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Aamir Khan

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Everything posted by Aamir Khan

  1. here is the link, please check https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-basic-f48716-9ted8s?file=src%2FApp.js when I click to play animation, its not working
  2. I am using reactjs and this is my code ( if (animations) { animations.seek(0); animations.play(); setIsPlaying(true); } else { if (gsapList.length !== 0) { const newAnimations = gsap.timeline(); let totalAnimationTime = 0; for (const element of gsapList) { let duration = (element.objToPass.keyframes[1].val - element.objToPass.keyframes[0].val) / 1000; let delay = element.objToPass.keyframes[0].val / 1000; const newTempObj = { ...element.objToPass }; delete newTempObj.keyframes; let objPassed = { duration: duration, delay: delay, }; Object.assign(objPassed, newTempObj); // Use the timeline to create and sequence your animations newAnimations.to(`#${element.elementName}`, objPassed, `<`); const endTime = element.objToPass.keyframes[1].val / 1000; if (endTime > totalAnimationTime) { totalAnimationTime = endTime; dispatch(addTotalAnimTimeToStore(totalAnimationTime)); } // When the timeline is completed, set isPlaying to false newAnimations.eventCallback("onComplete", () => { setIsPlaying(false); }); if (isPlaying) { // If it's already playing, just continue from the current progress newAnimations.play(); setIsPlaying(true); } const timerElement: any = document.getElementById("timer"); function updateTimer(progress: any) { const durationInSeconds = progress * totalAnimationTime; function formatTime(seconds: any) { const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); const remainingSeconds = Math.floor(seconds - minutes * 60); const milliseconds = Math.floor( (seconds - Math.floor(seconds)) * 1000 ); const formattedMinutes = minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0"); const formattedSeconds = remainingSeconds .toString() .padStart(2, "0"); const formattedMilliseconds = milliseconds .toString() .padStart(3, "0"); return `${formattedMinutes}:${formattedSeconds}:${formattedMilliseconds}`; } const formattedTime = formatTime(durationInSeconds); timerElement.innerHTML = formattedTime; } function animate() { const progress = newAnimations.progress(); updateTimer(progress); requestAnimationFrame(animate); } animate(); } setAnimations(newAnimations); } } ) If total animation time that I set is 8 sec but animations take more than 12 sec to be completed.
  3. I am moving a svg object from x position to y position on click on a button using gsap. I want when I click again on the button, that svg object should come to original x positon and move again to y position. I mean I want to repeat the animation only when I click on a button, how can I achive this feature. Please help.
  4. can I have this effect if I use div (html) instead of svg? If yes, please explain in codepen. how?
  5. Hi, I want to create a effect on text like in the attached svg/image Lorem Ipsum is written on Trapezoid shape. Here is the link of my codepen(https://codepen.io/khanaamir/pen/wvEZNgz). I want to apply the same effect on text as Lorem Ipsum is having with the trapezoid in the attached svg. Please help. POV_3.svg
  6. I am trying to apply 3d rotation animation on text in svg by selecting text by its id but its not working while when I select svg by query selector then its working. If there are multiple elements in an svg and I just want to apply 3d rotation animation on any one of them , how can I do ? Please help.
  7. Is drawSVG plugin paid?? as I am unable to import drawSVG plugin. Please help
  8. How can I import and use SplitText in my project
  9. I am trying to add handwriting effect on path in svg. here is the link of my codepen. I am trying to do as Rodrigo suggested but I can not do. Could you please check where I am lacking https://codepen.io/khanaamir/pen/QWBVaZa
  10. I was reffering to handwriting effect example. This one for typewriter animation, I understood. I am trying to do as jack suggested but still I am confused for handwriting effect. Please let me a very basic example if you have. Thanks in advance.
  11. These example are very complex, could you please show me very basic example
  12. yes, but I want letter by letter not word by word
  13. This typewriter animation is happening on text element but in my svg I do not have text element instead I have path thatswhy I am having issue. Can you help to do typewriter animation on path in svg?
  14. Hi, I am new to gsap and I am tyring to perform handwriting and typewriter animation on path as well as on text animation in svg using gsap. Please help
  15. Hi, I am new to gsap. I want to apply fade up character animation on the text in the svg like it is animating in this (https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/bGqrJGN) example. but I want to select my text in my svg using id of the text element. Please help
  16. Aamir Khan

    Text animation

    https://codepen.io/khanaamir/pen/WNKjyQP This is the link of my codepen.
  17. Aamir Khan

    Text animation

    https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/aYYOdN avove is the link of my codepen. I have svg and I want to animate the text of that svg using id of text element. How can I apply fade up character effect on my text.
  18. Aamir Khan


    what types of animation can be done to text in svg using gsap.
  19. Aamir Khan


    Thanks. It helped.
  20. Aamir Khan


    I want to apply typewriter style effect to my text in svg. I am looking for help
  21. Aamir Khan


    Does GSAP provide typewriter style effect for SVG Text?
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