), which seems a rather blunt force approach, as it clears all styling, whether GSAP related or not. (but then looking at the code I think clearprops does the same?) Based on my scenario what would be the GSAP way to clear (or manipulate) the added css in a working timeline paused or otherwise? One final question, I quite often want to base one tween in relation to a previous label, but also want to label that very same tween. e.g. t1.to(some el,1,{some css},"label1+=1","but also be labeled itself?"); Is that possible? Btw, GSAP is just great, I had used it before mainly for the performance boost, standalone or as a jquery override, but for some reason I missed the timeline aspects. It's brilliant, I've already started removing the hugely ugly jquery way Thanks in advance
  21. Hi there, I am using the Quart.easeOut easing on all my animations. On some parts of my website, I would like to use the same easing but using CSS. How can I find the bezier function of Quart.easeOut?
  22. Can't i use translate3d in my tweens? I see x and y for translate, but no translate3d!
  23. Hi, I'm looking at animating an Absolutely positioned (in the center) to specific percentage on the left-margin. I can get it to work as long as the marginLeft isn't set before hand other than in the CSS, but when the element has that left-margin style inline and then I tween to say 4%, it jumps all the way to the left and then moves the 4%. I have a codepen setup, if you comment out the marginLeft and marginRight and only have that set in the CSS it works correctly. Am I thinking about margins (and absolutely positioned elements) incorrectly? http://codepen.io/kaplan/pen/rmKzG Thanks, Dave
  24. I just recently discovered GSAP and have been so impressed by how powerful and intuitive it is. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a Javascript solution that does for CSS layout what GSAP does for CSS animation? I know this isn't considered good practice to manage layout with Javascript, but I'm just wondering if there are any good options out there. Thank you!
  25. Hey guys. I'm doing a simple tween on a score bar which tweens the width of a div from 0% to 0-100% depending on the users score in a game. I want to play a sound when the bar animates and passes various points. I'm struggling to get the % value back out of my tween instance during the onUpdate callback. tween.target is an array containing my div. I can call: onUpdate: function() { # get a numeric percentage value val = parseFloat(this.target[0].style.width) if(val > 0 && !played_one) { soundManager.play('sfx','score_1'); played_one = true; } else if(val > 50&& !played_two) { soundManager.play('sfx','score_2'); played_two = true; } else if(val > 90 && !played_three) { soundManager.play('sfx','score_3') played_three = true; } } This solution isn't the most elegant I know. But something really doesn't feel right about "this.target[0].style.width" I'm not 100% that this is going to give me the current percentage value correctly in all browsers. I thought there might be a GSAP to give me this value reliably.
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