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  1. I upgraded to a Premium account to use Club Plugins. They installed locally and function correctly, but when I build with Vercel I keep getting this error: Module not found: Can't resolve 'gsap/MorphSVGPlugin' https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/module-not-found In my .tsx file, I am importing and registering import { MorphSVGPlugin } from "gsap/MorphSVGPlugin"; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin, useGSAP); } and my .npmrc file is in place: always-auth=true @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=${GSAP_TOKEN} I also added GSAP_TOKEN to my Vercel Environment Variables. I have gone through the Forum and tried any appropriate fix, but I'm still at a loss. What am I missing?! Grateful for any assistance. Thanks!
  2. Hello, I created an infinite vertical scroll like effect for my cards, it took a while but with the helps of forums and some demos, it worked perfectly for me on local. However, when I check production, I see that it's not working properly, cards are appearing small and origin seems like below, some cards get bigger some are not, and most ambiguous one is if i scroll up, animation works properly for like 4-5 cards, but when i scroll down card disappears immediately. I deploy with vercel and there is no club plugin as you can see. Can you please enlighten me about the issue? I suspected with some css conflict but couldn't find a way to solve it. It took my whole day and decided to ask some help here. Purpose of animation ( in case there is a much more basic or consistent way to do this ) -Avoid page scroll over container and avoid animation work when page is scrolled outside card container. -Give a seamless vertical scroll effect without showing any scroll bar. Stack: - Next14, Typescript, Vercel for deployment Thank you for your help. local.mov ``` import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { IWorkOption, workOptions } from "../../utilities"; import styles from "./card-container.module.css"; const scrollSpeedMultiplier = 0.0001; const CardContainer = ({ setItemSelected }: { setItemSelected: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<IWorkOption>> }) => { useEffect(() => { const cards = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".single-one-pair")); const spacing = 0.1; const seamlessLoop = buildSeamlessLoop(cards, spacing, animateCard); const playhead = { offset: 0 }; const scrub = gsap.to(playhead, { offset: 0, onUpdate: () => { seamlessLoop.time(wrapTime(-playhead.offset)); }, duration: 0.5, ease: "power3", paused: true, }); function animateCard(element: Element) { const tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.fromTo(element, { scaleX: 0.8, scaleY: 0.1 }, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 0.9, opacity: 1, duration: 0.5, yoyo: true, repeat: 1, ease: "power1.in", immediateRender: false }).fromTo( element, { yPercent: -400 }, { yPercent: 400, duration: 1, ease: "none", immediateRender: false }, 0 ); return tl; } function buildSeamlessLoop(items: Element[], spacing: number, animateFunc: (element: Element) => gsap.core.Timeline) { let rawSequence = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }), seamlessLoop = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }); items .concat(items) .concat(items) .concat(items) .forEach((item, i) => { let anim = animateFunc(items[i % items.length]); rawSequence.add(anim, i * spacing); }); seamlessLoop.fromTo(rawSequence, { time: spacing * items.length }, { time: `+=${spacing * items.length}`, duration: spacing * items.length, ease: "none" }); return seamlessLoop; } function wrapTime(offset: number) { return gsap.utils.wrap(0, seamlessLoop.duration())(offset); } const ulElement = document.querySelector(".pair-container"); function handleMouseEnter() { ulElement?.addEventListener("wheel", handleWheel as EventListener); ulElement?.addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart as EventListener); ulElement?.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove as EventListener); ulElement?.addEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd as EventListener); scrub.play(); // Start the animation when the mouse enters } function handleMouseLeave() { ulElement?.removeEventListener("wheel", handleWheel as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd as EventListener); scrub.pause(); // Pause the animation when the mouse leaves } function handleWheel(event: WheelEvent) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); console.log("Wheel event deltaY:", event.deltaY); // Log deltaY for debugging scrub.vars.offset += event.deltaY * scrollSpeedMultiplier; // Adjust scroll speed as necessary scrub.invalidate().restart(false); } let touchStartY = 0; function handleTouchStart(event: TouchEvent) { touchStartY = event.touches[0].clientY; } function handleTouchMove(event: TouchEvent) { const touchEndY = event.touches[0].clientY; const deltaY = touchStartY - touchEndY; touchStartY = touchEndY; // Update the start position for the next move console.log("Touch move deltaY:", deltaY); // Log deltaY for debugging scrub.vars.offset += deltaY * scrollSpeedMultiplier; // Adjust scroll speed as necessary scrub.invalidate().restart(); event.preventDefault(); } function handleTouchEnd(event: TouchEvent) { touchStartY = 0; // Reset the touch start position } ulElement?.addEventListener("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter); ulElement?.addEventListener("mouseleave", handleMouseLeave); return () => { ulElement?.removeEventListener("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter); ulElement?.removeEventListener("mouseleave", handleMouseLeave); ulElement?.removeEventListener("wheel", handleWheel as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove as EventListener); ulElement?.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd as EventListener); gsap.killTweensOf(playhead); }; }, []); return ( <div className={styles.body}> <ul className="pair-container" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}> {workOptions.map((card, i) => ( <li key={i} className="single-one-pair" style={{ listStyle: "none", padding: 0, margin: 0, width: "100%", height: "80%", position: "absolute", display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }} > <div key={i} className={styles.pairItem} style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }} onClick={() => setItemSelected(card)}> <div className={styles.overlay}> <h2 className={styles.overlayText}>{i}</h2> </div> </div> </li> ))} </ul> </div> ); }; export default CardContainer; ``` prod.mov
  3. Hi @stectix, Sorry to hear about the troubles. Based on your latest posts I assume that you're trying to deploy a Next app on Vercel using Yarn? Correct me if I'm wrong about this assumption. I created a new Next app using Yarn and successfully installed the bonus package. Here is the repo: https://github.com/rhernandog/next-gsap-bonus-yarn-vercel Here is the live preview on Vercel (you can inspect the console in devtools to check the version of a bonus plugin): https://next-gsap-bonus-yarn-vercel.vercel.app/ I installed using the shockingly package since the plugins are the same: yarn add gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly Is important in this case to install the @gsap/react package before installing the bonus plugins to avoid any issues with Yarn/NPM asking for the token as well. Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  4. Dear admin/devs at Greensock. You need to make a solid fix for this Yarn issue asap! I don't wish to be too abrasive with my comment but this issue is seriously annoying. Nothing in this topic or your installation page works. Im on a pretty standard setup (macos, homebrew) and this should not be happening. I went ahead and used the zip file solution because Im sick of trying this for years with no success. Installation should be fluid and easy, allowing us devs to get to work as quickly as possible. There needs to be a fool proof guide that works for local env and popular deploy services like Vercel. Please.
  5. Hey, I was trying to build my project on vercel but I kept getting this error even though my gsap premium plan is valid: npm ERR! code CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! errno CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! request to https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fshockingly/-/shockingly-3.12.5.tgz failed, reason: certificate has expired npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /vercel/.npm/_logs/2024-04-03T13_36_27_218Z-debug-0.log Error: Command "npm install" exited with 1 Could it be caused by the SSL certificate of npm.greensock.com?
  6. Hi, I've been fiddling a bit with your demo and besides the captions issue I can't reproduce other problems in your demo. I think the issue stems from the delay you have in your instance for showing the captions: gsap.to(imageElementsArray('.caption'), { delay: 2, // <- HERE duration: 0.5, opacity: 1, stagger: 0.15, ease: 'circ.inOut', onComplete: () => { // The srcSet on each image is controlled by tracking isGridView state setIsGridView(true) } }) I think a safer approach is to use the onComplete callback from the Flip instance. As soon as I remove that delay, the captions are no longer visible. Is worth mentioning that using the onComplete callback from the Flip instance also can cause this behaviour since when you toggle before the Flip instance is completed the onComplete callback will still be triggered. You could kill that Flip instance to prevent that callback from being called or use a simple boolean to prevent the captions tween from being created at all: const performLayoutFlip = contextSafe((container, scrollToId, captions) => { const selector = gsap.utils.selector(container); const state = Flip.getState( selector('.grid-container img, .flex-container img') ); container.classList.toggle('grid-container'); container.classList.toggle('flex-container'); Flip.from(state, { duration: 2, ease: 'power4.out', scale: false, fade: true, onComplete: () => { if (captions && showCaptions.current) { gsap.to('.caption', { duration: 0.5, opacity: 1, stagger: 0.15, ease: 'circ.inOut', onComplete: () => { setIsGridView(true); }, }); } if (document && scrollToId) { document .getElementById(scrollToId) .scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }); } }, }); }); const clickHandler = contextSafe((event) => { const container = imagesRef?.current; const imageElementsArray = gsap.utils.selector(container); const switchingToGridView = container.classList.contains('flex-container'); if (event.target.tagName === 'IMG') { if (switchingToGridView) { performLayoutFlip(container, null, true); showCaptions.current = true; } else { showCaptions.current = false; gsap.killTweensOf('.caption'); // Fade out all captions before Flip gsap.to('.caption', { duration: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease: 'circ.inOut', onComplete: () => { performLayoutFlip(container, event.target.id); setIsGridView(false); }, }); } } }); Also all of this is not needed at all: const container = imagesRef?.current; const imageElementsArray = gsap.utils.selector(container); // Then gsap.to(imageElementsArray('.caption'), {/**/}); You already set your scope in the useGSAP hook to imagesRef so running this anywhere inside the useGSAP scope or any contextSafe call: gsap.utils.toArray(".caption"); Will return an array of the elements with the caption class that are in the scope of imagesRef.current, so that is quite redundant and wasteful. In fact since that is called inside the contextSafe scope you can just do this: gsap.to('.caption'), {/**/}); Since that particular GSAP instance will use the scope defined in the useGSAP hook to do the same. Here is a fork of your demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vercel-next-js-1kpj9n?file=pages%2Findex.jsx Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  7. Unfortunately, I have a very strange behavior after installing @gsap/react via yarn. I have installed GSAP in a premium version and deployed it to Vercel. Everything works and the license key is recognized. Exactly the same deployment, only adding @gsap/react, throws an error on Vercel: Request failed "403 Forbidden". ?
  8. i have problem in scroll trigger project page with outlet react-router-dom when first reload pinned not working in the other outlet . https://portfolio2024-two-black.vercel.app/project/live
  9. Hi guys ! My time to apologize for the delay, didn't get notified for your answers. @Rodrigo I'm already using your approach for my SvelteKit apps and it works well. But I don't have any types. Maybe you'll have a solution for me like adding the types in my tsconfig which doesn't work for me either ? I got this in my tsconfig.json: { "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "allowJs": true, "checkJs": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "sourceMap": true }, "files": ["node_modules/gsap/types/index.d.ts"] The only way for me to get the types is to import from the package directly. But this breaks my app in production. Unable to build on vercel/netlify, errors when building locally. So either I have the types but can't use gsap as it's broken, or I get gsap without the types, and have to create a declaration.d.ts file to declare all the modules. I can grant access to any github repo if you need to investigate this, or any other solution if needed, let me know ✌️
  10. with threejs you are making it 10x harder for yourself since you will also need a physics engine with threejs like Rapier or cannon, creating it with a framework like react for example. you will need to study also extra stuff like react three fiber, react three drei, react three rapier / cannon i think Rodrigo gave you the best option here to use a physics engine directly something like this one i created with Matter it was much simpler to do it compared to trying to add physics with threejs https://balls-orcin.vercel.app/ you can grab them and test the zero gravity btn
  11. Hi @anzorAs, if I'm correct you can also share a link the Vercel environment where we can see and modify the code right? You're sharing a link to just the preview doesn't allow us to modify the code or even see the code, so this way we can't help you debug. If you can't share a link to a code editor in Vercel can you maybe recreate the demo in something like Codepen or Stackblitz? Here are our templates https://stackblitz.com/@GreenSockLearning/collections What you can try your self is setting will-change: transform; to the elements that will have there transforms change (in your CSS), this might already help. And just to be sure there are no transition: all .3s ease-in; in your CSS, right?
  12. Hello! I am having a weird issue with my Animations when in a particular instance. My page consists of: SVG-Letters that get animated in on page load 4 absolutely positioned blurred circles in the background that have a css animation on them. For the sake of testing I've reduced the CSS animation so that it basically doesn't do anything (translate(0px, 0px) scale(1)) When I take the animation off the circles, the letter animation on mobile is really laggy, when I put the animation back it works well again. For this I have prepared a demo: https://layered-2023-git-mobile-tag-anzorasadovs-projects.vercel.app/en When navigating to the site with mobile you will notice the svg animation being laggy. Clicking on the "toggle animation blob" button with enable the animation on the circles (which, again, doesn't really do anything) Clicking on "rerun" will rerun the svg animation, which will run smoothly. I am really curious about what the issue might be and I hope you guys can help me figure it out. Thanks!
  13. this animation is starting with a delay on the first time only you can check it on this website: fotf-frontend.vercel.app. when a green box appears then there is a lag before the animation starts const tl1 = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }) tl1.to(".box", { rotate: "45deg", transformOrigin: "center center", transform: "scale(40)", duration: .5, }) .to(".box2-content , .box-2, .shuffle-top", { y: 0, duration: .5, opacity: 1 }, 0) .to(".layers", { y: 0, duration: .5, }, 0) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".box", start: "center center", end: "center 49%", scrub: 1, onEnter: () => { tl1.play() }, onLeaveBack: () => { tl1.reverse() } })
  14. The demo can be seen here: https://bethebuzz.vercel.app/careers It's the second section after hero, with the Values box pinned on Scroll. It works, but I know that code is wrong. I just don't understand how to use it properly.
  15. hi @Ev1lMush unfortunately, the demo is not loading but i would recommend using only scrollTrigger to do all your scroll-related animations for you, scrollControls was killing me also, and I didn't find a clear fix for making them both work together in most cases drei is great but still not enough to use it alone for everything something like where i was trying to make drei scroll and scrolltrigger work together but in the end, i only used scrolltrigger maybe its different in your case idk what you are building https://garden-self.vercel.app/ (Hit a refresh if it doesn't work it was a demo for testing so it's a mess and dusty) I am not R3F expert so keep looking for a solution that suits you also since you are using react you can check the new useGSAP() its a replacement for useEffect and useLayouteffect https://gsap.com/resources/React#usegsap-hook- and here are some templates you can fork one , for me its easier to work with React on stackblitz https://stackblitz.com/@GreenSockLearning/collections
  16. Hi, The best course of action right now is to use React Transition Group as shown in this demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-13cw4u?file=Layouts%2FLayout.js,components%2FTransition.js,context%2FTransitionContext.js Due to the way this works, there is no need for the useGSAP hook in the transition component since those are one off animations that will be elegible for garbage collection after they're completed. Is necessary to point out that you have to use the pages router for this approach (animating in and out each page) since this is not possible with the app router regardless of the animation solution you use (Transition Group with either GSAP or CSS, Framer, etc). This is a known issue that hasn't been resolved in over a year by the Next team, nothing to do with GSAP, Framer or other libraries: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/42658 Here you can find a way to create overlay transitions (the pages are not animated, just an overlay animates over the layout) with GSAP using the app router: https://medium.com/@josiah.webdev/page-transitions-with-gsap-next-js-app-router-5508cee43a80 Finally you can stick with the pages router for simple static websites if you want to use the other way, there is nothing essentially wrong in using the pages router IMHO. Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  17. Hey - I've made a demo repo for you Here's the repo incase there's anything useful there? https://github.com/cassieevans/vercel-clubGSAP/blob/main/.npmrc Here's the site - https://vercel-club-gsap.vercel.app/ Here's what my env var looks like on vercel. This is what my npmrc looks like always-auth=true @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=${PRIVJS_TOKEN} I just followed the instruction in the vercel guide in our docs so I'm afraid I'm at a loss of how to help here. You may just have to play spot the difference between this repo and yours? Sorry I can't help any more than this. At least we know it is possible and there's not a big glaring issue anywhere.
  18. Hi, In Next you have to import the UMD modules for the plugins: import gsap from "gsap"; import { DrawSVGPlugin } from "gsap/dist/DrawSVGPlugin"; import { useGSAP } from "@gsap/react"; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { gsap.registerPlugin(DrawSVGPlugin, useGSAP); } Finally in Vercel be sure to add an environmental variable for your token as shown in our installation docs: https://gsap.com/docs/v3/Installation/guides/Club GSAP & Vercel Finally be sure to not push your token to a public repo in the .npmrc file. Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  19. Hi, I have a Problem with my project on Vercel and GSAP Bonus Plugins. I don't know if i can paste the code in CodePen since it's Typescript and Next.js so i added some screenshots of the code. Locally everything works fine, but on Vercel i get this Building Log Errors: I have generated a PRIVJS_TOKEN and installed all Bonus Plugins via npm locally. In the console of the browser i get this errors:
  20. Hi, This is a known issue with Next's app router that has been unresolved for over a year now: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/42658 This is not at all related to GSAP but yet another shortcoming of the app router which has created a lot of confusion among developers in many ways. Right now the only way to animate the views is to use the pages router: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-13cw4u Another way is to create an overlay animation as shown in this article, but that won't animate the current view out and the next one in, the app router just keeps working in the same way: https://medium.com/@josiah.webdev/page-transitions-with-gsap-next-js-app-router-5508cee43a80 Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  21. I got this error when trying to deploy on Vercel. Im using the last version of GSAP and @gsap/react: npm ERR! code E403 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2freact/-/react-2.1.0.tgz - You must be logged in to install/publish packages. 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or 22:17:59.966 npm ERR! 403 on a server you do not have access to. 22:17:59.967 22:17:59.967 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /vercel/.npm/_logs/2024-02-13T01_17_48_879Z-debug-0.log 22:17:59.990 Error: Command "npm install" exited with 1 How can I fix it?
  22. hello everyone, I'm looking for a tutorial gradient stroke move along path like vercel.com site. Thank a lot animation_stroke.mp4
  23. Hi @Nightshift and welcome to the GSAP Forums! Thanks for being a Club GSAP member and supporting GSAP! I just created a new React project using Yarn and deployed it to Vercel without any issues: https://github.com/rhernandog/yarn-bonus-test-vercel Here is the live URL: https://yarn-bonus-test-vercel.vercel.app/ If you check the console you'll see the version of ScrollSmoother that is being loaded and registered correctly using the gsap.registerPlugin() method. I made some changes and deployed again and I don't have to delete the yarn.lock file in order to get it working. Honestly I don't have a lot of experience with Yarn but I don't recall any issues like this. Did you created an environmental variable in your Vercel project's settings: Is your token working locally without any issues? You can try creating a new folder (name doesn't matter) and then creating a new npm project in it using: npm init -y Then create the .npmrc file with your token and install GSAP with the bonus plugins and see if it works. Happy Tweening!
  24. hi, i installed gsap following the instructions. i have an .npmrc //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=5cb-----959 registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/ @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com i get this error error An unexpected error occurred: "https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness/-/business-3.12.4.tgz: Request failed \"403 Forbidden\"". when i delete my yarn.lock or edit it to remove gsap from the yarn.lock then it works. I need to keep my yarn.lock in my repo. any suggestions on how to fix this? This error occurs in vercel and circleci.
  25. Hi, Is your project working as expected locally? Are you getting the same(or another) error? Here is a repo using Next and the bonus plugins that is working as expected: https://github.com/rhernandog/gsap-bonus-npm-vercel In your projects settings create an environmental variable that matches the configuration of your .npmrc file: Your .npmrc file should look like this in your repo: always-auth=true @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN} Is super important to add the dollar sign and the curly braces around the variable. If you check the deployment URL and open the console you'll see an object that contains a reference to the MorphSVG Plugin: https://gsap-bonus-npm-vercel.vercel.app/ Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
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