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  1. nick2price

    Scale image up

    Hi all, once again apologies, it will not let me fork a codepen so I have to use https://jsfiddle.net/z69w9u4g/47/ So I am using Scroll Magic, in my example I have place a dummy section so you can see the effect. So as you scroll down, you will see that the image scales up to 1.2. This is fine, and seems to work without issues. What I am trying to do however is this. I would like to give the image an initial scale of 0.5 and then scale up to 1.2 as you scroll down. Is there any way to give the image an initial scale of 0.5? Thanks
  2. Hey, The scaling effect is a little bit crazy - but nice: While the SHARKS set centered on the path they swim away when scaling down. What is the reason for this? I didn´t touch ...
  3. I'm getting pixelation when using pixi.js sprites with gsap. I doubt this is a gsap or pixi problem, I'm sure it has to do with how I'm combining them. in the codepen example: pixiBug on left is pixi.js & gsap and we're getting pixelation on scale down domBug on right is DOM & gsap and edges are smooth no matter the scale. What am I missing here? Thanks!
  4. Hello guys, GSAP newbie here, hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. When I define scaleX value in transform attribute of SVG <g> it doesn't seem to be recognised by GSAP. Only when I explicitly set scaleX (line 2 in JS) does the tween work as intended. Translate values seem to be recognised just fine. http://codepen.io/hrvojesimic/pen/XMybJe?editors=1010
  5. In my codepen - I'm instantiating elements from a class. x, y and backgroundColor successfully update. Scale fails to update. I'm updating scale exactly the same way I'm updating backgroundColor. I've tried everything I can think of... What's going on here?
  6. Good morning folks, I'm building a website where I present a list of posts links. When the user click on a link, I'm sending an Ajax request to get the content of the post, then populate an hidden container (.taz_overlay-content) and trigger a function that reveals it by animating it's scale. My "popup" (.taz_overlay) is vertically centered using CSS top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); The problem is the following: Depending of the amount text in the article, the popup is not vertically centered anymore but keeps it's previous position. Please note that I'm faking Ajax request in this provided Codepen by using 2 string variables (fakeAjaxContent1, fakeAjaxContent2), one with a few words, the other with a bunch. Example: When you first click "Link 1", the "small" popup triggers. It's perfectly vertically centered, as expected. From now on, if you click "Link 2", the "huge" popup triggers. But while it should have been perfectly vertically centered, it's keeping the matrix positioning of the previous animation and obviously appears completely in offset. The same behavior appear when First clicking "Link 2", then "Link 1" (you need to refresh the page before). The weird thing for me is that I thought erasing the style attribute at the end of the animation (line 25 of the JS) would solve the issue, but it's not Looks like there is some kind of cache somewhere. Note that if I deactivate the scale animation (starting line 4), the issue is solved! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, P.-S. : sorry if the Codepen looks a bit over made, it's extracted from my original code which is handling much more cases etc. I tried to reduce it to some kind of minimum so the "bug" still happens.
  7. Hi All, Beginner here. I'm hacking code given to me on this forum by PointC. I need to know how to reverse the scaling/cross-dissolving in my codpen demo: http://codepen.io/pfash/pen/aprmxq ...by clicking on the red box a second time. IOW: you click on the red box once to have it dissolve into the blue box and scale up...and then you click on the red box again and it all goes in reverse. That second part is my question. NOTE: This demo is supposed to have the red box on top of the blue box (so the red color smoothly transitions into blue) but I didn't have time to figure that out for this codepen demo and it's not critical to my question. Another concern: the scaling up (zooming larger) and cross-dissolving is not as smooth as I expected it'd be. You can see the blue box flash a bit. Any ideas why? Thanks much!
  8. Hello! I'm trying to create a simple hover effect on images in a 2 column gallery. I use drupal 8 and iv'e included the html code for one of the images in the gallery http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZLPJQL The problem is that everything works in firefox but in chrome the animation flickers and the images goes invisible for a while before returning to normal (only on the right side of the gallery weirdly enough). Iv'e had this problem with chrome before and seen some threads on it but i can't remember what code it was that fixed the flicker problem. Iv'e tried setting force3d:true but it did not help. I'm using Jquery in the .js file beacuse i got errors when i was using the original script which looked like this: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> $('.tileImage').hover( function () { TweenMax.to(this, 2, {scaleX:1.1, scaleY:1.1, ease:Circ.easeOut}); }, function () { TweenMax.to(this, 2, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:Circ.easeOut}); } ); </script> Any help is much appreciated, thanks for a great tool!
  9. Hi there, I am new to greensock and even to jquery/javascript at all. I am trying to scale the "g" parts of a svg element from 0 to 1. It already works but the elements don't stay in their end position when they are animating, but "move" in along the x and y axis. I am wondering if there is a way, that they stay fixed in their position and just scale from 0 to 1? I already searched the forum and found advises about transformOrigin, but none of them solved my problem.
  10. Hey there, I'm trying to use TweenMax to animate an image inside a SVG clipPath. The problem is: when the transition is happening, the clipPath deactivate on Chrome and appears only after animation stops. On Safari and Firefox works just fine. Anyone can help me? Is a compatibility issue or am I doing something wrong? Thanks guys!
  11. Hi I would like to tween the scale of an array of Three JS objects. I am able to do this on requestAnimationFrame, but I would like to use Tweenmax: for ( var i = 0; i < meshes.length; i ++ ) { meshes.scale.x = meshes.scale.y = meshes.scale.z = boost; } Any idea how to? Thanks!
  12. I have an app that allows you to save a file and reopen it. Everything works great except for when a scale to 0 has been applied to something and the user saves the file with an SVG in that state. When the file is opened the scale tween doesn't connect to the SVG when the scale settings in matrix3d start out at 0. The codepen is as simple as it gets and replicates the issue. There's only one line: TweenMax.fromTo('#gp-1',1,{scale: 0}, {scale: 1},0); It works if the style attribute starts out as: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 392, 315, 0, 1) ...but not if it starts out as: matrix3d(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 392, 315, 0, 1) I'm sure I'm struggling with this because of my lack of understanding something. Any guidance from a GSAP/SVG sage would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hello, how would you scale back from a hi-res image to a lo-res like so: http://www.pixelettestudios.com/uploads/doctorwho/300x250/index.html That particular example uses canvas elements which I'm not familiar with so is there a way to go about achieving the same effect using Greensock TimelineMax? I know some transform origins may have to come into play but I'd like to achieve a seamless transition as in the example provided. Thanks!
  14. Hi all I'm encountering some jittery animation on chrome while animating the scale of a div using TweenMax (as well as other tween engines). In the codepen, the div with the image is encapsulated inside other divs in order to reproduce the conditions of the project I'm working on. I also put a css animation counterpart that doesn't have that jittery effect. I'm wondering why it is only happening with js tweening engines... I'm only seeing it on chrome (win & mac), it works nice on ff and safari (haven't tried edge yet). Except on ff mac, I get the jittery effect when i'm hovering the div. Do you also have that problem ? Is there a workaround ? I tried the "z" attribute and also put a translate3d on the parent. Thanks. Thomas.
  15. Hello, I'm using GSAP to build scroll controlled animation using a timeline. 1) I have a container with a list of images, one next to the other, and when I scroll normally (so, vertically), I make the images slide to the left. 2) Sometimes I need to stop the sliding and animate something else (make something to appear and so on), before proceeding again with the sliding. This needs to happen at a specific moment, or position: usually I want one of these images to stop precisely in the middle. 3) the whole thing needs to be responsive I managed to do almost everything, but the point 3. In order to make it responsive, I set a fixed maximum size to the container div and on window loading I check if the window is smaller than this size, in which case I scale everything. So, the scaling works pretty well, but it messes with the calculations I made for the animation. In the pen I created I'm trying to stop the animation exactly when the left border of the third rectangle reaches the black line. At row 32 I'm calling the resize function to set the initial size. If you comment this call out you can see that it works fine, if you leave it, the rectangle will be always slightly off. Why is this the case?
  16. Hi there! I've tried to find a solution in this forum but I couldn't find the same problem. It makes me even more confused! I want to animate a inline SVG made of path elements only. Safari, Firefox and Chrome don't really react the same way but I could eventually fix that by applying transformOrigin or svgOrigin depending on the browser. I also had to set transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important; BUT! Safari looks like ignoring this setting as soon as I scale a path. It makes the path to scale from the top left of the SVG element to their original position (scale 1). The GSAP version is 1.19.0 I'm struggling for more than 4h hours especially because this animation is a spinner I use on 3 different location on the website and it doesn't work properly only on one location. Does anyone has an idea? Here is the CSS : path{ fill:#fff; opacity:0; -webkit-transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important; transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important; } Here is the JS for one path (every path bug the same) this._elementOrigin = ( this._forceTransformOrigin ? 'transformOrigin' : 'svgOrigin'); var from = {opacity:0, scale: 0.5}; from[this._elementOrigin] = "100% 50%"; this._timelineLeft.fromTo(this._$step1L, hD, from, { opacity:1, scale: 1, force3D: true } ); Here is the SVG <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-37.4 94 670.1 653.9" xml:space="preserve"> <path class="component__icon__spinner--7L" d="M214 494.6c-20.7 0-43.6-1.7-62.8-3.4 -2.6-0.2-4.6-0.4-5.9-0.5 -2-0.2-6.1-0.3-11.2-0.5C88.8 488.7 45 485.6 31.3 474 16.5 461.4-1 404.6 0 372.8c0.4-12.2 3.5-20.5 9.1-24.7 16.5-12.3 81.2-12.2 135.6-10.7 2.8 0.1 5.1 0.1 7 0.2 3.6 0.1 8.9 0 15-0.1 44.5-0.7 93 0.2 106 18.7 12 17.2 15.5 72.2 6.7 105.1 -3.8 14.2-9.6 23.3-17.1 26.8C251.9 493 234.1 494.6 214 494.6zM12.1 352.2l3 4c-1.7 1.3-4.7 5.2-5 17 -1 30.7 16.2 83.3 27.8 93.2 12.9 11 73.7 13 96.6 13.8 5.4 0.2 9.3 0.3 11.6 0.5 1.4 0.1 3.4 0.3 6.1 0.5 21 1.9 85.1 7.7 105.8-2.1 4.6-2.2 8.8-9.4 11.7-20.3 3.8-14.4 5.4-34.9 4.2-54.9 -1.2-19.2-4.8-35.2-9.4-41.8 -11-15.8-69.5-14.9-97.6-14.5 -6.2 0.1-11.6 0.2-15.4 0.1 -1.9 0-4.2-0.1-7-0.2 -75.3-2.1-118.9 0.9-129.4 8.7L12.1 352.2z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--7R" d="M381.3 494.6c-20.1 0-38-1.6-48.2-6.4 -7.6-3.5-13.3-12.6-17.1-26.8 -8.8-32.9-5.3-87.9 6.7-105.1 13-18.6 61.5-19.4 106-18.7 6.1 0.1 11.4 0.2 15 0.1 1.8 0 4.2-0.1 7-0.2 103.7-2.8 127 4.2 135.6 10.7 5.6 4.2 8.7 12.5 9.1 24.7 1.1 31.8-16.5 88.5-31.3 101.1 -13.6 11.6-57.5 14.7-102.8 16.2 -5.1 0.2-9.1 0.3-11.2 0.5 -1.3 0.1-3.4 0.3-5.9 0.5C424.9 492.9 401.9 494.6 381.3 494.6zM409.8 347.4c-29.9 0-70.1 1.8-79.1 14.6 -4.6 6.6-8.2 22.7-9.4 41.8 -1.2 20 0.4 40.5 4.2 54.9 2.9 11 7.1 18.2 11.7 20.3 20.7 9.7 84.8 4 105.8 2.1 2.6-0.2 4.7-0.4 6.1-0.5 2.2-0.2 6.2-0.3 11.6-0.5 22.9-0.8 83.8-2.9 96.6-13.8 11.6-9.9 28.8-62.5 27.8-93.2 -0.4-11.8-3.3-15.7-5-17 -10.5-7.8-54.1-10.8-129.4-8.7 -2.8 0.1-5.2 0.1-7 0.2 -3.8 0.1-9.2 0-15.4-0.1C423.1 347.5 416.8 347.4 409.8 347.4z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--6L" d="M190.8 509.6c-5.2 0-9.4-0.2-12.1-0.4 -2.8-0.2-6.2-0.5-10.1-0.7 -20.8-1.3-52.2-3.3-65.1-13.9 -17.2-14.1-47.9-48.9-53.8-89.6 -2.8-19.5-4.2-34.9-2-46.9 2.1-11.4 7.3-19.8 17.8-29.2 19.2-17.1 44.3-19.2 110.3-17.2 59.9 1.9 69 8.1 81.1 19.8l1.2 1.1c13.2 12.6 24.2 67.6 25.5 92.1 1.6 29.8-3.2 53.1-14 67.5C258.9 506.3 214.6 509.6 190.8 509.6zM140.9 321c-38 0-55.6 3.6-68.7 15.3l0 0c-16.4 14.6-18.6 25.9-12.6 67.2 5.5 37.7 34.1 70.1 50.2 83.4 10.5 8.6 41.1 10.5 59.4 11.7 4 0.2 7.4 0.5 10.3 0.7 20.3 1.7 73.9-2.1 82.1-13 9.4-12.5 13.5-33.6 12-61 -1.8-33.5-14.6-77.9-22.5-85.4l-1.2-1.1c-9.5-9.1-15.7-15.1-74.5-17C162.3 321.3 150.9 321 140.9 321z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--6R" d="M404.5 509.6c-23.8 0-68.2-3.2-78.8-17.4 -10.8-14.4-15.6-37.7-14-67.5 1.4-24.5 12.3-79.5 25.5-92.1l1.2-1.1c12.1-11.7 21.3-17.9 81.1-19.8 65.9-2.1 91.1 0.1 110.3 17.2l0 0c20.3 18.1 21.8 34.9 15.8 76.1 -5.9 40.7-36.6 75.5-53.8 89.6 -13 10.7-44.4 12.6-65.1 13.9 -3.9 0.2-7.3 0.5-10.1 0.7C413.9 509.4 409.7 509.6 404.5 509.6zM454.4 321c-10 0-21.4 0.2-34.6 0.7 -58.8 1.9-65.1 7.9-74.5 17l-1.2 1.1c-7.8 7.5-20.6 51.9-22.5 85.4 -1.5 27.4 2.6 48.5 12 61 8.2 10.9 61.8 14.8 82.1 13 2.9-0.2 6.3-0.5 10.3-0.7 18.3-1.1 49-3.1 59.4-11.7 16.1-13.2 44.8-45.6 50.2-83.4 6-41.2 3.8-52.5-12.6-67.2l0 0C510 324.6 492.4 321 454.4 321z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--5L" d="M231.6 480.7c-11.4 0-24.1-1.2-36.9-2.7 -3.6-0.4-6.4-0.8-7.9-0.8l-1.8-0.1c-40-1.9-62.2-6.5-69.9-14.4 -9.9-10.2-16.8-32.5-20.1-50.1 -2.1-11.2-5.9-38.3 3.2-47.8 15.7-16.4 53.9-15.4 79.2-14.8 5.1 0.1 9.5 0.2 12.6 0.2h1.7c30.2-0.9 59.9-0.4 72.9 9 9.3 6.7 12.6 30.9 13.6 44.7 1.6 19.8 1.2 56.2-10 67.4C260.9 478.4 247.7 480.7 231.6 480.7zM161.1 359.8c-20.5 0-45.9 1.7-55.7 12 -3.2 3.3-4.4 18.1-0.6 39 3.7 19.9 10.6 38 17.4 44.9 3.2 3.3 15.6 9.1 63.2 11.4l1.8 0.1c1.8 0.1 4.7 0.4 8.6 0.9 15 1.8 54.9 6.4 65.2-3.9 6.2-6.1 9.3-32.3 7.1-59.6 -1.9-23.8-6.7-35.4-9.5-37.4 -12.1-8.7-50.4-7.6-66.8-7.1h-1.7c-3.4 0.1-7.9 0-13.1-0.2C172.5 359.9 167 359.8 161.1 359.8z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--5R" d="M363.6 480.7c-16.1 0-29.4-2.3-36.5-9.4 -11.3-11.2-11.6-47.7-10-67.4 1.1-13.8 4.3-38 13.6-44.7 13-9.4 42.7-9.9 72.9-9h1.7c3.1 0.1 7.5 0 12.6-0.2 25.3-0.6 63.5-1.6 79.2 14.8 9.1 9.5 5.3 36.6 3.2 47.8 -3.2 17.5-10.2 39.9-20.1 50.1 -7.7 7.9-29.9 12.5-69.9 14.4l-1.8 0.1c-1.5 0.1-4.3 0.4-7.9 0.8C387.7 479.5 375 480.7 363.6 480.7zM385.2 359.8c-17.9 0-40 1.2-48.6 7.4 -2.8 2-7.6 13.6-9.5 37.4 -2.2 27.3 1 53.4 7.1 59.6 10.4 10.3 50.2 5.6 65.2 3.9 3.9-0.5 6.8-0.8 8.6-0.9l1.8-0.1c47.6-2.3 60.1-8.1 63.2-11.4 6.7-6.9 13.7-25 17.4-44.9 3.8-20.9 2.6-35.7-0.6-39l0 0c-12.6-13.2-51.1-12.2-71.7-11.7 -5.3 0.1-9.8 0.2-13.1 0.2h-1.7C398.7 360 392.3 359.8 385.2 359.8z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--4L" d="M207.9 470.8c-18 0-41.6-1.6-47.7-9.8 -8.6-11.4-14.3-52.5-10.4-74.4 1.4-7.5 3.7-12.2 7.1-14.4 8-5.2 33.5-8.6 54.6-9.4 17-0.6 47.1-0.2 58.1 9.8 11 10.1 14.8 36.1 13.6 57.4 -0.4 7.7-2.2 26.3-9.7 31.7 -7 5.1-33.8 8.4-56.7 9C214.1 470.7 211.1 470.8 207.9 470.8zM221.7 368.5c-3.2 0-6.5 0.1-9.9 0.2 -25.5 1-46.2 5.1-51.6 8.5l0 0c-0.9 0.6-3 2.7-4.4 10.4 -3.7 20.4 1.5 59.5 9.3 69.7 3.2 4.2 20.4 8.1 51.7 7.2 27.3-0.8 48.9-4.7 53.3-7.9 3-2.2 6.4-11.4 7.3-27.2 1.1-19.9-2.6-44.3-11.7-52.7C259.6 371.5 243.6 368.5 221.7 368.5z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--4R" d="M387.4 470.8c-3.2 0-6.2-0.1-8.9-0.1 -22.9-0.6-49.7-3.9-56.7-9 -7.5-5.5-9.3-24-9.7-31.7 -1.2-21.3 2.6-47.3 13.6-57.4 10.9-10 41.1-10.4 58.1-9.8 21 0.8 46.5 4.3 54.6 9.4l0 0c3.4 2.2 5.8 6.9 7.1 14.4 4 21.9-1.8 63-10.4 74.4C428.9 469.1 405.4 470.8 387.4 470.8zM373.6 368.5c-21.9 0-38 3-43.9 8.4 -9.1 8.3-12.8 32.8-11.7 52.7 0.9 15.8 4.3 25 7.3 27.2 4.4 3.2 26 7.1 53.3 7.9 31.3 0.9 48.5-3 51.7-7.2 7.7-10.3 12.9-49.4 9.3-69.7 -1.4-7.8-3.6-9.9-4.4-10.4 -5.4-3.4-26.1-7.5-51.6-8.5C380.1 368.6 376.8 368.5 373.6 368.5z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--3L" d="M215.2 216.3v7c9.5 0 19.7 3.3 28.2 9 7 4.8 16.2 13.6 20.3 28.7 3.5 12.9 5.2 76.5 4.4 170 -0.7 80.6-2.8 150.4-3.9 156.7 -1.3 5.3-4.6 15.3-12.6 24 -10.5 11.3-25.8 17.1-45.6 17.1 -26.3 0-42.5-11.9-51.4-21.9 -10.2-11.5-16.6-27-16.6-40.6 0-30.4 6.2-283.2 10.8-300.1 4.7-17.3 25.4-37 61.3-42.3 1.6-0.2 3.3-0.4 5.1-0.4L215.2 216.3M215.2 216.3c-2.1 0-4.2 0.1-6.1 0.4 -40.5 6-62 28.9-67 47.4s-11 273.9-11 301.9c0 28 24 69.5 75 69.5s62.5-36 65-46.5c2.5-10.5 8.4-296.9-0.6-329.9C262.3 229.4 235.3 216.3 215.2 216.3L215.2 216.3z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--3R" d="M380.1 223.3c1.8 0 3.5 0.1 5.1 0.4 35.9 5.3 56.6 25.1 61.3 42.3 4.6 16.9 10.8 269.6 10.8 300.1 0 13.6-6.4 29.1-16.6 40.6 -8.9 10-25.1 21.9-51.4 21.9 -19.7 0-35.1-5.7-45.6-17.1 -8-8.7-11.4-18.7-12.6-24 -1.1-6.2-3.2-76-3.9-156.7 -0.8-93.5 0.9-157.1 4.4-170 4-14.9 13.3-23.8 20.3-28.5C360.3 226.6 370.6 223.3 380.1 223.3M380.1 216.3c-20.1 0-47.1 13-55.3 42.9 -9 33-3.1 319.4-0.6 329.9 2.5 10.5 14 46.5 65 46.5s75-41.5 75-69.5c0-28-6-283.4-11-301.9s-26.5-41.4-67-47.4C384.2 216.5 382.2 216.3 380.1 216.3L380.1 216.3z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--2L" d="M224.7 682.4c-2.7 0-4.4-0.2-4.5-0.3 -0.5-0.1-15-2.1-29.3-11.6 -13.4-8.9-29-26.3-27.9-58.4 0.5-13.9 0.9-40.5 1.4-74.1 0.8-52.6 1.8-124.5 4-187.3 2.6-74.9 6-120.6 10.7-139.6l0 0c3.1-12.9 19.8-50 54.9-51.8 15.3-0.8 27.7 8 35.9 25.4 5.7 12.1 7.3 24.2 7.5 25.2 7.4 50.7 9 358.4 0 416.3 -2.8 17.7-10.5 41-31.9 51.2C237.2 681.7 229.4 682.4 224.7 682.4zM188.8 213.5c-10.2 42-12.8 219-14.4 324.6 -0.5 33.7-0.9 60.4-1.4 74.4 -0.8 22 7.1 38.8 23.5 49.7 12.4 8.3 25 10 25.1 10 1.6 0.2 37.8 4.8 45.9-47.3 8.9-57.5 7.4-363.2 0-413.4v-0.1c-0.1-0.4-5.9-43.4-33-42C205 170.9 190.9 204.5 188.8 213.5L188.8 213.5z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--2R" d="M370.6 682.4c-4.7 0-12.5-0.7-20.8-4.7 -21.4-10.2-29.2-33.5-31.9-51.2 -9-57.9-7.4-365.7 0-416.4 0.1-1.1 1.8-13.2 7.5-25.2 8.2-17.4 20.6-26.2 35.9-25.5 35 1.8 51.8 38.8 54.9 51.7 10.4 43 13.1 220.8 14.6 326.9 0.5 33.7 0.9 60.2 1.4 74.1 1.2 32.1-14.5 49.4-27.9 58.4 -14.3 9.6-28.7 11.6-29.4 11.6C374.9 682.2 373.2 682.4 370.6 682.4zM359.5 169.4c-26.1 0-31.6 41.6-31.7 42v0.1c-7.4 50.2-8.9 355.9 0 413.4 3.5 22.3 12.3 37 26.3 43.8 10.1 4.8 19.4 3.6 19.5 3.6 2.1-0.3 50.5-7.5 48.7-59.8 -0.5-14-0.9-40.6-1.4-74.3 -1.6-105.8-4.2-282.7-14.4-324.7 -2.2-8.9-16.3-42.5-45.7-44C360.4 169.4 359.9 169.4 359.5 169.4z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--1L" d="M240.7 615.2c-16.7 0-37.3-8.2-48-44.1 -4.1-13.7-0.6-121.2 0.6-153.8 2.4-66.2 6.3-141.3 8.9-149.9 6.2-20.6 24-30.1 37.9-30.1 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 10.4 0 20.5 4.1 27.7 11.2 6.9 6.8 10.6 16 10.6 25.8 0 4.4 0 20-0.1 41.9 -0.1 74.8-0.3 230.4 0.1 254 0.5 29.4-10.1 43.3-34.3 44.9l0 0C243.1 615.1 241.9 615.2 240.7 615.2zM240.3 243.2c-0.1 0-0.1 0-0.2 0 -11.8 0.1-26.8 8.2-32.1 25.9 -2.1 6.9-6 73.5-8.6 148.4 -3 83.9-3.4 143.5-0.9 151.9 8.3 27.9 23.6 41.3 45.4 39.7l0 0c20.8-1.4 29.1-12.7 28.7-38.8 -0.4-23.8-0.2-179.4-0.1-254.1 0-21.9 0.1-37.4 0.1-41.9 0-8.2-3.2-15.8-8.9-21.5C257.6 246.6 249 243.2 240.3 243.2z"/> <path class="component__icon__spinner--1R" d="M354.6 615.2c-1.2 0-2.4 0-3.6-0.1l0 0c-24.2-1.7-34.8-15.5-34.3-44.9 0.4-23.7 0.2-179.3 0.1-254 0-21.9-0.1-37.5-0.1-41.9 0-9.8 3.8-18.9 10.6-25.8 7.2-7.2 17.3-11.2 27.7-11.2 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 13.9 0.1 31.7 9.5 37.9 30.1 2.6 8.6 6.5 83.7 8.9 149.9 1.2 32.6 4.7 140.1 0.6 153.8C391.9 606.9 371.3 615.2 354.6 615.2zM351.4 609.1c21.9 1.5 37.1-11.9 45.4-39.7 2.5-8.4 2.2-68.1-0.8-151.9 -2.7-74.9-6.6-141.5-8.6-148.4 -5.4-17.7-20.5-25.9-32.2-25.9 -8.9 0-17.5 3.4-23.6 9.5 -5.7 5.7-8.9 13.3-8.9 21.5 0 4.4 0 20 0.1 41.9 0.1 74.8 0.3 230.4-0.1 254.1C322.2 596.4 330.6 607.6 351.4 609.1L351.4 609.1z"/> </svg>
  17. Having problems scaling an element up and then back down to original value, if there is transform="matrix()" applied. The particular case of <use> element with transformation applied loses the transformation in the process of animation. Is there a way to respect original scale values in order to programmatically create this hover effect without the objects flipping? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi All I forked Carl's solution to a previously answered question incrementing the scale value onclick. (June 2014) http://greensock.com/forums/topic/9759-how-to-get-or-increment-the-scale-value/ Here is my fork: http://codepen.io/nushi/pen/bVOpzM My conundrum: How can I set a maximum value to the zoom in/out functions I have created? In the thread Ilink above there is a post about this very thing but I cannot get this to work,. I think I am still not 100% sure about JS objects, targeting them and making it work in this case. Here is what the post stated as a solution: Can anyone give me a helping hand here? Thanks! Ana (aka Coco) lol
  19. Hello, I am working with SVG object (Map), I have divided it by regions and now trying to append on-click zoom-in and zoom-out function. I have decided to make zooming function via changing Transform's "scale" and "translate" properties. Example is here: https://codepen.io/Creedplay/pen/oLRPjY Just check JS lines, and for test click on red object. I have used TweenMax library for transition change of up mentioned properties. My problem is a visual of transition, the "zoom effect" does not go straight to object, it starts from left and then goes to object. I think reason for it is asynchronous change of "scale" and "translate" properties. but I am not sure how to fix it. Can anyone explain why it does this? and help me to fix? I would like to make "zoom effect" to look like this: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/9656675 Thanks in advance.
  20. Hello, I'm trying to scale a div containing an image. The animation is alright and does what I want, but I have a strange blur during the zoom, and after the animation is complete, the image is focused again. I've linked my codepen, I don't know where it comes from, and I try some fixes, but none of them works. Thanks for help, Arthur
  21. When using Chrome the text is blurred during the animation and then at the end the text snaps clear and normal. Does not do that with Firefox or Edge. How do I get rid of the blur when viewing with Chrome. Thank you, Kv2
  22. I am trying to have an element scale on mouseover but the div and the text inside is pixelated. I can't figure out why... http://codepen.io/dchadney/pen/BnlFi
  23. I am using TweenMax to animate the appearance and scaling of a Popup. It works fine in one view, but in another it occasionally does not appear until after the user starts to scroll the page beneath the Popup. The popup is just a div with three lines of text in three p elements. The animation of the popup is done as follows: var clickPos = String(event.detail.x) + 'px ' + String(event.detail.y) + 'px'; that.rootNode.appendChild(that.viewRoot); TweenMax.set(that.viewRoot, { scale: 0 }); TweenMax.to(that.viewRoot, 0.7, { scale: 1, transformOrigin: clickPos, immediateRender: true }); The css for the popup is as follows: #attribution { position: fixed; width: 80%; top: 10%; margin-top: 7%; margin-left: 7%; margin-right: 7%; padding: 3%; text-align: center; z-index: 200; background-color: rgba(255, 246, 233, 0.9); border-radius: 25px; border: solid; border-width: thin; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #777; -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #777; } Any ideas what could cause the delay in drawing, which sometimes occurs? When the program first starts, it will work fine, but after a while each popup does not appear unless one starts to scroll. Thanks for any help.
  24. Hi there, GSAPJS does a great job to bring AS posibilities to JS. However there is one thing that seems to be missing - and i might probably be out of scope but i'll go ahead and ask: Is there a convenient way in GSAPJS to easily get values back from the transform property - scaleX, scaleY, RotationX, skewX etc... ? Or do we need to work with the 2D and 3D matrix? Right now I'm using $("selector").data(key, value) to store (set/get) these variable but I was hoping to find a better way of accessing these values in real time. Anyways, here is an example that works fine using $().data() : http://jsfiddle.net/Dqg2n/3/ Thanks for your work, you make coding so conveninent!!
  25. I’m looking for some help, please. I’d like to use the zooming effect like in the quoted Pen, but the viewBox attribute isn't behaving as I expected and I can’t tell what I’m doing differently. Here’s the original Pen with the issue: http://codepen.io/kylegach/pen/jqYaYp (Edit: this is now fixed, but the simplified one still exhibits the issue, for reference) And here’s a simplified test case without GSAP to show that even a static viewBox isn’t behaving the same as PointC’s example: http://codepen.io/kylegach/pen/ONzzaG I’ve also read this (excellent) explanation of the SVG viewport, viewBox, and preserveAspectRatio: https://sarasoueidan.com/blog/svg-coordinate-systems/, but I just cannot determine why mine isn’t working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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