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  1. Please can anybody help - I am new to GSAP and my jquery skills require improvement. I have worked out how to create random transforms on every path of an SVG image to create a dispersed vector polygon effect. I then want to animate these vectors back to their initial state when hovering a link so that the image forms and have achieved this. What I am struggling to do is that when the page initially loads, I want the dispersed vector image to display immediately i.e. not animate to the dispersed state and only begin to animate to / from the images original state when you hover on the link. Please check out my codepen - any help gratefully received...
  2. I'm having a few problems getting the animation to reverse back to the origianl state when the mouse is moved. Currently the code just snaps back to the icons original state.becomes a bit jumping when you have multiple aniamtions on each page. Is the away so that when the mouse is removed either the animation finishes out the sequence or is reversed back to the original state. (istead of snapping back Kind regards, Ryan
  3. Hi, I try to control two objects by hover: http://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/ZBqPdB But I can not find a way to "block" the non-active "line". Plus, if hover change is too fast, the animation of SVGs will be disturbed. Best regards from Hamburg Manfred
  4. Hi Greensock lovers, How can i achieve this (https://codepen.io/labdev/pen/amyyyw) with Greensock 2Dphysics? And as extra I want to have a cursor hover function. Basically when you hover with your cursor the "object" should be pushed somehow. Thanks. Fatih
  5. When utilizing TweenLite.to and scale in a project with <svg> graphics, I've noticed that FireFox and IE11 (not Edge and untested on <IE11) treat my container as though it were "layered". Each time the mouse hits the <svg> graphic inside the <div> it treats it as if I've left the container and minimizes the resulting scale. This causes a "jerky" effect and looks broken to a normal user. I've verified this by watching the console for when I enter and when I leave. Chrome/Edge do not exhibit this behavior and I cannot see how to "fix" this for Firefox/IE11. **The CodePen is only a partial example of the full project (3 wedges vs. 8) but the effect is the same** Things I've Tried: Adding the correct class on my <path>, <symbol>, <g>, etc => same result Changing the variable class/id to hit higher in the document => same result Verbally abuse my computer => same result Any ideas?
  6. From my codepen you can see that hovering any of the parent divs results in my animation slewing across them all. In order to isolate the animation per hovered parent element I could copy paste the code using a unique ID per parent, but that seems very inefficient. Is there a way to write a main script and pass in parameters from each parent div? I'm really new to javascript logic but I could follow along if another post like this has been mentioned before. Thanks. edit: just to clarify, I'm basically wondering how I could refactor my code
  7. Hello all - I would love some help figuring out the z-index. I have everything like I want, however; the black Nike check is not moving to the front (over top of the yellow check on hover). Take a peek at my codepen, any help is much appreciated! Thank you! nick
  8. I created the following animation using css/javascript, but was told that it would be easier to achieve what I need done with Greensock. http://codepen.io/gtdesign/pen/JKGmeO I would like help in seeing if there is a way to hover over one of the circles, say for instance “Gutters” that the rotation stops and the “Gutters” circle gets larger and changes color. Can all of this be done using GSAP? Thanks for any help, Andy
  9. squxd

    SVG Hovers Cont. -

    Hey all - As you may or may not have seen my previous post, this one has a few different issues I was unsure of how to fix. I am pretty satisfied at this point. The only other things I was struggling with were... 1) When hovering over the "U" or "D" to highlight the other svg's (U-X-D) blue. I was using the ':not' some in $(".blue-uxd:not(#diamond)").hover(function(){ joinButton.hide(); uxdButton.show(); 2) This line works but there are still some issues where the diamond does not return to a full 100% and stops mid-hover. And when animating back up it still fades quickly from black to blue. Could I use a switch or something that only activates if the diamond reaches the top/floating step? TweenLite.from("#diamond", 1, {fill:"#00bbd3", progress:0}) 3) And when I hover over the "X/A" the " join button fades out and the "What are you waiting for?" fades in right after... $("#xa-flip").hover(function(){ button.hide(); uxdButton.hide(); joinButton.hide(); hiddenButton.hide(); joinButtonActive.show() TweenMax.to("#joinButtonActive", 6, {delay: 2, autoAlpha:0}); TweenMax.staggerFrom("#hiddenButton", 2, {autoAlpha:0}); joinButtonActive.hide(); hiddenButton.show(); }, function(){ joinButtonActive.hide(); hiddenButton.hide(); button.show(); joinButton.show(); }); thank you very much, nick
  10. squxd

    SVG Hover Animation

    1st post and it's a little rough... - I've been trying to create some hover animations on an SVG lately. Take a look at the codepen link (hover on x) to see where I'm at... My goal is to hover on the "X" and have the "A" flip/rotateY(180deg) to reveal. And when the mouse is off, have the "X" flip back. I will also mention/ask for further help having the diamond animate up and then back down relating directly to the hover of the "X". notes: - I know the "X" and "A" svg <path d=> are what is causing the width to be so far apart on rotation. This is to have the "X" in the correct placement within the file. (I have tried 'cropping' the SVG of "X" and "A" but the position/location is off. Question: - can I set a rotation orgin point manually? or do you think I should even be using more JS/GSAP to accomplish these effects? *There are actually even more interactions I have thought up - however they can wait until this problem is resolved, Thanks for ANY & ALL help! (I haven't found many examples of SVG hover animations)
  11. Hi everyone, in simple words here is what I'm trying to achieve: Start an infinite animation when the user hover a div Pause the animation when the user leave, but after the animation is completed. I recreated a codepen as you can see, when I go out of the svg, the animation goes to the end but after it doesn't start anymore. ps: I tried to add play(0) but it will play once (probably because of the callback onRepeat) EDIT: while posting I had an idea and looks like it works I just remove the onRepeat callback on the mouseEnter in this way: $("svg").hover(function() { hoverDog.play(); hoverDog.eventCallback("onRepeat", function(){}); }, function() { hoverDog.eventCallback("onRepeat", function(){ hoverDog.pause();}); });
  12. Hi guys, Super new to js and gsap. I have two separate animations for mouseenter and mouseleave. If you hover over the target quickly (not allowing the hover to complete), the animation will not play correctly after the first hover. If you hover slowly and allow the both animations to completely finish on the first go, both animations will play correctly thereafter no matter how quickly the hover is triggered. What I'm I missing here? http://codepen.io/Aleccc/pen/KzZWqP
  13. Hi, I am trying to get the animation to play back to its original position when the cursor leaves the button. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello everyone, I've just started learning GSAP and jQuery today with the help of ihatetomatoes and this excellent forum. I'm trying to make a hover-able floor plan map that displays information on the currently-hovered room. So far in my proof-of-concept, I have implemented this using TweenMax's hover and TextPlugin. I just have a question about implementing the rest of the map. Instead of individually making a separate function for each block, is there a more elegant way to implement an array so that when you hover over a shape, it changes hoverText to an assigned message? I also plan to have buttons to switch between floors of the building, but I'm assuming that won't affect how the array should be constructed. Thank you very much for the help, and apologies if there's unnecessary fluff in my codepen.
  15. Hi, I am pretty new to GSAP. I may make a pretty stupid question. What I want to do is when I hover in an element, it triggers a Timeline animation. And When i hover out, it triggers another one. Problem is when the hover-in animation not finished and i hover out, the hover-out animation would have to wait the hover-in animation to finish. And if i hove in and out so many times, it will trigger so many in and out animations. What i want is when hover out, it would stop the hover-in animation and start the hover-out animation. Here is the demo code: http://codepen.io/DanielYKPan/pen/XXREZb Again, i may make a stupid question and hope someone could help.
  16. In my last post I was struggeling with getting an on click event work within an svg image. This problem is solved, but now I'm struggeling with getting a hover to work. Here is what I my code to do: When you press one of the buttons, for example $yellowbutton, all the colored blocks except for the $yellowblock will get opacity 0. $yellowblock will get opacity 1. This is the part that is allready working. Now what I want it to do is when a button is pressed and thus a certain colored block is shown, when hovered over this block it enlarges. The code I've used to get this to work is based on this codepen demo. For now, only the orange block is working, but this might be because the orange block is the first visible block in the svg image.
  17. Hey all! I'm trying to animate some pagination elements we have on a company site redesign and am running into some scoping issues (I think). I will start by saying my JS-fu is not great so it's highly possible this isn't so much a GSAP problem as it is a jQuery problem. You can see the core HTML / SCSS here - http://codepen.io/geebru/pen/avRbzw/ And the JS I'm attempting here: // Pagination // Get pagination items function pagerAnimate(play) { console.log("pagerAnimate Activated"); var $this = $(this); var pagerIcon = $this.find('.pagination__icon'); var pagerArrow = $this.find('.pagination__icon__arrow'); var pagerFill = $this.find('.pagination__icon__fill'); var pagerInfo = $this.find('.pagination__info'); var pagerTimelineCore = new TimelineLite(); pagerTimelineCore.to(pagerIcon, '.3', {scaleY: '2'}) .to(pagerArrow, '.3', {scaleY: '.5'}, '-=.3') .to(pagerFill, '.3', {x: '0'}); if (play === 'play') { console.log("pagerTimeline Play"); pagerTimelineCore.play(); } else if (play === 'reverse') { console.log("pagerTimeline Reverse"); pagerTimelineCore.reverse(); } } $('.pagination--previous').hover(function () { pagerAnimate('play'); }, function () { pagerAnimate('reverse'); }); $('.pagination--next').hover(function () { pagerAnimate('play'); }, function () { pagerAnimate('reverse'); }); Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to run the Timeline (forward or backwards) based on hover. The tricky part was getting the $(this) declarations per pagination (previous and next) and playing it forward on mouseIn and reversing on mouseOut. The console.log's in there are firing properly, but nothing is animating and I'm getting no errors. Any help would be awesome as GSAP is saving my butt on some of the designer requested animations on our site Thanks! PS - Apologies if this has been asked, but my Google-fu and searching here led me nowhere.
  18. Hello! I am new to GSAP but though I read the beginning documentation and watched the getting started video, my first attempt at learning GSAP is not going well. I'm not certain how to even begin with it, but going to be giving it a shot! My HTML: <div class="section"> <h3>Section 1</h3> <p>There's some text and what not in this section.</p> <div class="editMenu"> <ul class="editList"> <li><a href="#">Edit</a></li> <li><a href="#">Remove</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- /editMenu --> </div><!-- /section --> My script: $(document).ready(function () { //hover over Section, make editMenu opacity = 1, scale = 1 //on mouseOut, make editMenu opacity = 1, scale = .7 $(".section").hover(function () { var editMenu = $(this).find(".editmenu"); TweenMax.to(editMenu, 0.2, { css: { opacity: 1 } }); }, function(){ var editMenu = $(this).find(".editmenu"); TweenMax.to(editMenu, 0.2, { css: { opacity: 0 } }); } ); }); The CSS I am somehow assuming is screwing things up: .editMenu{ position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 5px; opacity: 0; transform: scale(.7); } I'm assuming I'm missing something simple! Thank you for any help.
  19. I am using TweenLite.to to change a path when a clipped svg is hovered. I change the cursor on mouseover event (which triggers the Tween). I would like to "reset" the cursor (to default) when the tween is done, but tween seems to be modeless, so execution follows downstream. How can I handle this? thanks
  20. Hi all, In the codepen attached I have a menu prototype that i'm building. As you can see there are a few actions on the hover state of the red open / close button. I have a timeline firing the circles behind the actual hit state and a separate action firing the SVG path state. The thing that's really bugging me and i'm at a serious loss to figure out is that once you click the open button and the timeline to open the button fires - the hover state stays in the position the button was originally (unless you move the cursor then the SVG goes back to it's normal state and the timeline to show the circles reverses. I'm not sure this is directly a GSAP question, but if any of you kind souls could please assist me - i'm going crazy here! Cheers
  21. $(".iSmall, .shrink").on("click", function() { if (circle.reversed()) { circle.play(); } else { circle.reverse(); } }); Regarding above ^ Where and how do you add in a line to kill the hover to start the click? The hover conflicts with the timeline... It seems this would be a very common issue since a majority of clickable links have hover effects, but I have found less material on this on the web than the career of Milli Vanilli. Maybe not that many links are actually the element that is animated. Also, I think it must be done differently with tweens and timelines because even the few examples I have found (to unbind the hover state on click) didn't work at all. So if you go to my codepen, there's a main vertical Nav with a link near the top with the text "Shrink." and there is a squashed looking mobile nav in the top left corner with the middle link reading, "SMALL - LG" They are both linked to the same timeline you will find in the js window. On the main Nav, the hover state conflicts because it happens to be the element that is going to be animated. On the little mobile Nav, there is no conflict because the link isn't in a timeline. Please Note that the animation is not working correctly on the Pen and things looked squished in general, but that shouldn't matter in answering - as I'm looking for a general answer on how this is done. I welcome any answers or input as I am new to jQuery, Greensock, and writing forums. . . also computers and electricity and reading/writing. LOL seems that way, Thanks in advance anybody who answers.
  22. HI there! I have some anchor elements that animate on hover ( image, overlay, two span texts ), all works fine, BUT, in the codepen you will notice that if you quick hover and out the elements the animation elements are not coordinated properly and the animation is not sequenced properly. Some time ago i used a solution that apply the timeline in "each" element and then the hover fires two functions, over and out, that plays and reverse the each animation, this method works perfect ( the animations remains consistent ) but i´m getting errors to implement it. This will be my definitive way to animate on hover elements independly Can anyone help me to find the solution? This is the code i have now "working": //box home is the container element $(".boxHome").hover(function(){ var imagen = $(this).find("img"); var overlay = $(this).find(".overlay"); var texto1 = $(this).find(".textoBox"); var texto2 = $(this).find(".textoBox2"); var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.to(imagen, 2, { scale: 1.2, ease: Power4.easeOut}) .to(overlay, .4, { bottom: 0, ease:Power3.easeInOut},".3") .to(texto1, .4, { bottom: 65, autoAlpha: 1, ease:Power2.easeOut},".5") .to(texto2, .4, { bottom: 30, autoAlpha: 1, ease:Power2.easeOut},".7"); }, function(){ var imagen = $(this).find("img"); var overlay = $(this).find(".overlay"); var texto1 = $(this).find(".textoBox"); var texto2 = $(this).find(".textoBox2"); var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.to(texto2, .4, {autoAlpha: 0, bottom: -60, ease:Power2.easeIn}) .to(texto1, .4, {autoAlpha: 0, bottom: -60, ease:Power2.easeInOut},".2") .to(overlay, .4, { bottom: "-100%", ease:Power3.easeInOut}, ".3") .to(imagen, .7, {scale: 1, ease:Power2.easeInOut},"0"); }); Thanks! Sebastián.
  23. lets say I have this: div{ transition: translate .25s; } div:hover{ transform: translateY(100px); } How would I replicate a simple hover effect with GSAP? Start animation on hover, and reverse it on mouseout, and enable them to be interruptible?. Well yeah exactly how hovers work with CSS.
  24. Hey, i cant seem to find a way or an example of how to replay an animation like this one, any help would be highly appreciated Heres a link to codepen of the animation i want to restart on hover: http://codepen.io/acronamy/pen/QwmdBL
  25. Hi all, This is my first time posting on these forums. I'm a regular browser but have yet to post! First off - love Greensock. It has transformed how I go about building and designing websites and applications due to the power of it. It really is awesome! My question today is quite broad, but if possible i'd love somebody to point me in the right direction as to how to complete it. I was wondering what's the best method to use a hover state to navigate around a div, both horizontally and vertically through CSS transforms. Would you have to give the div a strict width and height then navigate around that? The effect I'm looking to replicate is used here - http://www.jakobdeboer.com/gallery/series/ which i've noticed uses tweenmax to scroll through the div. I know this isn't a very specific question, but if somebody could point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful. Thanks, Oliver
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