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  1. I would also like to clarify such a thing as animation with mount . framer-motion has AnimatePresence. Is it possible to implement this in gsap?
  2. Hi, i work with react/next.js now, and i dont understand what the main differce between this both lib? framer write for react components gsap work everywhere but anyway i see a lot of sites witch react + gsap stack. Why?
  3. Hi. I'm trying to have the effect that my fixed block will only appear after section:first-child and disappear if it reaches .footer, but it should also disappear if the scroll page is above section:first-child. How can I track this and do it? Or is it better to use some kind of intersectionObserver? Basically I just need to remove the .fixed block when the footer or section:first-child is in the viewport (so they don't overlap) and show it again after footer or section:first-child leave viewport
  4. yes, this good, but a lot of code (jk) how i can add there increase marquee speed while scrolling page and return to normal speed when scrolling is done?
  5. im sorry, i edited my topic. i dont know you are bot or real human, but anyway... I said about ScrollSmoother just so you understand that I have access to its methods, maybe this is not necessary (Just additional information) In fact, I expect just an infinite marquee with acceleration of its scrolling when scrolling the entire page, but at the same time, the marquee itself also has its own speed maybe i am looking for something like this https://codepen.io/theflash8888/pen/VwQgQWW But I can't repeat this code in my case
  6. Hi. I'm trying to make a fully responsive marquee with gsap with increasing marquee speed scrolling on page scroll (I'm using gsap smoothScroller) I have already read a lot of topics on the marquee gsap forum, but somewhere the quality of the code leaves much to be desired. Is there any best practice to do what I want? most likely I made a mistake in the html markup. I tried increasing the timeScale in the scrollTrigger but it just didn't work. Thanks for any advice/examples
  7. Hi. I want to create an effect where a path line is drawn and city names appear as the line passes through the points. What is the best way to do this in this case: 1. Make svg only path line and points, and make cities separate divs 2. Make the names of cities, lines and points in one svg file and draw them simultaneously, tied to the animation time of the line itself (Or is it impossible?) Also in theory I would also like to use morphSVG here to redraw the path, is that possible? Maybe there are some ready-made examples or additional tips?
  8. okay i make it https://codepen.io/poylar/pen/rNrNPNM you solution with push section in pinned container works, but i dont wanna break my semantic structure. so may be one more solution? I also have suspicions that pinSpacer creates space for another section (which is not) I'm sorry for being so stupid, but believe me, I've tried a lot of options and read all the documentation, but I still can't beat pinSpacer
  9. I'm not sure we understood each other. I want to remove padding of the pin spacer I mean: if i remove all js and CSS position next section will be closer to cards, watch screenshot: i want same position with gsap animation
  10. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/abGYbGm?editors=0110 this demo from video i wanna remove this padding
  11. thank you, that work. but how i can remove this "extra space" after section? pinSpacer make 2000px padding , can i remove this?
  12. hi, i try to make cards effect from this website https://www.createwithplay.com/ (section on screenshot) I tried many variations but they all failed, could you help me understand how to implement this, please? I can see that position:sticky is used in the example, but I can't use it because I'm using the gsap smooth scroller plugin. At first I thought that it would be possible to pin section when I enter it, but I did not understand how I should move it up further. I think my problem is that I can't determine the start and end parameters. Thank you for any help
  13. Hi. How i can run 'p' animations with stagger? i mean: If all p's are in the viewport, then start animating them one by one. Is it possible?
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