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  1. Hi, Maybe you should take a look at ScrollTrigger's batch method: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.batch() Here is a live example: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWGPxGZ In the case of your last codepen example it would be as simple as this: gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.set(".grid-i", {y: 50, opacity: 0}); ScrollTrigger.batch(".grid-i", { onEnter: batch => gsap.to(batch, {opacity: 1, y: 0, stagger: 0.15, overwrite: true}), }); Hopefully this helps. Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  2. @GreenSock How do I use this but with a scrolltrigger? I need to animate items per row, but it seems that when I use the row as a trigger it doesn't work. This is what I added to it: ``` rows.forEach((GridItems) => { let tl = gsap.from(GridItems, {opacity: 0, yPercent: 80, stagger: 0.05, duration: 0.7, overwrite: true}); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: GridItems, start: 'top 70%', end: 'bottom bottom', markers: true, onEnter: () => tl.play(), onEnterBack: () => tl.restart(), onLeaveBack: () => tl.pause(0), }); });
  3. andyr

    Overwrite tween

    var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); tl.add(TweenLite.from('.ng_dialog', 0.2, {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 0, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, onReverseComplete: hide})); How do you update/overwrite "top" and "left". I've tried various things from the docs, but no joy. OR, add those two properties. .set()? Thanks.
  4. Hello @amitr95 I think the problems you are having might just be related to the general processing of the code's logic you run inside your function, and not really to GSAP measuring the height incorrectly. Here is an approach, that is a bit different on the logic side of things, which works fine for me with regard to the height. I also added overwrite: 'auto' to the tweens, so GSAP can sort out conflicting tweens that might be created along the way. [Note: this approach is not meant to be 100% bullet-proof. It is mainly to show, that the height gets tweened to the proper value.] https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/VwBqJmj Edit: Since getting the logic right for something like this can become a bit tricky, here's another example of your setup, using an approach by OSUBlake - which works a lot better. Hope that will help. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/BaPvXQM Based on this demo. https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/JYQqZr
  5. I'm not completely sure what you're asking. But I think your problem is that you have one element that is controlled by two ScrollTriggers and they will fight for control if the first one is not yet done and the other one is starting, so you either have to make sure the other one is done when the next one starts or make it one big ScrollTrigger that just triggers over the whole duration (this seems like the easiest solution) https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/GRBPbgr?editors=1010 You could also look in to the overwrite property https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/vars If true, all tweens of the same targets will be killed immediately regardless of what properties they affect. If "auto", when the tween renders for the first time it hunt down any conflicts in active animations (animating the same properties of the same targets) and kill only those parts of the other tweens. Non-conflicting parts remain intact. If false, no overwriting strategies will be employed. Default: false.
  6. In general, what do GSAP users have in their arsenal to mitigate animations overlapping when users are triggering multiple non-scrubbed ScrollTriggers and/or tweens while scrolling/moving through a site at various speeds. These are what we've come across: Ensure timelines/tweens do not clash (not always simple) --- however, if you're scrolling through several ScrollTriggers, even if you have a delay or long duration between ScrollTriggers, they can clash if the user scrolls too quickly. I don't think this is the case but it appears that tweens/and callbacks can be skipped if the user scrolls too quickly; we've tested this with .set() and .call(). Add OnEnter/OnLeave logic to check if another timeline is "tweening" and then kill the offending timeline gracefully. I'm not seeing any examples of this between multiple ScrollTriggers, but the logic is fairly straightforward although can be extremely convoluted. Set overwrite on your tweens/timelines. I don't think this applies to separate ScrollTriggers --- I've tried multiple ways and haven't seen any affect between ScrollTriggered timelines that clash. I guess how could it; they are separate timelines? Set overflow hidden on the scrolling container so that the user cannot scroll when a tween is occurring; use very sparingly and only in critical areas; best used with a custom scrollbar to remove visual anomalies. Are there any other ways to mitigate clashes between ScrollTriggers and tweens if a user scrolls/moves too quickly through a site? It's not only too quickly in one direction, but when they reserve direction is when we probably see the most clashing. Is there a default overwrite setting that will have an effect between ScrollTriggered timelines? Does the overwrite already do this and we're just not seeing it/using it correctly? Kind Regards, Nitro Interactive
  7. It'd definitely help to see a minimal demo so we can make sure we're addressing the real issue adequately, but here are some thoughts: If you've built a page in a way that requires that one ScrollTrigger-based animation finishes before another one starts (thus it looks weird if the user scrolls fast and they're both playing), you can force the previous one to completion with a callback: let anim1 = gsap.to(... { scrollTrigger: { onEnterBack: () => anim2.progress(0) } }); let anim2 = gsap.to(... { scrollTrigger: { onEnter: () => anim1.progress(1), onEnterBack: () => anim3.progress(0) } }); let anim3 = gsap.to(... { scrollTrigger: { onEnter: () => anim2.progress(1) } }); Overwriting Keep in mind that overwrite logic runs once: overwrite: true - immediately when the tween is created overwrite: "auto" when the tween renders for the first time And when overwriting occurs, it is permanent. So this is not ideal for what you're talking about because you don't actually want to kill...as in dead...permanently. You're just wanting the animation to finish right away, correct? That's why I suggested the code above. For the record, the reason overwriting occurs once (not every time the animation plays) is for performance reasons and because it's almost never helpful to run more than the first time. We're VERY performance-minded. If you're still struggling, please provide a minimal demo and we'd be happy to take a peek.
  8. Well, as with everything, the devil is in the detail, which is why it is very hard to give general recommendations for a more complex scenario like yours. Since you are concerned about things not working when reloading the page when it's scrolled down, you might want to reconsider the general approach of how you implement the change of the backgroundColor, too, because the way you are doing it in the demos you posted, things will not work as you might intend in that case. One logical problem is the following: You are changing the playstate of pre-built timelines with.to() tweens in callbacks of ScrollTriggers, when the page is loaded at the very bottom, ScrollTrigger will make sure that those callbacks get called. So now you have multiple tweens being called quickly one after the other, which are all tweening on the same property of the same element, so you are creating conflicting tweens. When you scroll back up then, the .to() tween is supposed to be reversed, but it will probably reverse back to the color that it was at the time when that tween was being created - which very likely is not the color you'd expect but some value of a color in between all those colors. Creating your tweens upfront can be quite the tricky scenario to begin with, when you are going to tween on the same property of the same element with multiple different instances. So one way you could prevent all those logical hurdles, would be to create the tweens in the callbacks directly instead of pre-building them. Then you could either use .fromTo() tweens to make sure you always tween from one specific color to another specific color, when the callback runs, or .to() tweens with overwrite set to 'auto' to prevent conflicts I mentioned above. In this pen with the lottie-scrolltriggers handling the pinning themselves, things seem to work fine even if I create those ScrollTriggers before all the lottie-scrolltriggers, but your mileage may vary. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/gOjKLqy
  9. I got animation like in the video attached that is triggered via the code below: // tab is the html div object of the clicked tab button // blue line is the html div object of the line below the buttons gsap.to( blueLine, { duration: 0.5, left: tab.offsetLeft, width: tab.offsetWidth, overwrite: false, lazy: false } ) As you can see on the video it looks like gsap is resetting the "left" property to 0 and animates it from there. Is there a way to not reset the value and instead animate from the current property value? I couldn't find anything about it in the docs or forum. Screen Recording 2023-01-24 at 00.43.10.mov
  10. You can't animate "x" and "y" properties on every element to multiple places at the same time You could, however, wrap each element in another <div> and have the pointer parallax animate that one, and the motionPath can animate the child. The way you're handling the parallax pointermove thing is extremely inefficient. On every pointermove event (which can fire over 60 times per second) you're creating a whole new tween for every single element, and you're also calling .getBoundingClientRect() twice. Since you didn't set overwrite: true or overwrite: "auto", it also means you're creating a bunch of conflicting tweens that are fighting with each other for control of the same properties of the same targets. You're also getting the offsetTop and offsetLeft on every element on every pointermove event too which is expensive. You're needlessly duplicating the calculation of speed too (speedX and speedY are identical). You could pre-calculate a lot of the values, store them in a data object along with a tween for each element that you then invalidate() and restart() after updating the x/y destination values, sorta like this: const data = elements.map(el => { return { left: el.offsetLeft, top: el.offsetTop, speed: 100 - el.dataset.size, tween: gsap.to(el, {x: "+=0", y: "+=0", ease: "expo", duration: 2, paused: true}) }; }); const onMouseMove = (event) => { let bounds = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), pageX = event.pageX - bounds.width * 0.5, pageY = event.pageY - bounds.height * 0.5; data.forEach(d => { d.tween.vars.x = -((d.left + pageX * d.speed) * 0.005) / 2; d.tween.vars.y = -(d.top + pageY * d.speed) * 0.005; d.tween.invalidate().restart(); }); }; The upcoming release is going to have a very cool feature that'll make this even easier and faster, so stay tuned for that Side note: GSAP has a gsap.utils.random() method that you can tap into instead of making your own. I'm not even sure you need to use MotionPathPlugin - are you just trying to make it go in a circular path? If so, there may be easier algorithms. Like put it in a wrapper <div>, offset the transformOrigin and then rotate it while rotating the inner element in the opposite direction. Just an idea. Have fun!
  11. I want to tween first three items and then replace the 3 items(overwrite) with next three items for tweening and after that I want to overwrite next 3 : continue so on until the end of items and oncomplete, I want to repeat the whole process. I am using overwrite to overwrite the first three with next three but it doesn't work! Can someone help me with this? Is something wrong in my code? Any help will be greatly appreciated! CSSPlugin.defaultTransformPerspective = 600; var t1 = new TimelineMax({ repeat: 1000, yoyo: true, repeatDelay: .5 }), count = 1;//the label number $('.tick').each(function (index, item) { t1.from(item, 0.7, { x: 100, rotationX: -90, transformOrigin: "50% 0px", ease: Back.easeOut, overwrite: "none" }, 'label' + count) count++; if(index % 3 == 2) { t1.TweenLite.defaultOverwrite = "all"; } });
  12. Hi In my codepen example, when mouse enters the red area, I start 5 tweens, one on each grey bar in the green area. When mouse leaves the red area, I kill all the tweens. Each bar is supposed to grow/shrink to a random value (height css prop), and then when it's finished, repeat this to another random value. It is working almost correctly. The only thing that bothers me is, when you leave the mouse in for a few iterations, sometimes a tween will randomly change his From value before going to his To value. This is making some of the bars randomly "jumping". I am using repeatRefresh: true, and from what I understand, it is supposed to force the next loop using current values as From values. So why are some of these animations still "jumping"? I also tried to use immediateRender: true and overwrite: true, but it changed nothing. Any idea?
  13. Right here: gsap.utils.toArray("#menu a").forEach(el => { let linkTo = document.querySelector(el.getAttribute("data-link")), st = ScrollTrigger.create({trigger: linkTo, start: "top top"}); // create a ScrollTrigger just to track the location of the linkTo element, including pinning, etc. el.addEventListener("click", event => { event.preventDefault(); // don't let the browser jump to the link gsap.set("body", {overflow: "scroll"}); gsap.to(window, {scrollTo: st.start, overwrite: "auto"}); }); }); Jack is creating a ScrollTrigger instance for each section and then getting the start value of that particular ScrollTrigger instance. Finally it passed that to the ScrollTo plugin which creates the scroll animation. I updated the codepen example in order to close the menu as well: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/MWBvVKa Let us know if you have more questions. Happy Tweening!
  14. Good afternoon, i have a very long page that utilizes scrolltriggers in several modules. one of the modules on my pages has a horizontal scroll with a few slides and within each slide is an animation. everything works pretty well except we have found during beta testing that the user can scroll and very quickly through and past the horizontal "slider" into the regular vertical page. overall the horizontal portion doesnt "feel" great and breaks the user experience. we've tried doing "snap" points- but they snapped in odd ways that didnt feel natural. i've googled this, searched the forums, tried on my own but nothing is working or is overly complex to the point of getting overwhelmed at the complexity of some of these other "snap" solutions. what im wondering is is there a way to add a bit of a "click" feel as each slide finishes. or some sort of anticipation and "pause" after each slide so the user doesnt whip trough the horizontal scroll? i''d be very thankful for any assistance i can get on this, as it's become quite frustrating. const tl2 = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.module_3_wrapper', start: "center center", end: "center center", pin: '.module_3_wrapper', scrub: 1, pinSpacing: true, } }); let container = document.querySelector('.module_3'); let sections = gsap.utils.toArray(".module_3 .slides"); let scrollTween = gsap.to(sections, { x: () => -(container.scrollWidth - document.querySelector('.module_3_wrapper').clientWidth) + "px", ease: "none", duration: .1, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".module_3_wrapper", pin: true, start: "center center", scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true, end: `+=${container.offsetWidth}`, } }); I found someone did something like this with a nest scrolltrigger, but i can't figure out how to merge what i have and what this does. but it has the exact effect im looking for. where it nicely locks between slides. let slides = gsap.utils.toArray(".slide"); slides.forEach((slide, i) => { if (i) { // skip the first one. ScrollTrigger.create({ start: () => ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window) / (slides.length - 0) * i, end: "+=1", onEnter: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * i) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}), onLeaveBack: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * (i - 1)) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}) }) } });
  15. Are you maybe looking for pinspacing:false Also - If you wanted to go with this type of a solution you'd need to tweak the calculation of the marker placement to be based around the slide container itself rather than the window. Something vaguely like this? This is just a guess so apologies if it doesn't work, I figure most things out by trial and error. But basically you'll want to be adding a little more offset to the start marker on each one. let slides = gsap.utils.toArray(".slide"); slides.forEach((slide, i) => { if (i) { // skip the first one. console.log('maybe?', myslides.offsetWidth / (slides.length - 0) * i) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: myslides, markers: true, start: () => `top+=${myslides.offsetWidth / (slides.length - 0) * i} top`, end: "+=1", onEnter: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * i) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}), onLeaveBack: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * (i - 1)) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}) }) } });
  16. Hi Cassie, thank you so much for responding. i think what needs to happen it's basically putting each slide in a scrolltrigger and giving it a pin (stays on screen for a second before releasing to the next slide) effect. right now the continuous scroll of the horizontal slider doesnt feel very good. and snapping doesnt either. But i found a post buried here, that i can no longer find that had a solution that was exactly what i needed. and it's the below code. my only problem is i couldnt figure out how to integrate into my page flow like you see in my codepen. because the below code acts as if the horizontal slider is the only main element on the page. let slides = gsap.utils.toArray(".slide"); slides.forEach((slide, i) => { if (i) { // skip the first one. ScrollTrigger.create({ start: () => ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window) / (slides.length - 0) * i, end: "+=1", onEnter: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * i) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}), onLeaveBack: self => gsap.to(".slide", {x: (-100 * (i - 1)) + "vw", ease: "none", overwrite: true}) }) } });
  17. See if this gets you going in the right direction. I just used standalone ScrollTrigger to toggle the nav items. The back ease looks a little bit weird in reverse, so if you wanted a different ease when hiding the items, you should just create a new animation in that if/else. if (self.isActive) { gsap.to(boxes, { overwrite: true, ease: "back.out", // or whatever exit ease you want y: -64, opacity: 0, stagger: { amount: 0.25 } }); } else { gsap.to(boxes, { overwrite: true, ease: "back.out", y: 0, opacity: 1, stagger: { amount: 0.25 } }); } Multiple GSAP Animations in React (codepen.io)
  18. As Oliver pointed out, If two tweens are trying to control the same property of the same object at the same time they will literally be fighting for control and one tween must win. The engine by default kills the pre-existing tween. Once it's killed it can not play again. You can set overwrite:"none" on the second tween to prevent the first tween from being killed. tl.to(heroimage, 3, { x:"+=400",y: "-=100",ease: Power3.easeOut }); tl.to(heroimage, 4, { x:"+=20",y: "-=20",ease: Power0.easeNone, overwrite:"none" },"-=0.5"); More info on overwrite settings from the TweenLite docs overwrite: String (or integer) - Controls how (and if) other tweens of the same target are overwritten. There are several modes to choose from, but "auto" is the default (although you can change the default mode using theTweenLite.defaultOverwrite property): "none" (0) (or false) - no overwriting will occur. "all" (1) (or true) - immediately overwrites all existing tweens of the same target even if they haven't started yet or don't have conflicting properties. "auto" (2) - when the tween renders for the first time, it will analyze tweens of the same target that are currently active/running and only overwrite individual tweening properties that overlap/conflict. Tweens that haven't begun yet are ignored. For example, if another active tween is found that is tweening 3 properties, only 1 of which it shares in common with the new tween, the other 2 properties will be left alone. Only the conflicting property gets overwritten/killed. This is the default mode and typically the most intuitive for developers. "concurrent" (3) - when the tween renders for the first time, it kills only the active (in-progress) tweens of the same target regardless of whether or not they contain conflicting properties. Like a mix of "all" and "auto". Good for situations where you only want one tween controling the target at a time. "allOnStart" (4) - Identical to "all" but waits to run the overwrite logic until the tween begins (after any delay). Kills tweens of the same target even if they don't contain conflicting properties or haven't started yet. "preexisting" (5) - when the tween renders for the first time, it kills only the tweens of the same target that existed BEFORE this tween was created regardless of their scheduled start times. So, for example, if you create a tween with a delay of 10 and then a tween with a delay of 1 and then a tween with a delay of 2 (all of the same target), the 2nd tween would overwrite the first but not the second even though scheduling might seem to dictate otherwise. "preexisting" only cares about the order in which the instances were actually created. This can be useful when the order in which your code runs plays a critical role.
  19. Thanks for your further help @Rodrigo, I added overwrite, and it seems that the bubbling is stopped, but it still doesn't work correctly. When I scroll, sometimes it works but sometimes does not. How it doesn't work is that the scroll goes to the next panel and back. https://codepen.io/haruka1234/pen/eYjgGvW?editors=1010
  20. I didn't totally follow your explanation there, @mjray, but my guess is that you were creating conflicting tweens. Did you try simply setting overwrite: true or overwrite: "auto" on your animation? Also, did you know about this method?: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/labelToScroll() It's relatively new.
  21. Welcome to the forums, @Sooova. Would you please provide just a minimal demo that more clearly demonstrates the issue? I'm pretty lost when I look at that demo, especially with all the missing images. You can just use simple colored <div> elements instead maybe. It shouldn't take 100+ lines of code to show the issue. There are a lot of setTimeouts/Promises and delays and stacked up strings of logic - perhaps you could just eliminate any randomization, isolate a single state change of one or two elements, and only focus on that in your demo(?) And please keep in mind that these forums aren't really for general troubleshooting of logic issues, but we're happy to answer any GSAP/Flip questions. A few quick comments: I assume this was a mistake: // BAD onComplete: isComplete(), // <- executes immediately and assigns whatever isComplete returns to the onComplete. // GOOD onComplete: isComplete, And this: // BAD overwrite: "false", // GOOD overwrite: false, You can use gsap.utils.random() instead of your getRandomInt() function.
  22. Hi, This should work: const roll1 = roll(".rollingText", {duration: 10}), roll2 = roll(".rollingText02", {duration: 10}, true), scroll = ScrollTrigger.create({ onUpdate(self) { if (self.direction !== direction) { direction *= -1; roll1.timeScale(direction * 3); roll2.timeScale(direction * 3); gsap.to([roll1, roll2], {timeScale: direction, overwrite: true, duration: 1}); } } }); Happy Tweening!
  23. You might want to look into the "overwrite" special property: overwrite: true immediately kills all animations of the same targets, regardless of what properties they're affecting. overwrite: "auto" only kills the individual parts of other active tweens of the same targets that are affecting the same properties. But to answer your original question most directly, I assume you're looking for gsap.killTweensOf(). And you can kill() any animation. Tweens and Timelines both have that method. There are actually quite a few ways to do what you're asking. If you still need some help, please provide a minimal demo so that we can see the context and quickly show you how to tweak the code. Happy tweening!
  24. The main problem is that you keep creating a new tween every single time there's a mousemove event and also every time there's a mouseenter but you never set an overwrite nor do you kill() the old tween(s). So, for example, you create a repeating backgroundPosition tween the first time the user's mouse enters and then the next time you create a new one but the OLD one is continuing to play and repeat over and over. That tween is affecting the backgroundPosition as well (you're creating a bunch of conflicting tweens). You could just set overwrite: "auto" on your tween(s) but I'd actually recommend simply reusing a single tween instance rather than creating new ones over and over and over again. That'll perform better. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/podNjwp?editors=0010 You had a few typos in there too. Is that CodePen more like what you wanted?
  25. Sure, if you're just staggering them (same animation for all, just offset), you can simply use a "stagger" on a single tween. No need for a timeline. But yes, if you need to animate various things differently, you can absolutely use a timeline that you create in the callback(s). Just make sure you set overwrite: true (or "auto") on the tweens to ensure you don't create conflicts. onEnter: () => { let tl = gsap.timeline({defaults: {overwrite: true}}); tl.to(...).to(...)... } If you're still struggling, please provide a minimal demo and we'd be happy to take a peek. Good luck!
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