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  1. Hi! I have gsap installed as a node module. And I have Webpack which gathers all modules from stack.js and outputs minified bundle. When I load the JS bundle into the page returns error that "gsap is not defined". The gsap modules are added because bundle's size is over 90kB. stack.js import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import { CSSPlugin } from 'gsap/CSSPlugin'; import { Draggable } from 'gsap/Draggable'; import { InertiaPlugin } from 'gsap/InertiaPlugin'; gsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin, Draggable, InertiaPlugin); import '../build/my_module.min.js'; my_module.js (if we exclude all ES6 wrapping) looks like this: let moduleFunction = function() { 'use strict'; const hello = 'hello!'; console.log(hello); window.hello = hello; gsap.set('body > div', { backgroundColor: '#333333' }); } moduleFunction(); Whenever I call gsap methods it appears to be undefined. If I exclude gsap from my module everything works fine. Spent long time online trying to fix this, but nothing helped. What I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
  2. Hi there, I know this might not be a pure gsap related issue, but I hope someone can point me into the right direction. I want to avoid the use of jQuery and instead want to use pure javascript with es6 syntax. Therefore I created a button.js file, in which I want to create the module for my button animation powered by gsap. The jQuery version already works, so I simply have to translate this version into an es6 module but I am failing and keep getting "Cannot tween a null target". Obviously I am doing something wrong in the es6 syntax, but I can't figured it out Here is my button.js – codepen throws the same error: import TweenMax from 'gsap'; export default class Button { constructor() { this.btns = document.querySelectorAll('.tg-btn'); this.init(); } init() { for(let i = 0, max = this.btns.length; i < max; i++) { let el = this.btns[i]; console.log(el); console.log(i); let a = el.querySelector('.inner1'); let b = el.querySelector('.inner2'); let c = el.querySelector('.inner3'); let d = el.querySelector('.inner4'); let e = el.querySelector('.inner5'); let m = 0; let n = 50; let o = "center"; let p = null; let tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); var t = tl .set(el,{willChange:"transform"}) .set([e[i], d[i]], {opacity: 0,width: 1,right: "center" === o ? -n / 2 : -n - 20}) .set(e[i], {rotationZ: "45deg"}) .set(d[i], {rotationZ: "-45deg"}) .to(a[i], .2, {opacity: 0,left: 15,ease: Sine.easeIn}) .to(c[i], .3, {right: "center" === o ? -n / 2 : -n - 20,ease: Expo.easeOut}, .1) .to(c[i], .5, {width: n,ease: Expo.easeOut}, .3) .to([e[i], d[i]], .2, {opacity: 1,ease: Sine.easeOut}, .35) .to(e[i], .3, {width: 8,ease: Quart.easeOut,transformOrigin: "100% 50%"}, .45) .to(d[i], .3, {width: 8,ease: Quart.easeOut,transformOrigin: "100% 50%"}, .45) // to right animation tl.addLabel("midpoint", .8), tl.add(function() { tl.stop() }, "midpoint"), tl.set(a[i], {left: -15}, "midpoint0.31"), tl.to([c[i], d[i], e[i]], .3, {right: -600,ease: Expo.easeIn}, "midpoint0.31"), tl.to(a[i], .3, {opacity: 1,ease: Sine.easeOut}, "midpoint0.5"), tl.to(a[i], .3, {left: 0,ease: Sine.easeOut}, "midpoint0.5"), tl.stop(); //el.animation = t; el.data('someTimeline', t); //create the event handler el.addEventListener('mouseover', function(){ alert("trigger"); t.play(); }); el.addEventListener('mouseout', function(){ t.reverse(); }); } } destroy() { window.removeEventListener('mouseover'); } } new Button();
  3. GS Community, I am in the process of rebuilding a GSAP website into a Vue.js project. I am in the very early stages of learning Vue, here is a good, free, video series and here is a very good (but it cost 10 dollars) Udemy course. My hope for this thread is to build out a full GSAP & Vue App. I will break out each component as I go and place it in a codepen (I have quite a few things done already, it will take me some time to go back and break things out). This will be a work in progress and the codepens will be updated in phases: Phase 1: will be to get just get things wired the Vue way. Phase 2: will be to use GSAP for the animations and transitions etc. Phase 3: Build everything as dynamic/reusable components. If all goes well this will turn into a Vue/GSAP component library of sorts for everyone to reference. Blake, one of the GreenSock Moderators, has graciously offered to help guide me (Thank you Blake). Goals for the thread/project: Navigation Button Component Section Content Component Section Hero Image Component Section Thumbnail/Modal Button Component Modal Component Password Modal Component Vertical Slideshow Component (I will also to help others build out a Horizontal Version). Slide-up Tab Component Radial Button/Checkbox Form Filtering based on a sector/classname (with persistence via local storage or a Vue method, if it exists - learning as I go ) All of the above is built in a non-Vue way here http://hainis.net/dev/ Note: that only the print/advil, print/amex, print/bayer slideshow content is sorted, all the other thumbnails will load a blank modal. This site has performance issues and at times the javascript, loaded via a Djax call, for the thumbnail buttons to launch the slideshow content is not binding properly. These issues and some prodding by Blake have made me venture down the Vue.js path. Side note: I'm learning, not there yet, to do things a DRY way; hopefully under Blake's guidance I will finally get this under control and tighten up the spaghetti code that I currently have. Okay, so that's the setup. Next post will be some useful links and a current state/NOT simplified codepen of the current Vue app.
  4. OUTDATED! These webpack issues are getting out of hand, so I made a little demo to help you get started. But first, have you considered not importing GSAP? I would suggest using a CDN instead as your app will load much faster since it's not included in the bundle and can be pulled directly from the user's browser cache. GSAP is available on both cdnjs and jsDelivr. JsDelivr is kind of unique in that you can bundle all your files up in a single HTTP request! And dependencies that are not resolved by webpack can still become dependencies of the output by using the externals option. For example, if you are using React you could do this using the unpkg CDN. <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.1/dist/react.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.1/dist/react-dom.js"></script> And then in your webpack.config, you would configure those libraries like this... module.exports = { externals: { "react": "React", "react-dom": "ReactDOM" }, ... }; If that's not an option for you, here's the repo I made. To run it, install webpack and the dev-server first npm install webpack webpack-dev-server -g, and then npm install to install the demo. Use npm start to start the dev-server on port 8080. If you're wondering where my gsap import is, there isn't one. I made TweenMax global using the ProvidePlugin. https://github.com/OSUblake/gsap-webpack
  5. Just something to think about... The module issue is not going to go away until the source code is split up into actual modules. I've seen a lot of suggestions on GitHub, but I don't think any of them take into account the future. The JavaScript landscape changes too rapidly to depend on one type of technology. Just look at the decline of Grunt and Bower. Instead of creating modules for a specific loader (AMD, CommonJS, UMD, global), just create ES6 modules and let the user decide on the loader. This is the best way to design for future since it's going to be part of the language itself. To show how this would work, I split the TweenLite file up different modules including: Animation, SimpleTimeline, TweenPlugin, Easings, Ticker, and EventDispatcher. The only changes I really made were to the easings, to allow exporting eases individually because I didn't include the current GSAP way of defining classes. I also added an object called "gs" that get's passed around to the different modules as a work around to all the variables that get reused in the original file. So things like the ticker and rootTimeline instance are on that object. This was a quick proof of concept, and I really didn't do any testing so I might have missed something, but I am able to request GSAP modules in the browser using an ES6 module loader polyfill. This will also work with NodeJS. So now I can request stuff like this... (although I didn't actually do the CSSPlugin) // Get individual components import { TweenLite, CSSPlugin, Power4 } from "greensock"; TweenLite.to(myElement, 1, { x: 400, ease: Power4.easeInOut }); Of course this is only for users that want to use modules. For users that like using source files the traditional way, you could create a "dist" folder with these files already built, similar to current file structure of the src folder.
  6. Thanks to Greensock for helping me find my way on Twitter. I thought I'd share my solution for any other people out there that are searching for a configuration of Require + Backbone through external modules & shim's like I was: require.config({ paths: { 'jquery': 'libs/jquery-2.1.1', 'underscore': 'libs/underscore', 'backbone': 'libs/backbone', 'TweenLite': 'libs/greensock/TweenLite', 'CSSPlugin': 'libs/greensock/plugins/CSSPlugin', 'EasePack': 'libs/greensock/easing/EasePack' }, shim: { 'underscore': { exports: '_' }, 'backbone': { deps: [ 'underscore', 'jquery' ], exports: 'Backbone' }, 'TweenLite': { exports: 'TweenLite' } } }); require([ 'backbone', 'app/app', 'TweenLite', 'CSSPlugin', 'EasePack' ], function(Backbone, App, TweenLite) { 'use strict'; App.initialize(); });
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