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Everything posted by flysi3000

  1. This isn't a GSAP question, but I was wondering if you guys had gotten this from a media agency before. Four of the six ads we sent over got kicked back from their QA (I'm assuming they're using DCM, since they're standard banners), and they reason they gave was: "One of your HTML5 assets is invalid and cannot be analyzed. Please correct any malformed assets and try again." Have you guys seen this before? These ads are all based on the same code, so I don't understand why some of them passed and some failed QA. I've tried a bunch of stuff, like un-minifying the javascript, deleting comments that reference unused assets, but I really feel like I'm shooting in the dark here. I would have thought it was an issue with nested assets, or too many assets, but that doesn't seem to be the case. We reached out to the ad ops guys for more clarification, but the media companies seem to have the sense of urgency of a slug, and I really want to get this resolved as quickly as possible. Help!
  2. Amazing! Your theory works for me - let's go with that. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. I have a sequence of functions (frame1(), frame2(), frame3(), etc.), that each return a timeline instance, which I then string together in a master timeline. All is good, for the most part, except that in the last frame(), I use .set() to move a div up by 35px in y. For some reason, that position change is happening when the master timeline first starts, as demonstrated in this pen: http://codepen.io/flysi3000/pen/epdmee/ So, in this example, the image should start out at y = 0, and then at at the end of the animation, be set to y = -35, then slide in. By the way, the image is clipped via the css clip-path property, and I am changing that clipping path's height to reveal more of the image in frame2(). Any idea why that's happening?
  4. One thing I forgot to mention: use https (instead of http) for all your CDN links - the ad servers might kick it back, because they've started requiring SSL-compliant links to CDNs.
  5. I think it isn't loading on CodePen and on the agency ad server because of the way you're referencing your scripts. Try linking to the GSAP scripts via their CDN and see if that works. Also, note that you can link to libraries like GSAP, jQuery, etc. by clicking the settings icon next to the JS editor.
  6. So what's the best way to get an accurate measure of the file-size of your banner? What you see in the Network tab of the Inspector is the uncompressed compressed size, right? Do you zip up your files and check the file size of that archive, then add the ~31k (compressed) of GSAP (TweenLite, TimelineLite, CSSPlugin and EasePack)?
  7. Good stuff to know, re. breaking apart clips, etc. For a recent project, I did a portion of an animation on the timeline in Flash (mainly to match the art director's After Effects-based motion tests). I was able to do them far quicker than I could in code, and the animations looked great - until I looked at them on a Retina display, and next to some svg graphics. I ended up having to redo the animations in code (DrawSVG plugin, ftw!). Anyway, does anyone know how to get the optimal quality out of Flash's canvas animations?
  8. So the epilogue of this story is don't worry about gzipping your files. If you're using Swiffy, go by whatever the gzipped file size is, because that's how the ads are served, specifically by DoubleClick, but also by other ad servers. It's best to check if that's how your ad server is counting file size from the outset, just to be sure.
  9. Okay, I think I get it. Sounds like there's no conclusive answer on whether other networks accept gzipped files, right? I know GWD gzips files behind the scenes (https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6261897?hl=en), but I'm guessing that must be a DoubleClick thing. I guess I will operate under the assumption that that's not a viable way of delivering files.
  10. So, can I deliver banner files gzipped? I have an ad that we converted with Swiffy; it looks amazing, and right there, in the Swiffy output window, it shows the file size of the banner as 88k -- but it's the gzipped file size. The raw file size of the html when I download it, is 346k. I'm pretty sure I can use gzipped files in Doubleclick, but what about other media people/publishers? Anyone have experience with this?
  11. Cool - just wanted to make sure. I was looking at another dev's work and it looks like he skipped the step of hiding the containing div. Thanks!
  12. Does anyone have a preferred method for making sure that everything that's supposed to be hidden when the banner loads is actually hidden? I've had a recurring issue where sometimes, there's a quick flicker of all the hidden text/graphics before the animation kicks in. Currently, everything's fading in using .from autoAlpha:0, and it usually works, but is there something that's more bulletproof? Thanks!
  13. I like hand-coding as well, because it's forcing me to get better with front-end in general. I had dabbled with things like SASS and Grunt in the past, but this is making me work towards making them a part of my workflow. I was at one of the NYC Google Workshops last week, and another thing they stressed was using sprite sheets for your images to reduce the number of network calls. I haven't tried this technique myself just yet, but it sounds like yet another complication to what's becoming a fairly involved workflow. Anyone have pointers for doing this? Also, I had some banners get kicked back my way from DCM because I had nested folders for assets (/css, /images, /js) - they wanted a flat folder structure. Plus they had that limit of 10 files (which sprite sheets would have helped with); at the Google workshop, they said they were increasing their limit to 25+. I guess the point is, stuff is changing rapidly - it's just more stuff to be aware of.
  14. I just tried uploading some ad files to DoubleClick's platform and got an error saying the gs classes hosted on Cloudflare were non-SSL compliant. Is there an https version we should be using? I would reference the files locally, but I keep bumping into the 10-files-max issue. I'm using the following gs files: EasePack.min.js CSSPlugin.min.js TimelineLite.min.js TweenLite.min.js4 Edit: I see that just changing the "http" to "https" works.
  15. Amazing. Thanks for the help! tl.addPause() did the trick - I forgot about that method.
  16. I might be just having a brain fart, but is there a simple way to tell a TimelineLite instance to play, and stop when it gets to x% of it's total duration? Just for context, I have gauge that's an svg, and I'm using drawSVG to animate all of the elements of a specific class name to indicate how full the gauge is. So if it were, say 75% full, I'd only want the Timeline to animate to 75% of the total. In the attached codepen example, only only some of the rays on that icon would animate. There might be a way better way to do this - I'm very open to suggestions!
  17. Re. dynamic content, I guess it depends on the media buy and who's serving your ads, but there are ad serving vendors like FlashTalking and Sizmek that do dynamic ads as well. This is definitely an exciting change, but as mentioned in an earlier post here on the forums, it's still a free-for-all out there in terms of specs, file sizes, etc. Given all the recent news about Flash, though, I'm hopeful that this will all get sorted out sooner than later.
  18. Here's a site we worked on for PNC Bank: http://pnc.com/homelending Tons of TweenMax and TimelineMax all over the place. Performance is fantastic, even when tweening tons of movieclips - and even on relatively underpowered machines.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions; I'll mess around with some bezier curves and check out rough ease. I got a little bit more direction; my client envisions falling leaves or flower petals being pushed by a breeze. We'll see how that goes.
  20. Couple of questions: What's the real difference between the Physics2D and PhysicsProps plugins? What's the ideal use for each of those classes? And related, is there a way I could use either of these classes to tween a large group of particles to a preset destination? I'm working on a logo animation, and the brief was essentially "I want it to look organic". I've been playing around with a few things, and it occurs to me that this might help me out, with a minimal processor hit. Thanks in advance.
  21. https://www.greensock.com/account/ Just log in to get the latest goodies. So, the goodies are updated with all the latest and greatest code? Should I just grab that instead of what's on svn, then?
  22. Great tips - I'm firing up my svn client as we speak. Question, though - how do you recommend handling bonus classes that aren't part of the standard svn repo?
  23. See, I knew it was something simple. Thanks for your help.
  24. Hey, Thanks again for your help on this. I used "this" intending it to be the main DisplayObject (really, I was basing it off of the example in the AsDocs). WIDTH and HEIGHT are the width and height of the stage. Basically, I'm trying to get an image to fill the browser background and scale proportionally. I've gotten this working in the past, in my own kludgy way, but wanted to use this since it seems so much cleaner. Interestingly, I get a new error when I publish my stripped down fla file - now, I get the following: Error: The parent of the DisplayObject instance3 added to AutoFitArea instance5 doesn't share the same parent. at com.greensock.layout::AutoFitArea/attach() at test_fla::MainTimeline/loadRandomBgImage() at test_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I know it's something really simple, and I really do appreciate your help.
  25. Hey, thanks for the speedy response. My code's below: function loadRandomBgImage():void { // create a random number bgNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxBg-1) + 1; // choose a random image from the background image array currBg = bgList[bgNum].@filePath; // load the image bgLoader = new Loader(); bgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, bgLoaderHandler); bgLoader.load(new URLRequest(currBg)); // add the image to the bgHolder sprite bgHolder = new Sprite(); bgHolder.addChild(bgLoader); bgArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); bgArea.attach(bgHolder, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.CENTER); bgArea.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, areaUpdate); setChildIndex(bgHolder, 0); } Thanks again for your help.
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