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  1. thanks im also facing some issues while using locomotive scroll along with gsap i used the function that was already provided by gsap but still my div that were having fixed position were not working as they should
  2. this animation is starting with a delay on the first time only you can check it on this website: fotf-frontend.vercel.app. when a green box appears then there is a lag before the animation starts const tl1 = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }) tl1.to(".box", { rotate: "45deg", transformOrigin: "center center", transform: "scale(40)", duration: .5, }) .to(".box2-content , .box-2, .shuffle-top", { y: 0, duration: .5, opacity: 1 }, 0) .to(".layers", { y: 0, duration: .5, }, 0) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".box", start: "center center", end: "center 49%", scrub: 1, onEnter: () => { tl1.play() }, onLeaveBack: () => { tl1.reverse() } })
  3. If im animting some div and also adding keyframes to div's inside it then the animtions are starting with a delay amd sometimes laggy when animating for the first time
  4. Destro

    ::before property

    how do i change ::before property
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